NYT: Trump got 5 Draft deferments (Four for College, One for Bad Feet)

Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

Yes you are correct, but the Director as the top law enforcement official in the United States took the podium to tell the nation that they didn't have shit or they would have had her being frog marched in cuffs to jail. They didn't for a reason, because taking a case to court without 100% chance of winning is a fools errand and about the most embarrassing thing a prosecutor can do to themselves.

wrong.....he did that for political reasons......that had nothing to do with her crimes.......any prosecutor would have taken that case.....she was caught red handed.........
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Supersleuth, if the FBI Director had any evidence he would have prosecuted her. He didn't, so he took a cheap partisan swipe.

Bullshit, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, hell, I'm not even a lawyer and I could successfully prosecute her on the evidence he laid out. Why, because according to the statute intent is not a requirement for conviction.

You should make a sign and stand on the street corner. You need to tell everyone about your massive conspiracy theory where Hillary Clinton controls all those republican investigators, the FBI., the CIA, and probably the PTA and the ladies Garden Club, and no one can prove a thing on her. Make that sign now!!!

No need, former federal prosecutors and judges have already made the case on national TV.

Yes they did and every single one of them was wrong weren't they?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

Yes you are correct, but the Director as the top law enforcement official in the United States took the podium to tell the nation that they didn't have shit or they would have had her being frog marched in cuffs to jail. They didn't for a reason, because taking a case to court without 100% chance of winning is a fools errand and about the most embarrassing thing a prosecutor can do to themselves.

wrong.....he did that for political reasons......that had nothing to do with her crimes.......any prosecutor would have taken that case.....she was caught red handed.........

What possible political reason did he have?

What is it with you folks and conspiracy anyway?
Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Supersleuth, if the FBI Director had any evidence he would have prosecuted her. He didn't, so he took a cheap partisan swipe.

Bullshit, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, hell, I'm not even a lawyer and I could successfully prosecute her on the evidence he laid out. Why, because according to the statute intent is not a requirement for conviction.

You're not a lawyer and you don't have the first idea about how the law reaches the requirements of prosecution. Look up the concept of mens rea and you'll understand that you have to have much more than opinion to prosecute.

Edit to add: I'll just let the fact that if he had anything at all he would have nailed her to the wall. He didn't. You have to have evidence that a judge and a jury will buy.

The statute doesn't require intent, and Comey said no reasonable person would have had the conversations she did on an insecure system. She understood the ramifications of not handling classified information properly and she ignored them. She had mens rea, to me that one statement proved intent, then add the deletion of emails, a private server to avoid scrutiny and all the lies, all indications of intent. Many former DOJ prosecutors and judges agree with me. This regime just decided she was to big to jail.

The intent rule was established by the Supreme Court in 1941, in U.S. v. Gorin. Comey is no longer an issue, he said he couldn't prosecute and he didn't. These people do not make up the criteria, it must conform to law period.

Her efforts to conceal her emails is proof of intent in any court of law in the nation. You might want to listen to experts that aren't in the regime.
And every one of those claims have been proven to be bullshit except for perhaps the sniper fire thing, and Bill Oreilley could tell you a lot more about that.

Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
And every one of those claims have been proven to be bullshit except for perhaps the sniper fire thing, and Bill Oreilley could tell you a lot more about that.

Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

He was clearly given the call on that one. The DOJ did that to prevent even a hint of impropriety on with that decision. The FBI did the investigation, and the FBI made their recommendation. It's that simple. Are you trying to say Comey, a hard core republican, passed up a legitimate chance to nail Hillary? Why would he do that?
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Tell us about Obama's military history...

There were no wars in Obama's twenties.

There doesn't have to be a war to serve. So tell us about Obama's military history, or Bill Clinton's, Hillary's?
Supersleuth, if the FBI Director had any evidence he would have prosecuted her. He didn't, so he took a cheap partisan swipe.

Bullshit, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, hell, I'm not even a lawyer and I could successfully prosecute her on the evidence he laid out. Why, because according to the statute intent is not a requirement for conviction.

You're not a lawyer and you don't have the first idea about how the law reaches the requirements of prosecution. Look up the concept of mens rea and you'll understand that you have to have much more than opinion to prosecute.

Edit to add: I'll just let the fact that if he had anything at all he would have nailed her to the wall. He didn't. You have to have evidence that a judge and a jury will buy.

The statute doesn't require intent, and Comey said no reasonable person would have had the conversations she did on an insecure system. She understood the ramifications of not handling classified information properly and she ignored them. She had mens rea, to me that one statement proved intent, then add the deletion of emails, a private server to avoid scrutiny and all the lies, all indications of intent. Many former DOJ prosecutors and judges agree with me. This regime just decided she was to big to jail.

The intent rule was established by the Supreme Court in 1941, in U.S. v. Gorin. Comey is no longer an issue, he said he couldn't prosecute and he didn't. These people do not make up the criteria, it must conform to law period.

Her efforts to conceal her emails is proof of intent in any court of law in the nation. You might want to listen to experts that aren't in the regime.

Nope, you don't know much about the law do you?
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Tell us about Obama's military history...

There were no wars in Obama's twenties.

There doesn't have to be a war to serve. So tell us about Obama's military history, or Bill Clinton's, Hillary's?

All three will have been or will be Commander in Chief of the military. Pretty good huh?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Supersleuth, if the FBI Director had any evidence he would have prosecuted her. He didn't, so he took a cheap partisan swipe.

Bullshit, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence, hell, I'm not even a lawyer and I could successfully prosecute her on the evidence he laid out. Why, because according to the statute intent is not a requirement for conviction.

You should make a sign and stand on the street corner. You need to tell everyone about your massive conspiracy theory where Hillary Clinton controls all those republican investigators, the FBI., the CIA, and probably the PTA and the ladies Garden Club, and no one can prove a thing on her. Make that sign now!!!

No need, former federal prosecutors and judges have already made the case on national TV.

Sure, but not everybody watches fox.
And Hillary took refuge in her (alleged) gender to avoid military service.

So where's the beef?
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Tell us about Obama's military history...

There were no wars in Obama's twenties.

There doesn't have to be a war to serve. So tell us about Obama's military history, or Bill Clinton's, Hillary's?

All three will have been or will be Commander in Chief of the military. Pretty good huh?

Nope. Nice though. Tell me about their military service? Ah, gotcha. So shut the fuck up about Trump hypocrite.
Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
Actually, they haven't been "proven to be bullshit" ... I invite you to review the history of each of them ... NONE of them have been "proven to be bullshit" ... rather, they have been massaged by political handlers to dismiss them AS IF they were "proven to be bullshit".

Do your homework ... there will be a test in the morning.

So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

Yes you are correct, but the Director as the top law enforcement official in the United States took the podium to tell the nation that they didn't have shit or they would have had her being frog marched in cuffs to jail. They didn't for a reason, because taking a case to court without 100% chance of winning is a fools errand and about the most embarrassing thing a prosecutor can do to themselves.

Damn, if you think Comey is the top law enforcement office in the US, I can see I'm wasting my time even discussing it with you. Run along child until you get reality figured out.
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Tell us about Obama's military history...

There were no wars in Obama's twenties.

He couldn't have enlisted if he wanted to, unless he lied about his drug use.
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

Yes you are correct, but the Director as the top law enforcement official in the United States took the podium to tell the nation that they didn't have shit or they would have had her being frog marched in cuffs to jail. They didn't for a reason, because taking a case to court without 100% chance of winning is a fools errand and about the most embarrassing thing a prosecutor can do to themselves.

wrong.....he did that for political reasons......that had nothing to do with her crimes.......any prosecutor would have taken that case.....she was caught red handed.........

Lets see..........Whose opinion should I take concerning the ability to prosecute a federal case? The director of the top law enforcement agency in the country, or some anonymous partisan fruitcake on the internet?
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Tell us about Obama's military history...

There were no wars in Obama's twenties.

There doesn't have to be a war to serve. So tell us about Obama's military history, or Bill Clinton's, Hillary's?

All three will have been or will be Commander in Chief of the military. Pretty good huh?

Nope. Nice though. Tell me about their military service? Ah, gotcha. So shut the fuck up about Trump hypocrite.

They have been or will be the Commander in Chief of the world's greatest military and that's a fact. It isn't a fancy title it is written in the Constitution. Trump? he did nothing
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?
So you're saying that the $70 million spent investigating all that produced no charges? What happened?

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

Yes you are correct, but the Director as the top law enforcement official in the United States took the podium to tell the nation that they didn't have shit or they would have had her being frog marched in cuffs to jail. They didn't for a reason, because taking a case to court without 100% chance of winning is a fools errand and about the most embarrassing thing a prosecutor can do to themselves.

Damn, if you think Comey is the top law enforcement office in the US, I can see I'm wasting my time even discussing it with you. Run along child until you get reality figured out.

Running off? Chicken
A new piece examines how Donald Trump dodged the Vietnam War via deferments and a booboo on his foot, yet he still has the balls to criticize parents of fallen soldiers.

Where was it exactly that Hillary served? So now it requires balls to criticize a muslim for idiotic statements? I don't think so; Trump was being too kind.

Women were not allowed in combat back then. Trump was an ass and should have known better, now his campaign is in freefall until he can figure a way out of the jam he put himself into.

Edit to Add: The only place Trump served was at Forest Hills Tennis Center.

Was and is a stupid argument. People who did not serve are not in a position to look down their nose at someone else who didn't serve. For that matter service or lack thereof has absolutely nothing to do with the truth of unrelated statements.
What is funny about this is that a simple X Ray could prove Trump innocent or guilty, because the evidence of bone spurs remains. They don't disappear and have to be surgically removed. Donald Trump got his medical deferment but then went on to play three different sports in college.

So, if Donald Trump wants to bring an end to this all he has to do is have that X Ray done and then show the world that he is either innocent of all charges and a stand up guy or he was a draft evader, proving to the world he is a 24kt coward.
But no one cares who had bone spurs during the Vietnam War.

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