NYT: Trump told in January 2017 that Putin ordered hacking

BTW, Barry was also being told that Putin ordered the hacking from the same co-conspirator Intel agencies led by traitors who were part of Barry's exposed attempt to prevent him him from being elected and who vowed to affect a COUP if he became President.

The lack of trust in the Intel Agencies (CIA and NIA, plus the FBI) was their own damn fault.

The CIA and NIA were run by proven traitorous perjured. Brennan had declared he knew nothing about the Dossier despite record showing he briefed members if Congress on it while telling them the unverified Dossier was 100% true and evidence a Special Counsel was immediately needed. Clapped got busted lying SEVERAL times. Comet, McCabe, and Strzok killed off all credibility the FBI had. The damage these treasonous f*ers did to these agencies and this country will be felt for years to come...
the average person out there probably doesnt even care what the NYT has to say, we are all still pissed over what Hillary and Peter Stroking got away with.

The New York Times like The Washington Post has been a Paid For CIA Asset for many decades, for many decades most of their um journalists have been on the payroll of the CIA, the CIA are well known over the decades to plant articles WRITTEN by the CIA but PRINTED within their newspapers pages.

A good number of those um journalists on the Mainstream Television News are also on the payroll and if you notice they nearly ALL say the SAME thing, the latest example was when they had their unhinged meltdown after the Helsinki Press Conference, ALL within MINUTES of each other where basically nearly WORD FOR WORD saying the SAME thing and using the SAME phrases.

They think EVERYONE is a moron and is so stupid they cannot see this. What you call The Fifth Estate has been for decades a Fifth Column, The Enemy Within.
Yeah it’s Obama’s fault Trump has ignored the findings of all of our intelligence agencies for a year and a half and chose Putin’s word over America.
That’s textbook treason you stupid SOB.
CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

1. Obama Appoints CrowdStrike Officer To Admin Post Two Months Before June 2016 Report On Russia Hacking DNC

2. The FBI Never Looked At The DNC’s Servers — Only CrowdStrike Did

3. Comey Contradicted The DNC’s Story On The FBI Asking To See The Server

4. CrowdStrike Co-Founder Is Fellow On Russia Hawk Group, Has Connections To George Soros, Ukrainian Billionaire

5. CrowdStrike Is Funded By Clinton-Loving Google $$

Crowdstrike had been working for the federal government long before this went down.
And they are a DNC lap dog.

No, they are not. Funny thing is, one of the guys that is part founder of Crowdstrike is Russian and knows very well how Russia hacks and how to catch them.

Do you understand that some of the people you are hating on, Clapper (35 years of service) and Brennan (30+ years of service) both worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, but suddenly they are now a deep state and totally out to get Trump.

Seriously, I wish you guys would use some common sense.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

It is now TAINTED evidence which can be appealed because of ties to the DNC...........A simple court order and BAM...........they could have taken it legally and investigated it themselves...............WHY DIDN'T THEY

Furthermore I challenge the timing of these charges............happen right when Trump is meeting with Putin and right when the Crazy man from the FBI is testifying to Congress.............if you can call it testimony...........

And finally I question Mueller's ability to bring them to trial...........when they are in Russia.........

Why didn't they do this over a year ago......they have known about this a long time.

Bottom line...........we need BETTER CYBER ANTI HACKING MEASURES in this country.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

Obviously they did. Read the indictment. It's very detailed.
Watch cons deny this fact, too.

This may well be the final nail in the coffin for Putin's Puppet.


Yeah, if I had a dime for every time I’ve heard that...
CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

1. Obama Appoints CrowdStrike Officer To Admin Post Two Months Before June 2016 Report On Russia Hacking DNC

2. The FBI Never Looked At The DNC’s Servers — Only CrowdStrike Did

3. Comey Contradicted The DNC’s Story On The FBI Asking To See The Server

4. CrowdStrike Co-Founder Is Fellow On Russia Hawk Group, Has Connections To George Soros, Ukrainian Billionaire

5. CrowdStrike Is Funded By Clinton-Loving Google $$

Crowdstrike had been working for the federal government long before this went down.
And they are a DNC lap dog.

No, they are not. Funny thing is, one of the guys that is part founder of Crowdstrike is Russian and knows very well how Russia hacks and how to catch them.

Do you understand that some of the people you are hating on, Clapper (35 years of service) and Brennan (30+ years of service) both worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, but suddenly they are now a deep state and totally out to get Trump.

Seriously, I wish you guys would use some common sense.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

It is now TAINTED evidence which can be appealed because of ties to the DNC...........A simple court order and BAM...........they could have taken it legally and investigated it themselves...............WHY DIDN'T THEY

Furthermore I challenge the timing of these charges............happen right when Trump is meeting with Putin and right when the Crazy man from the FBI is testifying to Congress.............if you can call it testimony...........

And finally I question Mueller's ability to bring them to trial...........when they are in Russia.........

Why didn't they do this over a year ago......they have known about this a long time.

Bottom line...........we need BETTER CYBER ANTI HACKING MEASURES in this country.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

Obviously they did. Read the indictment. It's very detailed.
You left out the rest of my statement.

The message was about Cloudstrike and why the FBI didn't do the investigation on the server themselves.............

The SERVER............The server investigation was done by a third party. Cloudstrike........buy you try to spin that.
This happened when Obama was STILL the President, so OBAMA KNEW, why didn't he ORDER them to do something in October 2016? And if the CIA/FBI/NSA knew about it, why didn’t they do anything? Were they ordered not to? Did Obama tell them to STAND DOWN?

That is the underlining scandal. John Brennan and James Comey should be put UNDER OATH to testify about this situation.

Also countless American Intelligence officials already testified before The United States Senate Committee's that the “Russian interference” had NO effect on the election outcome result.

The questions are now:

What did Obama and his Administration know in October 2016?

Whatever they knew THEN WHY didn't they do something to prevent it?

NO ONE has said that 200,000+ views of fake news from over a thousand paid trolls and bots had "no effect" on the election. What they said was that there was no evidence VOTES WERE CHANGED (IOW, voting machine or election roll tampering).

Only an idiot would believe that it didn't didn't INFLUENCE an electoral outcome which was decided by less than 78,000 votes in three states.

As for Obama doing nothing? - WRONG. He didn't do enough.

What did he do?

Dumbass, Comey and Rosestein did not have a personal or political relationship.

Rosenstein's possible recusal is about him being a potential witness in the Obstuction of Justice case against Trump.

Stop posting - you are totally CLUELESS

See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Comey. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump, I guess you can say that too is evidence of bias, because he would treat him too nice :rolleyes:

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.
Last edited:

Dumbass, Comey and Rosestein did not have a personal or political relationship.

Rosenstein's possible recusal is about him being a potential witness in the Obstuction of Justice case against Trump.

Stop posting - you are totally CLUELESS

See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Mueller. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association.

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.

See how the far left denies reality!

Obvious far left bias and they do not see it!

If they followed the law to the letter Hilary would be in jail! People who did far less are in jail, but that is because there was no bias.

The fact that Hilary is walking free shows the bias, so you voted for the far left bias.

Dumbass, Comey and Rosestein did not have a personal or political relationship.

Rosenstein's possible recusal is about him being a potential witness in the Obstuction of Justice case against Trump.

Stop posting - you are totally CLUELESS

See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Mueller. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association. Rosenstein was appointed by Trump, I guess you can say that too is evidence of bias, because he would treat him too nice :rolleyes:

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.

They fired Comey.......

Just ignore the ties from Open Secrets and the other information I posted.
Crowdstrike had been working for the federal government long before this went down.
And they are a DNC lap dog.

No, they are not. Funny thing is, one of the guys that is part founder of Crowdstrike is Russian and knows very well how Russia hacks and how to catch them.

Do you understand that some of the people you are hating on, Clapper (35 years of service) and Brennan (30+ years of service) both worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, but suddenly they are now a deep state and totally out to get Trump.

Seriously, I wish you guys would use some common sense.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

It is now TAINTED evidence which can be appealed because of ties to the DNC...........A simple court order and BAM...........they could have taken it legally and investigated it themselves...............WHY DIDN'T THEY

Furthermore I challenge the timing of these charges............happen right when Trump is meeting with Putin and right when the Crazy man from the FBI is testifying to Congress.............if you can call it testimony...........

And finally I question Mueller's ability to bring them to trial...........when they are in Russia.........

Why didn't they do this over a year ago......they have known about this a long time.

Bottom line...........we need BETTER CYBER ANTI HACKING MEASURES in this country.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

Obviously they did. Read the indictment. It's very detailed.
You left out the rest of my statement.

The message was about Cloudstrike and why the FBI didn't do the investigation on the server themselves.............

The SERVER............The server investigation was done by a third party. Cloudstrike........buy you try to spin that.

I addressed the faulty premise of your post.

Who says a physical examination of the server was either necessary or required?

Obviously it wasn't as the illustrated by the very detailed descriptions of the acts and the players in the indictment.
Dumbass, Comey and Rosestein did not have a personal or political relationship.

Rosenstein's possible recusal is about him being a potential witness in the Obstuction of Justice case against Trump.

Stop posting - you are totally CLUELESS

See how the far left will deny facts even when they are written in the form of a text to a lover on a government device?

....Idiot, Strzok and Rosenstein are actually two different people.

The dumbass shit Trumpsters post never siezes to amaze.
So a now WITNESS in an ongoing investigation is in charge of overseeing the investigation whose wife has ties to many involved has no reason to Recluse himself.........................

No Conflict there at all.........Move along.........

He wrote the memo justifying Comey's firing..............LOL

This whole thing is a JOKE.

Yes he wrote the MEMO, which was then used as a FALSE pre-tense to fire Mueller. Trump admitted it was a false pretense in a public interview.

Your "wife has relationship" is straight nonence. There has to be a DIRECT RELATIONSHIP, not guilt by association.

THERE IS a valid conflict of interest question IF he is a witness in the case he oversees. But the LAW on the requirement of the recusal is not clear, and from the high view is subject to a simple question - can Rosenstein impartially oversee case? And the naswer to that is in the details of the case we do not have.

See how the far left denies reality!

Obvious far left bias and they do not see it!

If they followed the law to the letter Hilary would be in jail!

Hey moron, reality is that Trump's DOJ Inspector General did a WHOLE FN REPORT on Comey's handling of Email Probe and found that it's conclusion was proper.

By you STILL repeating "by law Hillary should be in Jail!" you are DENYING SIMPLE REALITY.

DOJ Clinton Report Blasts Comey, Agents, but Finds No Bias in Conclusion
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
And they are a DNC lap dog.

No, they are not. Funny thing is, one of the guys that is part founder of Crowdstrike is Russian and knows very well how Russia hacks and how to catch them.

Do you understand that some of the people you are hating on, Clapper (35 years of service) and Brennan (30+ years of service) both worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, but suddenly they are now a deep state and totally out to get Trump.

Seriously, I wish you guys would use some common sense.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

It is now TAINTED evidence which can be appealed because of ties to the DNC...........A simple court order and BAM...........they could have taken it legally and investigated it themselves...............WHY DIDN'T THEY

Furthermore I challenge the timing of these charges............happen right when Trump is meeting with Putin and right when the Crazy man from the FBI is testifying to Congress.............if you can call it testimony...........

And finally I question Mueller's ability to bring them to trial...........when they are in Russia.........

Why didn't they do this over a year ago......they have known about this a long time.

Bottom line...........we need BETTER CYBER ANTI HACKING MEASURES in this country.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

Obviously they did. Read the indictment. It's very detailed.
You left out the rest of my statement.

The message was about Cloudstrike and why the FBI didn't do the investigation on the server themselves.............

The SERVER............The server investigation was done by a third party. Cloudstrike........buy you try to spin that.

I addressed the faulty premise of your post.

Who says a physical examination of the server was either necessary or required?

Obviously it wasn't as the illustrated by the very detailed descriptions of the acts and the players in the indictment.
anyone in IT security who knows how this is done.
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.

No, they are not. Funny thing is, one of the guys that is part founder of Crowdstrike is Russian and knows very well how Russia hacks and how to catch them.

Do you understand that some of the people you are hating on, Clapper (35 years of service) and Brennan (30+ years of service) both worked under Republican and Democratic administrations, but suddenly they are now a deep state and totally out to get Trump.

Seriously, I wish you guys would use some common sense.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

It is now TAINTED evidence which can be appealed because of ties to the DNC...........A simple court order and BAM...........they could have taken it legally and investigated it themselves...............WHY DIDN'T THEY

Furthermore I challenge the timing of these charges............happen right when Trump is meeting with Putin and right when the Crazy man from the FBI is testifying to Congress.............if you can call it testimony...........

And finally I question Mueller's ability to bring them to trial...........when they are in Russia.........

Why didn't they do this over a year ago......they have known about this a long time.

Bottom line...........we need BETTER CYBER ANTI HACKING MEASURES in this country.
I'm slamming the FACT that the FBI, NSA, and CIA didn't investigate a cyber attack by Russia DIRECTLY...........this should NOT HAVE BEEN HANDLED by a THIRD PARTY.

Obviously they did. Read the indictment. It's very detailed.
You left out the rest of my statement.

The message was about Cloudstrike and why the FBI didn't do the investigation on the server themselves.............

The SERVER............The server investigation was done by a third party. Cloudstrike........buy you try to spin that.

I addressed the faulty premise of your post.

Who says a physical examination of the server was either necessary or required?

Obviously it wasn't as the illustrated by the very detailed descriptions of the acts and the players in the indictment.
anyone in IT security who knows how this is done.

Great. What's your point?
The alt right and Trumpers have made many charges, some over the top, others outlandish, only relying on Alt Facts and Fake News.

Trump has failed miserably vis a vis Russia and Putin.
heh - and the alt-left isn't pushing RUSSIA w/o a whole lot of proof at all.


...no proof that Russia interfered and conducted illegal activities in United States? Seriously? did you just say that?
From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.

The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.

Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed.

The shifting narrative underscores the degree to which Mr. Trump regularly picks and chooses intelligence to suit his political purposes. That has never been more clear than this week.

More: From the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin Interfered

This is a big deal that we'll be hearing a lot about tomorrow. What do you think?
lol Obama was told in 2016 that Russia was hacking the USA and he ordered the nsa to let them hack....

Treason, as Obama helped in the hacking

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