NYTimes Exterminates George Bush!

Third thread on this.

The choice was obvious: include the entire First Family and cut out Bush or publish the entire image with faces so small they would be recognizable. Bush just isn't important enough to include.

I still say I wish would have just edited him out before he did the enormous damage he did.

I disagree, respectfully. The president of a former President at this event is indeed important to record. The NYT could have put two photos in. It often puts in two photos for lots of things.

Whether it's deliberate or not, I don't know. But it was bad judgement. On this one, NLT, amazingly, gets a point from me.
And you get a point from me. Amazing, ain't it?

Well, hold the jury on that one:

Well, actually:

NYT photographer We didn t crop George W. Bush from Selma pic - Nick Gass - POLITICO

“Just so you know, President Bush was not cropped out, he was not in that frame because he was so far to our right,” photographer Doug Mills wrote in an email to POLITICO.

In a note to photo editors on Sunday, Mills said he didn’t file the shot with Bush included because it was overexposed.

“I did not even send this frame because it’s very wide and super busy and Bush is super-overexposed because he was in the sun and Obama and the others are in the shade,” Mills wrote, per Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan.
Here ya' go, NYLiar:

2. Similar in kind, quantity, or degree.
same - definition of same by The Free Dictionary

And, to review:

And here, a return performance at open mic night....the NYLiar!

His act includes only two tricks:

Trick #1....lies

Trick #2....obfuscation and changing the subject.

Today it's Trick #2 on display:

You don't crop a photo by using an entirely different photo. Why is that concept above your brain capacity?

Hmmmm.....you seem unable to respond to the questions.

Here, try again:

1. Were the two photos taken the same day?
2. Where the same objects photographed?
3. What the same occasion the subject of both photos?
4.Was there a political reason for cropping the members of the photos?
5. Are you a lying sack of sewage?

Hint: all five have the same correct response.
The cut and paste queen has OCD.

Watch how deftly I stump you: on what basis do you suggest 'cut and paste' as a pejorative?
I'll wait while you go to a neighbor to borrow a dictionary.....
View attachment 37609

"The cut and paste queen has OCD:
Can you support that?

The fact is that you keep trying to score points because I reveal the emptiness of your political perspective...as I did when I proved that you vote totalitarian rather than American.

I will continue to do so.

With metronomic regularity.


ok, its not your pejorative .. Obama made you do it.


I have to admit that this is the funniest post of the day.
I laugh every time I read it.

If only I could imagine that you made the mistake on purpose.....
....but I've seen your other posts.

Here's your prize.

How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



3. The 50th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march was held in Selma, Alabama on Saturday.

The New York Times cropped out the George and Laura Bush.
Discrimination still exists in America.

4. ....this is an example of how today's "authorized journalists" rewrite history as it actually happens. However, the truth is, it's not new. This has been going on for at least a century but really probably since the beginning of time.
Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo The Gateway Pundit

Well, actually:

NYT photographer We didn t crop George W. Bush from Selma pic - Nick Gass - POLITICO

“Just so you know, President Bush was not cropped out, he was not in that frame because he was so far to our right,” photographer Doug Mills wrote in an email to POLITICO.

In a note to photo editors on Sunday, Mills said he didn’t file the shot with Bush included because it was overexposed.

“I did not even send this frame because it’s very wide and super busy and Bush is super-overexposed because he was in the sun and Obama and the others are in the shade,” Mills wrote, per Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan.

Must really suck to be you.

"...not in that frame because he was so far to our right..."

You....just one more unoriginal lying sack of sewage.....

Laura Bush was one person over, and President Bush next to her.

BTW....Your proctologist called. They've found your head.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



3. The 50th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march was held in Selma, Alabama on Saturday.

The New York Times cropped out the George and Laura Bush.
Discrimination still exists in America.

4. ....this is an example of how today's "authorized journalists" rewrite history as it actually happens. However, the truth is, it's not new. This has been going on for at least a century but really probably since the beginning of time.
Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo The Gateway Pundit

Well, actually:

NYT photographer We didn t crop George W. Bush from Selma pic - Nick Gass - POLITICO

“Just so you know, President Bush was not cropped out, he was not in that frame because he was so far to our right,” photographer Doug Mills wrote in an email to POLITICO.

In a note to photo editors on Sunday, Mills said he didn’t file the shot with Bush included because it was overexposed.

“I did not even send this frame because it’s very wide and super busy and Bush is super-overexposed because he was in the sun and Obama and the others are in the shade,” Mills wrote, per Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan.

Must really suck to be you.

"...not in that frame because he was so far to our right..."

You....just one more unoriginal lying sack of sewage.....

Laura Bush was one person over, and President Bush next to her.

BTW....Your proctologist called. They've found your head.

So, you have proven that you are incapable of reading and understanding.

But we already knew that, PoliticalKunt.
How does the media....wholly owned by Liberalism, Inc., pull the less astuted into their fold?

We got an example of it in the action this week by the NYSlimes....

1. "Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo



3. The 50th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march was held in Selma, Alabama on Saturday.

The New York Times cropped out the George and Laura Bush.
Discrimination still exists in America.

4. ....this is an example of how today's "authorized journalists" rewrite history as it actually happens. However, the truth is, it's not new. This has been going on for at least a century but really probably since the beginning of time.
Predictable. NY Times Crops Out George W. Bush from Selma March Photo The Gateway Pundit

Well, actually:

NYT photographer We didn t crop George W. Bush from Selma pic - Nick Gass - POLITICO

“Just so you know, President Bush was not cropped out, he was not in that frame because he was so far to our right,” photographer Doug Mills wrote in an email to POLITICO.

In a note to photo editors on Sunday, Mills said he didn’t file the shot with Bush included because it was overexposed.

“I did not even send this frame because it’s very wide and super busy and Bush is super-overexposed because he was in the sun and Obama and the others are in the shade,” Mills wrote, per Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan.

Must really suck to be you.

"...not in that frame because he was so far to our right..."

You....just one more unoriginal lying sack of sewage.....

Laura Bush was one person over, and President Bush next to her.

BTW....Your proctologist called. They've found your head.

So, you have proven that you are incapable of reading and understanding.

But we already knew that, PoliticalKunt.

Watch you language....you're not speaking to your family.
Bullshit. It was Bush's decision, and ONLY Bush's decision.

An easily provable lie.
Then prove that someone other than the Commander in Chief can send our military into armed conflict, absent a declaration of war.

Use the Constitution. If you don't know what that is, ask someone.

Get that dictionary.

Look up 'decision.'

Then look up 'imbecile' so you know when to answer.

The word you seek is 'authority.'
Government school grad, huh?

No, I used the correct word: decision. Bush said so himself.

"I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

Ripped you a new one, didn't I?

No, imbecile.....anyone can have the decision, as did just about every Democrat about Iraq and WMDs....but only one has the authority to go to war.

"Ripped you a new one, didn't I?"
I love how you copied what I wrote...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

You are both stupid and dishonest....you'd try to steal a free sample.
The vote for the Iraq war was 77 - 23. A majority of Democrats voted for the War


ok, its not your pejorative .. Obama made you do it.


Uh sploogy, "pejorative" <> "prerogative."

Big words starting with "P" confuse democrats....


ok, its not your pejorative .. Obama made you do it.


Uh sploogy, "pejorative" <> "prerogative."

Big words starting with "P" confuse democrats....

Siesta's post made my day.....I'm still laughing.

His is the sort of insight and intelligence that put Obama in office.
Bullshit. It was Bush's decision, and ONLY Bush's decision.

An easily provable lie.
Then prove that someone other than the Commander in Chief can send our military into armed conflict, absent a declaration of war.

Use the Constitution. If you don't know what that is, ask someone.

Get that dictionary.

Look up 'decision.'

Then look up 'imbecile' so you know when to answer.

The word you seek is 'authority.'
Government school grad, huh?

No, I used the correct word: decision. Bush said so himself.

"I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

Ripped you a new one, didn't I?

No, imbecile.....anyone can have the decision, as did just about every Democrat about Iraq and WMDs....but only one has the authority to go to war.
We never declared war. The Congress voted to not tie the president's hands as to the decision to begin hostilities, leaving the final decision to him, as Commander in Chief.

I thought you claimed to be smart?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I was sincerely mocking you. I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference.

You are desperate to win....something.
An easily provable lie.
Then prove that someone other than the Commander in Chief can send our military into armed conflict, absent a declaration of war.

Use the Constitution. If you don't know what that is, ask someone.

Get that dictionary.

Look up 'decision.'

Then look up 'imbecile' so you know when to answer.

The word you seek is 'authority.'
Government school grad, huh?

No, I used the correct word: decision. Bush said so himself.

"I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

Ripped you a new one, didn't I?

No, imbecile.....anyone can have the decision, as did just about every Democrat about Iraq and WMDs....but only one has the authority to go to war.
We never declared war. The Congress voted to not tie the president's hands as to the decision to begin hostilities, leaving the final decision to him, as Commander in Chief.

I thought you claimed to be smart?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I was sincerely mocking you. I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference.

You are desperate to win....something.

Exposing the asininities of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it's simply redundant in your case.

Time for the dictionary again, huh.
But when it really mattered the NYT was in the tank, or in-bed-with the Bush Administration and the invasion and occupation of Iraq. They faithfully parroted every talking point from the propaganda arm of the Bush Regime.

That propaganda arm being Bill and Hillary Clinton, Pope Algore, Nancy Pelosi, et al...

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."
Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."
Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological
weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program.
He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

It's cool BlindFool - you have a party to lie for.

Why don't you post Barack Obama's statements about Iraq, Saddam, and going to war?

You know, the Democrat who actually became president because he was right about Iraq?

Mushroom Cloud !!

hell, this country has been hiding from mushroom clouds since the 50's when school kids (now congressmen) went out in the halls and covered their heads when a bell rang 4 times .... enter 43, word play, 911, and presto-change-o ... everyone votes yes.
An easily provable lie.
Then prove that someone other than the Commander in Chief can send our military into armed conflict, absent a declaration of war.

Use the Constitution. If you don't know what that is, ask someone.

Get that dictionary.

Look up 'decision.'

Then look up 'imbecile' so you know when to answer.

The word you seek is 'authority.'
Government school grad, huh?

No, I used the correct word: decision. Bush said so himself.

"I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

Ripped you a new one, didn't I?

No, imbecile.....anyone can have the decision, as did just about every Democrat about Iraq and WMDs....but only one has the authority to go to war.

"Ripped you a new one, didn't I?"
I love how you copied what I wrote...Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

You are both stupid and dishonest....you'd try to steal a free sample.
The vote for the Iraq war was 77 - 23. A majority of Democrats voted for the War
There wasn't a vote for war, idiot. We never declared war.
Then prove that someone other than the Commander in Chief can send our military into armed conflict, absent a declaration of war.

Use the Constitution. If you don't know what that is, ask someone.

Get that dictionary.

Look up 'decision.'

Then look up 'imbecile' so you know when to answer.

The word you seek is 'authority.'
Government school grad, huh?

No, I used the correct word: decision. Bush said so himself.

"I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

Ripped you a new one, didn't I?

No, imbecile.....anyone can have the decision, as did just about every Democrat about Iraq and WMDs....but only one has the authority to go to war.
We never declared war. The Congress voted to not tie the president's hands as to the decision to begin hostilities, leaving the final decision to him, as Commander in Chief.

I thought you claimed to be smart?

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I was sincerely mocking you. I'm not surprised that you can't tell the difference.

You are desperate to win....something.

Exposing the asininities of posters is one of my guilty pleasures.....but it's simply redundant in your case.

Time for the dictionary again, huh.
Yes, so that you can look up 'decider', as in "I'm the decider" - George W. Bush

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