Obama - a legacy of recycling Jimmy Carter's failed policies

First of all, then why do you make the completely nonsensical rape analogy?!? Second of all, then why are you complaining about paying your "fair share"? It's time you useless poor parasites start paying YOUR FAIR SHARE instead of mooching off of the rest of us.

Because my case it made sense. The answer to rape is to lock up the rapists, not to issue rape victims strap-on dildos and tell them to do it the "right" way or "better".

Oh geez, is it any wonder this guy is a minimum wage factory worker? Joe, that was your first nonsensical rape "analogy" (which I already proved was nonsensical and didn't apply). But we were talking here about your second nonsensical rape analogy. You know - when you said we should "tax the shit out" out of business for taking jobs overseas and I pointed out how stupid you are for not realizing that "taxing the shit out of business" is what lead to taking the jobs overseas in the first place..to which you gave the completely nonsensical "analogy" of "That's like saying a short dress made you rape that girl" :cuckoo:

You're so fucking stupid, you can't even follow the conversation or keep track of your endless nonsensical rape analogies which never even apply to the discussion at hand.

The answer to Corporate abuses of workers and consumers is not to start up your own corporation, it's to make the corporations that exist play fair.

So because you're too fuck'n lazy to do something you want yourself, you're answer is to lock up every man in the world and put them behind bars for life because they could rape a woman?!? Because that's exactly what you're saying. :cuckoo:

*Guy*, you're advocating we should lose our freedoms because you're a lazy little bitch. If you don't like how health insurance companies treat people, why don't you start your own health insurance company and treat people better?

JoeB. solution to rape: cut the dick off of every man on the planet and then throw them in jail - even innocent men :cuckoo:

But Joe - with all men in jail and none of them having dicks, the human race could not reproduce and they would die out!

Joe: "I don't give a fuck. I was raped ONCE and now I hate all of man kind (business). I want to destroy all of man kind (business) even if it means the end of the human race (ie permanent poverty and misery for all of society)". :cuckoo:
His approval rating is in the low 40s

Your "great leader" Bush was in the 20's.

We criticized Bush and never considered him "great". You swallow Obama's load like the good little worthless whore that you are and you call him your "messiah".

I've already pointed out how ignorant you are of Obama with the fact that you celebrate him despite the fact that you're such an "equal pay" advocate and Obama pays women in his White House exponentially LESS than he pays his men. :lol:
332-206. Sweet

popular vote 52/48. a very narrow win because millions of conservatives and libertarians stayed home---------------they were stupid to do that because they gave us 4 more years of incompetence in DC.

America deserves what it votes for.

ah stayed home...thats the excuse...lol...

It's even more hilarious that the Iowa caucus takes place in January; they have primaries, caucuses, debates, interviews, etc... After all of this the "millions of conservatives and libertarians" supposedly stayed home. So after 8-11 months of vetting they stayed home?

It underlines just how much of a joke the Romney candidacy was; 11 months of vetting and they stayed home? Hilarious.
No, I just trust the government...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For all of your nonsense about "the gold old days", you've clearly just been trolling because nobody over the age of 24 would make such an immature, inexperienced, absurd comment. Joe "trusts" the government and their engineers, scientists, etc. :lmao:

Hey Joe, how did those government engineers do with the levy's in New Orleans? :lmao:

YOu mean in the city that was built below sea level in a hurricane zone?

That city?

So what did the private sector do to prevent that? Oh that's right. Nothing.

Oh geez, is it any wonder this guy is a minimum wage factory worker? Joe, that was your first nonsensical rape "analogy" (which I already proved was nonsensical and didn't apply). But we were talking here about your second nonsensical rape analogy. You know - when you said we should "tax the shit out" out of business for taking jobs overseas and I pointed out how stupid you are for not realizing that "taxing the shit out of business" is what lead to taking the jobs overseas in the first place..to which you gave the completely nonsensical "analogy" of "That's like saying a short dress made you rape that girl" :cuckoo:

You're so fucking stupid, you can't even follow the conversation or keep track of your endless nonsensical rape analogies which never even apply to the discussion at hand.

No, it's still an apt analogy.

You take jobs overseas, that's economic treason. Period. It's also bad business, because eventually, if no one has a good paying job, how the fuck are they going to buy your products?

The Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy- Herbert Hoover.

So because you're too fuck'n lazy to do something you want yourself, you're answer is to lock up every man in the world and put them behind bars for life because they could rape a woman?!? Because that's exactly what you're saying.

No, dumbass. I'm saynig that if you've already raped a woman, you should be locked up and never let out.

If you've screwed your employees, you should be under strict government oversight to make sure you don't go it again.

Because, frankly, I like having the EPA and OSHA. Having worked for enough douchebags, I wouldn't want my personal safety dependent on their "decency".

*Guy*, you're advocating we should lose our freedoms because you're a lazy little bitch. If you don't like how health insurance companies treat people, why don't you start your own health insurance company and treat people better?

Guy, you can whine about this libertarian freedom all day. The kind of "Freedom" you advocate is Somalia.

I want to live in a civilized society and a civilized society has rules- even for rich people.

The rest of your post is you going full retard, so I'm just ignoring it.
I would call this astounding "failure" - except that these are the exact results Obama intended from the beginning:

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that U.S. employers added only 169,000 jobs in August and that the labor force participation rate edged down to 63.2 percent, its lowest point since August 1978.

(and who was president again in 1978?)

It’s worth noting that the unemployment rate today would be approximately 10.8% if labor force participation were at January 2009 levels.

(after 4.5 years and 100% of the policies he insisted would "solve" the problem - we see an economy exponentially worse than the one he inherited)

Obamas failed economy

lets see ...the market was at 7600 its now 15300 seems you're wrong about that... unemployment was close to 10% and its at 7.3% seems your again wrong again... when he took control of the office he was losing 750'000 jobs a mothn an he has had job groth for the past 4.5 years .... you said that for "4.5 years and 100% of the policies" ... did he get his bill passed to get jobs started ??? noooooo !!!!!!! did he get single payer passed??? nooooo !!!!!!! what did he get ??? t seems every thing he tried to get passed was filibustered ... so how can you say he had 100% of what he wanted are you on drugs or something ??? is the market doing better are we selling more goods ??? seems you have a mental block...
No, I just trust the government...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

For all of your nonsense about "the gold old days", you've clearly just been trolling because nobody over the age of 24 would make such an immature, inexperienced, absurd comment. Joe "trusts" the government and their engineers, scientists, etc. :lmao:

Hey Joe, how did those government engineers do with the levy's in New Orleans? :lmao:

YOu mean in the city that was built below sea level in a hurricane zone?

That city?

So what did the private sector do to prevent that? Oh that's right. Nothing.

How funny, everytime government fails you make an excuse and then try to change the channel. It doesn't matter where New Orleans was "built" the government-controlled levy's failed because the government engineers failed. And then the government run FEMA failed. Three massive government failures which lead to many deaths. And that was after the government failed on 9/11 and let 3,000 Americans die.

So please Joe, tell us again how you "trust the government". It's the best part of my day. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes. :lmao:

No wonder you're so ignorant - you're a 23 year old high school drop out factory worker.
I would call this astounding "failure" - except that these are the exact results Obama intended from the beginning:

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that U.S. employers added only 169,000 jobs in August and that the labor force participation rate edged down to 63.2 percent, its lowest point since August 1978.

(and who was president again in 1978?)

It’s worth noting that the unemployment rate today would be approximately 10.8% if labor force participation were at January 2009 levels.

(after 4.5 years and 100% of the policies he insisted would "solve" the problem - we see an economy exponentially worse than the one he inherited)

Obamas failed economy

oh stop living in the past. Carter was 35 years ago.


The link and the entire thread is about Obama. Carter was ONLY mentioned in the title. I know you're pretty fuck'n dumb - perhaps you have a parent or a friend who can read the links for you and explain everything to you.

How funny, everytime government fails you make an excuse and then try to change the channel. It doesn't matter where New Orleans was "built" the government-controlled levy's failed because the government engineers failed. And then the government run FEMA failed. Three massive government failures which lead to many deaths. And that was after the government failed on 9/11 and let 3,000 Americans die.
So please Joe, tell us again how you "trust the government". It's the best part of my day. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes. :lmao:

No wonder you're so ignorant - you're a 23 year old high school drop out factory worker.

You know, guy, you are going into nutty birther territory here, and kind of sounding like more and more of a nut.

Do governments make mistakes? Yup. Anything involving human beings make mistakes.

But the context here is, who would I rather have making a decision about my health care, a government bureaucrat who works for me, or a guy like Ed Hanaway who gets rich by denying people care after they paid perfectly good money for premiums.
So because you're too fuck'n lazy to do something you want yourself, you're answer is to lock up every man in the world and put them behind bars for life because they could rape a woman?!? Because that's exactly what you're saying.

No, dumbass. I'm saynig that if you've already raped a woman, you should be locked up and never let out.

No, that's not what you're saying dumb-ass. That scenario already exists asshole. What happened to Bernie Madoff when he fucked everybody over? He went to prison, stupid!

But you keep screaming about "regulation", "taxing the shit out of" corporations, and control. The real, accurate analogy is that you want to take every man on the planet, cut their dick off, and take their freedom away by throwing them in prison for life because you envy what they have (ie a much bigger dick) and attempt to hide your dick-envy under the guise that they *could* rape a woman.

You've been exposed for the jealous little dick man that you are and you've been thoroughly owned in the process


How funny, everytime government fails you make an excuse and then try to change the channel. It doesn't matter where New Orleans was "built" the government-controlled levy's failed because the government engineers failed. And then the government run FEMA failed. Three massive government failures which lead to many deaths. And that was after the government failed on 9/11 and let 3,000 Americans die.
So please Joe, tell us again how you "trust the government". It's the best part of my day. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes. :lmao:

No wonder you're so ignorant - you're a 23 year old high school drop out factory worker.

You know, guy, you are going into nutty birther territory here, and kind of sounding like more and more of a nut.

Do governments make mistakes? Yup. Anything involving human beings make mistakes.

But the context here is, who would I rather have making a decision about my health care, a government bureaucrat who works for me, or a guy like Ed Hanaway who gets rich by denying people care after they paid perfectly good money for premiums.

been to the DMV lately? or a social security office? Do you really want some high school dropout GS7 making your medical decisions for you?

If you are not satisfied with your private medical insurer, you can switch to another one---what will you do when the govt screws up your medical needs? sue them from your death bed? :eusa_whistle:

careful what you wish for, dude. it could be much worse than what you have now.
No, that's not what you're saying dumb-ass. That scenario already exists asshole. What happened to Bernie Madoff when he fucked everybody over? He went to prison, stupid!

But that's the problem. ONLY Bernie went to prison. Bernie didn't cause the whole 2008 crash by himself. The people who ran Morgan-Stanly and Lehman and Bear-Sternes not only didn't go to jail, they got bailouts and they got to keep their bonuses. And 93% of the money created in the recovery went to the 1%? So what possible disincentive is there for them to not do it again.

But you keep screaming about "regulation", "taxing the shit out of" corporations, and control. The real, accurate analogy is that you want to take every man on the planet, cut their dick off, and take their freedom away by throwing them in prison for life because you envy what they have (ie a much bigger dick) and attempt to hide your dick-envy under the guise that they *could* rape a woman.

No, not really a good analogy at all. But to the point, we do have sex crimes units and Megan's Lists and background checks to keep sex offenders from working at places where they can cause trouble. We don't seem to have similar sorts of regulations to keep corporate raiders from wrecking our economy, even though this was like the third time they did it in two decades.

Again, I'm pretty sure you're not rich, so why do you spend so much time defending rich douchebags and their ability to screw working folks?
*Guy*, you're advocating we should lose our freedoms because you're a lazy little bitch. If you don't like how health insurance companies treat people, why don't you start your own health insurance company and treat people better?

Guy, you can whine about this libertarian freedom all day. The kind of "Freedom" you advocate is Somalia.

I want to live in a civilized society and a civilized society has rules- even for rich people.

Yawn! You can keep lying about "Somalia" all day, it doesn't change the facts. Allowing people to have their Constitutional freedoms does not create "Somalia" and 200+ years of America not turning into "Somalia" proves that.

You can't mask your sick, twisted communism under the guise that you want a "civilized society". :lol: We already have the most civilized society in the world already dumb-ass. Well, except when you libtards gather and start rapping your fellow libtard women like OWS gatherings :lol:

been to the DMV lately? or a social security office? Do you really want some high school dropout GS7 making your medical decisions for you?

If you are not satisfied with your private medical insurer, you can switch to another one---what will you do when the govt screws up your medical needs? sue them from your death bed? :eusa_whistle:

careful what you wish for, dude. it could be much worse than what you have now.

Last time I went to the DMV, they had me in and out in half an hour. And because we don't want a bunch of other people claiming to be Joe B through Identity Theft, I really do want them to take that extra bit of time to make sure that I am really me.

The point is, I dont have a choice, and most of us don't have a choice. I couldn't say to my employer 'Hey, I don't like Cigna, let's get someone else!" Oh, I could suggest it, but it probably wouldn't happen.

Further, as I've pointed out, EVERY other industrialized Democracy has single payer or universal coverage. They live longer, have lower rates of infant mortality and spend far less per person than we do.

I should also point out that people on government programs like MediCare, MediCaid and the VA have much higher satisfaction ratings than they do with Cigna, Blue Cross, etc.

Yawn! You can keep lying about "Somalia" all day, it doesn't change the facts. Allowing people to have their Constitutional freedoms does not create "Somalia" and 200+ years of America not turning into "Somalia" proves that.

You can't mask your sick, twisted communism under the guise that you want a "civilized society". :lol: We already have the most civilized society in the world already dumb-ass. Well, except when you libtards gather and start rapping your fellow libtard women like OWS gatherings :lol:

But here's the thing, the reason why we AREN'T Somalia is because for 200 years, every time there was a crisis, the government stepped in. In short, we did what a civilized society does. We made sure the poor were fed, housed and clothed.

Unlike Somalia where people nearly starved to death because they took your libertarian, "I got Mine, Fuck You, I have a gun!" philosophy to its logical conclusion.

You might look at a Mad Max Movie like it's an ideal, I don't.


Poodle's Dream Candidate for 2016...

been to the DMV lately? or a social security office? Do you really want some high school dropout GS7 making your medical decisions for you?

If you are not satisfied with your private medical insurer, you can switch to another one---what will you do when the govt screws up your medical needs? sue them from your death bed? :eusa_whistle:

careful what you wish for, dude. it could be much worse than what you have now.

Last time I went to the DMV, they had me in and out in half an hour. And because we don't want a bunch of other people claiming to be Joe B through Identity Theft, I really do want them to take that extra bit of time to make sure that I am really me.

The point is, I dont have a choice, and most of us don't have a choice. I couldn't say to my employer 'Hey, I don't like Cigna, let's get someone else!" Oh, I could suggest it, but it probably wouldn't happen.

Further, as I've pointed out, EVERY other industrialized Democracy has single payer or universal coverage. They live longer, have lower rates of infant mortality and spend far less per person than we do.

I should also point out that people on government programs like MediCare, MediCaid and the VA have much higher satisfaction ratings than they do with Cigna, Blue Cross, etc.

So you think that having your medical decsions made by a govt employee who has a budget constraint and is minimally intelligent would be better than having them made by an insurance company employee who has a motive to keep your business? really??

as to medicare, basic medicare only pays 80%. Medicare advantage, which is run by insurance companies, has a very small premium and pays virtually everything except for small co-pays.

BTW, obama hates medicare advantage. Why? I guess because it works well for seniors in the USA.
I would call this astounding "failure" - except that these are the exact results Obama intended from the beginning:

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that U.S. employers added only 169,000 jobs in August and that the labor force participation rate edged down to 63.2 percent, its lowest point since August 1978.

(and who was president again in 1978?)

It’s worth noting that the unemployment rate today would be approximately 10.8% if labor force participation were at January 2009 levels.

(after 4.5 years and 100% of the policies he insisted would "solve" the problem - we see an economy exponentially worse than the one he inherited)

Obamas failed economy

lets see ...the market was at 7600 its now 15300 seems you're wrong about that... unemployment was close to 10% and its at 7.3% seems your again wrong again... when he took control of the office he was losing 750'000 jobs a mothn an he has had job groth for the past 4.5 years .... you said that for "4.5 years and 100% of the policies" ... did he get his bill passed to get jobs started ??? noooooo !!!!!!! did he get single payer passed??? nooooo !!!!!!! what did he get ??? t seems every thing he tried to get passed was filibustered ... so how can you say he had 100% of what he wanted are you on drugs or something ??? is the market doing better are we selling more goods ??? seems you have a mental block...

"Unemployment was close to 10% now it's 7.3%" - :lmao:

First of all, when Obama took office, unemployment was at 7.3%. He's the ass wipe who drove it up to 10%. Today, the real unemployment rates sits at over 10%. There has been ZERO job growth asshole. After 5 years of the Detroit-like economy that Obama has created, so many people have given up looking for a job and have officially dropped out of the workforce that it has artificially "lowered" unemployment since Obama no longer has to count those people (something he was counting on willfully ignorant fuck's like you celebrating).

Second, allow me to enlighten since you choose to live your life willfully ignorant of what your government was doing. For the first 2 years of Obama's term, he had a majority in the House and the Senate. He received 100% of the bills he requested.

He said we needed a "stimulus package" and that would fix the economy - he received the American Recovery and Re-Investment Act. When that failed....

He said we needed a second stimulus package because the first wasn't enough (only an idiot libtard could consider $1 trillion not "enough") and that would fix the economy - he received it. When that failed...

He said we needed a third round round of stimulus because the first two were not enough and said that would fix the economy - he received the Omnibus bill. When that failed....

He said we need to regulate the hell out of America because it would "stabilize" the economy and that would fix the economy - he received the Dodd-Frank Finance Reform bill. When that failed....

He said we needed to drive down healthcare costs and that would fix the economy - he received Obamacare. When that failed....

There are literally hundreds of other bills he has signed (or, when the Republicans took over Congress because the American people wanted to stop the hemorrhaging, executive orders to bypass Congress) that I won't bore the readers with just because you are a woefully uninformed libtard Dumbocrat. But this is enough here to prove you're a fuck'n buffoon who has no idea what he is talking about.

You just got humiliated with easily verifiable facts. How does it feel being my personal bitch?


How funny, everytime government fails you make an excuse and then try to change the channel. It doesn't matter where New Orleans was "built" the government-controlled levy's failed because the government engineers failed. And then the government run FEMA failed. Three massive government failures which lead to many deaths. And that was after the government failed on 9/11 and let 3,000 Americans die.
So please Joe, tell us again how you "trust the government". It's the best part of my day. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes. :lmao:

No wonder you're so ignorant - you're a 23 year old high school drop out factory worker.

You know, guy, you are going into nutty birther territory here, and kind of sounding like more and more of a nut.

Do governments make mistakes? Yup. Anything involving human beings make mistakes.

But the context here is, who would I rather have making a decision about my health care, a government bureaucrat who works for me, or a guy like Ed Hanaway who gets rich by denying people care after they paid perfectly good money for premiums.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Folks, this is why you don't argue with ignorant, naïve, 23 year olds. Their belief that government is a pure entity of omnipotence is hilarious.

Psst...Joe: government bureaucrats are not working for you. They don't care a fuck about you. In fact, you're just an annoying asshat to them (like you are to the rest of us and your neighbors) and they are counting the days until they can let you die so as to get you off of their liabilities column (again just like the rest of us and your neighbors :lol:).

I do thank you though for telling me again how much you trust government. Seriously, that never stops being hilarious... :lmao:
So you think that having your medical decsions made by a govt employee who has a budget constraint and is minimally intelligent would be better than having them made by an insurance company employee who has a motive to keep your business? really??

But this is the WHOLE POINT. They have no interest in keeping MY business. They have an interest in keeping MY EMPLOYER'S business. And if you want to understand the one reason why I've turned so viiolently on the GOP, it is because I figured out that my employer's interests are usually diametrically opposed to mine.

figured this out after a 2 year fight with Cigna to get medical treatment my doctors said was needed, only to be downsized after running up 50K in medical bills.

as to medicare, basic medicare only pays 80%. Medicare advantage, which is run by insurance companies, has a very small premium and pays virtually everything except for small co-pays.

But Medicare Giveaway only takes people who are relatively healthy. The old folks who are really sick have to rely on basic Medicare. That's kind of the point.

BTW, obama hates medicare advantage. Why? I guess because it works well for seniors in the USA.

Actually, he hates it because it's a big giveaway to rich insurance companies.

Seriously. Fuck the insurance companies and the Dressage Horse they rode in on.

Folks, this is why you don't argue with ignorant, naïve, 23 year olds. Their belief that government is a pure entity of omnipotence is hilarious.

Psst...Joe: government bureaucrats are not working for you. They don't care a fuck about you. In fact, you're just an annoying asshat to them (like you are to the rest of us and your neighbors) and they are counting the days until they can let you die so as to get you off of their liabilities column (again just like the rest of us and your neighbors :lol:).

I do thank you though for telling me again how much you trust government. Seriously, that never stops being hilarious... :lmao:

Guy, when I was in the Army for 11 years, I knew EXACTLY who I was working for.

Incidently, the government run health care I had in the army was VASTLY better than the private health care I've had EVER.

And frankly, most times I've dealt with government, they were very efficient in getting what I wanted to accomplish.

As opposed to most private entities, where you pretty much have to count your fingers after shaking hands with them. In my line of work, I have to deal with more bullshit than you can imagine. From big companies that are indifferent to your business once they have your money to small busiesses who are kept aloft on the vapors of their own bullshit.

The only difference is, the Government doesn't spend billions of dollars telling Cleetuses like you how wonderful they are.

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