Obama admin promises more race initiatives


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Holder, confronting issue of race once more, says ?subtle? threats to equality ?cut deeper? - The Washington Post

Really interesting he calls for an end to racial discrimination and racism while in the same breath demanding racial discrimination. The huffington post version of the story is classic. The comments are only

only whites can be racist!

The story here brings up white on black violence, or henry gates being arrested but ignores the countless number of black o n white crimes the media ignores. Henry Gates gets a shout out, the obama admin still ignores steve utash who was beaten into a coma due to his skin color.
Racism will never die because the Racial Grievance Industry will invent it if it even tries to go away.
Means BHO is keeping up with our GOP, which has established quotas in recruiting women and persons of color to run for office. I have sure both parties will be imaginative in avoiding being tagged with Affirmative Actions labels.
He's a sample of the liberal insanity in the comments section. These are classic. I mean classic. full insanity on display.

Benay B. (BetaAnomaly)
5 Fans
I am so proud of our Attorney General. Wish he would stay on -- indefinitely.
17 MAY 1:35 PM
Standard liberal thought:

ohn B. (bookmanjb)
One vital aspect of racism that often gets left out of the conversation is that it's one-way. You cannot be part of the dominant race and be the victim of racism. You can be the victim of resentment due to racism experienced by the oppressed race but that's about it. So the next time you hear someone talk about being the victim of reverse-racism (an oxymoron if ever there was one), just tell them, gently, that they're f.o.s.
17 MAY 11:12 AM
Leo A. (rattlerop)
21 Fans
We've graduated from Jim Crow to James Crow Jr. ESQ. Roberts and his cohorts on the Supreme Court have made all of the gains that were made in the '60, '70, and '80s into a massive retreat.

What a fucking prancing liberal poofter. Jesus christ.
The following is false: "You cannot be part of the dominant race and be the victim of racism."
The Dems are in meltdown. They cant run on the economy. They can't run on foreign policy. They can't run on Obamacare.
So they have to whip up discord. First it was class warfare. Then it was the war on women. Now it's racial grievance.
Obama has been the most polarizing figure in recent American history.
Only to the freaks of the far, far right, The Rabbi, the so-called Americans of the far, far past.
It's interesting liberals are so racist and have such low standards set fo rblacks, they at least claim blacks are too stupid to get photo ID. But we all know it's really about getting illegal aliens the vote.

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