Obama administration in full damage control mode

The economy is improving, the IRS nuts will get fired, and the rightwingloons will continue to meltdown over the last election.

Lame duck x10

I guess it's a good thing though. He can't pass anymore economy busting legislation.
the funny thing is the more they scramble the guiltier they look !! I believe at this time they are more concerned about staying out of jail than saving their political careers !!
He lied about benghazi and someone in his admin told the IRS to target his enemies. He is toast.

Hillary will not take the fall for him this time. She and bubba hate obama, they would rejoice in his downfall.
I especially enjoyed that Republican that called the other Republican nutters cartoonish over their Bengazi orgy.
He might have a point if the economy was really improving, but it's not. Replacing a full time employee with two part time employees looks like the economy is improving on paper, but not really.
Obama administration in full damage control mode

What damage - the Rs are just playing a tune only their own constituency is listening to - when the real work of gov't comes to the foreground the present exaggerations will become distant and unproductive memorys.
Obama administration in full damage control mode

What damage - the Rs are just playing a tune only their own constituency is listening to - when the real work of gov't comes to the foreground the present exaggerations will become distant and unproductive memorys.

Exactly .:clap2:
He might have a point if the economy was really improving, but it's not. Replacing a full time employee with two part time employees looks like the economy is improving on paper, but not really.

Not to mention millions of part-timers getting their hours cut to 28 hours to avoid Obamacare, companies are hiring additional part-timers to make up for the hour cuts on everyone else.
This also makes employment look better...but is the opposite of reality.
Speaking of protecting whiney old men.... Obama is on tv right now crying his ass off. Them mean republicans arwe picking on me.
I am watching his presser on Fox News right now and his lies in response to the questions dealing with Benghazi were simply amazing, starting with his claim, debunked even by Candy Crowley, that he said it was an act of terrorism the day after it happened.

How someone can get up in front of the cameras and lie like he is doing, when the facts are known, is beyond me.
I've always said to myself, once lies were perpetuated, that the fact they can not get their stories straight, it would be their eventual downfall. This has happened almost since day one of this administration, but has been largely ignored.
It is all coming down on obama at once.

Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility - NationalJournal.com

When two storms collide, the weather gets hairy. For President Obama, the IRS and Benghazi stories converged this weekend for a self-inflicted tempest that threatens his credibility.
His people can’t get their stories straight.

what is the CRIME in Benghazi again?

It's the cover up and the lies afterward.

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