Obama Administration Silent After Egyptian Constitution Restores Slavery

I want to ban this shit from ever happening. How is that dumb? Short sighted fool.
I wonder how many of you assholes would allow tens of millions of NAZI's to stream into our countries. Islam is the same damn thing in many ways.
Maybe, just maybe, Obama has decided to just stay the hell away from the Middle East.

...nah, not gonna happen. Once this gets out, I give it a week before he says something.
Thanks! Very relevant and on topic response! Beautiful constitution btw!

And I can read Arabic as well ya jock! He he he! :D

I can't read Arabic at all.

The translation was off on some parts........needs better translators....:cool:

Translations are always off, which is why I prefer to get the original text and translate it myself when I study something. That way, all the mistakes are mine.
Obama Administration Silent After Egyptian Constitution Restores Slavery
gateway ^ | December 1, 2012 | Jim Hoft


It’s no secret that Egyptian slavery is as old as the pyramids. It’s also common knowledge that Barack Obama’s ancestors owned slaves...

So it’s really no surprise that he helped usher in a radical Egpytian regime that is restoring slavery.


Omissions of certain articles, such as bans on slavery or promises to adhere to international rights treaties, were equally worrying to critics of the new draft, who pulled out from the panel before the vote.

The Obama administration declined to criticize Egypt’s constitution despite its slavery clause.

This is what Obama supported.

Obama supports slavery? Is this what you are saying?
to be fair, I was going to ask Mathew if he knew for sure that there ever was a ban on slavery in the 1953 Egyptian constitution to start with, or were they ever signed on to Human Rights conventions/charters banning such, no sense making an issue if it never was banned, and yes they are/were(?);

Slavery was defined(Art.1) as:

"the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised"

and the slave trade was defined to include:

"all acts involved in the capture, acquisition or disposal of a person with intent to reduce him to slavery; all acts involved in the acquisition of a slave with a view to selling or exchanging him; all acts of disposal by sale or exchange of a slave acquired with a view to being sold or exchanged, and, in general, every act of trade or transport in slaves."

Contents (summarised)

Article 2
The parties agreed to prevent and suppress the slave trade and to progressively bring about the complete elimination of slavery in all its forms. Article 5
The parties undertook to promulgate severe penalties for slave trading, slaveholding, and enslavement.

Egypt (1954),

1926 Slavery Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clearly, Egypt was a signatory , the monarchy was overthrown in 1953, Nasser was enlightened for an Oligarch, he gave voting rights to women and did not permit slavery either. The use of the term "Omission" by the OP article seems to be correct, it was left out and there is a reasonable expectation that it should have been delineated, but then again the Salifists were against any restriction in the constitution of banning human trafficking.

Obama should speak to this, and the on excpetion/omission of respect for Intl. treaties they are signatories to and adhering to charters on Intl. Human rights.
Obama Administration Silent After Egyptian Constitution Restores Slavery​

It’s no secret that Egyptian slavery is as old as the pyramids. It’s also common knowledge that Barack Obama’s ancestors owned slaves.

Read more:

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? My Chickasaw great great grand father owned black slaves and his son's black half sister. Yours probably did also. WTF cares? If your ancestors did not own slave they sure as hell benefited from the free labor of slaves that help build this country. My great grandfater also had two wifes, both name Louisa. One 46 years old when the took he other age 23.

So it is ok if the TODAY Country of Egypt returns slavery to a legal status? Cause that sure looks like what you are saying.

Why don't you provide a quote as to what Egypt is saying?
Really? Obama's father's family owned slaves? Got a link for that?

Don't forget.............the families of almost every person who was in this country prior to the Civil War probably owned slaves as well. Does this mean we should stop them from political office just because of something their ancestors did a long time ago?

I was under the impression that only plantation owners could afford slaves, and that most people had to work for themselves because they were, you know, poor.
What do y'all think we ought to do about it? Invade and force them to accept our kind of democracy? If not that, what?

The OP by Matthew is a lie. The idiots that bought into his lie have little credibility. From the actual wording of the draft constitution:

Egypt's draft constitution translated | Egypt Independent

Article 34
Individual freedom is a natural right, safeguarded and inviolable.

Article 42
Freedom of movement, residence and immigration shall be safeguarded.

rticle 63
Work is a right, duty and honor for every citizen, guaranteed by the State on the basis of the principles of equality, justice and equal opportunities.

There shall be no forced labor except in accordance with law.

Article 70
Child labor is prohibited before passing the age of compulsory education, in jobs that are not fit for a child’s age, or that prevent the child from continuing education.

Article 81
Rights and freedoms pertaining to the individual citizen shall not be subject to disruption or detraction.

No law that regulates the practice of the rights and freedoms shall include what would constrain their essence.

Such rights and freedoms shall be practiced in a manner not conflicting with the principles pertaining to State and society included in Part I of this Constitution.

Matthew is a lying fuck.
Why don't we wait to see the real proposed Constitution instead of relying on opinions from places like Jihadwatch, which might be a little biased....don't you think? :rolleyes:

The voting hasn't even begun.........:cool:

The constitution is available online, why don't you show us it doesn't say what we say it says?

I will even make it easy for you, here is an English translation, since you don't actually know Arabic.

Egypt's draft constitution translated | Egypt Independent

You're right! It DOESN'T specifically say that slavery is outlawed. What it DOES say is posted above by Dick Tuck.

How in God's name can anyone read that Constitution and then come to the conclusion that it re-introduces slavery because it doesn't specifically say anything about slavery?

Good grief. This is the dumbest anti-Obama rant I've seen yet...and that's really saying something!

You know...our Constitution doesn't say anything about Men from Mars either. Does that mean if they ever show up here, we can make slaves of them because the Constitution didn't specifically tell us we can't?
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This from the same nutter who wanted to throw out our Constitution so he could outlaw religious freedom - which, in itself, is a kind of slavery.

Every day, loony Matthew posts more wacko crap than even the worst rw nutters here.

I don't want to throw out the constitution you stupid asshole. Islam would love to destroy our religious freedoms all together.

Islam isn't so much a religion but a political mindset that is against the very ideals of freedom.

True. My problem with allowing so many Muslims in is because they cannot separate church and state. Sharia law is both their religion and constitution. It's all they want to live by, so when they spread across the world, it's clear they are serious about wanting to spread and multiply to eventually rule the world.

Will Obama speak out against the Muslim Brotherhood that now rules Egypt with an iron fist? They have already taken away women's rights and nary a word from the left. Why did the left speak out so strongly against a filmmaker who doesn't like Islam, yet remain quiet when human rights are trampled by the radical Muslims?
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Will Obama speak out against the Muslim Brotherhood that now rules Egypt with an iron fist? They have already taken away women's rights and nary a word from the left. Why did the left speak out so strongly against a filmmaker who doesn't like Islam, yet remain quiet when human rights are trampled by the radical Muslims?

What do you suggest he does? I'm not defending him, I just want an honest opinion about what you think he needs to do exactly.

It's already been proven that the Brotherhood is nothing short of insane, so will speaking out against them really do anything?

Personally, I think that, not just Obama, but all of Congress, conservative and liberal alike, just need to pull everyone out of the Middle East (perhaps bring a few of the sensible Moderate Muslims with them before the Brotherhood indoctrinates them), stop trying to help any of the countries over there, and let the whole region implode on itself.
The voting hasn't even begun.........:cool:

The constitution is available online, why don't you show us it doesn't say what we say it says?

I will even make it easy for you, here is an English translation, since you don't actually know Arabic.

Egypt's draft constitution translated | Egypt Independent

You're right! It DOESN'T specifically say that slavery is outlawed. What it DOES say is posted above by Dick Tuck.

How in God's name can anyone read that Constitution and then come to the conclusion that it re-introduces slavery because it doesn't specifically say anything about slavery?

Good grief. This is the dumbest anti-Obama rant I've seen yet...and that's really saying something!

You know...our Constitution doesn't say anything about Men from Mars either. Does that mean if they ever show up here, we can make slaves of them because the Constitution didn't specifically tell us we can't?

I actually started a thread about a few of the things I found objectionable in that draft, so far not a single person has challenged any of my contentions. Why don't you pop into it and be the first?
Then how is that Egypt, the subject of this thread, apparently wishes to have a form of Sharia AND a Constitution?

Did you miss the part of the constitution that makes religious education compulsory for all schools, including universities, or the part that declares that Islam is the state religion?
How come when these right wing claims don't happen, they never feel like fools or idiots, but simply move on to something even more bizarre and unbelievable?

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