Obama Administration Silent After Egyptian Constitution Restores Slavery

Obama has never spoken ill of any Muslims, not even the terrorists. Remember when he said that they (9-11 terrorists) weren't terrorists, merely people who committed acts of terrorism? He, like many liberals, is more interested in making excuses for them than condemning the brand of violence they bring on us. Many try to say we had it coming. Those innocent people, many of whom were children, were rightfully sacrificed because of our Americans ways. Even when 4 of our people were brutally murdered and sodomized on the anniversary of 9-11, the only person Obama condemned was a filmmaker, as if the people who committed the unspeakable acts were not to blame for their own actions. I am so sick of the notion that it's up to the world to be careful what we say because mere words are considered justification for some in the Muslim world to start murdering innocent people. And many refuse to stand up to them. Political correctness is a terrorist's best friend. Why do some want to enable them by covering the truth and pandering to their unreasonable demands? Obama railed against the filmmaker while avoiding even minimal criticism of the cold-blooded killers. He sounded resentful of our freedom of speech in his comments to the U.N. I believe it's a hint of some new oppressive laws to come.

I believe Obama was instrumental in initially banning the mention of God and the refusal to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital at the DNC convention. That would have stood if not for a few media outlets reporting it. The backlash wasn't something the Obama administration wanted to deal with in an election year, so they pretended to hold a vote and changed the platform. It was such a farce. The delegates, a mix of Muslims, communists and Marxists, loudly booed the mention of God and respecting our ally, Israel. The media chose not to place any focus on the large number of Democrats refusing to attend the convention. Maybe they can't stomach the radicals who are running the show.

Obama also met with the MB at the White House. Prior to this, we had a policy in place regarding dealing with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Obama is the one who changed that by bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to the table. He didn't have time for Israel's Netanyahu, though. It's clear where his loyalty is, and it's not with our allies or even with us. When a person looks at a country and says that they want to fundamentally transform it, they aren't saying it's a wonderful country that needs some problems dealt with. They are saying it's a horrible country that is undesirable and needs to be turned into something else. The word "fundamentally" is the big clue here. He disapproves of the foundation this country is built on. He sees our founding fathers' vision as flawed and his ego tells him he can do better. Well, he'll like it better. Not so sure about the real Americans who value their freedom and liberty.

His support of the MB and the supposed democracy in the Middle East is a joke. He supports the Muslim Brotherhood and does so knowing full well what they are about. They are not about freedom, justice or democracy. They are dictators, and likely the most evil ones at that. Women aren't treated as well as animals. I cannot tolerate that and will never be able to get my head around the fact that so many liberals stick up for them after the sadistic way they've treated women over the years.

One day after making a historic speech in calling for Israel to give up Jerusalem, President Obama is planning on providing $3 Billion in cash and debt forgiveness to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
On May 19th, President Obama laid out a plan to forgive Egypt of over $1 Billion in debt. This debt forgiveness is on top of the $2 Billion additional funds the Obama administration plans to provide in foreign aid to the Middle Eastern nation.

U.S. President Barack Obama intends to pledge full support of the newly forming Egyptian government, going so far as to promise forgiving some 1 billion dollars in debt the Muslim nation currently owes the United States taxpayers.

The gesture by Obama is what his administration and certain left-leaning media figures are describing as part of the “Arab Spring” – the hopeful spreading of democracy throughout the Middle East. – Socyberty.com
Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Obama has gone out of his way to show support for the Muslim Brotherhood. Now people make excuses for why he shouldn't get involved and condemn them for their oppression of women and their intention of bringing back slavery. I guess Obama is only allowed to say good things about radical Muslims, but no criticism allowed. Or is that just how he feels about them?
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Quick question....................if you people are so worried about Muslims having some kind of influence on American politics, lemmie ask you one thing.............................

Why is it that you're not worried about Grover Norquist (who got all the GOP congress critters to sign his pledge) having a Pakistani Muslim wife?
Then how is that Egypt, the subject of this thread, apparently wishes to have a form of Sharia AND a Constitution?

Did you miss the part of the constitution that makes religious education compulsory for all schools, including universities, or the part that declares that Islam is the state religion?

Not quite. It says:

Religious education and national history are core subjects of pre-university education in all its forms.

The state religion of Great Bristan is the Episcopal Church, btw. Sharia has also been encoded in Egypt's constitution since 1980.
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Obama has never spoken ill of any Muslims, not even the terrorists. Remember when he said that they (9-11 terrorists) weren't terrorists, merely people who committed acts of terrorism? He, like many liberals, is more interested in making excuses for them than condemning the brand of violence they bring on us. Many try to say we had it coming. Those innocent people, many of whom were children, were rightfully sacrificed because of our Americans ways. Even when 4 of our people were brutally murdered and sodomized on the anniversary of 9-11, the only person Obama condemned was a filmmaker, as if the people who committed the unspeakable acts were not to blame for their own actions. I am so sick of the notion that it's up to the world to be careful what we say because mere words are considered justification for some in the Muslim world to start murdering innocent people. And many refuse to stand up to them. Political correctness is a terrorist's best friend. Why do some want to enable them by covering the truth and pandering to their unreasonable demands? Obama railed against the filmmaker while avoiding even minimal criticism of the cold-blooded killers. He sounded resentful of our freedom of speech in his comments to the U.N. I believe it's a hint of some new oppressive laws to come.

I believe Obama was instrumental in initially banning the mention of God and the refusal to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital at the DNC convention. That would have stood if not for a few media outlets reporting it. The backlash wasn't something the Obama administration wanted to deal with in an election year, so they pretended to hold a vote and changed the platform. It was such a farce. The delegates, a mix of Muslims, communists and Marxists, loudly booed the mention of God and respecting our ally, Israel. The media chose not to place any focus on the large number of Democrats refusing to attend the convention. Maybe they can't stomach the radicals who are running the show.

Obama also met with the MB at the White House. Prior to this, we had a policy in place regarding dealing with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Obama is the one who changed that by bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to the table. He didn't have time for Israel's Netanyahu, though. It's clear where his loyalty is, and it's not with our allies or even with us. When a person looks at a country and says that they want to fundamentally transform it, they aren't saying it's a wonderful country that needs some problems dealt with. They are saying it's a horrible country that is undesirable and needs to be turned into something else. The word "fundamentally" is the big clue here. He disapproves of the foundation this country is built on. He sees our founding fathers' vision as flawed and his ego tells him he can do better. Well, he'll like it better. Not so sure about the real Americans who value their freedom and liberty.

His support of the MB and the supposed democracy in the Middle East is a joke. He supports the Muslim Brotherhood and does so knowing full well what they are about. They are not about freedom, justice or democracy. They are dictators, and likely the most evil ones at that. Women aren't treated as well as animals. I cannot tolerate that and will never be able to get my head around the fact that so many liberals stick up for them after the sadistic way they've treated women over the years.

One day after making a historic speech in calling for Israel to give up Jerusalem, President Obama is planning on providing $3 Billion in cash and debt forgiveness to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
On May 19th, President Obama laid out a plan to forgive Egypt of over $1 Billion in debt. This debt forgiveness is on top of the $2 Billion additional funds the Obama administration plans to provide in foreign aid to the Middle Eastern nation.

U.S. President Barack Obama intends to pledge full support of the newly forming Egyptian government, going so far as to promise forgiving some 1 billion dollars in debt the Muslim nation currently owes the United States taxpayers.

The gesture by Obama is what his administration and certain left-leaning media figures are describing as part of the “Arab Spring” – the hopeful spreading of democracy throughout the Middle East. – Socyberty.com
Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Obama has gone out of his way to show support for the Muslim Brotherhood. Now people make excuses for why he shouldn't get involved and condemn them for their oppression of women and their intention of bringing back slavery. I guess Obama is only allowed to say good things about radical Muslims, but no criticism allowed. Or is that just how he feels about them?

You have all the talking points down pat, don't you?
How come when these right wing claims don't happen, they never feel like fools or idiots, but simply move on to something even more bizarre and unbelievable?

They still believe everything negative posted here about Obama. Surely you've noticed this....doesn't matter how many times their stupidity is debunked, they skip right over the debunking and continue to believe what makes them happy.

Some day someone is going to make a fortune curing Republicans of their delusions.
Obama looks all about him and smiles at all that he has accomplished...
Job well done.

And he has another 4 years to go...
The clowns who wanted to prop up Mubarak now suddenly have 'religion' when it comes to undemocratic regimes?

Obama has never spoken ill of any Muslims, not even the terrorists. Remember when he said that they (9-11 terrorists) weren't terrorists, merely people who committed acts of terrorism? He, like many liberals, is more interested in making excuses for them than condemning the brand of violence they bring on us. Many try to say we had it coming. Those innocent people, many of whom were children, were rightfully sacrificed because of our Americans ways. Even when 4 of our people were brutally murdered and sodomized on the anniversary of 9-11, the only person Obama condemned was a filmmaker, as if the people who committed the unspeakable acts were not to blame for their own actions. I am so sick of the notion that it's up to the world to be careful what we say because mere words are considered justification for some in the Muslim world to start murdering innocent people. And many refuse to stand up to them. Political correctness is a terrorist's best friend. Why do some want to enable them by covering the truth and pandering to their unreasonable demands? Obama railed against the filmmaker while avoiding even minimal criticism of the cold-blooded killers. He sounded resentful of our freedom of speech in his comments to the U.N. I believe it's a hint of some new oppressive laws to come.

I believe Obama was instrumental in initially banning the mention of God and the refusal to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital at the DNC convention. That would have stood if not for a few media outlets reporting it. The backlash wasn't something the Obama administration wanted to deal with in an election year, so they pretended to hold a vote and changed the platform. It was such a farce. The delegates, a mix of Muslims, communists and Marxists, loudly booed the mention of God and respecting our ally, Israel. The media chose not to place any focus on the large number of Democrats refusing to attend the convention. Maybe they can't stomach the radicals who are running the show.

Obama also met with the MB at the White House. Prior to this, we had a policy in place regarding dealing with terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Obama is the one who changed that by bringing the Muslim Brotherhood to the table. He didn't have time for Israel's Netanyahu, though. It's clear where his loyalty is, and it's not with our allies or even with us. When a person looks at a country and says that they want to fundamentally transform it, they aren't saying it's a wonderful country that needs some problems dealt with. They are saying it's a horrible country that is undesirable and needs to be turned into something else. The word "fundamentally" is the big clue here. He disapproves of the foundation this country is built on. He sees our founding fathers' vision as flawed and his ego tells him he can do better. Well, he'll like it better. Not so sure about the real Americans who value their freedom and liberty.

His support of the MB and the supposed democracy in the Middle East is a joke. He supports the Muslim Brotherhood and does so knowing full well what they are about. They are not about freedom, justice or democracy. They are dictators, and likely the most evil ones at that. Women aren't treated as well as animals. I cannot tolerate that and will never be able to get my head around the fact that so many liberals stick up for them after the sadistic way they've treated women over the years.

One day after making a historic speech in calling for Israel to give up Jerusalem, President Obama is planning on providing $3 Billion in cash and debt forgiveness to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
On May 19th, President Obama laid out a plan to forgive Egypt of over $1 Billion in debt. This debt forgiveness is on top of the $2 Billion additional funds the Obama administration plans to provide in foreign aid to the Middle Eastern nation.

U.S. President Barack Obama intends to pledge full support of the newly forming Egyptian government, going so far as to promise forgiving some 1 billion dollars in debt the Muslim nation currently owes the United States taxpayers.

The gesture by Obama is what his administration and certain left-leaning media figures are describing as part of the “Arab Spring” – the hopeful spreading of democracy throughout the Middle East. – Socyberty.com
Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

Obama to provide $3 Billion in support to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt - National Finance Examiner | Examiner.com
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama
Egypt's President-elect Morsi receives congratulatory call from President Obama - National Conservative | Examiner.com

Obama has gone out of his way to show support for the Muslim Brotherhood. Now people make excuses for why he shouldn't get involved and condemn them for their oppression of women and their intention of bringing back slavery. I guess Obama is only allowed to say good things about radical Muslims, but no criticism allowed. Or is that just how he feels about them?

Obama has never spoken ill of any Muslims

That statement is rediculous and a lie.

Obama has bragged openly about killing Ossama and has vowed to take out those who would want to do harm to our country.. "those" being muslim extremists AKA terrorist.
Islam has always been the State religion....LMAO....apparently some people don't get what a state religion mean......
Its the Anglican Church actually, not the Episcopalian.

Then how is that Egypt, the subject of this thread, apparently wishes to have a form of Sharia AND a Constitution?

Did you miss the part of the constitution that makes religious education compulsory for all schools, including universities, or the part that declares that Islam is the state religion?

Not quite. It says:

Religious education and national history are core subjects of pre-university education in all its forms.

The state religion of Great Bristan is the Episcopal Church, btw. Sharia has also been encoded in Egypt's constitution since 1980.
Voting? In Egypt? Morsi just declared himself dictator. The people might still be able to vote, but it's not really going to have an effect. If Morsi wants to reinstate slavery no vote will stop him.

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