Obama Admits He Didn't Want Low Gas Prices

And thanks for being candid about you libs' real stance on the prices.

One by one, you Candy, Carb......all admit you don't want lower prices for working people. Thx
Obama has kept the price above $3.00 his entire presidency. I expect the price to skyrocket if the Dems ever their majority back.

yep, and now it goes down RIGHT BEFORE elections. and we are suppose to be thankful to that "Dear wonderful Leader"
Ummmm, we've caught you in other MASSIVE lie, Candy. He never REALLY wanted prices to go down ....he thinks we should pay prices Europeans pay.

Candy admits her thread was nothing but lie....just propaganda. LOL
Ummmm, we've caught you in other MASSIVE lie, Candy. He never REALLY wanted prices to go down ....he thinks we should pay prices Europeans pay.


that won't bother her. she be a faithful Obot cult member one of few in the 30% approval of him
He gives his reasons for wanting prices to be higher right there in the video
No surprise. There are many ways to facilitate the financial crippling of an economy and he knows them all. We are getting there fast. $3.88 a gal for regular, here.
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

It must be due to the stellar work of HRC as Obama's Secretary of State come to think of it.
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

It must be due to the stellar work of HRC as Obama's Secretary of State come to think of it.
I thought it was Bidens sons working with the Ukraine gas company
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

It must be due to the stellar work of HRC as Obama's Secretary of State come to think of it.
I thought it was Bidens sons working with the Ukraine gas company

Whatever it was, thanks again Mr. President for getting the price of gas below $3 in parts of the nation.
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

It must be due to the stellar work of HRC as Obama's Secretary of State come to think of it.
I thought it was Bidens sons working with the Ukraine gas company

Whatever it was, thanks again Mr. President for getting the price of gas below $3 in parts of the nation.
I'm sure he thanks you too for helping herd 'em in.
Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

It must be due to the stellar work of HRC as Obama's Secretary of State come to think of it.
I thought it was Bidens sons working with the Ukraine gas company

Whatever it was, thanks again Mr. President for getting the price of gas below $3 in parts of the nation.

LOL. Not only have we beat you at your little propaganda ploy of stating a lie for a thread title - it was easy to counter that with FACTUAL thread titles about gas prices - but we're successfully destroying any credibility you had left on ANYTHING. That's what happens when you not only lie incessantly but ADMIT IT. LOL

Ooops, it sucks to be Candy.

Gas prices are below $3.00 a gallon.

Thank your Mr. President.

Thanks to our President, I paid $2.97 yesterday
Little liberals and the games they play. CC admit the falsehood but repeats it for others to glom onto and have the idiots who still don't know there is an election coming up vote for phony reasons.

Repeat a lie....

The reason she's doing it is because people keep replying to her thread and bumping it to the first page....and therefore playing into her hands.

I keep trying to explain it to them :)

What they should do is answer any posts over there .......in one of the ACCURATE gas prices threads such as this one. :)
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Of course I forgot to mention that we're doing a pincer movement on her and surrounding her lying ass though, LOL.

Two gas threads with accurate titles are beating out her gas thread with lying title.

So not only are we surrounding her with true titles for people to read (most people don't read the actual posts inside), she's walked right into the trap of destroying her own cred on all issues. And that was exactly the trap I set. :)

She admits in all the threads that she has lied. What better gift could one want.

And no, Candy, Obama did not cause prices to drop!!! LOL

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