Obama Admits Syria Strategy Has Failed

We need to work with Russia to help Assad take back control of Syria. This is the only real choice.
holy toledo.

Thank you......geeze louize what made you understand this?

I am floored. But I'm one happy camper that you listenend in the debate.

Man that makes me happy. Not win or lose but Matthew you listened. Doesnt matter witch way the vote goes. You listened and made a choice.
red her·ring
noun: red herring; plural noun: red herrings
  1. 1.
    a dried smoked herring, which is turned red by the smoke.
  2. 2.
    something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.
    "the book is fast-paced, exciting, and full of red herrings"
1. why are you asking for a plan for Republicans????????
are they in power? are you admitting obama is inept and helpless???

2. does obama not have his own plan?
3. does he not have a Cabinet for such things?
4. does anybody IN HIS PARTY have a plan?

red herring much???

ur a joke g5000
Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn ...
The Daily Beast
Sep 9, 2014 - Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn't Want ... that they don't feel they need congressional authorization to go after ISIS, but .... The Joker says to Batman, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest ...

JUST FOR YOU g5000!!!!!
That was a year later.

Here's the chain of events for you goldfish:

1. Obama announces he intends to bomb Syria.

2. GOP shits its pants and demands Obama get approval from Congress, and then begins howling very publicly against bombing Assad.

3. Obama goes along and asks Congress to give him the green light.

4. A resolution to strike Syria is drafted, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves it. EVERY Republican on the Committee voted against it, EVERY Democrat voted for it save one Democrat who abstained.

5. The resolution, having passed the FRC is sent to the full Senate for a vote.

6. The GOP threatens a filibuster, and since there aren't the necessary 60 votes to stop them, the resolution dies.

AT NO POINT does the GOP say what should be done about Syria, and so NOTHING is done about Syria, in full accordance with the GOP's plan for EVERYTHING.
Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn ...
The Daily Beast
Sep 9, 2014 - Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn't Want ... that they don't feel they need congressional authorization to go after ISIS, but .... The Joker says to Batman, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest ...

JUST FOR YOU g5000!!!!!
That was a year later.

Here's the chain of events for you goldfish:

1. Obama announces he intends to bomb Syria.

2. GOP shits its pants and demands Obama get approval from Congress, and then begins howling very publicly against bombing Assad.

3. Obama goes along and asks Congress to give him the green light.

4. A resolution to strike Syria is drafted, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves it. EVERY Republican on the Committee voted against it, EVERY Democrat voted for it save one Democrat who abstained.

5. The resolution, having passed the FRC is sent to the full Senate for a vote.

6. The GOP threatens a filibuster, and since there aren't the necessary 60 votes to stop them, the resolution dies.

AT NO POINT did the GOP say what should be done about Syria, and so NOTHING is done about Syria.

what is truly patetic is that you dont know when to quit; it's awkward and embarrassing to witness. i pity you actually
the whole issue is one of those RED HERRINGa you accused me of; since it isnt the role of the Party not in power to make a plan up for the President, that is what his Cabinet is for

you are simply a massively hypocritical douchebag for accusing me of using red herrings when in fact it is what you are doing NOW
you are also a weird little freak for not giving up and salvaging your dignity
just goes to show you what a overblown opinon of ones self can do to somebody

you have been made a fool of g5000 yet your wounded pride wont allow you to quit
Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn ...
The Daily Beast
Sep 9, 2014 - Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn't Want ... that they don't feel they need congressional authorization to go after ISIS, but .... The Joker says to Batman, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest ...

JUST FOR YOU g5000!!!!!
That was a year later.

Here's the chain of events for you goldfish:

1. Obama announces he intends to bomb Syria.

2. GOP shits its pants and demands Obama get approval from Congress, and then begins howling very publicly against bombing Assad.

3. Obama goes along and asks Congress to give him the green light.

4. A resolution to strike Syria is drafted, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves it. EVERY Republican on the Committee voted against it, EVERY Democrat voted for it save one Democrat who abstained.

5. The resolution, having passed the FRC is sent to the full Senate for a vote.

6. The GOP threatens a filibuster, and since there aren't the necessary 60 votes to stop them, the resolution dies.

AT NO POINT did the GOP say what should be done about Syria, and so NOTHING is done about Syria.

what is truly patetic is that you dont know when to quit; it's awkward and embarrassing to witness. i pity you actually
the whole issue is one of those RED HERRINGa you accused me of; since it isnt the role of the Party not in power to make a plan up for the President, that is what his Cabinet is for

you are simply a massively hypocritical douchebag for accusing me of using red herrings when in fact it is what you are doing NOW
you are also a weird little freak for not giving up and salvaging your dignity
It's not a red herring to ask someone who opposes an action what should be done instead, retard. It is the obvious next question!

And the GOP ALWAYS comes up empty handed.

It is a sign of sheer cowardice they, and you, have no alternative plan of action. The GOP doesn't have the guts to put a plan on the table and accept the risks of such a plan.

Cowards. Yellow bellies. Chickenshits.
It's funny. I asked, and I asked, and I asked, and I asked the rubes what we should do about Syria and/or ISIS back when Republicans were pissing their pants over Obama wanting to bomb Syria. They pitched such a hissy fit over the idea, Obama caved in to them.

I'm STILL waiting for them to answer.

You should nothing to do with Syria. They can't give you an answer because they were trying to overthrow Assad because they wanted to install another failed but to them a very regional Muslim Brotherhood.

They failed. They fucked up. And thank the heavens they fucked up.
Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn ...
The Daily Beast
Sep 9, 2014 - Republicans Offer Obama ISIS War Authorization He Doesn't Want ... that they don't feel they need congressional authorization to go after ISIS, but .... The Joker says to Batman, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest ...

JUST FOR YOU g5000!!!!!
That was a year later.

Here's the chain of events for you goldfish:

1. Obama announces he intends to bomb Syria.

2. GOP shits its pants and demands Obama get approval from Congress, and then begins howling very publicly against bombing Assad.

3. Obama goes along and asks Congress to give him the green light.

4. A resolution to strike Syria is drafted, and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves it. EVERY Republican on the Committee voted against it, EVERY Democrat voted for it save one Democrat who abstained.

5. The resolution, having passed the FRC is sent to the full Senate for a vote.

6. The GOP threatens a filibuster, and since there aren't the necessary 60 votes to stop them, the resolution dies.

AT NO POINT did the GOP say what should be done about Syria, and so NOTHING is done about Syria.

what is truly patetic is that you dont know when to quit; it's awkward and embarrassing to witness. i pity you actually
the whole issue is one of those RED HERRINGa you accused me of; since it isnt the role of the Party not in power to make a plan up for the President, that is what his Cabinet is for

you are simply a massively hypocritical douchebag for accusing me of using red herrings when in fact it is what you are doing NOW
you are also a weird little freak for not giving up and salvaging your dignity
It's not a red herring to ask someone who opposes an action what should be done instead, retard.

It is a sign of sheer cowardice they, and you, have no alternative plan of action. The GOP doesn't have the guts to put a plan on the table and accept the risks of such a plan.

Cowards. Yellow bellies. Chickenshits.

um yes it IS a red herring you idiot since the first people who should be asked the question you aer referring to are HIS OWN PARTY WHO FAILED TO SUPORT HIM ON IT

second you mindless moron; that question should be posed to HIS OWN ADVISORS once he failed to get congressional approval

all of that comes before asking the other Party

you're just making a damn fool or yourself
It's funny. I asked, and I asked, and I asked, and I asked the rubes what we should do about Syria and/or ISIS back when Republicans were pissing their pants over Obama wanting to bomb Syria. They pitched such a hissy fit over the idea, Obama caved in to them.

I'm STILL waiting for them to answer.

You should nothing to do with Syria. They can't give you an answer because they were trying to overthrow Assad because they wanted to install another failed but to them a very regional Muslim Brotherhood.

They failed. They fucked up. And thank the heavens they fucked up.
It isn't over. ISISBOOMBAH still has a very good chance of succeeding.

But at least you put yourself out there and plainly said we should do nothing about it. Thank you.

If the GOP wants America to do nothing, they should say it plainly like you just did.
Since you insist on using this canard; show me where it is the responsibility of the minority Party not in power to come up with an alternative plan on military intervention or national security matters

i'm waiting dullard...................
obama's own Party wanted him to do nothing

tsk tsk tsk

what is their alternative plan leftard???

LEADER: I want to bomb Syria.

COWARDS: Oh hell no!

ONLOOKER: What should we do instead then?

COWARDS: Red herring! Red herring!

all you really did was admit what a weak and inept President we have

thanks. it is so typical of people like you to be too busy trying to stick to a narrative or meme to not realize the implications of what you are actually saying

obama's own Party wanted him to do nothing

Untrue. The Senate FRC passed a resolution to strike Syria. Every Democrat, save one who abstained, voted for the strike. The Democrats who opposed the strike were in a minority.

The Republicans threatened a filibuster to stop it.

Try again.

And the only whiners I heard opposing the strike on this forum at the time were all right wing. Just as I said earlier, I asked and I asked and I asked them what we should do instead.

Dead silence.
LEADER: I want to bomb Syria.

COWARDS: Oh hell no!

ONLOOKER: What should we do instead then?

COWARDS: Red herring! Red herring!


this is what you have been reduced to.....................................


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