Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?
The party of Old White Men will get around to it, as soon as their corporate masters figure out how to make ending racism pay or using it to avoid taxes.

Ah, another idiot to place on ignore, thanks for reminding me...
And yet another child runs away from reality. Run to mommy Sweetheart, she'll protect you.
You are as connected to reality as Pluto is similar to the Earth
Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.
ROFL biggest racist POS in this country... lecturing us on racism.

Yep, only a fucking idiot would claim that Obama hasn't made things WORSE.

Pitiful to, that could have been his legacy to finally END the racism.

I mean seriously. how much good could he have done if ONE time he would have stood up in the White House and said " Look , in THIS instance, the black man was wrong to claim racism?"

And NO ONE is truly stupid enough to believe that in 6 years Obama simply hasn't seen an instance of black man claiming racism where none existed.
Democrats benefit from racism. Why would they want to end a good thing?

If that's true the GOP should be working hard to end racism. I wonder why they aren't?
The party of Old White Men will get around to it, as soon as their corporate masters figure out how to make ending racism pay or using it to avoid taxes.
Still hanging on to that old and seriously debunked cliche?......
Which one, the one about a party that is 87% white?
Obama and Holder are just making racism worse in America and have set racial relations back to where they were in the 60's.
They love fanning the flames of racism and would love to see the whole thing go up in flames.
Obama and Holder are just making racism worse in America and have set racial relations back to where they were in the 60's.
They love fanning the flames of racism and would love to see the whole thing go up in flames.
The 60's, when it was perfectly legal not to sell your house to a ****** or a Jew? Not even close.
Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.
OH? How so?
Look you peyote smoking bone smuggler, your people spent centuries enslaving each other, slaughtering each other and eating their own offspring.
So shut the fuck up...And, You are ALL descended from....wait for it.......WHITE Europeans.....
So you can take your sense of moral superiority and cram it in your shit encrusted crack.
Obama: America's 'Deeply Rooted' Racism Will Take Time To Tackle

Even more, now that our first black President made it worse.

In the conservatives version of history I've personally heard spoken of many times, the slaves didn't really have it as bad as some say. No, they were given a place to live and a livelihood. They seem to interpret that movie, Song of the South, as if it was meant as a biographical depiction of how happy slaves really were.

No doubt, in this depiction of history, people who were trying to set the slaves free were rabble rousers who fostered race hatred by trying to disrupt an equitable system that provide the po' Black folk with a job and a home.

Do conservatives really think most people that that kind of tripe seriously? It only serves to make conservatives look like the racists other people say they are.
What the hell are you yammering about?
Genius, nobody cares about that shit.
How is acknowledging and discussing the facts and statistics of racism considered "fanning the flames of racism"...?
How is acknowledging and discussing the facts and statistics of racism considered "fanning the flames of racism"...?
Because Whitey likes to pretend that racism doesn't exist, and it annoys them when you mention it.
Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.
OH? How so?
Look you peyote smoking bone smuggler, your people spent centuries enslaving each other, slaughtering each other and eating their own offspring.
So shut the fuck up...And, You are ALL descended from....wait for it.......WHITE Europeans.....
So you can take your sense of moral superiority and cram it in your shit encrusted crack.

Actually, we are all descendants of dark blacks in Africa. Lucy was our mommy...
How is acknowledging and discussing the facts and statistics of racism considered "fanning the flames of racism"...?

As Morgan Freeman said, racism is in your head.

So yes, bring it up over and over and over and over and over again non-stop 24/7 via the media and then having the supreme ruler come out and talk about how bad whitey is, in fact, only fans the flames. It does absolutely nothing else.

Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.
OH? How so?
Look you peyote smoking bone smuggler, your people spent centuries enslaving each other, slaughtering each other and eating their own offspring.
So shut the fuck up...And, You are ALL descended from....wait for it.......WHITE Europeans.....
So you can take your sense of moral superiority and cram it in your shit encrusted crack.

Actually, we are all descendants of ******* in Africa.
It is YOU who claim to be indigenous people to North America.
Your bubble has been burst. There goes your advantage. Tough shit.
Is there any race of humans that whites haven't severely fucked over? I can't think of any.

Melanin count does not make anybody any better or worse than anyone with a different melanin count than theirs. In WW2 people with a low melanin count killed far more people who also had low melanin counts than they killed people with high melanin counts throughout all history. So no skin color discrimination can be faulted there.

It's a petty, pathetic conversation that hopefully won't exist anymore in a few decades once the remaining generations of racists die off.
As the slave picks up a tree branch to protect himself from from his plantation owner who is raising a whip to beat him, the slave owner says the following:

"Your actions in defying my lawful authority, and encouraging disobedience among your fellow slaves, and finally running away is sowing racial discord on our otherwise peaceful and harmonious God-given plantation which is a blessing from the Lord." You must be punished in accordance with our laws in order that we may reestablish the racial harmony which has benefited you and your family as well as me and mine."
Mustang......Keeping the idiot rhetoric festering with non sequiturs

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