Obama amnesty means drivers license for 400.000 illegals in CA


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Which means they'll be able to vote and that's what obozo is after.

California poised to grant driver's licenses to young illegal immigrants - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

Published: Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 1A

California is on the verge of allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses for the first time in nearly two decades.

The issue of granting driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants has raged in the Legislature for much of the past decade, without resolution, but fighting is largely moot now due to a new federal policy.

President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals gives a select group of undocumented immigrants the right to live and work in the United States for two years without fear of deportation.

California is laying the groundwork for extending the privilege to driving, too, for an estimated 400,000 immigrants.

"It appears that young people who receive federal deferrals will be eligible for California driver's licenses," the Department of Motor Vehicles said in a written statement Tuesday
1st, you're an idiot.

2nd, I'm sure California is happy about the boost in income.
Now millions of young illegals will be able to join the ranks of American born anchor babies and get welfare too!
That's okay by me. California is a liberal piece of shit state already. Let them stew in their own juices!
This is treason. Mexico is our enemy and again we see obozo and the state of CA giving aid to the enemy. By the constitution, that is treason.
Since California is a lost cause anyway, maybe this will encourage illegals in other states to move there.

It does infuriate me though, but I'm not surprised. Nothing surprises me anymore, up is down.
Which means they'll be able to vote and that's what obozo is after.

California poised to grant driver's licenses to young illegal immigrants - Capitol and California - The Sacramento Bee

Published: Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 1A

California is on the verge of allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses for the first time in nearly two decades.

The issue of granting driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants has raged in the Legislature for much of the past decade, without resolution, but fighting is largely moot now due to a new federal policy.

President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals gives a select group of undocumented immigrants the right to live and work in the United States for two years without fear of deportation.

California is laying the groundwork for extending the privilege to driving, too, for an estimated 400,000 immigrants.

"It appears that young people who receive federal deferrals will be eligible for California driver's licenses," the Department of Motor Vehicles said in a written statement Tuesday

It won't help in CA, The GOP wrote that looney-tune state off , long ago.
The Republican Party better get on the stick and start pushing for immigration reform that actually works or they will be making a strategic mistake of historical proportions. Their bungling of the immigration issue will go down as the GOP's Vietnam.

Mexican-Americans are a natural fit for the Republican Party. They are hard working, devoutly Christian, and extremely family oriented. They would make a rock solid, indestructible core of the party.

Instead, the GOP is painting Mexicans as a bunch of job stealing wetbacks, rapists, and murderers.

Way to go!

If you look at the employment figures for the period just prior to the recession, we had full employment with the same number, if not more, of illegal immigrants we have today.

This tells us TWO things.

First, illegal immigrants are not stealing jobs.

Second, our legal immigrant supply is not meeting the labor demand.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crop and the government only allows him 10 legal migrant workers, he is going to be forced to hire 40 illegals.

Therefore, a policy of punishing employers is about as stupid as it gets. The government created the situation, and punishing the employers for the government's idiocy is just squaring that idiocy.

One of the few intelligent things George Bush ever did was to attempt to reform our immigration policy to allow more immigrants to come here legally to work. But the more mentally retarded bigots of his own party sabotaged his efforts.

Well done! The dumb shits are blowing the opportunity of a lifetime to secure the votes of millions of citizens who are of Hispanic ancestry. You think they don't notice the stereotyping and virulent opposition to their brethren who are trying support their families?

We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.

The current GOP policy toward immigrants is one of the most idiotic self-inflicted political wounds I have seen in my lifetime.

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A new disorder could be named after the op

His obsession with all things automobile related is kinda disturbing
Which means they'll be able to vote and that's what obozo is after.

to vote they must have a Voter's Registration Card ... drivers license is just a photo ID rightwingers are obsessed with.
sigh - the board notes that all you libs have is childish namecalling.

No one listens to AmyNation.

From the man who thinks illegals will be voting in California, that is quite an insult.

"From the man who thinks illegals will be voting in California"

BIG BIG CHALLENGE: Put up or STFU where did I ever say that!

Besides being a stupid ass...add FUCKING LIAR to your resume!

See below asshole:
Quote: Originally Posted by asaratis That's okay by me. California is a liberal piece of shit state already. Let them stew in their own juices!
But these illegals will now vote and help re-elect obozo. That harms you too.


You can run AmyNation, but you can't hide...YOUR stupidity, that is! Thanks for proving my point!
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Now millions of young illegals will be able to join the ranks of American born anchor babies and get welfare too!

When they aren't playing bumper cars on I-5 because they cannot read English.
The Republican Party better get on the stick and start pushing for immigration reform that actually works or they will be making a strategic mistake of historical proportions. Their bungling of the immigration issue will go down as the GOP's Vietnam.

Mexican-Americans are a natural fit for the Republican Party. They are hard working, devoutly Christian, and extremely family oriented. They would make a rock solid, indestructible core of the party.

Instead, the GOP is painting Mexicans as a bunch of job stealing wetbacks, rapists, and murderers.

Way to go!

If you look at the employment figures for the period just prior to the recession, we had full employment with the same number, if not more, of illegal immigrants we have today.

This tells us TWO things.

First, illegal immigrants are not stealing jobs.

Second, our legal immigrant supply is not meeting the labor demand.

If a farmer needs 50 people to harvest his crop and the government only allows him 10 legal migrant workers, he is going to be forced to hire 40 illegals.

Therefore, a policy of punishing employers is about as stupid as it gets. The government created the situation, and punishing the employers for the government's idiocy is just squaring that idiocy.

One of the few intelligent things George Bush ever did was to attempt to reform our immigration policy to allow more immigrants to come here legally to work. But the more mentally retarded bigots of his own party sabotaged his efforts.

Well done! The dumb shits are blowing the opportunity of a lifetime to secure the votes of millions of citizens who are of Hispanic ancestry. You think they don't notice the stereotyping and virulent opposition to their brethren who are trying support their families?

We are a nation of immigrants. A constant source of new blood is one of the key factors that made us the greatest nation on Earth.

The current GOP policy toward immigrants is one of the most idiotic self-inflicted political wounds I have seen in my lifetime.


I agree. I have no problem with people who want to come here and contribute to society. I do have an issue with illegal aliens demanding rights.
I moved away from California two and a half years ago. It was the best decision I have ever made. It's just not the same anymore. All the illegals have ruined it. With the exception of a few refuges, it's a cesspool.

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