Obama and NATO form coalition against Russia and ISIS

Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.

So we'll be raising taxes to handle that extra expense?
That's the key, Dillo. I agree we are a very long way from getting it, much less turning it.
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.

So we'll be raising taxes to handle that extra expense?
Yeah just like we have to raise taxes for the extra expense of things like Obamacare and a thousand other things,
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.

So we'll be raising taxes to handle that extra expense?
Yeah just like we have to raise taxes for the extra expense of things like Obamacare and a thousand other things,
He didn't cry about taxes from obmacare did he? Libtarfs are such idiots.
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.

So we'll be raising taxes to handle that extra expense?
Yeah just like we have to raise taxes for the extra expense of things like Obamacare and a thousand other things,

The Republicans won't raise taxes to pay for it.
as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

You've woke up a day late and several million US taxpayer dollars short on arming Ukraine with heavy weapons. The Chocolate King of broke and economically devastated Ukraine, and who's been possessed with genocidal lunacy against Russian-speaking Ukrainians the past few months, has just agreed to pull heavy weapons away from the civilian cities located in Eastern Ukraine.

A ceasefire has gone into effect because Porishenko has hopefully
realized that committing genocide is wrong and his country has no money to wage war on people who only want to be left alone from the rightwing anti-Russian nutjobs that have taken over much of control of the central government in Kiev.

Arming the Chocolate King's suffering and retreating army right now would extend the needless bloodshed.

Let the ceasefire continue.

Also attending the NATO summit, Poroshenko told reporters Ukraine was ready to grant a significant decentralization of power and economic freedom to the regions as well as the right to use the language of their choice and an amnesty.

Ukraine pro-Russian rebels reach ceasefire deal


MINSK (Reuters) - Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels reached a ceasefire agreement on Friday, the first step toward ending fighting in eastern Ukraine that has caused the worst standoff between Moscow and the West since the Cold War ended.

The ceasefire deal was struck in the Belarussian capital Minsk along with a deal allowing for prisoner exchanges, deliveries of humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of heavy weapons after five months of a conflict that has killed more than 2,600 people.

And we need to hold the Chocolate King to his word to stop committing genocide this time;

"Human life is the highest value. We must do everything possible and impossible to end the bloodshed and put an end to people's suffering," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said in a statement announcing the truce, reached with representatives of Russia and the OSCE security watchdog.

The Kremlin welcomed the agreement, based largely on proposals made by President Vladimir Putin and leaving the pro-Russian separatists in control of vast swaths of territory.

Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, urged the sides to build on the deal and seek a permanent political settlement, although many problems remain and an earlier June ceasefire lasted only 10 days.
Ceasefire watch in Ukraine is on:

10:36pm, Fri 5 Sep 2014
Ukraine-Russia ceasefire: Who blinked first?

Ukrainian servicemen ride on an armoured vehicle in Mariupol. Credit: Reuters
By James Mates: Europe Editor from Mariupol, east Ukraine

It has been a quiet evening here in Mariupol - almost unnaturally quiet so used are we to the booms of artillery.

There are no reports of any breaches of today's announced ceasefire elsewhere in east Ukraine, but nonetheless it is hard not to share Barack Obama's scepticism.

The two sides are miles apart - the rebels insisting that they are going to separate from Ukraine, and the Ukrainians insisting they will hold on to their territorial integrity.

The real question here is who blinked to bring this ceasefire into being.


Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko announced the ceasefire from the Nato summit in Wales today. Credit: Reuters
Was it, as President Obama suggested in his press conference, Russia buckling under the weight of sanctions and sanctions still to come?

Or was it - and I think this is much more likely - a case of the Ukrainians trying to cut their losses?

Ukraine-Russia ceasefire Who blinked first - ITV News

As long as the Choco King stays 'backed down' this should continue to hold.
There's no way of knowing what's going on behind the scenes, either domestically or internationally. No doubt a lot is being done that we don't know about, so judging Obama's actions based only on what we can see doesn't seem to make a ton of sense.

I wan't playing, and it is only funny to an Obama tool.

I was referring to two acts that Bush signed into law. One was the Patriot Act and the second was the Dept of Homeland Security;

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of the United States federal government, created in response to the September 11 attacks, and with the primary responsibilities of protecting the United States and its territories(including protectorates) from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters.

43 should have used those tools pre 911

Those tools did not exist pre 911.
if obama had any brains he would from a coalition WITH Russia against ISIS. ISIS poses as much danger to Russia as it does to europe and the US.
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.
From all indications, the Dallas Cowboys will field a team this year also. Results should be similar.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).
Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon bombing were terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland.

nothing but minor workplace violence.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).

Boston is not part of the US Mainland? Obama was even warned about the brothers but he let them attach the Boston Marathon anyway
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.

Sounds like O doesn't have a strategy and is clueless as ever.

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