Obama and NATO form coalition against Russia and ISIS

Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).
Bush handed Obama the tools to prevent terrorist attack on the US Mainland.
Clinton handed osama for Bush to handle. Lactaidoda is too busy kissing obamashitforbrains arse to know the truth.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right. (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination)
I think you should have waited to make those statements until the location of the missing Libyan airliners is known. What do you think, Chief?

You can guess what I think.
I don't think you think at all.
So sanctions on Russia have failed. Now he's going to create a vapid deployment force. Hell Im sure Putin is quaking at that one.
There was no decisive action. Everything is somewhere in the future. Obama is leading from behind, yet again, letting others set his agenda. This announcement will be forgotten in the next spin cycle. As soon as the Democrat Doves come out criticizing military involvement Obama will announce the US will have only an advisory role.

What would you have us do against Russia? Specifically.
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.

Sounds like the players lining up pre-1914.
Unless NaziCons want all out nuclear war with Russia - they should just STFU and let the professionals do their jobs.
“One day the great European War will come out of some damned foolish thing in the Balkans (Otto Von Bismarck, 1888).”

No, the Ukraine isn't in the Balkans, but it's close enough...
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

I'm curious why you want the US to get involved with an internal Ukrainian affair. Do you even know what the separatists demands are ?
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).
Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon bombing were terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland.

From Americans, podjo.

The key will be to get Arab military ground units (Saudi Arabia and Turkey along with the Iraqis supported by the Iranians -- told you reactionary far right meat heads the two nations would become buddies -- to operate under an allied Christian air shield.
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

I'm curious why you want the US to get involved with an internal Ukrainian affair. Do you even know what the separatists demands are ?
This was the same way Hitler began his power grab across Europe the reaction from the rest of world back then was very much like it is today that led to a world war a part of history I would rather not see repeated.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).
Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon bombing were terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland.

From Americans, podjo.

The key will be to get Arab military ground units (Saudi Arabia and Turkey along with the Iraqis supported by the Iranians -- told you reactionary far right meat heads the two nations would become buddies -- to operate under an allied Christian air shield.
What does this post of yours have to do with my response to Lakhota?
I answered the silly first part of the previous comment and continued on.

Let's put Boston and the Major where the belong: American terrorists on American soil.
Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

I'm curious why you want the US to get involved with an internal Ukrainian affair. Do you even know what the separatists demands are ?
This was the same way Hitler began his power grab across Europe the reaction from the rest of world back then was very much like it is today that led to a world war a part of history I would rather not see repeated.

If the US hadn't set the coup in motion that started this whole mess I might agree with you.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).
Major Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon bombing were terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland.

From Americans, podjo.

The key will be to get Arab military ground units (Saudi Arabia and Turkey along with the Iraqis supported by the Iranians -- told you reactionary far right meat heads the two nations would become buddies -- to operate under an allied Christian air shield.

Turkey is far from being eager to help-----they don't even consider ISIS to be a threat to them. Not sure what good they even are to NATO at this point.

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