Obama and NATO form coalition against Russia and ISIS

Actions speak louder than words so far this is just words.

And what actions should occur?
Full scale bombing against ISIS and providing heavy weapons directly to the Kurd's to fight them as well as providing Ukraine with heavy weapons to fight against the Russian backed separatist.

Who's paying for that? Me?
Yes along with every other taxpayer who has to pay for stuff that don't agree with.

So we'll be raising taxes to handle that extra expense?
Yeah just like we have to raise taxes for the extra expense of things like Obamacare and a thousand other things,

The Republicans won't raise taxes to pay for it.
It will get attached to a bill or become part of some deal government always finds away to raise taxes.
There's no way of knowing what's going on behind the scenes, either domestically or internationally. No doubt a lot is being done that we don't know about, so judging Obama's actions based only on what we can see doesn't seem to make a ton of sense.


Too True!!! Seeing him in a golf cart certainly doesn't mean he is golfing.
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.

Sounds like O doesn't have a strategy and is clueless as ever.

I think he should use a six iron.
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.

Sounds like O doesn't have a strategy and is clueless as ever.

I think he should use a six iron.
Uh....NATO was formed to counter Russia.

Obama didn't create some alliance against Russia.

The reality is that ISIS and Russia are causing trouble is because of Obama and other limp dicks in Europe. Giving them credit for figuring out they fucked up is ludicrous.
Western leaders announced two major initiatives at the NATO summit in Wales on Friday, in an effort to show decisive action in the face of growing global threats.

NATO member states voted on Friday to form a "rapid response force" aimed at countering Russian aggression, while reassuring the organization's eastern member states that they would be protected in case of encroachment onto their territory. Countries such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fear that Moscow may target them next.

NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Friday that the creation of the force sends a clear message to any potential aggressor. "Should you even think of attacking one ally, you will be facing the whole alliance," Rasmussen said, according to the Associated Press.

Also on Friday, the United Statesannounced in Wales that it was spearheading a "core coalition" to battle the militants of the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS. Since launching a lightning offensive in Iraq last June, IS has captured swathes of land in Iraq in addition to territory in Syria, and its fighters have been accused of brutal crimes and human rights offenses.

The core group consists of 10 nations, including France, Germany, and Britain.

Martin Lidegaard, foreign minister of Denmark, one of the members of the core group, explained on Friday that the countries aim to fight the extremist group on several fronts. "It is not only about a military effort, it is also about stopping the financial contributions to ISIS, to coordinate intelligence, it is about stopping foreign fighters, young people from our own societies," Lidegaard said, according to the AP.

Global Surge Leaders Announce Major Initiatives Against Russia And Islamic State

Sounds like President Obama and NATO have a plan to contain Russia and defeat ISIS.

Odd that you would be thrilled with Obama teaming with such a mega war hawk like Rasmussen. He believed that not only did Saddam have WMD's but he believed that he and other nations had the right to kill Saddam because he was a bad guy.

Strange Lakhota. Very strange that you would back Obama wanting to throw in with a man who wants to go to war with half the world.

And I find it more bizarre that all you left wing Obamabots are thrilled at Obama's sabre rattling against Putin.

He'll give you WWIII if you keep begging for it.

"Iraq has WMDs. It is not something we think, it is something we know. Iraq has itself admitted that it has had mustard gas, nerve gas, anthrax, but Saddam won't disclose. He won't tell us where and how these weapons have been destroyed. We know this from the UN inspectors, so there is no doubt in my mind."


Anders Fogh Rasmussen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
td, stop your wailing. You are lib far more than con, but you are acting emotionally like one.
There's no way of knowing what's going on behind the scenes, either domestically or internationally. No doubt a lot is being done that we don't know about, so judging Obama's actions based only on what we can see doesn't seem to make a ton of sense.


Too True!!! Seeing him in a golf cart certainly doesn't mean he is golfing.

True many top executives use golf as a meeting..
Uh....NATO was formed to counter Russia.

Obama didn't create some alliance against Russia.

The reality is that ISIS and Russia are causing trouble is because of Obama and other limp dicks in Europe. Giving them credit for figuring out they fucked up is ludicrous.

horse pucky: Bush et al made the mess, BHO has not been able to clean it up on his own, and the fact of the matter is that if the Arabs do not employ ground forces under a Christian air shield, ISIL/ISIS will hang around.

td probably understands Ukraine better than any one on the board, and she is confused how to resolve it.

Difficult times.
horse pucky: Bush et al made the mess, BHO has not been able to clean it up on his own, and the fact of the matter is that if the Arabs do not employ ground forces under a Christian air shield, ISIL/ISIS will hang around.

td probably understands Ukraine better than any one on the board, and she is confused how to resolve it.

Difficult times.

Jake I think you know me for being a dog on a bone and truth is truly what counts to me whether or not truth falls against my political party.

I'm ready to mobilize up here and put more than my voice into action against my governments continued support of the thugs in Kiev who have killed over 2,500 in Eastern Ukraine (that's the best estimate I can come up with for now).

We've not talked lately. I am not confused on how to resolve this at this point in time. I fully support a cease fire but Kiev has to abide by it as do the pro Russian Ukrainians in the east.

Now to ISIS. I am not just slagging Obama on this. I am at Harper and Cameron and others as well. I've been spending more of my time driving issues regarding ISIS and now Levant in Germany, France and Britain to wake up their souls on how our damned idiotic leaders have led us into this bizarre situation with ISIS/IS and the Caliphate.

Open your eyes Jake. Follow the time lines I have put up. Don't look like a fool blaming Bush for ISIS.

You can blame Bush for so much but not this one baby. ISIS now IS is Obama/Harper/Cameron and others.

Not opinion. Fact. Damned if I know by the way how the hell we got dragged into this dogs breakfast.

But if Harper fucks up one more time like he did with the Ukraine, Libya, Syria, and Egypt I'm ready to either bail from the Conservative party up here and fade into this good night or cross the floor to the Liberals depending of course on how much influence I would hold.

For those that don't know the Canuck political system we are fluid. We have liberal Conservatives as many as Liberals have Conservatives and with Jack gone from the NDP our next election will be a battle between the two because Mulcair has been a fool not to see his enemy has always been Trudeau and not Harper.

I digress. :) Still making jalapeno jelly and salsa. I blame everything on the fumes.
Unlike Bush, Obama has prevented terrorists attacks on the U.S. mainland. Nothing Obama could do would satisfy the right (save the jokes about resignation and suicide and assassination).

I've decided to adopt "The Obama Strategy: Blame the previous Administration"

Thus, I Blame Clinton for 9/11.
No one is a fool for blaming Bush for unleashing the genie in the ME. That I won't even argue, other than point out the someone is wrong when they say it isn't B's fault.

If you disagree because BHO is not sufficiently war hawk, remember that most of his voters agreed with that postion.

A cease fire in Ukraine will solve nothing, unless Putin agrees and then does what he agrees to and pull his forces and influence out of Ukraine. He won't. He is imperialistic as any czar or commissar.
Obama is spearheading the "core coalition" against ISIS. Read the OP.

actually your OP is full of shit. if you click the actual link, the US does not say "spearhead" at all.

try liarkhota...
No one is a fool for blaming Bush for unleashing the genie in the ME. That I won't even argue, other than point out the someone is wrong when they say it isn't B's fault.

If you disagree because BHO is not sufficiently war hawk, remember that most of his voters agreed with that postion.

A cease fire in Ukraine will solve nothing, unless Putin agrees and then does what he agrees to and pull his forces and influence out of Ukraine. He won't. He is imperialistic as any czar or commissar.

What are the demands of the separatists ? Is there any evidence at all of Russian intent to take over the entire Ukraine ? Were than any signs of Russian aggression PRIOR to the US backed coup ?
Asswipe....Obama is to blame for ISIL/ISIS gaining power in Syria and going into Iraq after Obama pulled all US troops out of Iraq. Scum like you blaming Bush for a group that formed under Obama's nose show how fucking insane you scum are.

As for Russia invading Ukraine, Putin has been watching Obama slash the DoD budget and pull US troops out of Europe....seems to be a pattern for Obama. The new proposed DoD budget under Obama was released 1 week before Russia invaded Crimea....of course scum like you don't see the connection.

Putin and ISIS leaders understand Obama is a pussy like you....maybe you can blame Bush for your pussiness.

horse pucky: Bush et al made the mess, BHO has not been able to clean it up on his own, and the fact of the matter is that if the Arabs do not employ ground forces under a Christian air shield, ISIL/ISIS will hang around.

td probably understands Ukraine better than any one on the board, and she is confused how to resolve it.

Difficult times.
More Intervention & War is not a good plan. It's only a 'good plan' if you're a member of the NWO Globalist Elite inner-circle.

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