Obama and the Dims intend to hurt America deliberately

Nothing in government is more wasteful than the defense budget.

btw, the sequester is 85 billion, supposedly in a year but probably over a longer period.

The tea party wing of the Republican Congress proposed a plan in June of 2011 that cut over 300 billion in one year.

How many jobs do you guess that represents?

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.
Funny how the dupes can't actually think of any cuts thay can actually handle, just throw out numbers and insults. There is no spending problem, just a brainwashed dupe problem.

Sorry you don't like the dumbazz GOP ex Phys ED administrators lol. Might have finally learned something there, Pubtroll.
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Whenever they decide to start sawing out chunks in the neighborhood of 300-500 billion over 5 years I may get interested. Otherwise, 85 billion is nothing but an insult.

I dunno, 85 billion here and 85 billion there... Pretty soon you're talking real money.
Only a recovery will do it, and that's what Pubs seem to refuse to allow. Whine, bitch, moan, obstruct, refuse to compromise, DEBT CEILING CRISIS for going on TWO YEARS. Brilliant, dupes.
Only a recovery will do it, and that's what Pubs seem to refuse to allow. Whine, bitch, moan, obstruct, refuse to compromise, DEBT CEILING CRISIS for going on TWO YEARS. Brilliant, dupes.

They do seem determined to throw the country into the shitter just to be able to blame Obama for it.
Nothing in government is more wasteful than the defense budget.

btw, the sequester is 85 billion, supposedly in a year but probably over a longer period.

The tea party wing of the Republican Congress proposed a plan in June of 2011 that cut over 300 billion in one year.

How many jobs do you guess that represents?

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.

Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.
Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.

Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.

I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.
Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.

Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.

I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.

Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.
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There are no cuts. The reduction is in what will be borrowed and that over ten years. It amounts to two percent a year. If there are major layoffs obama will be doing it deliberately. If he doesn't do some serious damage he will have to admit he was lying all along.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

The Sequester already determines where the cuts come from. Obama has nothing to do with it, but don't let that stop you from making shit up as you go. I'm actually getting to the point that I hope we do take a small step backwards, so that in 2014, voters put the Dems back in control of the House. With all the advantages Republicans have at the congressional level with the way districts are set up, it would be a major blow for Republicans. People are getting fed up with Republicans whose only answer to anything is "no".
Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.

I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.

Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.

I'm a storage engineer for a tech firm here in the NW and have been for 20 years. I worked at other electronics firms for 10 years before that, and the US Navy before that.
I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.

Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.

I'm a storage engineer for a tech firm here in the NW and have been for 20 years. I worked at other electronics firms for 10 years before that, and the US Navy before that.

Congratulations! You aren't a tick on the ass of society!
Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.

I'm a storage engineer for a tech firm here in the NW and have been for 20 years. I worked at other electronics firms for 10 years before that, and the US Navy before that.

Congratulations! You aren't a tick on the ass of society!

No he's not. It's the poor people we must go after. They are the cause of all our problems. God Damned poor people, we need to get rid of them all.
A bill to prevent the sequester and enact a more balanced approach to our debt......which is not really an immediate concern.....has been introduced in Congress. John Boehner has refused to bring it to the floor for a vote.

Der de der der der....

Liberal Dictionary:
balanced approach - tax increases.

Fuck the "balanced approach." Obama already got his tax increases.

Should there be a vote?

Why should there be, Reid won't bring the house republican bill for a vote? You can't bitch about a non vote in one house and not the other. Well I guess you can if you want to be a hypocrite.
I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.

Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.

I'm a storage engineer for a tech firm here in the NW and have been for 20 years. I worked at other electronics firms for 10 years before that, and the US Navy before that.

So most of us have worked for years, paid into Social Security and either paid union dues and are looking forward to a pension or some form of 401(k).
What about all those that have been on welfare or 99 weeks of unemployment along with Food stamps.
I've been lucky. I saved and between my wife and I we live nicely. What of our children and our grandchildren? Well that's a different story. Twenty-three year old college grads with no jobs or futures. My heart goes out to them. Perhaps it's because during my growing period I was a go getter and no matter what I was able to support a family. Not so today.
That you Democrats. Thank you Oblamer.
Nutters don't want to consider the effect that the sequester will have........so they claim that there will be none.

Remind you of anything else?

If you don't like the effect the sequester will have, urge your representative to grow the fuck up and do the job he/she/it was elected to do.
Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.

Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.

I am a Democrat. I have an honest job. I've been working for over 40 years. All my friends have honest jobs and work hard too. We are taxpayers. In another 10 - 15 years, if I am still alive, I hope to retire and collect my Social Security that I have been putting into my whole working life. I'm sure assholes like yourself will be calling me a leech or a tick or somesuch when I do.

Given that information, why are you a liberal/progressive?

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