Obama and the Dims intend to hurt America deliberately

Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

You're grasping at straws. Your GOP buddies are to blame if any of this happens.

You're joking, right?

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?
Just can't bring yourself to talk about cutting the obscene defense budget, can you?

Half the cuts are in the Defense Department, moron.

The DoD gets the lions share of disposal revenues, so naturally when a dumb law like Sequestration is put into effect the DoD will also suffer the largest cuts.

Now there IS a way to prevent this...

All that need be done is for the Ds and Rs to arrive at a compromise that both can live with.

Remember, SEQUESTRATION was the compromise that the GOP demanded.

Obama signed this GOP sponsored bill into law.

Ergo from a nonpartisn POV, both parties OWN this mess.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

You're grasping at straws. Your GOP buddies are to blame if any of this happens.

Lol its all Obama and he wants it
Just can't bring yourself to talk about cutting the obscene defense budget, can you?

Half the cuts are in the Defense Department, moron.

The DoD gets the lions share of disposal revenues, so naturally when a dumb law like Sequestration is put into effect the DoD will also suffer the largest cuts.

Now there IS a way to prevent this...

All that need be done is for the Ds and Rs to arrive at a compromise that both can live with.

Remember, SEQUESTRATION was the compromise that the GOP demanded.

Obama signed this GOP sponsored bill into law.

Ergo from a nonpartisn POV, both parties OWN this mess.

True. But was there anything pressuring Obama to come up with something drastic like that? If honesty is of importance, you'll be able to answer that easily.
Just can't bring yourself to talk about cutting the obscene defense budget, can you?

Half the cuts are in the Defense Department, moron.

The DoD gets the lions share of disposal revenues, so naturally when a dumb law like Sequestration is put into effect the DoD will also suffer the largest cuts.

What the hell are "disposal revenues?" The DOD is 18% of the budget. End of story.

Now there IS a way to prevent this...

All that need be done is for the Ds and Rs to arrive at a compromise that both can live with.

Why would any sane person want to prevent it?

Remember, SEQUESTRATION was the compromise that the GOP demanded.

Obama signed this GOP sponsored bill into law.

Ergo from a nonpartisn POV, both parties OWN this mess.

A Democrat sponsored the bill, and Obama has admitted it was his idea.

Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

The republican in the house could end this today.

all they have to do is write a one line bill voiding the sequester.

IT will pass and be signed
Funny how the dupes can't actually think of any cuts thay can actually handle, just throw out numbers and insults. There is no spending problem, just a brainwashed dupe problem.

Sorry you don't like the dumbazz GOP ex Phys ED administrators lol. Might have finally learned something there, Pubtroll.

blah blah dupes blah blah brainwashed dupe blah blah blah dumbazz GOP blah blah blah Pubtroll blah blah

Someone needs to expand their vocabulary.
Only a recovery will do it, and that's what Pubs seem to refuse to allow. Whine, bitch, moan, obstruct, refuse to compromise, DEBT CEILING CRISIS for going on TWO YEARS. Brilliant, dupes.

The GOP offered up TWO bills, one of which was a Balanced Budget Amendment during the budget debt talks 2 years ago. Both of them passed the GOP-controlled House and died in the Democrat-controlled Senate. So who's the obstructionists?

During the Fiscal Cliff debacle, the GOP agreed to tax cuts if Obongo would agree to significant cuts to things including Entitlements. He refused to agree to it. So who's regusing to compromise?
The republican in the house could end this today.

all they have to do is write a one line bill voiding the sequester.

IT will pass and be signed

Why would the Republicans want to avoid the sequester?

Because it was their idea back in 2011, and they've kicked the can too far down the road.

If the sequester goes through enough for people to notice it, expect to see a Democrat Senate and House in 2014.

And oh yeah.................Obama will still be President then.
The republican in the house could end this today.

all they have to do is write a one line bill voiding the sequester.

IT will pass and be signed

Why would the Republicans want to avoid the sequester?

Because it was their idea back in 2011, and they've kicked the can too far down the road.

Wrong. Everyone has admitted it was Obama's idea. Even if it was the Republicans' idea, you still haven't explained why they would want to avoid it.

If the sequester goes through enough for people to notice it, expect to see a Democrat Senate and House in 2014.

And oh yeah.................Obama will still be President then.

The only way they are going to notice it is if Obama deliberately makes the cuts as painful as possible. If that's the case, then he'll just look like the asshole he is.
Why would the Republicans want to avoid the sequester?

Because it was their idea back in 2011, and they've kicked the can too far down the road.

Wrong. Everyone has admitted it was Obama's idea. Even if it was the Republicans' idea, you still haven't explained why they would want to avoid it.

If the sequester goes through enough for people to notice it, expect to see a Democrat Senate and House in 2014.

And oh yeah.................Obama will still be President then.

The only way they are going to notice it is if Obama deliberately makes the cuts as painful as possible. If that's the case, then he'll just look like the asshole he is.

Brainwashed by FAUX Nooze I see, ain't ya ShitPatty#9643? The reason they passed the sequester was because they were trying to force Obama to limit the debt ceiling, so this is the way they came up with kicking the can down the road.

Quick hint for you, you might wanna check the polls right now to see who the American people are going to blame this on. Most are going to blame the GOP.

Remember when Boehner said he got most of what he'd wanted? He was talking about the sequester.

But........................you're forgiven, because apparently you're a lobotomized FAUX Nooze viewer.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

The republican in the house could end this today.

all they have to do is write a one line bill voiding the sequester.

IT will pass and be signed

Obama rejects GOP call to appropriate sequester cuts - latimes.com
Will you nutters please decide whether or not the sequester is a good thing. You are confusing the lesser among you.

Those nutters on the right, much as with the nutters on the left, are NOT of one mind on most issues facing this nation. Obviously Sequestration is confusing a lot of right wingers especially now that some of them are personally going to suffer from the cuts it will make

Still another reason I think that the concept of a Left V Right narrative is a load of malarchy.

I suspect that a LOT ofd folks, here who THINK they're LEFT or RIGHT, are in fact INDEPENDENTS, only since they do not really understand what the GOP or DNC is really doing, they imagine that those gangsters are on THEIR side.

Kiddies, you don't have a side.

You have masters.

How many ways can you think of to call others stupid? You working on some kind of school project?

Is that your conclusion based on what I wrote?

First, some people obviously are stupid.

I don't need to call them stupid they prove that to anybody who reads their posts.

Mostly, though, people are simply ill informed and propagandized into taking one side or the other.

Ignorance is not stupidity.

The smartest minds in the world can be wrong because they are misinformed.
Those nutters on the right, much as with the nutters on the left, are NOT of one mind on most issues facing this nation. Obviously Sequestration is confusing a lot of right wingers especially now that some of them are personally going to suffer from the cuts it will make

Still another reason I think that the concept of a Left V Right narrative is a load of malarchy.

I suspect that a LOT ofd folks, here who THINK they're LEFT or RIGHT, are in fact INDEPENDENTS, only since they do not really understand what the GOP or DNC is really doing, they imagine that those gangsters are on THEIR side.

Kiddies, you don't have a side.

You have masters.

How many ways can you think of to call others stupid? You working on some kind of school project?

Is that your conclusion based on what I wrote?

First, some people obviously are stupid.

I don't need to call them stupid they prove that to anybody who reads their posts.

Mostly, though, people are simply ill informed and propagandized into taking one side or the other.

Ignorance is not stupidity.

The smartest minds in the world can be wrong because they are misinformed.

Perhaps. But you are saying these things to people......like me......who are not misinformed. Over and over.....we get to hear from you that we are unable to tell when someone is lying to us. If only we were more prepared to decipher truth from reality, we'd know better.

That's bullshit. Cynicism is not the same thing as enlightenment.
Stupid fuck, teachers could make much more but "Administrators" have decided they are much more important.

Oh yes assbite, my daughter is a teacher.

Fuck the Unions and fuck the "administritors".
Notice how class envy over the wages of the CEOs of education is patriotic, but objecting to the excessive pay of other CEO's is Socialism!!!!
Half the cuts are in the Defense Department, moron.

The DoD gets the lions share of disposal revenues, so naturally when a dumb law like Sequestration is put into effect the DoD will also suffer the largest cuts.

What the hell are "disposal revenues?" The DOD is 18% of the budget. End of story.

Now there IS a way to prevent this...

All that need be done is for the Ds and Rs to arrive at a compromise that both can live with.

Why would any sane person want to prevent it?

Remember, SEQUESTRATION was the compromise that the GOP demanded.

Obama signed this GOP sponsored bill into law.

Ergo from a nonpartisn POV, both parties OWN this mess.

A Democrat sponsored the bill, and Obama has admitted it was his idea.


You have been misinformed, Bripat

Look it up.

Sponsored by a Republican, co-sponsored by 14 other Republicans.

Signed by Obama.

parties own this fiasco.
Nutters don't want to consider the effect that the sequester will have........so they claim that there will be none.

Remind you of anything else?

And just what do YOU NUTTERS think will happen if NOTHING is ever cut?


And you fucking think that's BETTER than cutting the RATE OF GROWTH BY 2.4 CENTS OF EVERY DOLLAR?

Get your imbecile ass out of the fucking country idiot. People like you are why we're in this mess. You don't have the fucking intellect God gave a turd.

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