Obama and the Dims intend to hurt America deliberately

The DoD gets the lions share of disposal revenues, so naturally when a dumb law like Sequestration is put into effect the DoD will also suffer the largest cuts.

What the hell are "disposal revenues?" The DOD is 18% of the budget. End of story.

Why would any sane person want to prevent it?

Remember, SEQUESTRATION was the compromise that the GOP demanded.

Obama signed this GOP sponsored bill into law.

Ergo from a nonpartisn POV, both parties OWN this mess.

A Democrat sponsored the bill, and Obama has admitted it was his idea.


You have been misinformed, Bripat

Look it up.

Sponsored by a Republican, co-sponsored by 14 other Republicans.

Signed by Obama.

parties own this fiasco.
You have to understand how the Right rationalizes things. The bill was written in the House, sponsored by a Republican, and co-sponsored by 14 other Republicans as you said, but the House written and passed bill was sponsored by one Democrat when it was passed unchanged in the Senate so that makes it solely a Democratic bill. :cuckoo:
Nutters don't want to consider the effect that the sequester will have........so they claim that there will be none.

Remind you of anything else?

And just what do YOU NUTTERS think will happen if NOTHING is ever cut?


And you fucking think that's BETTER than cutting the RATE OF GROWTH BY 2.4 CENTS OF EVERY DOLLAR?

Get your imbecile ass out of the fucking country idiot. People like you are why we're in this mess. You don't have the fucking intellect God gave a turd.

You might have a legitimate gripe if no cuts were ever made and no growth occurred. But since cuts have been made.....and our debt is not an immediate concern.......and we are nowhere near bankruptcy.....you are just ranting about nothing.

Our economy can sustain debt. What it cannot sustain is a prolonged period of austerity.

And.....why do dummies like you insist that others leave the country so often? Finally.....there is no god.
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You know that the President doesn't decide where the cuts should happen, right?

The Republicans offered to give him that authority, and he turned it down.


Hell yes he turned it down!
The worst thing possible for this President and the Senate Democrats is the sequester happens...and life goes on normally.
They will not let that happen...yesterday's release of illegal immigrants was the first small step in the coming weeks of deliberate steps to cut places where it will create the most drama.
And the media will be behind him all the way - yesterday we all saw the nightly news spend the first 10 minutes of their shows highlighting talking points for the President without pointing out the obvious falsehoods of his claims.

As Neil Cavuto said Monday - "all of these disasters that we hear about far exceed a $90 billion cut...it would have to be $900 billion if you added up all of the terrible claims we are hearing about"
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

obama doesn't give a shit.....he never has. As long as he can get whatever it is that he wants, he's good with it. And if he can get away with blaming the pubs rather than taking any responsibility for his job at all, it's even better for him. What the libs don't get is that, eventually, it will all end for them at some point....it always does. And once again they will be left with nothing except nutcases like Chris Matthews, Rachel Madcow, Nancy Pelosi, and the criminal Harry Reid to beef up their crazy far left ideology. Good luck with that one.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

The republican in the house could end this today.

all they have to do is write a one line bill voiding the sequester.

IT will pass and be signed

Obama rejects GOP call to appropriate sequester cuts - latimes.com

President Obama rejected Republican suggestions Tuesday that he should have more power to carry out $85 billion in pending budget cuts, and instead urged Congress to work out a better solution that involves raising revenue through taxes on the wealthy.

Obama told shipyard workers that he doesn’t want responsibility for apportioning the looming "sequester" cuts because there is no wise way to do it.

So, he is fully aware that what he's demanding Congress accomplish is not possible. Once again, his handlers have managed to set up an untenable situation where Barry gets his pass, the American taxpayer gets to eat the shit sandwich, and he gets to cry all about how mean and intractable that evil Republican Congress is.

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