Obama and the Dims intend to hurt America deliberately

There are no cuts. The reduction is in what will be borrowed and that over ten years. It amounts to two percent a year. If there are major layoffs obama will be doing it deliberately. If he doesn't do some serious damage he will have to admit he was lying all along.

You are correct, there are NO cuts. There are only nominal decreases in the amount of spending.
Tell me who you work for and then I'll tell determine whether you have an honest job.

I'm a storage engineer for a tech firm here in the NW and have been for 20 years. I worked at other electronics firms for 10 years before that, and the US Navy before that.

So most of us have worked for years, paid into Social Security and either paid union dues and are looking forward to a pension or some form of 401(k).
What about all those that have been on welfare or 99 weeks of unemployment along with Food stamps.
I've been lucky. I saved and between my wife and I we live nicely. What of our children and our grandchildren? Well that's a different story. Twenty-three year old college grads with no jobs or futures. My heart goes out to them. Perhaps it's because during my growing period I was a go getter and no matter what I was able to support a family. Not so today.
That you Democrats. Thank you Oblamer.

Makes me glad I have a farm. At least my grandchildren will feed themselves.
Nothing in government is more wasteful than the defense budget.

btw, the sequester is 85 billion, supposedly in a year but probably over a longer period.

The tea party wing of the Republican Congress proposed a plan in June of 2011 that cut over 300 billion in one year.

How many jobs do you guess that represents?

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

In your OP you called them "essential defense workers". So you admit your OP was faux outrage. Nothing more than one more chance to attack the President.

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

Apparently most of the right now. They're blaming Obama for the sequester.

Most of the what? I assume you mean Republicans. However, almost all Republicans have an honest job. They aren't sucking off the taxpayers like you and your friends.

Quick question.........................I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1982 and retired in 2002.

I've gotten a government check from the time I was 18, and still continue to draw a government check via my retirement.

I've lived off of the government since I was 18. Does putting my ass on the line in 4 war zones, living off the government, finally getting a pension for defending this country qalify me as a leech sucking off the government tit?

I bet you didn't even serve 1 enlistment.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

Like you give two fucks about teachers, firefighters and policemen. :eusa_hand:

You're a hypocritical asshole.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

You're grasping at straws. Your GOP buddies are to blame if any of this happens.
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Nothing in government is more wasteful than the defense budget.

btw, the sequester is 85 billion, supposedly in a year but probably over a longer period.

The tea party wing of the Republican Congress proposed a plan in June of 2011 that cut over 300 billion in one year.

How many jobs do you guess that represents?

OMG republicans propose defense cut? Do you understand what the fuck you are saying?
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

You're grasping at straws. Your GOP buddies are to blame if any of this happens.

[ame=http://youtu.be/VxegPMvxgEA]President Obama Super Committee Statement (November 21, 2011) - YouTube[/ame]
And here's the text if you want too read it.


James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

5:44 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.

In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal. It's a plan that would reduce the deficit by an additional $3 trillion, by cutting spending, slowing the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

In addition to my plan, there were a number of other bipartisan plans for them to consider from both Democrats and Republicans, all of which promoted a balanced approach. This kind of balanced approach to reducing our deficit -- an approach where everybody gives a little bit, and everyone does their fair share -- is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans -- Democrats, independents, and Republicans. It’s supported by experts and economists from all across the political spectrum. And to their credit, many Democrats in Congress were willing to put politics aside and commit to reasonable adjustments that would have reduced the cost of Medicare, as long as they were part of a balanced approach.

But despite the broad agreement that exists for such an approach, there's still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington. They continue to insist on protecting $100 billion worth of tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans at any cost, even if it means reducing the deficit with deep cuts to things like education and medical research. Even if it means deep cuts in Medicare.

So at this point, at least, they simply will not budge from that negotiating position. And so far, that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block that has prevented Congress from reaching an agreement to further reduce our deficit.

Now, we are not in the same situation that we were -- that we were in in August. There is no imminent threat to us defaulting on the debt that we owe. There are already $1 trillion worth of spending cuts that are locked in. And part of the law that I signed this summer stated that if Congress could not reach an agreement on the deficit, there would be another $1.2 trillion of automatic cuts in 2013 -– divided equally between domestic spending and defense spending.

One way or another, we will be trimming the deficit by a total of at least $2.2 trillion over the next 10 years. That's going to happen, one way or another. We've got $1 trillion locked in, and either Congress comes up with $1.2 trillion, which so far they've failed to do, or the sequester kicks in and these automatic spending cuts will occur that bring in an additional $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.

Now, the question right now is whether we can reduce the deficit in a way that helps the economy grow, that operates with a scalpel, not with a hatchet, and if not, whether Congress is willing to stick to the painful deal that we made in August for the automatic cuts. Already, some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts.

My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

Now, in the meantime, we've got a lot of work left to do this year. Before Congress leaves next month, we have to work together to cut taxes for workers and small business owners all across America. If we don’t act, taxes will go up for every single American, starting next year. And I’m not about to let that happen. Middle-class Americans can’t afford to lose $1,000 next year because Congress won’t act. And I can only hope that members of Congress who've been fighting so hard to protect tax breaks for the wealthy will fight just as hard to protect tax breaks for small business owners and middle-class families.

We still need to put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads and our bridges. We still need to put our teachers back in the classroom educating our kids.

So when everybody gets back from Thanksgiving, it’s time to get some work done for the American people. All around the country, Americans are working hard to live within their means and meet their responsibilities. And I know they expect Washington to do the same.


END 5:50 P.M. EST

Obama Supercommittee Speech Transcript: No Easy Off Ramps to Cutting Deficit

Pointing out things obama said at this press conference
1.My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

2.In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal. It's a plan that would reduce the deficit by an additional $3 trillion, by cutting spending, slowing the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

3.And part of the law that I signed this summer stated that if Congress could not reach an agreement on the deficit, there would be another $1.2 trillion of automatic cuts in 2013 -– divided equally between domestic spending and defense spending.

Face it obama owns this.
Everyone has listened to Obama and the Dims talking about all the scary things that are supposed to happen if the sequester isn't repealed:

  1. 800,000 defense workers will get laid off.
  2. Air traffic control workers will be furloughed and flights will be delayed.
  3. teachers, firemen and police will be laid off.
  4. Getting through security at the airport will take longer.

This stuff could only happen if Obama deliberately makes it happen. What Obama is really saying is that Republicans don't cave to his petulant demand for more revenues, he's going to take the revenue in the most painful way he can think of. In other words, he wants to make us all suffer.

Rather than cut wasteful programs, Obama will lay off 800000 essential defense workers.

Rather than reduce outrageous government retirement benefits by a few percentage point, Obama will furlough air traffic controllers.

Rather than lay off a few useless bureaucrats, Obama wants to layoff teachers, police and firemen.

Obama is admitting he's a bully.

How can anyone defend this asshole?

You are truly confused about this issue.

This bill was DESIGNED BY the Republicans.

It was SPONSORED in Congress by the Republicans exclusively .

Third. the cuts are MANDATED by the law that the Republicans wrote.

So whose responsibility is it, Bri?

The GOP got what it DEMANDED.

Now confused and ill informed Republicans like yourself are whining about it?

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Will you nutters please decide whether or not the sequester is a good thing. You are confusing the lesser among you.
Will you nutters please decide whether or not the sequester is a good thing. You are confusing the lesser among you.

Those nutters on the right, much as with the nutters on the left, are NOT of one mind on most issues facing this nation. Obviously Sequestration is confusing a lot of right wingers especially now that some of them are personally going to suffer from the cuts it will make

Still another reason I think that the concept of a Left V Right narrative is a load of malarchy.

I suspect that a LOT ofd folks, here who THINK they're LEFT or RIGHT, are in fact INDEPENDENTS, only since they do not really understand what the GOP or DNC is really doing, they imagine that those gangsters are on THEIR side.

Kiddies, you don't have a side.

You have masters.
We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Hey biggie rebbie, this was in your article also. How come you didn't blow it up and bold it?
Will you nutters please decide whether or not the sequester is a good thing. You are confusing the lesser among you.

Those nutters on the right, much as with the nutters on the left, are NOT of one mind on most issues facing this nation. Obviously Sequestration is confusing a lot of right wingers especially now that some of them are personally going to suffer from the cuts it will make

Still another reason I think that the concept of a Left V Right narrative is a load of malarchy.

I suspect that a LOT ofd folks, here who THINK they're LEFT or RIGHT, are in fact INDEPENDENTS, only since they do not really understand what the GOP or DNC is really doing, they imagine that those gangsters are on THEIR side.

Kiddies, you don't have a side.

You have masters.

How many ways can you think of to call others stupid? You working on some kind of school project?
I've been saying it - Obama is purposely sabotaging us in every way psych ops class warfare militarily economically (spending, he attacksbusiness)
Nothing in government is more wasteful than the defense budget.

btw, the sequester is 85 billion, supposedly in a year but probably over a longer period.

The tea party wing of the Republican Congress proposed a plan in June of 2011 that cut over 300 billion in one year.

How many jobs do you guess that represents?

Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

In your OP you called them "essential defense workers". So you admit your OP was faux outrage. Nothing more than one more chance to attack the President.

I was paraphrasing Obama, turd. However, Defense is one of the few legitimate functions of the government.
We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Hey biggie rebbie, this was in your article also. How come you didn't blow it up and bold it?

Do you think Obama or the Dims are ever going to agree to cut spending by $1.2 trillion? They can't even cuts spending by $45 billion. One thing is absolutely clear. the Dims have no intention of ever cutting any spending any time.
Who cares how many useless government parasites get thrown into the street?

In your OP you called them "essential defense workers". So you admit your OP was faux outrage. Nothing more than one more chance to attack the President.

I was paraphrasing Obama, turd. However, Defense is one of the few legitimate functions of the government.

You weren't paraphrasing anybody asshole. You were letting your real thoughts on government workers shine through; "useless government parasites" Your words dude.

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