Obama and the Libyan slave trade

Notice how no one on the D side of life wants to brag on the Arab Spring anymore? I posted about the open market slave trade ages ago. Glad to see that there is finally an interest by our media.

Obama and his partner in crime Secretary of State "we came, we saw, he died" Clinton absolutely destroyed Libya which is now run by various terror organizations. The Egyptians came to their senses and threw out Obama's Muslim Brotherhood.

And not satisfied with their horrid ME policy they tried to overthrow Assad. Gave the world ISIS. And then there is Yemen.

I swear the lot of them including their henchmen in the R party like McCain need to go before La Hague and face the court for crimes against humanity.

They fucking own this shit. The ME has always been a dogs breakfast but now its FUBAR'D
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

There was never ever going to be a democracy in Libya. It was all about regime change to the MB. Ditto Syria.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

There was never ever going to be a democracy in Libya. It was all about regime change to the MB. Ditto Syria.
I suppose you're all gung ho for Trump's upcoming attempts at regime changes in North Korea and/or Iran and/or Venezuela and/or Syria and/or some random whim?
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

There was never ever going to be a democracy in Libya. It was all about regime change to the MB. Ditto Syria.
I suppose you're all gung ho for Trump's upcoming attempts at regime changes in North Korea and/or Iran and/or Venezuela and/or Syria and/or some random whim?

I wouldn't support it at all. I've done my mea culpa over backing regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

There was never ever going to be a democracy in Libya. It was all about regime change to the MB. Ditto Syria.
I suppose you're all gung ho for Trump's upcoming attempts at regime changes in North Korea and/or Iran and/or Venezuela and/or Syria and/or some random whim?

I wouldn't support it at all. I've done my mea culpa over backing regime change in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Thank goodness. I hope most Trump supporters feel the same wya you do.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

There was never ever going to be a democracy in Libya. It was all about regime change to the MB. Ditto Syria.
MB? It was about getting rid of horrible dictators...They're going to have two democracies in Libya...
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
W Bush was the disaster for Christ's sake
Yes the Bush's and Slick Willie were bad, but Barry The Butthurt Hussaine was not just a mumbling, bumbling idiot. He and Crooked Hillary set back the USA and countries he and Crooked Hillary targeted by decades in terms of race relations. It had to be intentional.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
W Bush was the disaster for Christ's sake

W and O screwed everything up.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
W Bush was the disaster for Christ's sake

W and O screwed everything up.
Except for Obama... I prefer Libya as it is 2 as it was under that terrorist a whole dictator... And so do most libyans... this kind of chaos is what you get in the typical corrupt GOP World depression... It's not over in Africa that's for sure.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
One report and video of slavery repeated endlessly on Fox means very little, dupe. Ditto all the b*******about Obama on the Giant GOP propaganda machine... Again, all this chaos and craziness is what happens in a typical corrupt GOP World depression. Thanks GOP and silly dupes... Not to mention the stupidest Wars ever and the destruction of the Middle East. Great job!

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