Obama and the Libyan slave trade

Yes the Bush's and Slick Willie were bad, but Barry The Butthurt Hussaine was not just a mumbling, bumbling idiot. He and Crooked Hillary set back the USA and countries he and Crooked Hillary targeted by decades in terms of race relations. It had to be intentional.
Always good to get the brainwashed bigoted racist Outlook...
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
One report and video of slavery repeated endlessly on Fox means very little, dupe. Ditto all the b*******about Obama on the Giant GOP propaganda machine... Again, all this chaos and craziness is what happens in a typical corrupt GOP World depression. Thanks GOP and silly dupes... Not to mention the stupidest Wars ever and the destruction of the Middle East. Great job!

This aint fox, dude. Again, you show your hack.
A tale of human traffickers and Libyan slave markets
Theyre just like cnn msnbc abc cbs nbc.
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
W Bush was the disaster for Christ's sake

W and O screwed everything up.
Except for Obama... I prefer Libya as it is 2 as it was under that terrorist a whole dictator... And so do most libyans... this kind of chaos is what you get in the typical corrupt GOP World depression... It's not over in Africa that's for sure.

No, they don't. Its a freaking slave sex trafficking state now. No, you're wrong as usual. W and O screwed it all up. It does make sense that you would prefer a slave state....as we all know, libs were the party of slavery and segregation.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.
The Middle East was ruined 1400 years ago.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
A reporter viewed 5 young girls being sold into slavery. She reported The Libyan press used Trump’s fake news moniker to protect the slave trade saying it’s fake news.
Trump is not only destroying America he’s causing deaths around the world.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
A reporter viewed 5 young girls being sold into slavery. She reported The Libyan press used Trump’s fake news moniker to protect the slave trade saying it’s fake news.
Trump is not only destroying America he’s causing deaths around the world.

This has nothing to do with trump. Youre just another hack. This was O's doing just like iraq was W's doing.
Trump: CNN is fake news.
CNN reports on the slave trade in Libya.
Libyan press and president say it’s not happening because as trump says, “ CNN is fake news.”

This is just one reason why the whole world loathes the man.
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?

What did Donnie Dangerously say at the time?

"I can’t believe what our country is doing," Trump said, according to a BuzzFeed transcript. "Gaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage."

Trump continued.

"You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst," Trump said. "Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before."

And then ...

"But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals," Trump said. "It’s horrible what’s going on; it has to be stopped. We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives."

Trump Says Removing Qaddafi Was Mistake, But Pushed For Libya Intervention In 2011
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
A reporter viewed 5 young girls being sold into slavery. She reported The Libyan press used Trump’s fake news moniker to protect the slave trade saying it’s fake news.
Trump is not only destroying America he’s causing deaths around the world.

This has nothing to do with trump. Youre just another hack. This was O's doing just like iraq was W's doing.
Liar. See my above post.
W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
A reporter viewed 5 young girls being sold into slavery. She reported The Libyan press used Trump’s fake news moniker to protect the slave trade saying it’s fake news.
Trump is not only destroying America he’s causing deaths around the world.

This has nothing to do with trump. Youre just another hack. This was O's doing just like iraq was W's doing.
Liar. See my above post.

Wrong again.

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
Nah not nearly enough American soldiers dying for nothing for his tastes.
W Bush was the disaster for Christ's sake

W and O screwed everything up.
Except for Obama... I prefer Libya as it is 2 as it was under that terrorist a whole dictator... And so do most libyans... this kind of chaos is what you get in the typical corrupt GOP World depression... It's not over in Africa that's for sure.

No, they don't. Its a freaking slave sex trafficking state now. No, you're wrong as usual. W and O screwed it all up. It does make sense that you would prefer a slave state....as we all know, libs were the party of slavery and segregation.
Always good to get the views of brainwashed bigoted fools... You right wing dupes also believe that Isis is running Libya while in actual fact they control a couple miles of desert LOL
A tweet by Donald Trump accusing CNN of purveying “fake news” has been seized on by Libyan media to challenge a report by the US broadcaster which suggested modern day slave auctions were being held in the country.

Over the weekend, Trump resumed his attacks on the US network, saying: “CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!

But in a sign that the US president’s persistent attacks on the credibility of American news outlets has a real world effect, the broadcaster Libya 218 used the tweet to question the credibility of the CNN video.
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.

See, this shows your partisan hack: Libya is destroyed because of what O did. It is embroiled in slavery and sex trafficking.
One report and video of slavery repeated endlessly on Fox means very little, dupe. Ditto all the b*******about Obama on the Giant GOP propaganda machine... Again, all this chaos and craziness is what happens in a typical corrupt GOP World depression. Thanks GOP and silly dupes... Not to mention the stupidest Wars ever and the destruction of the Middle East. Great job!

This aint fox, dude. Again, you show your hack.
A tale of human traffickers and Libyan slave markets
Theyre just like cnn msnbc abc cbs nbc.
Whatever. It's certainly doesn't mean the whole country is a slave market, dupe. This is what happens when sub-Saharan Africa is a total GOP World depression mess and they try to get out through Libya... Sthu and read something.
Trump: CNN is fake news.
CNN reports on the slave trade in Libya.
Libyan press and president say it’s not happening because as trump says, “ CNN is fake news.”

This is just one reason why the whole world loathes the man.
CNN committed journalism for a change.

Now, I wonder where BLM is on this. Maybe it should be HomeBoysLivesMatter (HBLM).
Obama blamed for Libyan slave trade as shocking video goes viral

Obama reportedly said that Libya was the worst decision of his Presidency.

Trump also called it at the time stating that things will now get far worse.

They did.

Who is the crazy idiot again?
Obama said not following through and supporting Libya democracy and progress was his big mistake... Silly Dupe. Of course the GOP would not have let him do that.

This is the kind of thing that happens when Republicans destroy the world economy, dumbass. LOL

W could only dream of Os complete war it up ME adventure.
W started the stupidest Wars and longest wars in the history of our country and wrecked the Middle East, not to mention ruining the world economy... Obama got basically zero Americans killed and the Libyans are actually quite happy... Despite your ridiculously negative GOP propaganda, dupe.
The Middle East was ruined 1400 years ago.
Actually that was the period of great progress for several hundred years. Then the Ottoman Empire took over which wasn't great but they basically had peace for a thousand years. The mess we have presently can in many ways be blamed on the British and the French dividing the Ottoman Empire after World War I without worrying about what religion or what tribe lived where... Great idea.
Trump: CNN is fake news.
CNN reports on the slave trade in Libya.
Libyan press and president say it’s not happening because as trump says, “ CNN is fake news.”

This is just one reason why the whole world loathes the man.
CNN committed journalism for a change.

Now, I wonder where BLM is on this. Maybe it should be HomeBoysLivesMatter (HBLM).
If you believe what fox and Rush Etc say, congratulations you are a brainwashed functional moron. Like our president it seems... Unfortunately.
Trump: CNN is fake news.
CNN reports on the slave trade in Libya.
Libyan press and president say it’s not happening because as trump says, “ CNN is fake news.”

This is just one reason why the whole world loathes the man.
CNN committed journalism for a change.

Now, I wonder where BLM is on this. Maybe it should be HomeBoysLivesMatter (HBLM).
If you believe what fox and Rush Etc say, congratulations you are a brainwashed functional moron. Like our president it seems... Unfortunately.
I only believe unnamed sources on CNN.
Trump: CNN is fake news.
CNN reports on the slave trade in Libya.
Libyan press and president say it’s not happening because as trump says, “ CNN is fake news.”

This is just one reason why the whole world loathes the man.
CNN committed journalism for a change.

Now, I wonder where BLM is on this. Maybe it should be HomeBoysLivesMatter (HBLM).
If you believe what fox and Rush Etc say, congratulations you are a brainwashed functional moron. Like our president it seems... Unfortunately.
I only believe unnamed sources on CNN.
That's the fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc GOP way, dingbat, not CNN or all the other actual journalists around the world that aren't your media.

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