Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered Enough”
by Cristina Laila August 21, 2018

Where is the justice in this country??
In July, criminal Pakistani IT worker, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan/credit application.

The Feds subsequently shut down everything else related to the IT scandal.

In a hearing Tuesday, Tanya Chutkan, an Obama-appointed federal judge, gave Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan no jail time because he has already “suffered enough.” Awan will only serve 3 months of supervised release.

It gets worse.

Imran Awan’s Hillary-linked attorney, Chris Gowan then trashed President Trump, Senator Grassley and other Republicans as “deranged” and “pathetic” and “without a shred of decency.”

FOX News reported:

Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal bank fraud case has drawn the interest of top Republicans, avoided jail time Tuesday after the defense complained about disparaging comments made against the defendant by President Trump and others.

During a hearing Tuesday in Washington, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan sentenced Awan to three months of supervised release plus time served. Chutkan, who cited “unfounded allegations” against Awan, also did not impose a fine.

Awan, who pleaded guilty in July to making a false statement on a loan application, delivered an emotional statement vowing: “I promise you this second chance will not go to waste.”

Imran Awan’s lawyer Chris Gowan, who is a former aide to Hillary Clinton, trashed president Trump and other Republicans in a letter.

Mr. Gowan also claimed that Imran Awan was only in a “panic” to get money quickly so he could realize his dying father’s dreams to build a charity hospital, which he described as a ‘women’s shelter.’


Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller reported that the land used for the alleged charity hospital was stolen from farmers:

The story is at odds with a 2009 Pakistani newspaper article, police reports and lawsuits in Pakistan, as well as interviews. Those allege Imran tried to cut others out of a fraud-plagued real estate deal and secure a massive inheritance in the form of a major real estate complex, known as a “colony.”

A dozen farmers accused Imran and his fatherof stealing their land and subdividing it to build the development. The 2009 article said that Imran used political “muscle” stemming from his job in Congress to attempt to frame his alleged victims. Later, Faisalabad Agricultural University faculty apparently paid for some of those plots, but said that they, too, were ripped off. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, a university professor and president of the faculty association, told TheDCNF that Imran and his father refused to turn over the deeds and that in January 2017, Imran cautioned them that he “has got powerful political connections.”

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems is one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here we are watching another egregious breach of security go unpunished, because Democrats are involved.

As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.

Imran Awan was accessing the House servers remotely from Pakistan, which shocked GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“I’ve seen records indicating that he (Imran Awan) spent 3 to even more months per year in Pakistan. I’ve also seen emails that indicated that he was doing his job remotely in Pakistan,” Rosiak told Rep. Gohmert.

A House official previously told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold information he uploaded to Dropbox to Pakistani spies. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.

Other Democrat leaders besides Debbie Wasserman Schultz were also involved in the cover up.

Top Democrat Xavier Becerra, the current California Attorney General, was caught giving officials a fake server related to the Imran Awan investigation.

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are facing years in prison after Mueller and his thugs hunted them down simply because they are associated with Donald Trump.

Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has "Suffered Enough"

Wait how is this guy pled guilty to a crime a victim?
Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered Enough”
by Cristina Laila August 21, 2018

Where is the justice in this country??
In July, criminal Pakistani IT worker, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan/credit application.

The Feds subsequently shut down everything else related to the IT scandal.

In a hearing Tuesday, Tanya Chutkan, an Obama-appointed federal judge, gave Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan no jail time because he has already “suffered enough.” Awan will only serve 3 months of supervised release.

It gets worse.

Imran Awan’s Hillary-linked attorney, Chris Gowan then trashed President Trump, Senator Grassley and other Republicans as “deranged” and “pathetic” and “without a shred of decency.”

FOX News reported:

Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal bank fraud case has drawn the interest of top Republicans, avoided jail time Tuesday after the defense complained about disparaging comments made against the defendant by President Trump and others.

During a hearing Tuesday in Washington, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan sentenced Awan to three months of supervised release plus time served. Chutkan, who cited “unfounded allegations” against Awan, also did not impose a fine.

Awan, who pleaded guilty in July to making a false statement on a loan application, delivered an emotional statement vowing: “I promise you this second chance will not go to waste.”

Imran Awan’s lawyer Chris Gowan, who is a former aide to Hillary Clinton, trashed president Trump and other Republicans in a letter.

Mr. Gowan also claimed that Imran Awan was only in a “panic” to get money quickly so he could realize his dying father’s dreams to build a charity hospital, which he described as a ‘women’s shelter.’


Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller reported that the land used for the alleged charity hospital was stolen from farmers:

The story is at odds with a 2009 Pakistani newspaper article, police reports and lawsuits in Pakistan, as well as interviews. Those allege Imran tried to cut others out of a fraud-plagued real estate deal and secure a massive inheritance in the form of a major real estate complex, known as a “colony.”

A dozen farmers accused Imran and his fatherof stealing their land and subdividing it to build the development. The 2009 article said that Imran used political “muscle” stemming from his job in Congress to attempt to frame his alleged victims. Later, Faisalabad Agricultural University faculty apparently paid for some of those plots, but said that they, too, were ripped off. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, a university professor and president of the faculty association, told TheDCNF that Imran and his father refused to turn over the deeds and that in January 2017, Imran cautioned them that he “has got powerful political connections.”

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems is one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here we are watching another egregious breach of security go unpunished, because Democrats are involved.

As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.

Imran Awan was accessing the House servers remotely from Pakistan, which shocked GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“I’ve seen records indicating that he (Imran Awan) spent 3 to even more months per year in Pakistan. I’ve also seen emails that indicated that he was doing his job remotely in Pakistan,” Rosiak told Rep. Gohmert.

A House official previously told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold information he uploaded to Dropbox to Pakistani spies. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.

Other Democrat leaders besides Debbie Wasserman Schultz were also involved in the cover up.

Top Democrat Xavier Becerra, the current California Attorney General, was caught giving officials a fake server related to the Imran Awan investigation.

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are facing years in prison after Mueller and his thugs hunted them down simply because they are associated with Donald Trump.

Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has "Suffered Enough"

Wait how is this guy pled guilty to a crime a victim?
^ didn't know prosecutors weren't even seeking jail time

Partisan HACK
Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered Enough”
by Cristina Laila August 21, 2018

Where is the justice in this country??
In July, criminal Pakistani IT worker, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan/credit application.

The Feds subsequently shut down everything else related to the IT scandal.

In a hearing Tuesday, Tanya Chutkan, an Obama-appointed federal judge, gave Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan no jail time because he has already “suffered enough.” Awan will only serve 3 months of supervised release.

It gets worse.

Imran Awan’s Hillary-linked attorney, Chris Gowan then trashed President Trump, Senator Grassley and other Republicans as “deranged” and “pathetic” and “without a shred of decency.”

FOX News reported:

Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal bank fraud case has drawn the interest of top Republicans, avoided jail time Tuesday after the defense complained about disparaging comments made against the defendant by President Trump and others.

During a hearing Tuesday in Washington, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan sentenced Awan to three months of supervised release plus time served. Chutkan, who cited “unfounded allegations” against Awan, also did not impose a fine.

Awan, who pleaded guilty in July to making a false statement on a loan application, delivered an emotional statement vowing: “I promise you this second chance will not go to waste.”

Imran Awan’s lawyer Chris Gowan, who is a former aide to Hillary Clinton, trashed president Trump and other Republicans in a letter.

Mr. Gowan also claimed that Imran Awan was only in a “panic” to get money quickly so he could realize his dying father’s dreams to build a charity hospital, which he described as a ‘women’s shelter.’


Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller reported that the land used for the alleged charity hospital was stolen from farmers:

The story is at odds with a 2009 Pakistani newspaper article, police reports and lawsuits in Pakistan, as well as interviews. Those allege Imran tried to cut others out of a fraud-plagued real estate deal and secure a massive inheritance in the form of a major real estate complex, known as a “colony.”

A dozen farmers accused Imran and his fatherof stealing their land and subdividing it to build the development. The 2009 article said that Imran used political “muscle” stemming from his job in Congress to attempt to frame his alleged victims. Later, Faisalabad Agricultural University faculty apparently paid for some of those plots, but said that they, too, were ripped off. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, a university professor and president of the faculty association, told TheDCNF that Imran and his father refused to turn over the deeds and that in January 2017, Imran cautioned them that he “has got powerful political connections.”

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems is one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here we are watching another egregious breach of security go unpunished, because Democrats are involved.

As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.

Imran Awan was accessing the House servers remotely from Pakistan, which shocked GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“I’ve seen records indicating that he (Imran Awan) spent 3 to even more months per year in Pakistan. I’ve also seen emails that indicated that he was doing his job remotely in Pakistan,” Rosiak told Rep. Gohmert.

A House official previously told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold information he uploaded to Dropbox to Pakistani spies. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.

Other Democrat leaders besides Debbie Wasserman Schultz were also involved in the cover up.

Top Democrat Xavier Becerra, the current California Attorney General, was caught giving officials a fake server related to the Imran Awan investigation.

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are facing years in prison after Mueller and his thugs hunted them down simply because they are associated with Donald Trump.

Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has "Suffered Enough"

Wait how is this guy pled guilty to a crime a victim?

Meh, tag him and his family as snitches and deport them. Let his own kind deal with their own trash.
The man made a false statement on a loan application. He repaid the loan in full, the bank lost no money. He’s been arrested, lost his job, his house and all of his savings, and he’s been under house arrest for the past year.

And let’s be REALLY clear here, that’s all he did. All of the rest of the bullshit and lies in your post about Mr. Ihmrans supposed spying for the Paskistanis, and other crap, were proven false in court.

The prosecution stated that the President and others were promoting conspiracy theories and lies to serve their own political agenda.

I hope Ingram sued Trump, FOX and the Republican Party for defamation, libel and slander. And I hope his settlement is UGE. I think this guy will get a very large payday because even Dumb Donald knows a loser case when he sees one.
Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has “Suffered Enough”
by Cristina Laila August 21, 2018

Where is the justice in this country??
In July, criminal Pakistani IT worker, Imran Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan/credit application.

The Feds subsequently shut down everything else related to the IT scandal.

In a hearing Tuesday, Tanya Chutkan, an Obama-appointed federal judge, gave Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan no jail time because he has already “suffered enough.” Awan will only serve 3 months of supervised release.

It gets worse.

Imran Awan’s Hillary-linked attorney, Chris Gowan then trashed President Trump, Senator Grassley and other Republicans as “deranged” and “pathetic” and “without a shred of decency.”

FOX News reported:

Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal bank fraud case has drawn the interest of top Republicans, avoided jail time Tuesday after the defense complained about disparaging comments made against the defendant by President Trump and others.

During a hearing Tuesday in Washington, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan sentenced Awan to three months of supervised release plus time served. Chutkan, who cited “unfounded allegations” against Awan, also did not impose a fine.

Awan, who pleaded guilty in July to making a false statement on a loan application, delivered an emotional statement vowing: “I promise you this second chance will not go to waste.”

Imran Awan’s lawyer Chris Gowan, who is a former aide to Hillary Clinton, trashed president Trump and other Republicans in a letter.

Mr. Gowan also claimed that Imran Awan was only in a “panic” to get money quickly so he could realize his dying father’s dreams to build a charity hospital, which he described as a ‘women’s shelter.’


Luke Rosiak of The Daily Caller reported that the land used for the alleged charity hospital was stolen from farmers:

The story is at odds with a 2009 Pakistani newspaper article, police reports and lawsuits in Pakistan, as well as interviews. Those allege Imran tried to cut others out of a fraud-plagued real estate deal and secure a massive inheritance in the form of a major real estate complex, known as a “colony.”

A dozen farmers accused Imran and his fatherof stealing their land and subdividing it to build the development. The 2009 article said that Imran used political “muscle” stemming from his job in Congress to attempt to frame his alleged victims. Later, Faisalabad Agricultural University faculty apparently paid for some of those plots, but said that they, too, were ripped off. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, a university professor and president of the faculty association, told TheDCNF that Imran and his father refused to turn over the deeds and that in January 2017, Imran cautioned them that he “has got powerful political connections.”

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems is one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here we are watching another egregious breach of security go unpunished, because Democrats are involved.

As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach

Imran Awan worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years since she came into office in 2004 as a Florida representative.

Imran Awan was arrested as he attempted to flee the U.S. after wiring approximately $300,000 to Pakistan. When Imran Awan was arrested he was carrying $12,000 in cash on him. His wife was carrying $12,000 of cash when she fled the country too.

Imran Awan was accessing the House servers remotely from Pakistan, which shocked GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“I’ve seen records indicating that he (Imran Awan) spent 3 to even more months per year in Pakistan. I’ve also seen emails that indicated that he was doing his job remotely in Pakistan,” Rosiak told Rep. Gohmert.

A House official previously told Circa News that Imran Awan may have sold information he uploaded to Dropbox to Pakistani spies. Everyone is talking about Russia but Awan could have been the one to have sold the DNC emails. The DNC refuses to hand over their servers to be investigated. If they really were the victim of a ‘hack’ like they claim, they wouldn’t be protecting their servers from authorities.

Other Democrat leaders besides Debbie Wasserman Schultz were also involved in the cover up.

Top Democrat Xavier Becerra, the current California Attorney General, was caught giving officials a fake server related to the Imran Awan investigation.

Meanwhile, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are facing years in prison after Mueller and his thugs hunted them down simply because they are associated with Donald Trump.

Obama-Appointed Judge Gives NO JAIL TIME to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan Because He Has "Suffered Enough"

Wait how is this guy pled guilty to a crime a victim?
Obama never had the best interest of the United States of America at hand when he nominated judge's... just an ideology.
In this case it was exposed that the Democrats failed to conduct mandatory background checks on the Awans before they hired them. Had they done so they would have learned the 2 brothers were connected to a terrorist group, that they were suspected of murdering their father, and that they had held their mother hostage against her will while they spent the money he left her.

The Awans were given a list of every Democrats' username and passwords. This gave the Awans access to TOP SECRET information from US Intel, Foreign Affairs, and other critical committees. During this time, investigation revealed, the Awans downloaded terabytes of data off of Congress's server - the Democrats defended them by saying they believed the Awans' story that the data was personal pictures and their kids' homework. (NO SHIT)
- In other words the Democrats allowed terrorist-connected, criminal Pakistani spies steal terabytes of US Top Secret information.

During the investigation several Democrat politicians revealed they did not report the Awans for conducting criminal activity because the Awans had gotten access to their personal files and decided to just 'let it go'. In other words the Awans got their hands on blackmail information on these Democrats.

At this exact time is when all f those Democrat e-mails were leaked, showing all of that racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic content - watching them completely freak out and attempt to spin that shit was hilarious.

The Awan family fled back to Pakistan where it was reported Pakistan gave them all guaranteed protection, no extradition back to the US. Gee, isn't that interesting. The only one who did not make it back to Pakistan was this Awan.

And of course this all happened on Barry's watch, so it does not surprise me one bit that an Obama-appointed judge just swept this massive case of Democrat faciitation of massive foreign espionage - the details of which ewe will never know now - under the proverbial rug.

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