Obama approves of same sex marriage

I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

You're too easy. He made this decision now because gay groups announced THEY WOULD NOT DONATE until he made public his position. The man was bought.


Obama should have made this announcement three years ago. But better late than never

Still waiting for ANY Republican to draw the same conclusion the majority of Americans have already made...... It is no big deal if we allow gays to marry

lol, the majority of americans?
Obama hasn't changed his stance privately.....just publicly.

The same advisers told the Post that Obama would make the decision based on his gut, but that is an insulting way to refer to the vice president. There is no evidence that Obama planned to speak until Joe Biden said last weekend that he was for gay “marriage” and forced the issue.

In fact, Obama has not “evolved”—he has changed his position whenever his political fortunes required him to do so. Running for the Illinois state senate from a trendy area of Chicago in 1996, he was for gay marriage. “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages,” he wrote in answer to a questionnaire back then. In 2004, he was running for the U.S. Senate and needed to appeal to voters statewide. So he evolved, and favored civil unions but opposed homosexual “marriage.” In 2008, running for president, he said, “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.” Now in 2012, facing a tough reelection campaign where he needs energized supporters of gay “marriage” and has disappointed them with his refusal to give them his support, he is for it. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for it before he was against it before he was for it again. ‘On My Behalf’ | The Weekly Standard
I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.

You're too easy. He made this decision now because gay groups announced THEY WOULD NOT DONATE until he made public his position. The man was bought.

There's not even "true to your convictions" involved...Three years ago he was unambiguously against gay marriage....I posted the quote and link earlier in the thread.

This is just another mindless swoon by the mindless Boiking zombie army.

But he needs the vote, so cut the politician a break. Obama the man is still against it, but he needs votes!
What!? I thought he did that the minute he decided to run in 2007.

Let's revisit 2007,
Barack Obama said:
I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.
Here is the video where he says that,
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJhQBZ1La0w]Obama @ Saddleback Church -Defines Marriage - YouTube[/ame]

I have nothing but respect for the man. Talk about being true to your convictions. He made this announcement in an election year, six months before we vote. Knowing what it could cost him. NOTHING but admiration and respect, Mr. President. Thank you.
His "convictions" seem to be different than what he told us in 2007 (an election year that you seem to have forgotten facts about).

Now then, today he also did say something about believing it was up to the states to decide that issue of homosexual marriage. It's nice to see him finally acknowledging states rights as per the US Constitution.
I'm not sure I believe that is truly a "conviction" he has though, based upon his previous actions.
Well, I disagree with you, Synth, he's not risking all that much with his base. What he is doing is gaining support among the independents who can be swayed to vote for "equal rights" even if homosexuality bothers them.

Someone pointed out that he may end up losing more Hispanic votes than Black votes. But add them up, and it could be a chunk.

There again, I don't think the Hispanics are going to vote for Romney either.

What does Romney offer them? Hell, what does Romney offer any of us? To me, I see more of the same.

I'm not voting for either one of them. I will no longer choose the lesser of two evils.


Probably not in droves, when he wants them to self-deport, and has said he would not sign the Dream Act. But I know some older Mexicans who own businesses, with all their relatives already here in the U.S., who are conservative, and who also don't want regulations of any sort on their business, because they come from a culture of no regulations.

And you are correct: Bishop Romney has nothing to offer any of us. Hell, he doesn't even pass the "guy I'd like to have a beer with" test. That is, if his cult allowed him to drink...which it doesn't. :)
You're too easy. He made this decision now because gay groups announced THEY WOULD NOT DONATE until he made public his position. The man was bought.

There's not even "true to your convictions" involved...Three years ago he was unambiguously against gay marriage....I posted the quote and link earlier in the thread.

This is just another mindless swoon by the mindless Boiking zombie army.

But he needs the vote, so cut the politician a break. Obama the man is still against it, but he needs votes!

24 hours ago, your position was "evolving".

A few hours ago, you come out with an unambiguous statement that's 180° from what you said 3 years ago, and we're supposed to get all steamy in the britches over how "true to your convictions" you are.

The comedy around here is never ending.
Someone pointed out that he may end up losing more Hispanic votes than Black votes. But add them up, and it could be a chunk.

There again, I don't think the Hispanics are going to vote for Romney either.

What does Romney offer them? Hell, what does Romney offer any of us? To me, I see more of the same.

I'm not voting for either one of them. I will no longer choose the lesser of two evils.


Probably not in droves, when he wants them to self-deport, and has said he would not sign the Dream Act. But I know some older Mexicans who own businesses, with all their relatives already here in the U.S., who are conservative, and who also don't want regulations of any sort on their business, because they come from a culture of no regulations.

And you are correct: Bishop Romney has nothing to offer any of us. Hell, he doesn't even pass the "guy I'd like to have a beer with" test. That is, if his cult allowed him to drink...which it doesn't. :)

you people are whining about having something OFFERED to you...can't you make it on your own?
Riiiiight! That's why he approved of torture. :laugh:

Good greif, water boarding is not torture in the pre-911 meaing of the word.

Tell that to the Japanese commanders imprisoned or EXECUTED by us after WWII for waterboarding our people....AKA torturing our people.

But leave it to the libtards to make something that harms no one long term, takes no limbs, leaves no physical scars, to be torture.

Hell, if they were more objective they would list Biden's speeches as torture under the Geneva Convention as well.
So....has Hannity does his waterboarding for charity yet? Like he promised?

No, because he's a lying coward. But Christopher Hitchens did (RIP) and can say from first hand experience that it is torture.
Good greif, water boarding is not torture in the pre-911 meaing of the word.

Tell that to the Japanese commanders imprisoned or EXECUTED by us after WWII for waterboarding our people....AKA torturing our people.

But leave it to the libtards to make something that harms no one long term, takes no limbs, leaves no physical scars, to be torture.

Hell, if they were more objective they would list Biden's speeches as torture under the Geneva Convention as well.
So....has Hannity does his waterboarding for charity yet? Like he promised?

No, because he's a lying coward. But Christopher Hitchens did (RIP) and can say from first hand experience that it is torture.

He can't say anything he dead.
Good greif, water boarding is not torture in the pre-911 meaing of the word.

Tell that to the Japanese commanders imprisoned or EXECUTED by us after WWII for waterboarding our people....AKA torturing our people.

But leave it to the libtards to make something that harms no one long term, takes no limbs, leaves no physical scars, to be torture.

Hell, if they were more objective they would list Biden's speeches as torture under the Geneva Convention as well.
So....has Hannity does his waterboarding for charity yet? Like he promised?

No, because he's a lying coward. But Christopher Hitchens did (RIP) and can say from first hand experience that it is torture.

Someone pointed out that he may end up losing more Hispanic votes than Black votes. But add them up, and it could be a chunk.

There again, I don't think the Hispanics are going to vote for Romney either.

What does Romney offer them? Hell, what does Romney offer any of us? To me, I see more of the same.

I'm not voting for either one of them. I will no longer choose the lesser of two evils.


Probably not in droves, when he wants them to self-deport, and has said he would not sign the Dream Act. But I know some older Mexicans who own businesses, with all their relatives already here in the U.S., who are conservative, and who also don't want regulations of any sort on their business, because they come from a culture of no regulations.
And you are correct: Bishop Romney has nothing to offer any of us. Hell, he doesn't even pass the "guy I'd like to have a beer with" test. That is, if his cult allowed him to drink...which it doesn't. :)

Same thing as before... were these Hispanic business leaders (and their families) going to vote for Obama before and did this announcement change their vote? I doubt it.

There's not even "true to your convictions" involved...Three years ago he was unambiguously against gay marriage....I posted the quote and link earlier in the thread.

This is just another mindless swoon by the mindless Boiking zombie army.

But he needs the vote, so cut the politician a break. Obama the man is still against it, but he needs votes!

24 hours ago, your position was "evolving".

A few hours ago, you come out with an unambiguous statement that's 180° from what you said 3 years ago, and we're supposed to get all steamy in the britches over how "true to your convictions" you are.

The comedy around here is never ending.

As soon as youre honest about Romneys flip flops, we can start being honest about Obamas. Until then...:eusa_boohoo:
Now all we have to do is see if his actions back his words.

And as we've seen with Obama, you never know if that's the case.
What actions can he take under the Constitution?

I've asked this at least twice, but no one has answered.

Maybe you will step up?

I will step up.

Obama can submit legislation to extend equal protection of federal law to gays. See my sig.
Presidents cannot submit legislation.

Perhaps a nice cooking forum would be more to your speed?
Herein lays your problem. No one has a right to be married. No one. Not gays, not heterosexuals. There is a reason I asked if you knew what a right is.

Rights cannot be qualified or licensed or modified by Government(s). In fact, rights are beyond the reach of government. That is what IS in the Constitution.

Since the power of marriage has never been delegated to the Unite States, they have no business forcing people to accept any marriage.

I'm a big believer in law. Current marriage laws are pretty much just a contract that has legal bindings and privileges. There is no reason that this country cannot move all marriage issues into contract law.

Then, if someone wants to be married, they can get a preacher to marry them. But that will have no recognition in law.

But then, I never needed the government to tell Me who I was married to.

So, tell us. What have YOU done to get government out of marriage?
Everything that any citizen can legally do.

It is a strange question to ask. What have you done to preserve the Constitution of the United States?
She proudly and honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
But he needs the vote, so cut the politician a break. Obama the man is still against it, but he needs votes!

24 hours ago, your position was "evolving".

A few hours ago, you come out with an unambiguous statement that's 180° from what you said 3 years ago, and we're supposed to get all steamy in the britches over how "true to your convictions" you are.

The comedy around here is never ending.

As soon as youre honest about Romneys flip flops, we can start being honest about Obamas. Until then...:eusa_boohoo:
I don't give a flying fuck about Vinnie Vitalis...He and his GOP neocon glee club can kiss my ass.

24 hours ago, your position was "evolving".

A few hours ago, you come out with an unambiguous statement that's 180° from what you said 3 years ago, and we're supposed to get all steamy in the britches over how "true to your convictions" you are.

The comedy around here is never ending.

As soon as youre honest about Romneys flip flops, we can start being honest about Obamas. Until then...:eusa_boohoo:
I don't give a flying fuck about Vinnie Vitalis...He and his GOP neocon glee club can kiss my ass.

Sounds like queerbait to me.

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