Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference

Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.
In 2007, then Senator Barack Obama attacked the use of Executive Privilege as something “to hide behind…every time there’s something a little shaky that’s taking place.” And he saw this as especially true when it was used to avoid a “very appropriate call by…the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to have [certain] individuals come in and testify.”

Fast & Furious Game Changer: What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference

Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.
Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

They died needlessly. WHY are you defending the indefensible?
Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

Eric Holder is HEAD of the fucking ATF--da--duh. The ATF in Arizona "let walk" 2000 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. The heads of the ATF in Arizona--were promoted--(not fired) in an effort so they would keep their mouths shut. 3 lower level ATF agents disclosed this program AFTER Brian Terry was killed.

Eric Holder is ultimately responsible for what the ATF does. And it's more than clear TODAY--and after 18 months of investigation--and an imminent in contempt charge coming from Congress TODAY--that an executive order was signed TODAY to PROTECT BOTH ERIC HOLDER AND BARACK OBAMA.

Is TODAY the 1st time you've heard about Fast and Furious?
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I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference

Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

It was an attempt to make new more strict gun laws here in America.... in doing so at least one ATF agent, perhaps two, and hundreds in Mexican citizens have died.

I could care less who goes down.. if that meant Bush's admin was culpable then so be it, but that is not the case here.

For once put your political ideology aside.
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this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

They died needlessly. WHY are you defending the indefensible?

Well, for starters, I make up my own mind. Secondly, I'm not defending their deaths. I'm asking YOU why YOU think that Obama and Holder are responsible, one. And two, I'm asking what your objections to the operation were, precisely. In other words, if this border patrol agent hadn't died, would you give a fuck?

Again, to me this is more an indictment on our stupid fucking war on drugs than anything else, but I'm waiting to see if anyone can sway me that this was such a massive fuck up on the Obama camp's side.

This is the problem when you guys scream and cry and bluster about EVERY FUCKING THING THE MAN DOES. It starts to get a little tiresome, and people start to question your motives. It's clear you guys don't want him in office, okay? But not every sneeze, cough, burp or fart is a scandal. I'm not saying this is a minor issue, I'm asking you guys to make the case. Make the case against them. Let's see it.

So far all I'm seeing is rhetoric, hand-wringing and calling for "justice." Let's see you guys actually prove something wrong or illegal went down.
For once put your political ideology aside.[/FONT]

That's actually what I'm asking you guys to do. It sounds like it was an attempt to get guns into the hands of people we thought we could trust, and apparently something went all shitty. But you still haven't proven that it was an illegal operation, or that it was something that Obama has to be held accountable for. Holder, maybe. But that again means some proof needs to be seen.

I don't think Holder should stall on disclosure. That's just making things way worse, and it gives a bad impression of what he's hiding; I'll give you that. But at the end of the day, we still actually have to see the proof before we condemn.
This is hardly a sneeze. Many people died because obama wanted to disarm Americans. It wasn't a drug war, it wasn't even a war at all. It was an attempt to create enough bloodshed to cause Americans to give up their guns.
Okay, so I have a couple more thoughts on this, after reading up on it a little bit.

If the ATF had been doing these "gun walking" stings since 2006, then it seems like there was a precedent for them. I'm not saying that Fast and Furious started under Bush, but gun-walking did. And I actually think it kind of makes sense. It's sort of like marked bills, except unfortunately it's with guns that can kill people.

That said, I'm no seeing where it's a breach of any laws. What laws were breached? If it's the very bureau intended to control firearms in this country, don't they have a right to conduct operations with those guns as they see fit? I'm only going on info that's out there, so maybe there IS more to it.

Next, as a Commie Hippie Liberal, you know what I want to say to all the sanctimony over "BUT PEOPLE GOT KILDED!" I want to say a big fat "Fuck you" to those people. Why? Because this is what happens when you create a culture that reveres guns. This is what happens when you make these kinds of guns available to the public. You want to REALLY make a difference? Stop making bigger and scarier assault rifles legal to purchase ANYWHERE.

But none of you gun fucks will accept that. You'll point to the 2nd Amendment and cry. Sorry folks, your outrage is a little hollow when you boner-up on guns so much.

This sounds like it was an operational fuck-up, and nothing more. The people directly involved should be taken to task, but I don't even know what the fuck that means. It's certainly not anything you can draw up impeachment papers for. I mean, it's not like Obama was sending those guns down to Central America to start a covert war...

And if he was, if it turns out this is Iran-Contra II, you will find me as one of the Liberals calling for Obama's impeachment and tossing from office. But if there's no evidence of shit like that, ya'all are making a mountain out of a fuck-up of a molehill.

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