Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

It's more and more certain that Obama will not allow an election in November.

He's going to stage a coup and blame it on the Tea Party so he can declare martial Law

Lets Hope he does. Wont be 24 Hours before he finds the Capital Surrounded by Armed Citizens and Members of the Military who Actually Respect the Constitution.


I wondered about this after he declared war on the Catholic Church, it made no sense if he was worried about an election in November. Apparently, he's acting as if he can stay President without the help of Catholics, taxpayers, Jews, independents or anyone to the right of Mao.

Something feel really wrong about his behavior and I think this may be it
No limits in this Whitehouse

President Obama on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents just as a House panel prepared to push ahead with a contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Here's what the president's action means:

-- Executive privilege allows Obama to withhold from Congress documents revealing internal communications and decision-making of the executive branch of government that he believes should remain confidential.

-- A subpoena by Congress cannot override claims of executive privilege. However, the privilege is considered "qualified" and "not absolute," meaning it can be challenged and overturned in the courts, according to the Congressional Research Service.

During Wednesday's hearing, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, suggested to chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., that the dispute be resolved by the courts before Congress proceeded with a contempt vote. But Issa said the committee is "concurrently evaluating" the executive privilege claim and trying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only thetrying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only the president can do it," Issa said. "A letter saying the president has done it is not sufficient."

-- Historically, a challenge of executive privilege rarely reaches the courts. The majority of disputes over access to information have been resolved through political negotiations.

"While reviewing courts have expressed reluctance to balance executive privilege claims against a congressional demand for information, they have acknowledged they will do so if the political branches have tried in good faith but failed to reach an accommodation," according to CRS.
-- The idea of executive privilege is not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, but the Supreme Court ruled it to be part of the "separation of powers" doctrine.

-- This is the first time President Obama has asserted executive privilege. Presidents Richard Nixon, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton all resorted to using executive privilege during their administrations. The practice has been used 24 times since President Ronald Reagan to protect the confidentiality of information.
Executive privilege explained: What Obama's Fast and Furious document claim means | Fox News

This after an 18 month investigation into the ATF "letting walk" 2000 semi--automatic weapons into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels. Of course Eric Holder--Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF along with Obama have stated repeatedly that they knew nothing about this program. No one from the ATF was fired--in fact the top level officials involved in this program were promoted--obviously to shut them up. We know of one U.S. border patrol agent dead with these guns--and only God knows how many Mexican citizens these guns have killed--(I imagine with the violence on the border)--100's of them are dead--including many innocent civilians.

The investigation committee was going to file contempt charges against Eric Holder today-(June 20, 2012)-because he had been withholding a lot of the e-mails from the committee along with other evidence--and today Obama claims EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE on this program. Obviously--because there is something so damaging within these documents--it would probably PROVE that Eric Holder authorized this program--knew full well about it--and has been trying to cover up his involvement into Fast and Furious over the last 18 months. It's possible that Obama knew about it also.

This is what your Obama's most TRANSPARENT administration in history is doing. This administration makes me want to puke!
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No limits in this Whitehouse

President Obama on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents just as a House panel prepared to push ahead with a contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Here's what the president's action means:

-- Executive privilege allows Obama to withhold from Congress documents revealing internal communications and decision-making of the executive branch of government that he believes should remain confidential.

-- A subpoena by Congress cannot override claims of executive privilege. However, the privilege is considered "qualified" and "not absolute," meaning it can be challenged and overturned in the courts, according to the Congressional Research Service.

During Wednesday's hearing, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, suggested to chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., that the dispute be resolved by the courts before Congress proceeded with a contempt vote. But Issa said the committee is "concurrently evaluating" the executive privilege claim and trying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only thetrying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only the president can do it," Issa said. "A letter saying the president has done it is not sufficient."

-- Historically, a challenge of executive privilege rarely reaches the courts. The majority of disputes over access to information have been resolved through political negotiations.

"While reviewing courts have expressed reluctance to balance executive privilege claims against a congressional demand for information, they have acknowledged they will do so if the political branches have tried in good faith but failed to reach an accommodation," according to CRS.
-- The idea of executive privilege is not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, but the Supreme Court ruled it to be part of the "separation of powers" doctrine.

-- This is the first time President Obama has asserted executive privilege. Presidents Richard Nixon, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton all resorted to using executive privilege during their administrations. The practice has been used 24 times since President Ronald Reagan to protect the confidentiality of information.
Executive privilege explained: What Obama's Fast and Furious document claim means | Fox News

This after an 18 month investigation into the ATF "letting walk" 2000 semi--automatic weapons into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels. Of course Eric Holder--Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF along with Obama have stated repeatedly that they knew nothing about this program. No one from the ATF was fired--in fact the top level officials involved in this program were promoted--obviously to shut them up. We know of one U.S. border patrol agent dead with these guns--and only God knows how many Mexican citizens these guns have killed--(I imagine with the violence on the border)--100's of them are dead--including many innocent civilians.

The investigation committee was going to file contempt charges against Eric Holder today-(June 20, 2012)-because he had been withholding a lot of the e-mails from the committee along with other evidence--and today Obama claims EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE on this program. Obviously--because there is something so damaging within these documents--it would probably PROVE that Eric Holder authorized this program--knew full well about it--and has been trying to cover up his involvement into Fast and Furious over the last 18 months. It's possible that Obama knew about it also.

This is what your Obama's most TRANSPARENT administration in history is doing.

they're so transparent that it's obvious obfuscation.
No limits in this Whitehouse

President Obama on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents just as a House panel prepared to push ahead with a contempt vote against Attorney General Eric Holder.

Here's what the president's action means:

-- Executive privilege allows Obama to withhold from Congress documents revealing internal communications and decision-making of the executive branch of government that he believes should remain confidential.

-- A subpoena by Congress cannot override claims of executive privilege. However, the privilege is considered "qualified" and "not absolute," meaning it can be challenged and overturned in the courts, according to the Congressional Research Service.

During Wednesday's hearing, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, suggested to chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., that the dispute be resolved by the courts before Congress proceeded with a contempt vote. But Issa said the committee is "concurrently evaluating" the executive privilege claim and trying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only thetrying to get a "log" of executive privilege assertions from the White House. He also said the letter he received claiming executive privilege, which was from Deputy Attorney General James Cole, was not sufficient. "Only the president can do it," Issa said. "A letter saying the president has done it is not sufficient."

-- Historically, a challenge of executive privilege rarely reaches the courts. The majority of disputes over access to information have been resolved through political negotiations.

"While reviewing courts have expressed reluctance to balance executive privilege claims against a congressional demand for information, they have acknowledged they will do so if the political branches have tried in good faith but failed to reach an accommodation," according to CRS.
-- The idea of executive privilege is not explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, but the Supreme Court ruled it to be part of the "separation of powers" doctrine.

-- This is the first time President Obama has asserted executive privilege. Presidents Richard Nixon, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton all resorted to using executive privilege during their administrations. The practice has been used 24 times since President Ronald Reagan to protect the confidentiality of information.
Executive privilege explained: What Obama's Fast and Furious document claim means | Fox News

This after an 18 month investigation into the ATF "letting walk" 2000 semi--automatic weapons into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels. Of course Eric Holder--Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF along with Obama have stated repeatedly that they knew nothing about this program. No one from the ATF was fired--in fact the top level officials involved in this program were promoted--obviously to shut them up. We know of one U.S. border patrol agent dead with these guns--and only God knows how many Mexican citizens these guns have killed--(I imagine with the violence on the border)--100's of them are dead--including many innocent civilians.

The investigation committee was going to file contempt charges against Eric Holder today-(June 20, 2012)-because he had been withholding a lot of the e-mails from the committee along with other evidence--and today Obama claims EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE on this program. Obviously--because there is something so damaging within these documents--it would probably PROVE that Eric Holder authorized this program--knew full well about it--and has been trying to cover up his involvement into Fast and Furious over the last 18 months. It's possible that Obama knew about it also.

This is what your Obama's most TRANSPARENT administration in history is doing.

they're so transparent that it's obvious obfuscation.

It makes me want to PUKE--2000 semi automatic weapons in the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels due to this program. How many REALLY have these guns killed?
Executive privilege explained: What Obama's Fast and Furious document claim means | Fox News

This after an 18 month investigation into the ATF "letting walk" 2000 semi--automatic weapons into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels. Of course Eric Holder--Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF along with Obama have stated repeatedly that they knew nothing about this program. No one from the ATF was fired--in fact the top level officials involved in this program were promoted--obviously to shut them up. We know of one U.S. border patrol agent dead with these guns--and only God knows how many Mexican citizens these guns have killed--(I imagine with the violence on the border)--100's of them are dead--including many innocent civilians.

The investigation committee was going to file contempt charges against Eric Holder today-(June 20, 2012)-because he had been withholding a lot of the e-mails from the committee along with other evidence--and today Obama claims EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE on this program. Obviously--because there is something so damaging within these documents--it would probably PROVE that Eric Holder authorized this program--knew full well about it--and has been trying to cover up his involvement into Fast and Furious over the last 18 months. It's possible that Obama knew about it also.

This is what your Obama's most TRANSPARENT administration in history is doing.

they're so transparent that it's obvious obfuscation.

It makes me want to PUKE--2000 semi automatic weapons in the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels due to this program. How many REALLY have these guns killed?

They have blood on thier hands. They are covering up.
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.
your going to eat this one cons

I'd love to hear you make all these excuses and try all these deflections face to face with the family and friends of Brian Terry.

As we've learned in recent days a picture of an outhouse causes the hearts of democrats to bleed, children being made fatherless thanks to bureacrats? No big deal, hell the bureacrats prolly deserve a raise!
your going to eat this one cons

ya think---:badgrin::badgrin:

This morning, the White House asserted executive privilege over documents related to Operation ‘Fast and Furious,’ per Attorney General Eric Holder’s request. Following this move, Judge Napolitano warned that we may be on the “precipice of a constitutional confrontation between the Executive Branch, the White House, and the Congress.”

Executive privilege, in its definition, provides protection over communications with the president himself, according to the judge. The letter sent by Eric Holder requesting executive privilege does not detail a discussion with the president, but Judge Napolitano said, “The implication is there.”
Judge Napolitano on ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents: Executive Privilege Only Applies If the President Was Personally Involved | Fox News Insider
He probably won't have to resign now.

Don't be so sure.

Anything is possible. This whole thing could be a delaying tactic so they can get their shit together at their own pace instead of Issa's pace. What's worse, having your AG held in contempt of Congress or claiming Executive Privilege, so you can get your shit together?

Seems to me that Issa has the cards. Obama and Holder know the stakes and are bluffing. They're in trouble, and they know it.

Both of these 'gentlemen' are forcing a Constitutional crisis...and for what reason?
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference

Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

There's a dead American at the end of Obama's Fast and Furious, that's the big difference

There's a lot more dead than just one US border agent. 2000 semi-automatic weapons have killed 100's if not 1000's within Mexico--including Judges--elected officials--Mexican police--and militia--trying to combat the Mexican drug cartels--along with innocent civilians caught in the cross-fire.

That's a lot of blood on Eric Holders hands. And frankly the ONLY reason Obama would issue an executive order now--is to try and protect his OWN ASS.
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Holder was hiding obama's involvement. Now that obama has admitted to being involved, all that's left is to prosecute Holder for perjury.

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