Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

yoiur guy started the program and HOLDER ended it.

funny that one huh?

Yes... Bush did have a program LIKE this one. But they found out right from the beginning that it wasn't going to work and they shut it down.

Your boy decided to start it back up again...so it is NOT the same as Bush. Bush knew people could end up getting killed, Obama didn't care.

I think you are REALLY scared, aren't you~
You know you're wrong and you're just not going to admit it....you'll make excuses for even a murderer.

Man i wish i could neg rep you again!

To bad you can't.

I think I'll just ignore Truthsplatters from now on. She's so partisan she can't see that a US citizen was killed because of a damned DOJ program.

She keeps defleting to everything except that cold hard fact. Funny how those cold hard facts don't seem to resonate with her when they pertain to Dems.

Womans such a fucking loser.

I've had it on "ignore" for a while, but I did manage to neg rep the poor, insane thing. Still wish I had more neg rep for it.
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

Well I guess we can both agree Obama is two-faced fuck.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpwYh9TD6Nc]FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege" - YouTube[/ame]

Why is it so difficult for those on the left to simply admit that someone should be held responsible for Fast and Furious?
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Boosh! Boosh! Boosh! When are you shitwads going to use your time machine to transport yourselves into the future, i.e. NOW.
Or did your Mama or Granny NEVER educate you as to how two wrongs never make it right?
Okay, so I have a couple more thoughts on this, after reading up on it a little bit.

If the ATF had been doing these "gun walking" stings since 2006, then it seems like there was a precedent for them. I'm not saying that Fast and Furious started under Bush, but gun-walking did. And I actually think it kind of makes sense. It's sort of like marked bills, except unfortunately it's with guns that can kill people.

That said, I'm no seeing where it's a breach of any laws. What laws were breached? If it's the very bureau intended to control firearms in this country, don't they have a right to conduct operations with those guns as they see fit? I'm only going on info that's out there, so maybe there IS more to it.

Next, as a Commie Hippie Liberal, you know what I want to say to all the sanctimony over "BUT PEOPLE GOT KILDED!" I want to say a big fat "Fuck you" to those people. Why? Because this is what happens when you create a culture that reveres guns. This is what happens when you make these kinds of guns available to the public. You want to REALLY make a difference? Stop making bigger and scarier assault rifles legal to purchase ANYWHERE.

But none of you gun fucks will accept that. You'll point to the 2nd Amendment and cry. Sorry folks, your outrage is a little hollow when you boner-up on guns so much.

This sounds like it was an operational fuck-up, and nothing more. The people directly involved should be taken to task, but I don't even know what the fuck that means. It's certainly not anything you can draw up impeachment papers for. I mean, it's not like Obama was sending those guns down to Central America to start a covert war...

And if he was, if it turns out this is Iran-Contra II, you will find me as one of the Liberals calling for Obama's impeachment and tossing from office. But if there's no evidence of shit like that, ya'all are making a mountain out of a fuck-up of a molehill.

Thanks for proving my point as to what the Obama regime was tryint to do....

They want FUCKS like you to cry "WE NEED TIGHTER TOUGHER GUN LAWS...!!!"

Thanks asswipe... nice work :fu:

Fuck you, twat. I'm entitled to my hatred of guns just as much you're entitled to your sexual fantasies about them. And my hate of guns has NOTHING to do with this scandal. If you actually read what I'm writing, my view on guns is SECONDARY to finding out what, if any laws were broken. I'm seeing "gunrunner" charges, but considering that Bush camp did in fact do this same thing (yes, I know they "shut it down," but they still engaged in this exact sort of thing too), that this is seriously just an operation that went awry. Is that not allowed to happen?

I'm not defending anyone or anything other than saying the story should develop, and the White House should definitely produce the information (so long as it doesn't compromise other agents, etc). Jesus Christ, you're a sycophant when you can't even see that I'm not shitting all over the criticisms of Holder/Obama as much as I'm not looking to start impeachment proceedings until all the facts are out.
No limits in this Whitehouse

Predictable. Did he really have another choice? Politically, the administration will paint Holder and Obama as victims. My prediction is that is only going to charge the Democratic base (as if they needed one). The independents will have the final say if they want a maverick for an AG.
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Boosh! Boosh! Boosh! When are you shitwads going to use your time machine to transport yourselves into the future, i.e. NOW.
Or did your Mama or Granny NEVER educate you as to how two wrongs never make it right?

I'll make you deal: We'll stop REMINDING the country about what a terrible fuck up Bush II was when you guys publicly disavow the birther shit, and when you guys stop evoking Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history. Deal?
Look, I'm admittedly in the dark on this one a bit. But it seems to me that there was a fuck-up somewhere along the line. However, is the Right Wing claiming this operation should never have happened, or are they saying because an American got killed it's all Obama's fault? I'm seriously trying to figure out what the Right Wing's anger of this operation is.

If you are upset about it, explain to me WHY. What exactly it is about the operation you don't like, other than Obama's administration was the one who started it. Operational fuck-ups happen, and again if there was no stupid fucking war on drugs, it seems there wouldn't have been a need for this. So if the Right was using this as an example to point out the fallacies of a drug war, I'd be on board.

As it stands now, it looks like a partisan attempt to grill people that didn't actually fuck up over the fuck up. That's all I'm saying.

this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!
Love the drudge frontpage pic of Obama blended with Nixon.

This very well is turning into his Watergate, re-election or not.

The question will be, if it does go down that path, will we see another impeachment and trial? How fast can that happen anyway?

It should have had him blended with George W. Bush.
There we go. That's it.

So mexicans got killed. Like rabbits they will replace themselves in a few days. The point is that this government intended that these innocent people get killed to advance one of their socialistic policies. The reason wasn't to track guns. No tracking guns took place. That was the show reason. The real reason was to demonize American gun owners and the salesmen who serve them.

So when are the Conservatives in this thread going to call this post out for its blatant racism again?
this isn't Leftwing/Rightwing...this is a BREACH of LAW.

Wake up. People DIED.

Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.
There we go. That's it.

So mexicans got killed. Like rabbits they will replace themselves in a few days. The point is that this government intended that these innocent people get killed to advance one of their socialistic policies. The reason wasn't to track guns. No tracking guns took place. That was the show reason. The real reason was to demonize American gun owners and the salesmen who serve them.

So when are the Conservatives in this thread going to call this post out for its blatant racism again?

we don't have to do anything because you judge a post racist...you didn't like it stomp your feet over it.
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Okay, so I have a couple more thoughts on this, after reading up on it a little bit.

If the ATF had been doing these "gun walking" stings since 2006, then it seems like there was a precedent for them. I'm not saying that Fast and Furious started under Bush, but gun-walking did. And I actually think it kind of makes sense. It's sort of like marked bills, except unfortunately it's with guns that can kill people.

That said, I'm no seeing where it's a breach of any laws. What laws were breached? If it's the very bureau intended to control firearms in this country, don't they have a right to conduct operations with those guns as they see fit? I'm only going on info that's out there, so maybe there IS more to it.

Next, as a Commie Hippie Liberal, you know what I want to say to all the sanctimony over "BUT PEOPLE GOT KILDED!" I want to say a big fat "Fuck you" to those people. Why? Because this is what happens when you create a culture that reveres guns. This is what happens when you make these kinds of guns available to the public. You want to REALLY make a difference? Stop making bigger and scarier assault rifles legal to purchase ANYWHERE.

But none of you gun fucks will accept that. You'll point to the 2nd Amendment and cry. Sorry folks, your outrage is a little hollow when you boner-up on guns so much.

This sounds like it was an operational fuck-up, and nothing more. The people directly involved should be taken to task, but I don't even know what the fuck that means. It's certainly not anything you can draw up impeachment papers for. I mean, it's not like Obama was sending those guns down to Central America to start a covert war...

And if he was, if it turns out this is Iran-Contra II, you will find me as one of the Liberals calling for Obama's impeachment and tossing from office. But if there's no evidence of shit like that, ya'all are making a mountain out of a fuck-up of a molehill.

Thanks for proving my point as to what the Obama regime was tryint to do....

They want FUCKS like you to cry "WE NEED TIGHTER TOUGHER GUN LAWS...!!!"

Thanks asswipe... nice work :fu:

Fuck you, twat. I'm entitled to my hatred of guns just as much you're entitled to your sexual fantasies about them. And my hate of guns has NOTHING to do with this scandal. If you actually read what I'm writing, my view on guns is SECONDARY to finding out what, if any laws were broken. I'm seeing "gunrunner" charges, but considering that Bush camp did in fact do this same thing (yes, I know they "shut it down," but they still engaged in this exact sort of thing too), that this is seriously just an operation that went awry. Is that not allowed to happen?

I'm not defending anyone or anything other than saying the story should develop, and the White House should definitely produce the information (so long as it doesn't compromise other agents, etc). Jesus Christ, you're a sycophant when you can't even see that I'm not shitting all over the criticisms of Holder/Obama as much as I'm not looking to start impeachment proceedings until all the facts are out.

Operation Wide Receiver did not allow guns to disappear across the border. During Wide Receiver the ATF worked in conjunction with and consulted with Mexican law enforcement.

The story has developed, what you are attempting to do is willfully ignore the story that has developed over the months of this investigation.

It is obvious that you haven't researched anything, you are simply offering half-assed excuses.

The fact is that the ATF violated the law by forcing gun shop owners in border towns to sell assault weapons to known felons and criminals and then allowed those guns to be smuggled across the Mexican border.

The fact is those guns have been found at murder scenes in Mexico and America.


The fact is Holder has retracted or changed (LIED) six times during this investigation.

The Justice Dept originally wrote a letter saying none of it was true, that the ATF would never allow guns to intentionally enter Mexico. That was a lie.

Instead of offering half baked excuses on an issue that you so obviously know nothing about, why don't you try to educate yourself, you simplistic child.
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Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.
Good question. :)
I haven't been here that long. Was this board around for all eight years of Bush II? Let's just do a search for threads about Bush II using Executive Privilege. ANY Right Winger who defended him in those threads is a two-faced fuck. Any Leftie bitching about them and defending Obama's use of it is a two-faced fuck.

Perhaps it's best for all the details to come out before rushing to any judgment, yeah? NO! LET'S FUCKING IMPEACH OBAMA BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUNCH SOME SHIT WENT DOWN.

I have a better idea: end the stupid fucking drug war. Then you wouldn't need shit like this to go down. I will say it's interesting that people who bitched for 8 years that their guy was just "ensuring national security" are now up in arms about this.

Both sides do hinky shit. Let's wait to see just how hinky this is.

Well I guess we can both agree Obama is two-faced fuck.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpwYh9TD6Nc"]FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege" - YouTube[/ame]

Why is it so difficult for those on the left to simply admit that someone should be held responsible for Fast and Furious?

Winning is everything...Screw the Country...Screw the Constitution.

Defend the indefensible.
Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

You can't possibly be this dense.

You don't have a fucking clue about this issue, and yet you continue to add your uniformed, ill-worded, poorly conceived opinions.

if you don't know what laws were broken, then you don't know any of the facts in the case.
Okay, so I have a couple more thoughts on this, after reading up on it a little bit.

If the ATF had been doing these "gun walking" stings since 2006, then it seems like there was a precedent for them. I'm not saying that Fast and Furious started under Bush, but gun-walking did. And I actually think it kind of makes sense. It's sort of like marked bills, except unfortunately it's with guns that can kill people.

That said, I'm no seeing where it's a breach of any laws. What laws were breached? If it's the very bureau intended to control firearms in this country, don't they have a right to conduct operations with those guns as they see fit? I'm only going on info that's out there, so maybe there IS more to it.

Next, as a Commie Hippie Liberal, you know what I want to say to all the sanctimony over "BUT PEOPLE GOT KILDED!" I want to say a big fat "Fuck you" to those people. Why? Because this is what happens when you create a culture that reveres guns. This is what happens when you make these kinds of guns available to the public. You want to REALLY make a difference? Stop making bigger and scarier assault rifles legal to purchase ANYWHERE.

But none of you gun fucks will accept that. You'll point to the 2nd Amendment and cry. Sorry folks, your outrage is a little hollow when you boner-up on guns so much.

This sounds like it was an operational fuck-up, and nothing more. The people directly involved should be taken to task, but I don't even know what the fuck that means. It's certainly not anything you can draw up impeachment papers for. I mean, it's not like Obama was sending those guns down to Central America to start a covert war...

And if he was, if it turns out this is Iran-Contra II, you will find me as one of the Liberals calling for Obama's impeachment and tossing from office. But if there's no evidence of shit like that, ya'all are making a mountain out of a fuck-up of a molehill.

Thanks for proving my point as to what the Obama regime was tryint to do....

They want FUCKS like you to cry "WE NEED TIGHTER TOUGHER GUN LAWS...!!!"

Thanks asswipe... nice work :fu:

Fuck you, twat. I'm entitled to my hatred of guns just as much you're entitled to your sexual fantasies about them. And my hate of guns has NOTHING to do with this scandal.

Yes is it does.... they were hoping to pander to idiots like you to push for tougher gun laws.


I know the truth hurts, but deal with it.
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

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