Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

You can't possibly be this dense.

Conservaderrps is a feral baboon.

He has one purpose, to fling shit. He is not capable of rational discourse, he is here to fling shit.

You don't have a fucking clue about this issue, and yet you continue to add your uniformed, ill-worded, poorly conceived opinions.

if you don't know what laws were broken, then you don't know any of the facts in the case.

The feral baboon is a creature that exists to fling shit, generally in hopes of derailing legitimate threads.

yep, it's a waste of time with that one
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Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

I have no idea what you're whining about, monkey boi.

The best advice I can offer is; get thee to a baboonary, you worthless, smelly, feral baboon.

Oh, sorry. It was the other super-right wing cry baby bitch Conservative that reported me for it. My bad.
I do know that. You do know that indictments have NOT been made in Operation Fast and Furious.

Use a little logic and common sense, if you contend that people broke the law in Operation Wide Receiver, then obviously Fast and Furious, which involves a significantly larger number of weapons and have actually been used in murders, violated the law.

I'm not contending people broke the law with Wide Receiver, nor am I saying that they didn't in F&F. I'm simply pointing out that as of right now, this is absolutely a partisan circle jerk, not just in that committee, but in this thread. My point in bringing up WR is simply to ask if you are just as appalled at that operation. Would you want Bush's head to roll for it? I'm essentially trying to suss out if you're in fact righteously indignant for the rule of law, or because it's a Democratic administration.
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

Ha... add me to your shit list punk.

Thanks for being a classless idiot

Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)

whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

Ha... add me to your shit list punk.

Thanks for being a classless idiot

Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)

Sure... knock yourself out.

No.......I mean literally knock yourself out.


Another political calculation here, no doubt. He's betting the general public won't pay attention.


Well his worshipers will accept anything he does.
And MSNBC will throw their full weight behind Obama
and make him look good,find a way to tie Bush in on this
and make fun of Romney all at the same time...

No way the media will let anyone land a glove on Obama.
Ha... add me to your shit list punk.

Thanks for being a classless idiot

Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)

whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit

And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.
Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)

whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit

And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.

Is that why you have a FETUS in your avie Derp?

Check your outrage son.
There has to be some good & decent Democrats left no? How can they allow this travesty? Shame on them.

Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)

whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit

And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.

you seem to be laboring under the impression that your opinions about my posting matter to me. I can assure you, they do not.

However, I do enjoy seeing how upset you get about neg reps when you claim they don't matter to you. It's like watching Lucy cry 'But Ricky!!!!!' :lol:
whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit

And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.

Is that why you have a FETUS in your avie Derp?

Check your outrage son.

he's just upset that the fetus in his avatar has a bigger dick than he does.
whining like a little bitch about neg reps will just get you more neg reps, Derpshit

And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.

Is that why you have a FETUS in your avie Derp?

Check your outrage son.

That's not a fetus, it's an embryo, An eight-week old embryo.

Check your biology son.

Also, it's my son Clumpy, leave him out of this! FAMILY ATTACK!!!
And acting like a tough guy on a message board because you're dishing out neg-reps like they matter in any universe other than the one you're so deluded to think is important just makes you a douche.

Give me seven thousand little red splatty things, I don't give a fuck, motherfuck. I'm not complaining that you neg-repped me. I'm pointing out that you were too fucking stupid to get that what I said wasn't a family attack and whichever mod or admin that saw your report probably laughed at you like the dumb fucking egotistical prick that you are.

Is that why you have a FETUS in your avie Derp?

Check your outrage son.

he's just upset that the fetus in his avatar has a bigger dick than he does.


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