Obama asserts executive priviledge over fast and furious documents

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

You can't possibly be this dense.

You don't have a fucking clue about this issue, and yet you continue to add your uniformed, ill-worded, poorly conceived opinions.

if you don't know what laws were broken, then you don't know any of the facts in the case.

What laws were broken? I'll ask again, what laws were broken?

What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?

You still haven't told me what laws were broken. Seriously, there's a reason I'm asking. I want to know what specifically they did that's illegal. If you can't tell me, then it's YOU who's injecting uninformed, ill-worded, poorly-conceived opinions.
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

Ha... add me to your shit list punk.

Thanks for being a classless idiot

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu758dBYmIg]Congressmen Outraged Over Holder Anti-Gun 'Brainwash' Video - YouTube[/ame]

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Killed in an armed assault. Do you think the Mexican Nationals from whatever drug cartel patroling the area that night would have been unarmed except for the guns the ATF let walk in?

I feel sorry for everyone who has been killed or injured by the war on
Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

And that is the crux of it all.

Americans scold Mexicans for their violent ways and inability to control the cartels. Meanwhile, we provide a steady stream of legal and illegal weapons as our passion for illegal drugs fuels the market

And that's ^ the pathetic spin of it.

For while it is undeniable that there is an undue appetite for illegal controlled substances, it is also true that the DoJ ran a fucking IMBECILE program that gave firepower to the violent Mexican cartels who then used some of those weapons to perform their hideous violence INCLUDING against our very front line defenders.

AG Holder SHOULD have the decency to resign immediately.

Decency is not in their vocabulary.
Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

You don't know what was wrong??? Or why i called you an asshole?

The fact is that the ATF violated the law by forcing gun shop owners in border towns to sell assault weapons to known felons and criminals and then allowed those guns to be smuggled across the Mexican border.

Which law? Tell me which law was violated when they asked the shop owners to comply with a field operation? Look, you aren't good at reading, obviously, or actually structuring paragraphs, like adults do. So let me say this again:

I am not defending Holder for withholding the information. That is wrong and he should give the information up. I am, however, not about to castigate the entire administration for this. That's fucking stupid. You don't recall a governor because someone at the DMV took a bribe. That's my fucking point.

If you're so sure that laws were broken, why are you not screaming about the operations that Bush's administration DID conduct, going back to 2006. That much is record of fact, right? There have actually been INDICTMENTS for Wide Receiver, you know that right?

So where's your pious sanctimony for THAT operation? It seems to me that you should be just as pissed at the people who were actually indicted for this shit. My take is that both operations were shady as fuck and just begging to go shit-house. So my solution would be to kill it at its source and stop funding a drug war that hasn't gotten shit done.

Fuck the rest of your post, I'm not responding to it. You've misconstrued me enough.
You don't know what was wrong??? Or why i called you an asshole?


Ah, see, now we're getting somewhere. You have less a problem with the operation and more to do with how inadequately armed our border patrol is. That you and I can agree on. I hate guns, but if we're going to put people on our borders to try and stop people that might have guns, I would agree that they should have real ammunition for those guns.
Fine, people DIED. But people DIE all the time in wars, too. So get beyond the fucking histrionics and actually tell me what about the operation was wrong, and why Holder/Obama are the ones to blame. Otherwise, yes, it is a partisan attack. Sorry, dude, that's kind of how this shit works.

In a war our soldiers aren't armed with RUBBER BULLETS asshole!
THAT'S what Terry had to protect himself!

Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

How about aiding and abetting the enemy? They gave our enemies (cartel) guns...these guns have murdered a lot of people. I'm sure there's a broken law in there someplace!
...explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

Do you not think that the government forcing private businesses (gun shops) to sell to known traffickers (strawman sales) is illegal?

Do you not think that enacting a program designed to track those firearms...and then not tracking them...is illegal? These programs were not laws passed by Congress but the actions of unelected bureaucrats. There are an estimated 1700 firearms that were never tracked!

Do you not think that the Attorney General lying to Congress is illegal? He's already admitted to three lies!

Do you not think it is illegal to deny evidence to a Congressional committee who not only has the right, but the duty to uncover the truth about these program?

And these are just federal issues. Do you not think this program violated state laws in places such as Arizona?

Come on man, get real!
How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

Boosh! Boosh! Boosh! When are you shitwads going to use your time machine to transport yourselves into the future, i.e. NOW.
Or did your Mama or Granny NEVER educate you as to how two wrongs never make it right?

I'll make you deal: We'll stop REMINDING the country about what a terrible fuck up Bush II was when you guys publicly disavow the birther shit, and when you guys stop evoking Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history. Deal?

Ain't gonna happen :)
Why exactly am an I asshole in this scenario again? I'm asking questions, trying to get some critical thinking going.

I get it, you love America, Apple Pie, Fucking Your Bitch in the Shitter and your Guns. Got it. Now, beyond that, explain to me which laws were broken by Fast and Furious.

You can't possibly be this dense.

You don't have a fucking clue about this issue, and yet you continue to add your uniformed, ill-worded, poorly conceived opinions.

if you don't know what laws were broken, then you don't know any of the facts in the case.

What laws were broken? I'll ask again, what laws were broken?

What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?
What laws were broken?

You still haven't told me what laws were broken. Seriously, there's a reason I'm asking. I want to know what specifically they did that's illegal. If you can't tell me, then it's YOU who's injecting uninformed, ill-worded, poorly-conceived opinions.

Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibited not only the sale, but also the possession of any firearms by any convicted of a felony. Again, the ATF had gun stores in border towns to make purchases that were illegal, and in at least three instances those gun store owners protested, their protests were ignored and they were told to continue the illegal selling of weapons to known criminals.

The ATF monitored these transactions, but agents were ordered not to interfere with or arrest the purchasers.

Those weapons were found at the site of murders, specifically Brain Terry, in Mexico and America.

SO, weapons that were illegally purchased, with the consent of the ATF, were used in committing murders.

Now concentrate, do you see how this entire operation could be criminal?
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

Ha... add me to your shit list punk.

Thanks for being a classless idiot

Do I get to report you for calling me a C*nt in the neg-rep you gave me?

(I wouldn't, because I fucking LOVE that word and take no offense at being called one)
You can't possibly be this dense.

Conservaderrps is a feral baboon.

He has one purpose, to fling shit. He is not capable of rational discourse, he is here to fling shit.

You don't have a fucking clue about this issue, and yet you continue to add your uniformed, ill-worded, poorly conceived opinions.

if you don't know what laws were broken, then you don't know any of the facts in the case.

The feral baboon is a creature that exists to fling shit, generally in hopes of derailing legitimate threads.
After investigation it was determined that there was no leak at all in the Plame matter. More, Plame at that time wasn't even entitled to confidentiality.

This is somewhat different. After all, hundreds of people died over obama's plan to disarm Americans. Is obama courting the latino vote? Like these hundreds of people who were murdered by obama's actions didn't have any friends or relatives or even anyone that cared that obama killed them?

obama counters by demanding a list of GOP donors.

holder should immediately be charged with perjury. Right now.

How many time you going to float that lie?

The Bush White House leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame after her husband, Joe Wilson, published a damaging 2003 New York Times op-ed questioning what President Bush had said about Saddam Hussein's supposed quest for weapons of mass destruction.

An investigation, conducted by Fitzgerald, found that along with Armitage two high-level administration officials had leaked the information: Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby subsequently was convicted and sentenced to prison for crimes related to the leak and subsequent cover-up. Bush later commuted Libby's sentence so he never spent any time in prison.

The investigation clearly showed that Plame was a covert operative whose cover was blown by senior Bush administration officials and the leak compromised national security.

According to Fitzgerald, after Wilson criticized President Bush's assertions about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, the White House engaged in a "concerted action" to "discredit, punish, or seek revenge against" Wilson. Libby leaked Plame's identity to a reporter as did Rove.

Fitzgerald also determined that Plame's status as a CIA official was classified. Furthermore, news reports have indicated that the CIA believed the damage caused by the leak "was serious enough to warrant an investigation" and that the subsequent disclosure of Plame's CIA front company likely put other agents' work at risk. And Fitzgerald stated that Plame's identity had been protected by the CIA "not just for the officer, but for the nation's security."

richard armitage worked for colin powell at State.....hello.
The fact is that the ATF violated the law by forcing gun shop owners in border towns to sell assault weapons to known felons and criminals and then allowed those guns to be smuggled across the Mexican border.

Which law? Tell me which law was violated when they asked the shop owners to comply with a field operation? Look, you aren't good at reading, obviously, or actually structuring paragraphs, like adults do. So let me say this again:

I am not defending Holder for withholding the information. That is wrong and he should give the information up. I am, however, not about to castigate the entire administration for this. That's fucking stupid. You don't recall a governor because someone at the DMV took a bribe. That's my fucking point.

If you're so sure that laws were broken, why are you not screaming about the operations that Bush's administration DID conduct, going back to 2006. That much is record of fact, right? There have actually been INDICTMENTS for Wide Receiver, you know that right?

So where's your pious sanctimony for THAT operation? It seems to me that you should be just as pissed at the people who were actually indicted for this shit. My take is that both operations were shady as fuck and just begging to go shit-house. So my solution would be to kill it at its source and stop funding a drug war that hasn't gotten shit done.

Fuck the rest of your post, I'm not responding to it. You've misconstrued me enough.

I do know that. You do know that indictments have NOT been made in Operation Fast and Furious.

Use a little logic and common sense, if you contend that people broke the law in Operation Wide Receiver, then obviously Fast and Furious, which involves a significantly larger number of weapons and have actually been used in murders, violated the law.
Hey Uncensored, you stupid twat, thanks for reporting my family attack for the line "fucking your Bitch in the shitter." I'm glad that you could divine that the "Bitch" in question was related to Caroljo, since you know, it's pretty obviously not about anyone specifically.

You're fucking clueless, and I'm sure I won't be punished since anyone with a third-grade level reading ability wouldn't see that as a Family Attack, you fucking twat.

I have no idea what you're whining about, monkey boi.

The best advice I can offer is; get thee to a baboonary, you worthless, smelly, feral baboon.
Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibited not only the sale, but also the possession of any firearms by any convicted of a felony. Again, the ATF had gun stores in border towns to make purchases that were illegal, and in at least three instances those gun store owners protested, their protests were ignored and they were told to continue the illegal selling of weapons to known criminals.

But what's the operational precedent on this? Also, are you telling me that you believe that under no circumstances should a president or government agency be allowed to side-step laws for a sting operation? I'm not sure exactly where I myself stand on that, but I'm just curious because I'm sure ever since the Cold War days there has been shady shit going down on both sides of the aisle all over the place.

That's the bigger question here. Clearly someone should be accountable for what went down, since it seemed like a chance for fuck-ups to be all over the place. But again, knowing that actual indictments have come down the pike in Wide Receiver, are you not just as pissed at the Bush administration for what they did?

he ATF monitored these transactions, but agents were ordered not to interfere with or arrest the purchasers.

Yeah, this doesn't sound "safe," but if you're in a so-called "War" on drugs, this kind of shit happens right? See again why I'm saying this is more an indictment on the war on drugs than it is about anything else?

hose weapons were found at the site of murders, specifically Brain Terry, in Mexico and America.

Sad. Inexcusable, not sure it means that someone other than ATF people involved deserve to lose their job or go to jail, etc.

SO, weapons that were illegally purchased, with the consent of the ATF, were used in committing murders.

Yeah, that's some fucked-up shit. Wonder how less fucked-up it'd be if we weren't in a war on drugs.

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