Obama blames Bush for ending Iraq~

Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.

far left
far left
far left
far left
far left

you sound exactly like a drone.
Was that before or after he promised us the moon?

Isn't that why you far lefties voted for Obama?

sheesh ... mention FAR LEFT again would you please ?

Bush and Maliki reached a withdrawal agreement
Iraq WANTED the US out
Unless you were asleep, Obama ran for POTUS on an Iraqi withdrawal platform

the trifecta.. and it's Obama's fault?

can anyone other than brain dead RW's believe this crapola?
The agreement also says that the USA shall use military force to protect Iraq and its people against aggression even after the pullout. Yes, I read the actual act not just the article. The problem in Iraq is obamashitforbrains now, period.
Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.


The agreement to leave Iraq this year dates from late 2008, when Mr. Bush, before leaving office, made a farewell visit to Baghdad that was disrupted when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him and denounced him as a “dog.” American military officials had wanted a “residual” force of as many as tens of thousands of soldiers to remain past 2011 as an insurance policy against future violence.

Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain. Some top American military officials were dismayed by the decision, saying Mr. Obama was putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

Pentagon lawyers insisted that the Iraqi Parliament grant soldiers immunity from legal prosecution. In recent weeks, American negotiators in Baghdad concluded that it would be impossible to obtain that protection, essentially scuttling any chance of a substantial troop presence there next year.

Mr. Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta kept the door open to further talks on trainers. While civilian and military officials characterized the withdrawal as a clean break, negotiations could always resume.

“As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces,” Mr. Obama said. “After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.


The agreement to leave Iraq this year dates from late 2008, when Mr. Bush, before leaving office, made a farewell visit to Baghdad that was disrupted when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him and denounced him as a “dog.” American military officials had wanted a “residual” force of as many as tens of thousands of soldiers to remain past 2011 as an insurance policy against future violence.

Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain. Some top American military officials were dismayed by the decision, saying Mr. Obama was putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

Pentagon lawyers insisted that the Iraqi Parliament grant soldiers immunity from legal prosecution. In recent weeks, American negotiators in Baghdad concluded that it would be impossible to obtain that protection, essentially scuttling any chance of a substantial troop presence there next year.

Mr. Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta kept the door open to further talks on trainers. While civilian and military officials characterized the withdrawal as a clean break, negotiations could always resume.

“As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces,” Mr. Obama said. “After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

Once again the far left denies that Obama was the one that wanted the troops out to placate to the far left base.

However they will do all the can to blame Boooooshhh! as much as they can.

And the far left will deny their own sources to promote their hatred of anything not far left.

Obama picked up his ball and went home, no negations, nothing!

And the far left shows their support for Obama illegal wars.

The irony of them defending Obama after the 2003 - 2009 far left propaganda.
So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.

far left
far left
far left
far left
far left

you sound exactly like a drone.

Says the far left Obama drone that will support any illegal war that Obama starts.
Obama claims he didn't end Iraq, or even want to... lol.

Q Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq? And does it give you pause as the U.S. -- is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?

THE PRESIDENT: What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government.

Obama admits it was Bush that ended the war and claims he really wanted to stay there.

Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

Odd = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKSb2ukQxvY

Will Obama win lie of the year again? Will the media even go with this? I mean, I like Rand Paul and if he farts the Media is there to destroy him... Obama took credit for ending a war 3 years later than he told people he would only to now claim he never ended it, it was all Bush!

That isn't what he said two days ago and I gave him credit for the truth then! He wasn't able to negotiate the Status of Forces Agreement with Maliki and essentially we were kicked out. Whether Obama didn't have the negotiating skills or he didn't try very hard we'll never know, but that is what happened. It was all over whether our forces were going to be held responsible for breaking their laws. It was nothing about Bush.

Jackson, you obviously didn't see my response to you the last time you said this in response to my thread about the liar in chief.

I asked you if you watched the PBS documentary on Losing Iraq. Did you?

Furthermore, I've spent many hours explaining why the SOFA is more complicated than you apparently realize but since M.D. Rawlings did a great job of summarizing my scattered posts, here is his summary:

The status of forces agreement was not necessarily a general pull out by a certain date, but a systematic reduction in forces over time as we built up and trained an Iraqi army with a targeted date. It provided for an extension of a force of roughly 10,000 if Iraq were not stable by that date or for a redeployment of additional forces in the event it were to become unstable. Iraq clearly was not ready by December 2011! Everyone with an IQ above that of a gnat understood that.

A faction of the Iraqi Parliament reneged on that provision and threatened to oust Maliki. At that time it should have been explained to them in no uncertain terms that they owed us big, and that we were not about to squander the blood and the treasure that we had vested in their success. There is no way in hell a Republican president would have allowed that, but Obama, because that was his wont all along in any event, folded like the pair of soiled panties in your top drawer.

It was sheer politics, not leadership, and it was irresponsible. Within a year it was clear that the fledgling government was in trouble; moreover, it has been abundantly clear for nearly a year now that it could not adequately defend its people, and this Administration and the MSM ignored the mounting crisis.
I just can't believe that Obama feels it's politically stronger to blame Bush for ending Iraq. Obama sure loved the jump in the polls when parades were going on claiming Obama ended the war. Obama seemed very happy to take credit for ending the war no one wanted all over the news networks for weeks.

Now, all of a sudden he claims he was forced to leave and wanted to stay???? What happened to the Obama who ran on "the first thing I'll do is get us out of Iraq"?

Where are all the war protesters??

Where are all the liberals/progressives claiming the US and Obama are evil?

Guess we'll have to wait for a Republican to win in 2016 for that....

Obama's apologists can be found everywhere trying to spin it just like the Liar in Chief did in that presser, but it's not working. I mean even some of the most uninformed voters who voted for him are up in arms now.

Obama dug a huge hole during that presser that will haunt him for the entire next 2 years. Mark my words.

The lies in the presser are so easy to strangle him with. I just have to find the energy to dig it all up since there's so much to use.
Isn't that why you far lefties voted for Obama?

sheesh ... mention FAR LEFT again would you please ?

Bush and Maliki reached a withdrawal agreement
Iraq WANTED the US out
Unless you were asleep, Obama ran for POTUS on an Iraqi withdrawal platform

the trifecta.. and it's Obama's fault?

can anyone other than brain dead RW's believe this crapola?
The agreement also says that the USA shall use military force to protect Iraq and its people against aggression even after the pullout. Yes, I read the actual act not just the article. The problem in Iraq is obamashitforbrains now, period.

Do tell.

Blindboo, you don't know shit about the SOFA. Stop. Just stop.

Let me guess, you think President Bush was shoe shopping in Baghdad during Oct. of 2008?


You couldn't see the big picture if you tried, Boo. You are usually respectful so I'm not saying that sarcastically. I truly believe you aren't seeing it.

It's annoying how there isn't just one thread to discuss this in length.....there are about 20 threads discussing the SOFA by now. If there were just one, I'd take the time to explain it in length. But because I have to re-address if over and over and over, it's hard to be motivated to go into length.

I might wait and see which one of these Iraq threads gets to be the longest....
So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.

far left
far left
far left
far left
far left

you sound exactly like a drone.

Boo strikes me as someone trying to have a real debate on the topic. You on the other hand are nothing but a hack and a bot that can't think for himself. Try debating the actual SOFA. Have you ever read it?

No? And you're posting about it?
Blindboo, you don't know shit about the SOFA. Stop. Just stop.

Let me guess, you think President Bush was shoe shopping in Baghdad during Oct. of 2008?


More proof that the far left will just post links that they don't even read and still does not support their own propaganda.

The far left just love to shoot themselves in the foot.

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton favored keeping more troops in Iraq past 2011 than President Obama.

Obama said NO!

So since Obama would not do anything except pick up his ball and go home, he leaves the troops to fend for themselves in the Iraqi law system

Another Obama blunder and illegal war.
So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.


The agreement to leave Iraq this year dates from late 2008, when Mr. Bush, before leaving office, made a farewell visit to Baghdad that was disrupted when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him and denounced him as a “dog.” American military officials had wanted a “residual” force of as many as tens of thousands of soldiers to remain past 2011 as an insurance policy against future violence.

Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain. Some top American military officials were dismayed by the decision, saying Mr. Obama was putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

Pentagon lawyers insisted that the Iraqi Parliament grant soldiers immunity from legal prosecution. In recent weeks, American negotiators in Baghdad concluded that it would be impossible to obtain that protection, essentially scuttling any chance of a substantial troop presence there next year.

Mr. Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta kept the door open to further talks on trainers. While civilian and military officials characterized the withdrawal as a clean break, negotiations could always resume.

“As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces,” Mr. Obama said. “After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant


So if Bush is at fault, then put him back in the office and let him straighten it out. Seems he's the only one qualified in your mind. Obama has no idea how to , don't let it be said here that Obama ever did anything worthy of supporting the fight of terrists. 2008 to 2014, hmm, six years of sitting in a chair and doing nothing, can't figure out anything either, because hey it was done in 2008 no need to re-evaluate it year after year eh?

What a hoot.... The do nothing President, put Bush back in if he get's the blame. let's push it folks, Put Bush back in to get something done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's what the left wants.
Obama claims he didn't end Iraq, or even want to... lol.

Q Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq? And does it give you pause as the U.S. -- is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?

THE PRESIDENT: What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government.

Look at the question and answer you cited. Obama was asked by an uniformed journalist if he had any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq.

There was no second thought available is the truth.

It is true that under the Bush Administration we did in fact turn over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government.

Are you saying Bush did not turn over Iraq to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government?

Obama's reply is the exact truth and no amount of right wing distortion can change the facts as they stand.
Blindboo, you don't know shit about the SOFA. Stop. Just stop.

Let me guess, you think President Bush was shoe shopping in Baghdad during Oct. of 2008?


You couldn't see the big picture if you tried, Boo. You are usually respectful so I'm not saying that sarcastically. I truly believe you aren't seeing it.

It's annoying how there isn't just one thread to discuss this in length.....there are about 20 threads discussing the SOFA by now. If there were just one, I'd take the time to explain it in length. But because I have to re-address if over and over and over, it's hard to be motivated to go into length.

I might wait and see which one of these Iraq threads gets to be the longest....

Article 24
Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq
Recognizing the performance and increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces, the
assumption of full security responsibility by those Forces, and based upon the strong
relationship between the Parties, an agreement on the following has been reached:

1. All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than
December 31, 2011.

2. All United States combat forces shall withdraw from Iraqi cities, villages, and
localities no later than the time at which Iraqi Security Forces assume full responsibility
for security in an Iraqi province, provided that such withdrawal is completed no later than
June 30, 2009.

3. United States combat forces withdrawn pursuant to paragraph 2 above shall be
stationed in the agreed facilities and areas outside cities, villages, and localities to be
designated by the JMOCC before the date established in paragraph 2 above.

4. The United States recognizes the sovereign right of the Government of Iraq to request
the departure of the United States Forces from Iraq at any time. The Government of Iraq
recognizes the sovereign right of the United States to withdraw the United States Forces
from Iraq at any time.

5. The Parties agree to establish mechanisms and arrangements to reduce the number of
the United States Forces during the periods of time that have been determined, and they
shall agree on the locations where the United States Forces will be present.

Blindboo, you don't know shit about the SOFA. Stop. Just stop.

Let me guess, you think President Bush was shoe shopping in Baghdad during Oct. of 2008?


You couldn't see the big picture if you tried, Boo. You are usually respectful so I'm not saying that sarcastically. I truly believe you aren't seeing it.

It's annoying how there isn't just one thread to discuss this in length.....there are about 20 threads discussing the SOFA by now. If there were just one, I'd take the time to explain it in length. But because I have to re-address if over and over and over, it's hard to be motivated to go into length.

I might wait and see which one of these Iraq threads gets to be the longest....

What you explained already was not true. I pointed out that it was Iraq's Chief Justice insisting that Iraq's Parliament had to approve the SOFA. You said Obama was the first to insist the SOFA be passed by Iraq's politicians.

If you can't get that straight, how can you honestly explain anything to anyone besides Obama haters who will believe and crap the right propaganda machine spits out.
Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.


The agreement to leave Iraq this year dates from late 2008, when Mr. Bush, before leaving office, made a farewell visit to Baghdad that was disrupted when an Iraqi journalist hurled his shoes at him and denounced him as a &#8220;dog.&#8221; American military officials had wanted a &#8220;residual&#8221; force of as many as tens of thousands of soldiers to remain past 2011 as an insurance policy against future violence.

Those numbers were scaled back, but the expectation was that 3,000 to 5,000 American troops would remain. Some top American military officials were dismayed by the decision, saying Mr. Obama was putting the best face on a breakdown in tortured negotiations with the Iraqis.

Pentagon lawyers insisted that the Iraqi Parliament grant soldiers immunity from legal prosecution. In recent weeks, American negotiators in Baghdad concluded that it would be impossible to obtain that protection, essentially scuttling any chance of a substantial troop presence there next year.

Mr. Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta kept the door open to further talks on trainers. While civilian and military officials characterized the withdrawal as a clean break, negotiations could always resume.

&#8220;As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces,&#8221; Mr. Obama said. &#8220;After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant.&#8221;


So if Bush is at fault, then put him back in the office and let him straighten it out. Seems he's the only one qualified in your mind. Obama has no idea how to , don't let it be said here that Obama ever did anything worthy of supporting the fight of terrists. 2008 to 2014, hmm, six years of sitting in a chair and doing nothing, can't figure out anything either, because hey it was done in 2008 no need to re-evaluate it year after year eh?

What a hoot.... The do nothing President, put Bush back in if he get's the blame. let's push it folks, Put Bush back in to get something done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's what the left wants.

My position is that neither President Bush nor President Obama is to blame. The Iraqis wanted us out since 2003. They are the one who forced the issue in the UNSC. The do nothing president (who is getting sued because he did too much) seems to drag rational people over the edge...........I also think that both men, given the chance, would have left a residual force in place.
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