Obama breaks 50% approval!!!

As usual skippy

Your problem is twice the number of voters turning out in a presidential election year. For some reason you only brag about off year elections


If you think the hildabitch or the socialist will motivate your base to come out in numbers any where close to what your dear leader did, you're delusional.

Against a birther reality TV star?

Sure she will

You haven't been paying attention. Trump is no birther.

He ran as a birther in 2012

Yep, if he wasn't a birther then why did he go on national t.v and demand Obama for his birth records? The loserterians are a bunch of liars.
i actually believe that he is not a birther. he is a troll.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Obama won 332 electorals!! That is far from eking out the 2012 election. George w Bush in 2000 is what I call eking it out. Even 2004 with only 284 is nearly as close to eeking it out and people backed him after 9-11.

And Bush didn't bash millions of hispanics and wasn't nearly as extreme as the republican party is now.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.

Obama is in his last year and I believe 50% is decent compared to the 20's George Bush had. ;) It isn't going to hurt the democrats! It isn't something to run away from.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.

Obama is in his last year and I believe 50% is decent compared to the 20's George Bush had. ;) It isn't going to hurt the democrats! It isn't something to run away from.


You still haven't shown anything that warrants a celebration. It would appear the entire purpose of your post was in hopes of organizing a circle jerk.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.

Obama is in his last year and I believe 50% is decent compared to the 20's George Bush had. ;) It isn't going to hurt the democrats! It isn't something to run away from.


You still haven't shown anything that warrants a celebration. It would appear the entire purpose of your post was in hopes of organizing a circle jerk.

Republicans winning for congressional seats or the presidency won't invite Bush. I wonder why. Well, the democrats are talking about Obama and inviting him. You see republican,,,,that is the point!

Obama saved our economy and did a decent job!
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.
Considering the overall disapproval of the current state of government, 50% is a rousing endorsement

Congress would kill to reach 20%
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.
Considering the overall disapproval of the current state of government, 50% is a rousing endorsement

Congress would kill to reach 20%

So, your standards are based on hanging just above bottom. Typical.
As usual skippy

Your problem is twice the number of voters turning out in a presidential election year. For some reason you only brag about off year elections


If you think the hildabitch or the socialist will motivate your base to come out in numbers any where close to what your dear leader did, you're delusional.

Against a birther reality TV star?

Sure she will

You haven't been paying attention. Trump is no birther.

He ran as a birther in 2012

Yep, if he wasn't a birther then why did he go on national t.v and demand Obama for his birth records? The loserterians are a bunch of liars.

I guess watching his comments in the debates convinced you of that position.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Obama won 332 electorals!! That is far from eking out the 2012 election. George w Bush in 2000 is what I call eking it out. Even 2004 with only 284 is nearly as close to eeking it out and people backed him after 9-11.

And Bush didn't bash millions of hispanics and wasn't nearly as extreme as the republican party is now.

When almost half of America is firmly attached to the government teat, what do you expect?
Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Talking about the 50% approval rating Matthew is celebrating. As if it were anything more than just barely winning an election.

Obama is in his last year and I believe 50% is decent compared to the 20's George Bush had. ;) It isn't going to hurt the democrats! It isn't something to run away from.


You still haven't shown anything that warrants a celebration. It would appear the entire purpose of your post was in hopes of organizing a circle jerk.

Republicans winning for congressional seats or the presidency won't invite Bush. I wonder why. Well, the democrats are talking about Obama and inviting him. You see republican,,,,that is the point!

Obama saved our economy and did a decent job!

I guess you don't read your own posts.
Matthew use of the word 'loserterian' refers to the more extreme Republicans that wish to cut entire departments , shut down government, or cut/reform taxes to a flat rate. Basically "Wacko birds".

Matthew is basically a Rockefeller Republican. Yep, don't see too many of those cats any more these days.
Another name is Eisenhower Republican. We have a few of those on the board. Had we more running for public office, there would be more Republicans elected.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!
Newsflash, my little ObamaBot... the Magic Negro is history in about 12 months now.... he's already morphing into yesterday's news and sliding into irrelevancy...
Yep, pretty damn good history. Pulled out of a near depression, that the GOP put us in. In spite of the GOP doing everything they could to make it worse.
Matthew use of the word 'loserterian' refers to the more extreme Republicans that wish to cut entire departments , shut down government, or cut/reform taxes to a flat rate. Basically "Wacko birds".

Matthew is basically a Rockefeller Republican. Yep, don't see too many of those cats any more these days.

Exactly, I vote republican and I hate the idea of voting democratic but if the far right is the one that takes over my party...Well, I'll be forced to vote rat.
Mathew, consider what the modern GOP would do with someone like Tom McCall. When the GOP finally regains sanity, and nominates people like Governor McCall again, I will vote for them again. Not until.
Now that should scare the crap out of everyone. If he can garner 50% approval rating considering his failed economic, domestic, and foreign policy accomplishments then the country is in serious trouble. Apparently the nation is embracing the era of mediocrity and defeatism.
And I suppose you consider Bush a success. Considering the pile of crap the GOP left, President Obama has done very well.
Obama breaks 50% approval!!! What a awesome president!

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

360 electorals in 2008 and 332 electorals in 2012!!! Congress with you loserterian idiots can't even breaks out of the teens and yet you believe your way of cutting will win you the presidency?

Eat on this!

Let me get this straight, the President eeks out enough support to win an election, and that's supposed to be some kind of big accomplishment? Isn't that kinda like congratulating someone for learning the rules to football 6 months after they've been drafted in the first round?
Eked out?

Obama won by a 2:1 margin


Obama won 332 electorals!! That is far from eking out the 2012 election. George w Bush in 2000 is what I call eking it out. Even 2004 with only 284 is nearly as close to eeking it out and people backed him after 9-11.

And Bush didn't bash millions of hispanics and wasn't nearly as extreme as the republican party is now.

When almost half of America is firmly attached to the government teat, what do you expect?
Nobody is more firmly attached to the government teat than the one percent

Only difference is they own that teat

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