Obama Brings Up Gun Control Again.But It's OK For "His Secret Service" To Carry Deadly Weapons.

Getting rid of guns isn't a solution. It would only mean more people will get cut, run over by fast moving vehicles, poisoned, burned to death, or blown up instead of shot.

Guns are a threat to totalitarian regimes. That's why Obozo wants to confiscate them.
Europe has black kids too. They are not living under such odds. Of course they don't have a 2nd Amendment either which allows such slaughter.

And why do these "odds" as you say, exist?
You think the murderous criminals LEGALLY own guns??? That's pretty funny.
Also, European blacks do not have the self defeating/ammoral culture that inner city blacks here have. They are like everyone else. They don't live to kill each other, they don't idolize violence, they don't abandon their children to the tune of 70% of all children born like here.
Obviously they don't have "black" problems that we do.
Chicago has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

New York has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

Something isn't working.

Indeed, STATE gun laws are useless (NY's laws can't stop idiots from buying guns in VA an selling them on the streets of Manhattan)........The need is for a FEDERAL gun ban.

Chicago has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

New York has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

Something isn't working.

Indeed, what isn't working is the victimization of their culture, and the inherent dependency on government handouts that discourage personal responsibility, encourage joblessness and idle lives.
Europe has black kids too. They are not living under such odds. Of course they don't have a 2nd Amendment either which allows such slaughter.

And why do these "odds" as you say, exist?
Not sure. We have the same culture, they see the same movies, read the same books, have the same music.

You think the murderous criminals LEGALLY own guns??? That's pretty funny.
Not sure anything about this is funny.
Also, European blacks do not have the self defeating/ammoral culture that inner city blacks here have. They are like everyone else. They don't live to kill each other, they don't idolize violence, they don't abandon their children to the tune of 70% of all children born like here.
Obviously they don't have "black" problems that we do.

Then explain the difference. As stated, they have the same music, movies, books, magazines, video games. The difference seems to be that when they see a violent movie about the bad guy getting slaughtered, it's fiction in their real lives because they can't go out and buy an AR15 or borrow their dad's gun to settle a score with Timmy at school. Over here, they see the movie and its a possibility....

Thanks to the Second Amendment.
Europe has black kids too. They are not living under such odds. Of course they don't have a 2nd Amendment either which allows such slaughter.

And why do these "odds" as you say, exist?
Not sure. We have the same culture, they see the same movies, read the same books, have the same music.

You think the murderous criminals LEGALLY own guns??? That's pretty funny.
Not sure anything about this is funny.
Also, European blacks do not have the self defeating/ammoral culture that inner city blacks here have. They are like everyone else. They don't live to kill each other, they don't idolize violence, they don't abandon their children to the tune of 70% of all children born like here.
Obviously they don't have "black" problems that we do.

Then explain the difference. As stated, they have the same music, movies, books, magazines, video games. The difference seems to be that when they see a violent movie about the bad guy getting slaughtered, it's fiction in their real lives because they can't go out and buy an AR15 or borrow their dad's gun to settle a score with Timmy at school. Over here, they see the movie and its a possibility....

Thanks to the Second Amendment.

Wow...just wow.
I think I remember bumping into you before...your mind is amazingly closed.
I realize I am wasting my time here, but here goes anyway.
The difference? It's the culture stupid. (in the voice of Bill Clinton)
What built such a self defeating culture?
Easy - decades of dependence and segregation driven housing policies (ahem...by liberals) packed them in like sardines in areas of cities that lacked the economic opportunities to support them.
Liberals built them housing in the worst areas of cities, where jobs were all but non-existent and then gave them just enough free stuff to stay there.
This went on over over 30 years. Until President Clinton passed much needed welfare reform and also the reversal of segregated housing began to work.
Until Obama. He reversed the reform and now we once again have record welfare roles.
I don't care what race someone is, if you build a society around free handouts - that society will fail. PERIOD.
And that is the difference.
Also - liberals encourage poor performance in black education by making lower standards for them. WHich is as racist and degrading as you can get.
The gun grabbers will wail and moan for a week or so...then some fruit loop will announce he has decided he's really a woman or some nut job white woman will get caught pretending she's black and their attention will once again be diverted
Whenever there is a tragic event a gun nut's first thought is to worry that the government is going to come take their guns. Pathetic. I am not in favor of gun control but I will be damned if I stand with the scum that act like spoiled children who only care about their toys.

Maybe if dems didnt try and use that same tragedy the day after to promote their agenda......

Chicago has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

New York has gun control and hundreds of blacks blow away other blacks each year.

Something isn't working.

You think more guns in Chicago would help?

Maybe instead of gun buybacks, cities should have gun sellbacks. Better armed gangs should solve most of our cities' problems.

Absolutely!! And with the cops avoiding the ghetto the murder rate will go down....after they go up.
Splendid idea!!!
The gun grabbers will wail and moan for a week or so...then some fruit loop will announce he has decided he's really a woman or some nut job white woman will get caught pretending she's black and their attention will once again be diverted
ok fine, take away our guns, But Pressure Cookers are still on sale at Wal-Mart and Sears !!!!

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