Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.
Disagreed, but that's what racists do; shit all over anyone who disagrees with them.
I never asked for your agreement. i was educating you on the facts. Its none of my business if you agree with facts or not.
...They get poor white trash males to fight their battles all with the elusive dream of upward mobility. They dont realize the wealthy whites will indeed hire them over Blacks so they feel a social superiority but they dont seem to understand they will remain on bottom rung of white success.

More examples of your extreme racist nature. God, you are so fucking predictable.
Dont cry. If you dont like my posts try not to respond. You really seem to get emotional over them.
Your an American that supports censorship.

Do you even grasp just how fucked up you are?
It's you're. LMAO You illiterate slob.

"Do you even grasp just how fucked up you are?" Oh the irony. Hilarious!
read the First Amendment or ask an adult to read it to you
Please don't leave. You are the poster boy for one of Trump's cornerstone statements : "I LOVE stupid people." You must be so proud to live up to your hero's ebullient affection for you. At first i felt sorry for you. But soon I saw other RW idiots jumping on the clown bandwagon all agreeing with the op and not even bothering to read the actual link. If you and your ilk are so easy to manipulate God help us all. And millions like you will be voting. JEEPERS>>>>
Politicians like Drumpf love ignorant people. I guess this proves self awareness is dictated by philosophy. If someone hands you your philosophy instead of you developing your own you are easy to lead.
Inculcated philosophy might be driving Two Thumb's myopic world view but there is something more nefarious driving his inability to read and understand the facts put before him. There seems to be a mental block that negates rational thinking. HIs mind selectively discards parts of crucial information that deviate from his programming and his cerebral revisions become his reality.
So you would be ok with a banning of the bpp flags on federal land.

and you will be ok with it b/c you can hang it on your wall.
It's you're. LMAO You illiterate slob.

"Do you even grasp just how fucked up you are?" Oh the irony. Hilarious!
read the First Amendment or ask an adult to read it to you
Please don't leave. You are the poster boy for one of Trump's cornerstone statements : "I LOVE stupid people." You must be so proud to live up to your hero's ebullient affection for you. At first i felt sorry for you. But soon I saw other RW idiots jumping on the clown bandwagon all agreeing with the op and not even bothering to read the actual link. If you and your ilk are so easy to manipulate God help us all. And millions like you will be voting. JEEPERS>>>>
Politicians like Drumpf love ignorant people. I guess this proves self awareness is dictated by philosophy. If someone hands you your philosophy instead of you developing your own you are easy to lead.
Inculcated philosophy might be driving Two Thumb's myopic world view but there is something more nefarious driving his inability to read and understand the facts put before him. There seems to be a mental block that negates rational thinking. HIs mind selectively discards parts of crucial information that deviate from his programming and his cerebral revisions become his reality.
So you would be ok with a banning of the bpp flags on federal land.

and you will be ok with it b/c you can hang it on your wall.
i would. There is no reason 1 political party flag should be flown on federal land. Its a conflict of interest.The problem with your comparison is that the BPP flag was never flown on federal property to the extent the loser flag was.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
It's you're. LMAO You illiterate slob.

"Do you even grasp just how fucked up you are?" Oh the irony. Hilarious!
read the First Amendment or ask an adult to read it to you
Please don't leave. You are the poster boy for one of Trump's cornerstone statements : "I LOVE stupid people." You must be so proud to live up to your hero's ebullient affection for you. At first i felt sorry for you. But soon I saw other RW idiots jumping on the clown bandwagon all agreeing with the op and not even bothering to read the actual link. If you and your ilk are so easy to manipulate God help us all. And millions like you will be voting. JEEPERS>>>>
Politicians like Drumpf love ignorant people. I guess this proves self awareness is dictated by philosophy. If someone hands you your philosophy instead of you developing your own you are easy to lead.
Inculcated philosophy might be driving Two Thumb's myopic world view but there is something more nefarious driving his inability to read and understand the facts put before him. There seems to be a mental block that negates rational thinking. HIs mind selectively discards parts of crucial information that deviate from his programming and his cerebral revisions become his reality.
So you would be ok with a banning of the bpp flags on federal land.

and you will be ok with it b/c you can hang it on your wall.
I am not a member of the BPP and I would not condone taxpayer monies maintaining any Flag except old Glory or a state flag that does not bear a confederate emblem.
I never asked for your agreement. i was educating you on the facts. Its none of my business if you agree with facts or not.
Derail/straw man argument. Typical low IQ racist bullshit.

Actually, kid, I was educating you. The fact you don't want to see yourself as a racist asshole just as fucked up as David Duke is your problem, not mine.

Your business? WTF? Is that a lame attempt at a derail? A wimpish attempt to backstep? This is a political discussion forum. You gave a racist opinion. I disagreed with you. Obviously we're both here voluntarily.
I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
I'm guessing it's because he was both smarter and had nobler goals than today's politically extremist assholes who want to dominate each other.

One of my favorite speeches, and one Lincoln himself thought was a failure at the time. Do you know where it was given?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
I'm guessing it's because he was both smarter and had nobler goals than today's politically extremist assholes who want to dominate each other.

One of my favorite speeches, and one Lincoln himself thought was a failure at the time. Do you know where it was given?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

You have posted an excerpt of the Gettysburg Address delivered by Lincoln in 1863 on the site of the battle of Gettysburg during the dedication of a national cemetery there.

But you seem oblivious as to which factions of the war Lincoln was memorializing. Look again:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.

Lincoln isn't talking about Confederate soldiers here (red text). Confederate soldiers did NOT give their lives that Lincoln's nation might live. They gave their l ives attempting to secede from Lincoln's nation!
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since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
The bottom line between you and me is that I prefer the truth.

You mutter empty platitudes about the 'feelings' of the people who care about the Confederate flag- but when I point out that there are millions that feel just the opposite about the Confederate flag.

As we have pointed out- the Confederate Flag is not nor has been banned. Nor do I care whether you fly your Confederate flag, your Nazi flag or your NASCAR flag.

Your First amendment rights are intact, nor do I have any interest in having the government taking them away.
Dude, your "truth" is the same as all political extremists, both Left and Right: you want to ban shit, not embrace the "truth".

And what have I advocated 'banning'? Nothing.

Why must you keep lying?

You mutter empty platitudes about the 'feelings' of the people who care about the Confederate flag- but when I point out that there are millions that feel just the opposite about the Confederate flag.

As we have pointed out- the Confederate Flag is not nor has been banned. Nor do I care whether you fly your Confederate flag, your Nazi flag or your NASCAR flag.

Your First amendment rights are intact, nor do I have any interest in having the government taking them away
I never asked for your agreement. i was educating you on the facts. Its none of my business if you agree with facts or not.
Derail/straw man argument. Typical low IQ racist bullshit.

Actually, kid, I was educating you. The fact you don't want to see yourself as a racist asshole just as fucked up as David Duke is your problem, not mine.

Your business? WTF? Is that a lame attempt at a derail? A wimpish attempt to backstep? This is a political discussion forum. You gave a racist opinion. I disagreed with you. Obviously we're both here voluntarily.
No. I was educating you son. You always make some wild claim that makes me laugh with its stupidity then you get angry when I correct you. This is not the first or tenth time I have taken you behind the woodshed (intellectually speaking) and beat you like red headed step child. When you grow up you will strive to be like me. Face it everyone sees your blunders in logic and fact.
Because the Right ALWAYS lie in Packs.
Just the far RW extremists. You know, like you and the LW extremists. Just because a person leans left or right doesn't make them an enemy.....except to extremists such as yourself.

Have a nice fucking life hating everyone to the right of you. I'm guessing you won't find happiness there just as I doubt a RW extremist will find happiness hating anyone to the left of their own views.
It's a war. Left and right are enemies. Recognize that and things will be much clearer.

And then there are the right wing nut job contingents who just want an excuse to pretend that they could shoot Americans.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
He should have been smart enough to know it would never heal until whites stopped being afraid. Jefferson even pointed out that a day of reckoning would come and whites eventually would have to face the fact that they are a farce.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
I think you meant to say: "It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the confederate flag would still be flying anywhere except in museums and on special days.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
I think you meant to say: "It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the confederate flag would still be flying anywhere except in museums and on special days.
What I meant to say is that he did not foresee the day that Americans wished one another dead and salivated at every excuse to make it so.

The people did not decide to retire the flag. It was imposed as are all forms of political correctness.
In WW2 a popular song among both Axis and Allied soldiers was Lale Anderson's "Lili Marleen". Even though it was popular among the hated Germans, it found an appeal among soldiers on both sides. I don't see anyone seeking to ban it because some fucking Nazis liked it. Only a complete fucking asshole would seek to ban something simply because a few other assholes liked it.]

During World War 2 people of the United States 'banned' all sorts of symbols of Hitler's Germany and Imperial Japan.

Your example is a rather unintentionally ironic example- because it became most popular in the United States because of Marlena Dietrich- the famous German- American singer and actress- who toured the USO entertaining troops singing the song- making it an American song in the process.

But you can be pretty sure that no one was flying Nazi or Imperial Japan flags in our national cemetaries- then or now.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

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