Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.

Oh I imagine Lincoln knew that there would still be some bitter old white dudes like you pissed off that the Confederacy didn't win the war and that slavery was outlawed.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
I think you meant to say: "It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the confederate flag would still be flying anywhere except in museums and on special days.
What I meant to say is that he did not foresee the day that Americans wished one another dead and salivated at every excuse to make it so.

The people did not decide to retire the flag. It was imposed as are all forms of political correctness.

Actually the Battle Flag was retired- until resurrected by state governments in the 1950's and 1960's to play to white racism in the Old South.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
He should have been smart enough to know it would never heal until whites stopped being afraid. Jefferson even pointed out that a day of reckoning would come and whites eventually would have to face the fact that they are a farce.
Whites aren't afraid enough. That's why blacks need to step up their game. Whites should have the fear of a cornered honey badger ready to rip out the throat of anything that passes by
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
There was no executive order. The Dept of Veterans Affairs issued the policy in response to a request from 80 congressmen.
Veterans Affairs restates policy banning Confederate flags
Executive Orders
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
I think you meant to say: "It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the confederate flag would still be flying anywhere except in museums and on special days.
What I meant to say is that he did not foresee the day that Americans wished one another dead and salivated at every excuse to make it so.

The people did not decide to retire the flag. It was imposed as are all forms of political correctness.

But the confederate flags have NOT been retired universally. Only on national monuments and in National cemeteries. You guys aren't paying attention to the facts. You are bending them to suit your own agenda in justifying tax payer support for confederate relics and memorabilia. Most of us don't want our tax dollars spent on welfare to preserve confederate memories.
Your post actually agrees with my statement. The south fought over slavery. The north fought to keep the union intact. You do realize Lincoln was with the Union dont you?

To repeat: The southern states seceded over slavery. The northern states attacked them to "preserve the Union", i.e. drag them back at the cost of over 2% of the total population. The war was over secession. The cause of the secession was slavery. Intelligent, sane people actually read Lincoln's letter and understand the meaning.


The Southern Slave states seceded to protect their 'states' rights to own slaves.
The South attacked U.S. Army troops- starting the war.
If the Confederates had not attempted to secede- there would have been no war.
If the Confederates had not fired on the United States Army- we don't know whether there would have been a war.
The war was fought by the North to preserve the United States- and fought by the South to preserve their states 'rights' including owning slaves.

Neither side actually expected the war to happen as it did- both sides expected a quick victory on their part.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
He wanted the nation to heal. It never occurred to him that in a couple of hundred years the nation would be irrevocably broken with no way for it to heal.
He should have been smart enough to know it would never heal until whites stopped being afraid. Jefferson even pointed out that a day of reckoning would come and whites eventually would have to face the fact that they are a farce.
Whites aren't afraid enough. That's why blacks need to step up their game. Whites should have the fear of a cornered honey badger ready to rip out the throat of anything that passes by
Blacks have no need to step up their game. Inducing fear is not what we are about. Its your faulty recessive genetics that are responsible for your fear. Instinctively you are aware your genes are recessive. You are also aware that ours is dominant. We are everything you wish you could be but cant simply due to a cruel experiment of nature. Fighting this inevitability with fear is only going to get you hurt.
since most White males in the anteBellum South didn't own slaves why the hell would they want to secede? After all, slaves were brought in to "take their jobs." It seems the conservative politicians and wealthy plantation owners conspired to get control of their poorer white shills and manipulate them once again to fight their battles. Like poor wannabe conservatives today, the durn fools were fighting against their own best interests.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.

And when South Carolina ordered their troops to attack American Army soldiers in an American fort- the reaction was as predictable as when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
1) Educated people know that pre-Civil War Americans thought of their state as their "country". The Federal government was a small, relatively weak and distant group, while their state was everything. Ergo, secession had no real effect on most Americans regardless of which side of the Mason-Dixon line they resided. If you can tell me what effect(s) secession had on most Americans, I'm willing to read about it.

2) When a person's "country" is attacked, the common reaction is to defend it. When President Lincoln ordered the Northern Army to attack Virginia, the reaction was as predictable as when al-Qaeda attacked the World Trade Center.
Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
Indeed I did…here it is:

Was Abraham Lincoln Right About the Confederate Flag?
Your post actually agrees with my statement. The south fought over slavery. The north fought to keep the union intact. You do realize Lincoln was with the Union dont you?

To repeat: The southern states seceded over slavery. The northern states attacked them to "preserve the Union", i.e. drag them back at the cost of over 2% of the total population. The war was over secession. The cause of the secession was slavery. Intelligent, sane people actually read Lincoln's letter and understand the meaning.


The Southern Slave states seceded to protect their 'states' rights to own slaves.
The South attacked U.S. Army troops- starting the war.
If the Confederates had not attempted to secede- there would have been no war.
If the Confederates had not fired on the United States Army- we don't know whether there would have been a war.
The war was fought by the North to preserve the United States- and fought by the South to preserve their states 'rights' including owning slaves.

Neither side actually expected the war to happen as it did- both sides expected a quick victory on their part.
I would disagree slightly. The south wanted the war. They had been paranoid about the abolishment of slavery and this topic had a hand in shaping the wording of the 2nd amendment. The north didnt want the war and Lincoln even offered to make slavery a constitutional right for states to keep the south in the union.
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Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
Indeed I did…here it is:

Was Abraham Lincoln Right About the Confederate Flag?
Lincoln was absolutely right about dealing with the South leniently. In 1865, flying the confederate flag was a way of honoring those that died in battle and the terrible loss suffered by the South. However, things have changed in last 150 years. The confederate flag has come to represent slavery and oppression, a symbol of white supremacy.

The meaning of symbols change over time. The swastika for thousands of years was a symbol of good fortune in Europe. The Third Reich changed it's meaning forever. Today it's illegal to display it in Germany.
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Obviously you dont know what you are talking about and you obviously are not educated. If what you claim is the truth Lincoln never would have had support to bring the losers back into the Union and the losers wouldnt have wanted to go start another country in south america and Mexico.

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.
Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
Indeed I did…here it is:

Was Abraham Lincoln Right About the Confederate Flag?
I would say that sheds a different light on the subject but doesnt excuse the flying of the con flag now in this present day. if you really think about it, it was a blatant slap in the face for Blacks that fought against slavery and in line with Lincolns feelings of maintaining the social inequality that existed between Blacks and whites. For whites it was a good thing. Their family was allowed to heal. For Blacks its insulting.
That remains the dynamic to date. They get poor white trash males to fight their battles all with the elusive dream of upward mobility. They dont realize the wealthy whites will indeed hire them over Blacks so they feel a social superiority but they dont seem to understand they will remain on bottom rung of white success.

If you're butthurt because some poor white trash got the job you wanted, this above is the exact reason why it happened.
That remains the dynamic to date. They get poor white trash males to fight their battles all with the elusive dream of upward mobility. They dont realize the wealthy whites will indeed hire them over Blacks so they feel a social superiority but they dont seem to understand they will remain on bottom rung of white success.

If you're butthurt because some poor white trash got the job you wanted, this above is the exact reason why it happened.
Poor white trash cant get the jobs I can. People like you dont qualify to be janitors where I have worked. Sorry.
Blacks have no need to step up their game. Inducing fear is not what we are about. Its your faulty recessive genetics that are responsible for your fear. Instinctively you are aware your genes are recessive. You are also aware that ours is dominant. We are everything you wish you could be but cant simply due to a cruel experiment of nature. Fighting this inevitability with fear is only going to get you hurt.

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.
Blacks have no need to step up their game. Inducing fear is not what we are about. Its your faulty recessive genetics that are responsible for your fear. Instinctively you are aware your genes are recessive. You are also aware that ours is dominant. We are everything you wish you could be but cant simply due to a cruel experiment of nature. Fighting this inevitability with fear is only going to get you hurt.

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.

Obama is the lucky one

Blacks have no need to step up their game. Inducing fear is not what we are about. Its your faulty recessive genetics that are responsible for your fear. Instinctively you are aware your genes are recessive. You are also aware that ours is dominant. We are everything you wish you could be but cant simply due to a cruel experiment of nature. Fighting this inevitability with fear is only going to get you hurt.

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Welfare Statistics


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