Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

Thats because he really didnt care about anything other than getting the union back together. If he were alive today people would look at him like he was David Duke.

Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
Indeed I did…here it is:

Was Abraham Lincoln Right About the Confederate Flag?
Lincoln was absolutely right about dealing with the South leniently. In 1865, flying the confederate flag was a way of honoring those that died in battle and the terrible loss suffered by the South. However, things have changed in last 150 years. The confederate flag has come to represent slavery and oppression, a symbol of white supremacy.

The meaning of symbols change over time. The swastika for thousands of years was a symbol of good fortune in Europe. The Third Reich changed it's meaning forever. Today it's illegal to display it in Germany.
I don't ;know if I can wholly concur with you on this one. I can appreciate the need to have the rebellious states reintegrated back into the Union as states rather than territories. Taxation without representation was one of the reasons we fought the British in the Revolutionary War so it wouldn't have been wise to impose that upon the defeated Confederacy. Still, I feel the orchestrators of the rebellion got off too lightly and were never held accountable for the atrocities they committed upon Blacks during slavery; and especially the War crimes they perpetrated upon Black captive soldiers during the war. Confederate heroes were not honest or good men. The cause for which they stood was evil in and of itself. But the perspectives of Blacks still don't matter. White men made the decision to extend leniency to the South and the Unionists who did so were not concerned at all about what Blacks thought about it. Then again, even Northerners who took a harder stance on handling the defeated South were overruled by Lincoln. Had the Confederacy won the war,I doubt if their conquering Generals and government would have been as congenial.
You raise a good point, but think about how the South would have reacted had Lincoln called for retribution and punishment of leaders in the rebellion. The civil war was not a rebellion inspired by just a handful of dissidents but rather it was a grass roots movement that occurred in every state of the confederacy. A list of those that orchestrated the rebellion would been a long one. Had the federal government dealt harshly with the South, further rebellion would have been likely and reconstruction would have been difficult if not impossible.
Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag - Minutemen News

Once again this president does something he has no power to do. If Paul Ryan wasn't such a coward he could do something about this. The pres should have been impeached a long time ago.

Barack Obama does hate America, Barack Obama an evil man, He is destroying America, Is aiding and abetting a Muslim caliphate and as such Is a Traitor, he is a Communist, and should be considered a terrorist by every traditional American of sound mind.

For instance, throughout his presidency he has rightfully earned the tittle
of - America's Best Gun Salesman -. It is this accomplishment that
history will most fondly remember him.
Ok..I have a question,.....Let's say this banning is true.
The question is, how on earth will such a ridiculous breach of the First Amendment be enforced?
Is there also a new federal police force to write citations to citizens displaying certain banners?
BTW, such an Order is in clear violation if both the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of speech and the 14th Amendment's guarantee of Equal protection under the Law.
Even if Obama singed such a thing. it is moot.

Its not true.

But right wing nut jobs like to tell each other these tales so they can thump their walkers in outrage!
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Welfare Statistics

How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.
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Point well taken. Her is a link that expounds on the subject in detail. It seems pretty reasonable to me…tell me your thoughts on it!

I think you forgot your link.
Indeed I did…here it is:

Was Abraham Lincoln Right About the Confederate Flag?
Lincoln was absolutely right about dealing with the South leniently. In 1865, flying the confederate flag was a way of honoring those that died in battle and the terrible loss suffered by the South. However, things have changed in last 150 years. The confederate flag has come to represent slavery and oppression, a symbol of white supremacy.

The meaning of symbols change over time. The swastika for thousands of years was a symbol of good fortune in Europe. The Third Reich changed it's meaning forever. Today it's illegal to display it in Germany.
I don't ;know if I can wholly concur with you on this one. I can appreciate the need to have the rebellious states reintegrated back into the Union as states rather than territories. Taxation without representation was one of the reasons we fought the British in the Revolutionary War so it wouldn't have been wise to impose that upon the defeated Confederacy. Still, I feel the orchestrators of the rebellion got off too lightly and were never held accountable for the atrocities they committed upon Blacks during slavery; and especially the War crimes they perpetrated upon Black captive soldiers during the war. Confederate heroes were not honest or good men. The cause for which they stood was evil in and of itself. But the perspectives of Blacks still don't matter. White men made the decision to extend leniency to the South and the Unionists who did so were not concerned at all about what Blacks thought about it. Then again, even Northerners who took a harder stance on handling the defeated South were overruled by Lincoln. Had the Confederacy won the war,I doubt if their conquering Generals and government would have been as congenial.
You raise a good point, but think about how the South would have reacted had Lincoln called for retribution and punishment of leaders in the rebellion. The civil war was not a rebellion inspired by just a handful of dissidents but rather it was a grass roots movement that occurred in every state of the confederacy. A list of those that orchestrated the rebellion would been a long one. Had the federal government dealt harshly with the South, further rebellion would have been likely and reconstruction would have been difficult if not impossible.

I think if Lincoln had lived, the reunification of the rebel states back into the Union would have gone much better. He would have been able to control Congress better. Lincoln was first and foremost about maintaining the Union- the only 'retribution' he would have endorsed would have been to ensure that the leaders of the Confederacy would not have been in a position to try to stir it up again.
Blacks have no need to step up their game. Inducing fear is not what we are about. Its your faulty recessive genetics that are responsible for your fear. Instinctively you are aware your genes are recessive. You are also aware that ours is dominant. We are everything you wish you could be but cant simply due to a cruel experiment of nature. Fighting this inevitability with fear is only going to get you hurt.

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Welfare Statistics

How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.

You are the moron who says 'genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check- and then are unable to read statistic

Total 67,891,000 on welfare(unemployment insurance- welfare? I don't agree with the author...but)

White 29061000 42.81%
Black 16194596 23.85%
Hispanic 19800000 29.16%
Asian 2736000 4.03%


42.8% of welfare participants are white.

I guess we get it because of our 'genes'

What a racist moron you are.
"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.

So you're saying that the entire war was over South Carolina? I don't think so. So I beg the question again, why would 250000 white people who didn't own slaves die for those who did?

The first person in the USA to own slaves was a black man who owned white slaves. OOOPS.

Google Anthony Johnson morons.
How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

The chart is an example of how statistics can be manipulated.

Why is 'unemployment insurance'- a full 15% of the total considered 'welfare'? I am sure that many of those 10 million people who had paid for unemployment insurance for years and then received it for 2 or 3 months didn't consider themselves on 'welfare'.

And the vast majority of the 'welfare' is food stamps- which is an average of $158.00 a month. Which is welfare- but hardly what most people are thinking about people being handed cash.
It's sad, blacks are mad at whites for owning them as slaves and yet completely ignore the fact that other blacks are the ones who sold them into slavery.

Oh these tiny little facts......I guess we can call it the inconvenient truth.
"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.

So you're saying that the entire war was over South Carolina? I don't think so. So I beg the question again, why would 250000 white people who didn't own slaves die for those who did?.

The State of South Carolina was the first state to secede- and declared that the reason it seceded was to protect slavery.

And South Carolina fired the first shots in the war, attacking United States Army troops on Fort Sumter.

Why would all of those white Southerners agree to a war when they didn't own slaves?

Well most of them had no say in the war- not as if they got to vote on it- the legislatures were dominated by wealthy white men- most of whom were slave owners.

And even those whites who were not slave owners- supported slavery- it was both an institution that they could aspire to be part of (a wealthy slave owner) and it also created a permanent class of people who were subservient and less than the poorest white man.

The troops went to war to protect their states- and their states went to war to preserve slavery.
Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Welfare Statistics

How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.

You are the moron who says 'genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check- and then are unable to read statistic

Total 67,891,000 on welfare(unemployment insurance- welfare? I don't agree with the author...but)

White 29061000 42.81%
Black 16194596 23.85%
Hispanic 19800000 29.16%
Asian 2736000 4.03%


42.8% of welfare participants are white.

I guess we get it because of our 'genes'

What a racist moron you are.

Aww, poor moron. Apparently you didn't pass statistics class.

85% of Americans are white.
13% are black.

So with 13% of the population they make up 25% of the welfare. Pretty much yeppers, blacks are on welfare far more than whites. Whites make up 5 times more population but only twice as many welfare recipients.

We call that pwnage. When one gets pwned with their own statistics.
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I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.

Lincoln was racist. :D

Yep. Of course by our standards pretty much every American was in 1865.

You would have liked Lincoln.

Every American?.

Yeah- pretty much every American in 1865 was a racist by our standards. Maybe not by your standards.

Most whites- and likely a majority of blacks considered blacks inferior to whites. Almost everyone considered native Americans inferior- along with Chinese and Mexicans.

So yes- in 1865 most Americans had viewpoints more similar to yours.
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It's sad, blacks are mad at whites for owning them as slaves and yet completely ignore the fact that other blacks are the ones who sold them into slavery.h.

The fact is that the United States had a legal institution of slavery of blacks whose ancestors came from Africa.
Some African Americans had ancestors who were legal slaves for 5 generations in the United States.
And then experienced another 100 years of second class citizenship because they were former slaves.

I don't imagine I know what that is like. But certainly I can understand some anger about how their ancestors were treated.
That might explain why the welfare capital of the country is predominately white. You may be on to something there recessive one.

The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Welfare Statistics

How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.

You are the moron who says 'genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check- and then are unable to read statistic

Total 67,891,000 on welfare(unemployment insurance- welfare? I don't agree with the author...but)

White 29061000 42.81%
Black 16194596 23.85%
Hispanic 19800000 29.16%
Asian 2736000 4.03%


42.8% of welfare participants are white.

I guess we get it because of our 'genes'

What a racist moron you are.

Aww, poor moron. Apparently you didn't pass statistics class.

85% of Americans are white.
13% are black.

So with 13% of the population they make up 25% of the welfare. Pretty much yeppers, blacks are on welfare far more than whites. Whites make up 5 times more population but only twice as many welfare recipients.

We call that pwnage. When one gets pwned with their own statistics.

You can call it whatever you want.

The fact is that almost twice as many of the people on welfare in the United States are white

Total 67,891,000
White 29061000 42.81%
Black 16194596 23.85%
Hispanic 19800000 29.16%
Asian 2736000 4.03%

If having 42.81% of welfare recipients in the United States being white- makes you 'proud' of your 'white genes'- well.....be proud then.....

And almost 6 times more people are white than black, so if only twice as many whites are on welfare, than statistically 3 times more blacks are on welfare than whites.

Thanks for proving my point yet again.

Only a true moron could ignore the fact that there are 6 times more whites than blacks in this country when analyzing ANY stats regarding the two races.
How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

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