Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.

Lincoln was racist. :D

Yep. Of course by our standards pretty much every American was in 1865.

You would have liked Lincoln.

Every American?.

Yeah- pretty much every American in 1865 was a racist by our standards. Maybe not by your standards.

Most whites- and likely a majority of blacks considered blacks inferior to whites. Almost everyone considered native Americans inferior- along with Chinese and Mexicans.

So yes- in 1865 most Americans had viewpoints more similar to yours.

Are you accusing me of being Democrat? Party of slavery, segregation, KKK and Jim Crow? Man, thats your party and domain.

If every American back then was racist, why did they elected Lincoln?

I would have voted for Lincoln. Republican party. Anti-slavery party. You know, those who fought against your Democrats on South.
Yes I definitely am not a democrat, I'm not racist. Those democrats are the party of the KKK. The party of Jim Crow. No thanks, not for me.
I am surprised Lincoln didn't ban rebel flags on national monuments after he won the war.

Lincoln was racist. :D

Yep. Of course by our standards pretty much every American was in 1865.

You would have liked Lincoln.

Every American?.

Yeah- pretty much every American in 1865 was a racist by our standards. Maybe not by your standards.

Most whites- and likely a majority of blacks considered blacks inferior to whites. Almost everyone considered native Americans inferior- along with Chinese and Mexicans.

So yes- in 1865 most Americans had viewpoints more similar to yours.

Are you accusing me of being Democrat?h.

No- I am accusing you of being a racist- like Abraham LIncoln.
Yes I definitely am not a democrat, I'm not racist. Those democrats are the party of the KKK. The party of Jim Crow. No thanks, not for me.

So you think that African Americans, and Latino Americans, and Asian Americans are all racists?

And almost 6 times more people are white than black, so if only twice as many whites are on welfare, than statistically 3 times more blacks are on welfare than whites.

Thanks for proving my point yet again.

Only a true moron could ignore the fact that there are 6 times more whites than blacks in this country when analyzing ANY stats regarding the two races.

And your point being apparently you don't know how to hit the 'post reply' button. LOL

The fact is that almost twice as many of the people on welfare in the United States are white

Total 67,891,000
White 29061000 42.81%
Black 16194596 23.85%
Hispanic 19800000 29.16%
Asian 2736000 4.03%

If having 42.81% of welfare recipients in the United States being white- makes you 'proud' of your 'white genes'- well.....be proud then.....
How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......
Lincoln was racist. :D

Yep. Of course by our standards pretty much every American was in 1865.

You would have liked Lincoln.

Every American?.

Yeah- pretty much every American in 1865 was a racist by our standards. Maybe not by your standards.

Most whites- and likely a majority of blacks considered blacks inferior to whites. Almost everyone considered native Americans inferior- along with Chinese and Mexicans.

So yes- in 1865 most Americans had viewpoints more similar to yours.

Are you accusing me of being Democrat?h.

No- I am accusing you of being a racist- like Abraham LIncoln.

Well, how about you provide some proof that he was a racist.

Second, leftist commie calling me a racist is like a badge of honor to me. I know I did something right, because every time leftist call someone a racist is because they have no argument. Beside, I've been called worse by better.

And by the way, don't forget to register for refugee adoption program. I hope they'll find nice Syrian for you.
Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......

How about you quote exactly what I said, not your interpretation of what I said.

Typical leftist loon. Always lying.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......

How about you quote exactly what I said, not your interpretation of what I said.

Typical leftist loon. Always lying.

What? You can't even remember what you said?

AM: Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

Like I said- you are the moron who claims that who is on welfare is determined by their genes
"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.

So you're saying that the entire war was over South Carolina? I don't think so. So I beg the question again, why would 250000 white people who didn't own slaves die for those who did?

The first person in the USA to own slaves was a black man who owned white slaves. OOOPS.

Google Anthony Johnson morons.
We have alfeady heard that years ago..right here oin USMB..you are late dude:

Anthony Johnson - The Father of US Slavery
Yep. Of course by our standards pretty much every American was in 1865.

You would have liked Lincoln.

Every American?.

Yeah- pretty much every American in 1865 was a racist by our standards. Maybe not by your standards.

Most whites- and likely a majority of blacks considered blacks inferior to whites. Almost everyone considered native Americans inferior- along with Chinese and Mexicans.

So yes- in 1865 most Americans had viewpoints more similar to yours.

Are you accusing me of being Democrat?h.

No- I am accusing you of being a racist- like Abraham LIncoln.

Well, how about you provide some proof that he was a racist..

Well I have read history and biographies- so not exactly hard to come up with examples of Lincoln being a racist by modern standards- maybe not by yours.- so I am glad to help your education.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......

How about you quote exactly what I said, not your interpretation of what I said.

Typical leftist loon. Always lying.

What? You can't even remember what you said?

AM: Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

Like I said- you are the moron who claims that who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Yes, that's what I said.
Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

What I did not said is your interpretation of it. Completely different thing.
who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Also, what I said is in response to Asclepias claim that "blacks don't need to step up their game".

Now, do you see that word "right" on the front of my sentence? Do you feel what it means?

Maybe is too hard for you to understand it now, but visit it back when you graduate elementary school.
There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......

How about you quote exactly what I said, not your interpretation of what I said.

Typical leftist loon. Always lying.

What? You can't even remember what you said?

AM: Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

Like I said- you are the moron who claims that who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Yes, that's what I said.
Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

What I did not said is your interpretation of it. Completely different thing.
who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Also, what I said is in response to Asclepias claim that "blacks don't need to step up their game".

Now, do you see that word "right" on the front of my sentence? Do you feel what it means?

Maybe is too hard for you to understand it now, but visit it back when you graduate elementary school.

Oh I think your quote speaks for itself

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

But I am glad that you admit that you were responding to Asclepias speaking of African Americans when you refer to genes
Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Thus posts the moron who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes......

How about you quote exactly what I said, not your interpretation of what I said.

Typical leftist loon. Always lying.

What? You can't even remember what you said?

AM: Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

Like I said- you are the moron who claims that who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Yes, that's what I said.
Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

What I did not said is your interpretation of it. Completely different thing.
who claims who is on welfare is determined by their genes

Also, what I said is in response to Asclepias claim that "blacks don't need to step up their game".

Now, do you see that word "right" on the front of my sentence? Do you feel what it means?

Maybe is too hard for you to understand it now, but visit it back when you graduate elementary school.

Oh I think your quote speaks for itself

Right, genes alone are enough to get you a welfare check.

But I am glad that you admit that you were responding to Asclepias speaking of African Americans when you refer to genes

He referred to his dominant genes, not me.

As much I am concern, regardless of genes, you're as dumb fuck as he is.
How cute. A meme and you really expect someone to believe it. :laugh:

Click on the link, moron.
i did clink on the link and this is what I found.

"In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census."

Click on my link, moron. Do I need to draw it for you?


There is something that doesn't add up with that MEME chart. The total number of recipients is 67, 887, 596. 41.5% of that (Blacks) is about 28,173,352. 13% (Whites) would be 8,825,388. even more comical is the entry putting Asian welfare at 18% which is higher than the White rate… You post this BS and you have the nerve to call someone a moron?

Nothing about your chart is factual.

Another one who can't read the charts, and blames others for their stupidity and incompetence. I apologize if you feel offended by that challenging task.

Yes, I called the other one moron because he can't find the link.

It says - 13% (or ~29 million) of the total white population (~223 million) is on welfare.
It says - 41% (or ~16 million) of the total black population (~39 million) is on welfare.

And yes, you are moron because you are discussing charts that you can't even read.

Now go back to your "safe space".

Hey, tap, tap (tapping you on the shoulder. Er… you are wrong… I'll be polite because I don't want you to look bad. The chart is not giving percentages of each racial group on welfare it is giving percentages based on the racial breakdown of the total number of people on welfare. That total is wrong but that is another story. All you have to do to verify that is add up the percentages. The total is 100%.. That number wouldn't be 100% if the percentages were, as you say, representing percentages of each race.
I won't be critical. everyone makes mistakes from time to tiime….
And almost 6 times more people are white than black, so if only twice as many whites are on welfare, than statistically 3 times more blacks are on welfare than whites.

Thanks for proving my point yet again.

Only a true moron could ignore the fact that there are 6 times more whites than blacks in this country when analyzing ANY stats regarding the two races.
Look, fellow, just because there are 5 times more Whites than blacks in the general population that doesn't alter the total number of people on welfare. There are still more White people on welfare than Blacks.That means in real tax dollars more money is being spent on White welfare than Black welfare.Now if you were intelligent you might have used the per capita dynamic,
There are more white people on welfare because there are FAR more white people in existence.

Let me dumb this down for you.

For every 100 blacks, there are 3 times more on welfare than every 100 whites.


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