Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

Please do not misconstrue my comment as having a pro-slavery context but I must disagree with your statement that Confederate rebels were "traitors." They were secessionists and secession is not treason unless it takes place during a war with a foreign nation. Secession is not betrayal.

I am not a Southerner. I'm from Brooklyn. What I learned during the time I was stationed in North Carolina is all contemporary White Southerners are not descendant from slave-owners, nor did they, or do they, benefit in any way from the practice of slavery. In fact many White Southerners were, and are, opposed to it. Some of them quite bitterly.

Someone, I don't know who, has observed that; "The South dislikes the Negro as a race but accepts him as a person, while the North accepts the Negro as a race but rejects him as a person."

They fired on a United States fort. The Confederate commanding officer that gave the command to fire on Fort Sumter was a junior officer under the command of the Union commander in Fort Sumter. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what your enemies do. The mechanisms were in place in the democracy for them to attempt to vote their views into law, which they did up until the late 1850's. But when they weren't getting their way anymore they decided this form of government isn't for us.
Americans were fighting Americans. Ft. Sumter by then was symbol of federal tyranny. Just like Kings statue was in 1775-76.
The confederate flag only flew for about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for around two hundred years was the Union Jack, the French and Spanish flags and of course a version of Old Glory. Is the president ready to ban all flags and allow only the United Nations flag to wave over the land of the free and home of the brave? I wouldn't doubt it.
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

Please do not misconstrue my comment as having a pro-slavery context but I must disagree with your statement that Confederate rebels were "traitors." They were secessionists and secession is not treason unless it takes place during a war with a foreign nation. Secession is not betrayal.

I am not a Southerner. I'm from Brooklyn. What I learned during the time I was stationed in North Carolina is all contemporary White Southerners are not descendant from slave-owners, nor did they, or do they, benefit in any way from the practice of slavery. In fact many White Southerners were, and are, opposed to it. Some of them quite bitterly.

Someone, I don't know who, has observed that; "The South dislikes the Negro as a race but accepts him as a person, while the North accepts the Negro as a race but rejects him as a person."

They fired on a United States fort. The Confederate commanding officer that gave the command to fire on Fort Sumter was a junior officer under the command of the Union commander in Fort Sumter. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what your enemies do. The mechanisms were in place in the democracy for them to attempt to vote their views into law, which they did up until the late 1850's. But when they weren't getting their way anymore they decided this form of government isn't for us.
Americans were fighting Americans. Ft. Sumter by then was symbol of federal tyranny. Just like Kings statue was in 1775-76.
U.S. Property flying the U.S. Flag

Fired on by traitors in order to protect their ability to hold four million people in slavery
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.
The confederate flag only flew for about four years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for around two hundred years was the Union Jack, the French and Spanish flags and of course a version of Old Glory. Is the president ready to ban all flags and allow only the United Nations flag to wave over the land of the free and home of the brave? I wouldn't doubt it.
An excellent point, but no it won't. This is just a political appeasement move and has nothing to do with factual history.
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

Please do not misconstrue my comment as having a pro-slavery context but I must disagree with your statement that Confederate rebels were "traitors." They were secessionists and secession is not treason unless it takes place during a war with a foreign nation. Secession is not betrayal.

I am not a Southerner. I'm from Brooklyn. What I learned during the time I was stationed in North Carolina is all contemporary White Southerners are not descendant from slave-owners, nor did they, or do they, benefit in any way from the practice of slavery. In fact many White Southerners were, and are, opposed to it. Some of them quite bitterly.

Someone, I don't know who, has observed that; "The South dislikes the Negro as a race but accepts him as a person, while the North accepts the Negro as a race but rejects him as a person."

They fired on a United States fort. The Confederate commanding officer that gave the command to fire on Fort Sumter was a junior officer under the command of the Union commander in Fort Sumter. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what your enemies do. The mechanisms were in place in the democracy for them to attempt to vote their views into law, which they did up until the late 1850's. But when they weren't getting their way anymore they decided this form of government isn't for us.
Americans were fighting Americans. Ft. Sumter by then was symbol of federal tyranny. Just like Kings statue was in 1775-76.
U.S. Property flying the U.S. Flag

Fired on by traitors in order to protect their ability to hold four million people in slavery
Fired on to show federal government they were serious about secession and there would be no more incidents like the "Nullification Crisis of 1834."
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.
The U.S. was founded by liberals.

The confederacy was formed to ensure they could maintain four million people in slavery in perpetuity
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

Please do not misconstrue my comment as having a pro-slavery context but I must disagree with your statement that Confederate rebels were "traitors." They were secessionists and secession is not treason unless it takes place during a war with a foreign nation. Secession is not betrayal.

I am not a Southerner. I'm from Brooklyn. What I learned during the time I was stationed in North Carolina is all contemporary White Southerners are not descendant from slave-owners, nor did they, or do they, benefit in any way from the practice of slavery. In fact many White Southerners were, and are, opposed to it. Some of them quite bitterly.

Someone, I don't know who, has observed that; "The South dislikes the Negro as a race but accepts him as a person, while the North accepts the Negro as a race but rejects him as a person."

They fired on a United States fort. The Confederate commanding officer that gave the command to fire on Fort Sumter was a junior officer under the command of the Union commander in Fort Sumter. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what your enemies do. The mechanisms were in place in the democracy for them to attempt to vote their views into law, which they did up until the late 1850's. But when they weren't getting their way anymore they decided this form of government isn't for us.
Americans were fighting Americans. Ft. Sumter by then was symbol of federal tyranny. Just like Kings statue was in 1775-76.
U.S. Property flying the U.S. Flag

Fired on by traitors in order to protect their ability to hold four million people in slavery
Fired on to show federal government they were serious about secession and there would be no more incidents like the "Nullification Crisis of 1834."

U.S. Federal property flying the Stars and Stripes.
For people who don't like Muslims, their forebears sure brought a lot of them to our shores. Fifteen to thirty percent of the male slaves to the US were Muslim.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.
The U.S. was founded by liberals.

The confederacy was formed to ensure they could maintain four million people in slavery in perpetuity
The United States was founded by white, property owning, slave owning, males, who were normal for their time.
For people who don't like Muslims, their forebears sure brought a lot of them to our shores. Fifteen to thirty percent of the male slaves to the US were Muslim.
How did they get from Zanzibar to West African coast? Doubtful.
You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.
The U.S. was founded by liberals.

The confederacy was formed to ensure they could maintain four million people in slavery in perpetuity
The United States was founded by white, property owning, slave owning, males, who were normal for their time.
And they were the liberals. No wonder they rebelled.
The US government is removing, 150 years later, the battle flag of the traitors to the nation? And they have a problem with this?

It would appear losing, after causing 650,000 deaths, has a price. The confederate states of dipshittia should have thought of the consequences before starting it. They're lucky they weren't made to take down every confederate flag in 1865 and eat them.

Non issue.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.

So you judge a hundred million people by Howard Zinn whoever in the hell that is. Why not use Kermit The Frog. Or Frodo. Weird.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.

So you judge a hundred million people by Howard Zinn whoever in the hell that is. Why not use Kermit The Frog. Or Frodo. Weird.
He is the premier historian of liberals. Former member of Communist Pary USA and wrote the book ,"A People's History" that is used on college campuses and high schools across the United States.
Nah, you wonks who like to debate these things that are of no consequence don't interest me. I'm not saying it isn't an interesting subject, I'm just not interested in discussing it here. I'm sure there are many Civil War threads here to hash this out with whoever feels like it. Have at it.
Translation: No fucking way! I'm just talking out of my ass and cannot, nor will not, debate intellectually nor factually with you about this.

Just as I thought....and, IIRC, the same bullshit you pulled the last time I called you on a bullshit statement.

LOL YOU want to fight with someone. On this subject I don't give a rats ass but I'm sure you can find someone that does. Or use your mirror and play both parts if that is what you need to feel satisfied. "Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."

Thank you, Jack Nicholson folks. He's here all week.
You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.

So you judge a hundred million people by Howard Zinn whoever in the hell that is. Why not use Kermit The Frog. Or Frodo. Weird.
He is the premier historian of liberals. Former member of Communist Pary USA and wrote the book ,"A People's History" that is used on college campuses and high schools across the United States.

You seem to be quite acquainted with this fellow.

By the way look at acquainted. That is how that word is spelled. Who in hell would put a c there! Miriam/Webster derps.
These men stood side by side and fought and died for their nation and what they felt were their constitutional rights. Guess we must ban British flag from graves in USA of those troops who died in Revolutionary War and War of 1812. Great Britain did not ban slavery until 1831. Guess British flag is a symbol of hate?

You know, if after the civil war started the entire south had said "we don't care about slaves, here we are freeing them all right now" I would say yes they were fighting for something more noble than defending an economy built on slavery. They didn't and they weren't. Read up on how blacks fighting for the North were treated when captured by southern soldiers. Think Isis.

England or any other foreign entity is a Red Herring and not worthy of comment.
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.

So you judge a hundred million people by Howard Zinn whoever in the hell that is. Why not use Kermit The Frog. Or Frodo. Weird.
Books by Howard Zinn | HowardZinn.org
It was not all about slavery. Lincoln even said as much. It was a constitutional crisis. "Could the states leave the Union after ratification? Was it a binding contract?" Slavery was put into the popular history after communist Carl Sandburg wrote his biography of Lincoln.
The south seceded to preserve the institution of slavery......one of the most despicable nations ever formed in history
I thought, according to liberals like Howard Zinn the United States was the most despicable nation ever formed.

So you judge a hundred million people by Howard Zinn whoever in the hell that is. Why not use Kermit The Frog. Or Frodo. Weird.
He is the premier historian of liberals. Former member of Communist Pary USA and wrote the book ,"A People's History" that is used on college campuses and high schools across the United States.

You seem to be quite acquainted with this fellow.

By the way look at acquainted. That is how that word is spelled. Who in hell would put a c there! Miriam/Webster derps.
Dunno,English language is that way. Sent you a link to Zinn.
well if, IF, this is true, it's a clear violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.
How so? Did you read the article? FWIW, I think it will be struck down in court, but the President does have authority over government facilities. Just how much remains to be determined.
The article is bullshit! there was NO executive order! Provide the number of the order! It is a typical Right-wing lie parroted by morons

Executive Orders

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