Obama bypasses Congress on DREAM Act, stops deporting young illegals

This will take a act of congress to overturn.........When the senate gets taken from Reid this should be a priority.

Anything that comes from the House on this Dingy Harry Reid will sit on like normal and the blame will be placed on Republican Obstructionism...

You're right. Reid needs to GO.

Dingy would have been gone if the Nevada Repubs had not put up that idiot Sharon Angle. Oh, and if the Dems had not bussed in all the casino union members to the polls on election day.
This dictator has come the closest to treason than any other president in history. Why do people put up with this man? Between the Whitehouse leaks, changing the payback terms of the Solyndra loans and bypassing Congress at every turn, this is absolutely mindboggling!
"An executive order in the United States is a directive issued by the President, the head of the executive branch of the federal government. In other countries, similar edicts may be known as decrees, or orders-in-council. Executive orders may also be issued at the state level by a state's Governor. U.S. Presidents have issued executive orders since 1789, usually to help direct the operation of executive officers. Some orders do have the force of law when made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress, when those acts give the President discretionary powers."

From wiki. He can do it. But is taking a chance. So far all amnesty has hurt any President who gives into it. And people are sick of being promised tighter borders if we just give amnesty one more time.

Did he actually issue an Executive Order?


2.34pm: CORRECTION: Throughout the day we have mistakenly referred to the new White House policy as an "executive order." That is wrong; the president has not and will not issue an executive order, a signed piece of paper with potential sway as precedent.

The White House describes the change as a new policy within the Department of Homeland security.

may be distinction w/o difference, but GOPers keeps referencing "executive" order on immigration. None will be issued, per the WH.

— Rick Klein (@rickklein) June 15, 2012

Obama to end deportation for young undocumented migrants

Thank you!!!
Estimates are that 800,000 are immediately added to the workforce.

Last month's addition of 69,000 jobs doesn't look so good today does it?
This will take a act of congress to overturn.........When the senate gets taken from Reid this should be a priority.

Anything that comes from the House on this Dingy Harry Reid will sit on like normal and the blame will be placed on Republican Obstructionism...

You're right. Reid needs to GO.

Dingy would have been gone if the Nevada Repubs had not put up that idiot Sharon Angle. Oh, and if the Dems had not bussed in all the casino union members to the polls on election day.

I know...and here's the kicker about Reid and the left?

They have a HUGE problem with Mitt Romney and HIS Mormon ties...but think Reid is the Bee's knees.

Mormon theocracy they fear?

How does that work? :dunno:

Thank you. Is there anything illegal about him issuing such an executive order? Is issuing an Executive Order "unConstitutional"?

Obama favors foreign workers over Americans. It's just that simple. He could give a shit about the 8.2% unemployment figures in the USA. I'll remember that on my way to the polls.

8.2! That was so an hour ago. What do you think it is now?

Lets get right on to anti discrimination laws to be applied to employers who want to hire Americans.
Whether you agree with the executive order or not, Obama has shown some real leadership with this move. He has said many times that he will get things done whether it is through congress or not. Well he did....like it or not.

As for the order itself....if we were in a booming economy, it would be a no brainer...and likely all would agree. However, with so many Amereicans out of work, I can understand the anger by some.

In my opinion.....of the 800K or so, likely none of them would have been deported anyway.....but now many of them will be adding to the tax revenue.

So Obama gets a thumbs up from this conservative.
Thank you. Is there anything illegal about him issuing such an executive order? Is issuing an Executive Order "unConstitutional"?

Obama favors foreign workers over Americans. It's just that simple. He could give a shit about the 8.2% unemployment figures in the USA. I'll remember that on my way to the polls.

8.2! That was so an hour ago. What do you think it is now?

Lets get right on to anti discrimination laws to be applied to employers who want to hire Americans.

this move today answers a lot of questions about why Napolitano won't furnish Florida with a list of illegal voters.
That Paki on MSNBC has the usual lineup of lispers on now and they are beside themselves at the heckler in the Rose Garden. They are recounting the episodes of disrespect shown to Obama these past 4 years. "A brazen display of disrespect" says one. Yep, Julian just threw the race card. Calls us RWers racists. geez.
Whether you agree with the executive order or not, Obama has shown some real leadership with this move. He has said many times that he will get things done whether it is through congress or not. Well he did....like it or not.

As for the order itself....if we were in a booming economy, it would be a no brainer...and likely all would agree. However, with so many Amereicans out of work, I can understand the anger by some.

In my opinion.....of the 800K or so, likely none of them would have been deported anyway.....but now many of them will be adding to the tax revenue.

So Obama gets a thumbs up from this conservative.
Thumbs up for rewarding a crime?
Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’

“With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed — and I know that everybody here at Bell is studying hard so you know that we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.

There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President

Read more: Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’ | The Daily Caller

So what has changed Mr. President? Except that you are now pulling out all the stops to buy votes from every section of the population? I believe you call that a corruption vote whore.

Legal? Not according to what you said in that quote!

One reason for this, he wants to focus limited deportation money on illegals who are breaking the law.
That Paki on MSNBC has the usual lineup of lispers on now and they are beside themselves at the heckler in the Rose Garden. They are recounting the episodes of disrespect shown to Obama these past 4 years. "A brazen display of disrespect" says one. Yep, Julian just threw the race card. Calls us RWers racists. geez.

I heard the soundbytes...and Obama's arrogance.

Thank you. Is there anything illegal about him issuing such an executive order? Is issuing an Executive Order "unConstitutional"?

Obama favors foreign workers over Americans. It's just that simple. He could give a shit about the 8.2% unemployment figures in the USA. I'll remember that on my way to the polls.

I thought it was the "job creators" who favor foreign workers. After all, the only places they are creating jobs is in China, India, Mexico, and whatever 3rd world shithole they can get willing wage slaves.

If repugs are serious about illegals, they should quit hiring them and hire US citizens instead.
Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’

“With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed — and I know that everybody here at Bell is studying hard so you know that we’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.

There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President

Read more: Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’ | The Daily Caller

So what has changed Mr. President? Except that you are now pulling out all the stops to buy votes from every section of the population? I believe you call that a corruption vote whore.

Legal? Not according to what you said in that quote!

One reason for this, he wants to focus limited deportation money on illegals who are breaking the law.

They are all breaking the law idiot thus why they are ILLEGAL
Whether you agree with the executive order or not, Obama has shown some real leadership with this move. He has said many times that he will get things done whether it is through congress or not. Well he did....like it or not.

As for the order itself....if we were in a booming economy, it would be a no brainer...and likely all would agree. However, with so many Amereicans out of work, I can understand the anger by some.

In my opinion.....of the 800K or so, likely none of them would have been deported anyway.....but now many of them will be adding to the tax revenue.

So Obama gets a thumbs up from this conservative.
Thumbs up for rewarding a crime?

that's our Jarhead.
Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’

Read more: Flashback: Obama said he wouldn’t do executive order on deportations; ‘we’ve got three branches of government’ | The Daily Caller

So what has changed Mr. President? Except that you are now pulling out all the stops to buy votes from every section of the population? I believe you call that a corruption vote whore.

Legal? Not according to what you said in that quote!

One reason for this, he wants to focus limited deportation money on illegals who are breaking the law.

They are all breaking the law idiot thus why they are ILLEGAL

Indeed. The y got here illegally. And that's the bottom line. They have to GO.

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