Obama concerned about Trumps knowledge of the issues


Wasn't calling you a commie, calling the guy/gal I am guessing gave you the inspiration for your rant a commie.

you are just a troll hack twatwaddle.

He didn't know what "Western civ" meant. When one doesn't finish high school, such terms are a mystery.
The whole world is concerned with's Trumps grasp on the issues. The rest of the world (except Putin) is seriously concerned at the prospect of a Trump presidency.

Are they now, Comrade?

{“The Democrats’ foreign policy is bad for Europe, and deadly for Hungary,” he said. “The migration and foreign policy advocated by the Republican candidate, Mr Trump, is good for Europe and vital for Hungary.”}

Clinton's Foreign Policy Is 'Deadly'

Hey, you're a Khmer Rouge democrat, if you couldn't lie, you'd have nothing at all to say...l
Obungles, a community organizer, had no clue about the issues coming in and will go out remaining clueless

I agree and anyone who doesn't think Trump will have advisors who know how, what, where and why then they are to stupid to live.

Of course... any good businessperson surrounds himself with capable folks. You have to.

What makes anyone think Trump will be able to surround himself with competent people?
He is a political outsider. He knows nobody. He can't even keep a campaign manager
All one has to do is see who spoke on Trumps behalf last week. No experts on the economy, politics, foreign affairs, the military

Trump will be fine.... his resume is far superior to Obama's in 2008. Sure, Obama now has experience, but he had zero when running the first time. To argue that a part-time college lecturer was fully qualified to be President of the United States is absurd.

Trump has no resume in politics, Obama had sixteen years in elected office.

Unlike Obama in 2008, Trump has made little effort to learn about global leaders, international issues, economics, social issues

He shows little interest in doing it. He substitutes bullying and bluster for actual knowledge
The biggest foreign policy disaster was invading Iraq in search of nonexistent WMDs


I'd hold losing 4 countries to Al Qaeda using American funds and support FAR, FAR more incompetent. Yes, the Egyptians tossed out Obama Al Qaeda buddy Morsi - and the fucking retard condemned it.

Obama defines "disaster" when it comes to foreign policy,.

When the little turd took office, Iraq was controlled and Afghanistan practically civilized. Now Iraq is largely under control of ISIS (the JV team according to the drooling fucktard) and Afghanistan back in the hands of the Taliban - PURELY due to the utter incompetence of the fool pretending to be CIC.

The biggest foreign policy disaster was abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq

Lying doesn't help you. The "war on terror" was not abandoned by Bush. Nor really even by Obama, Obama just happens to be on the other side.
Obama says he's worried about Trump's knowledge of issues

Obama is touching on what I have been saying for months. Trump came in a year ago with a painfully weak knowledge of international politics, the economy, immigration, the military and social issues.

While there is nothing wrong in not being an expert on every subject when you run for President, Trump has shown an arrogance where he not only doesn't understand the implication of what he says but refuses to spend the time to learn

Are you getting the message messenger?

Until you are smart enough or honest enough to acknowledge what a total loser and uneducated coward we have been saddled with for 8 years, do not use him to tell us about knowledge of issues. The irony is enough to choke a horse.

Trump may be bombastic and speak poorly at times, but I suspect he is not stupid like Obama who goes against his military advisors often. Trump will surround himself with experts on the various issues and that is how he will understand the pros and cons and make an educated decision.

You're an outlier amongst your fellow citizens who elected him twice and until you get over that emotionally it's going to be very difficult for you to see things coherently. Hope this helps.
Thank God I am an outlier. I do not want that on my resume when I face judgement.

Are you kidding? You think because this clown won more than 50% of the vote that makes him anything but a clown? If it were not for the toxic MSM and 50 million poor who want the biggest handouts, and blacks and minorities all seeking the same, none of your democrat devils (hillary included) would have a chance.

You poor sods get so emotional you can't make sense of anything. About your "MSM"; the FCC was deregulated under Clinton. Your media --- ~90% of what americans see, hear, and read -- is presided over 6 multinational corporations whose only allegiance is to shareholders. That's down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980's. That's what happens when you over deregulate and privatize, glad to learn you don't like that sort of thing.

As for where all the money goes, you're simply clueless, go back and dig into that more. Pay particular attention to endless wars and global military hegemony, corporate welfare, and the subsidization of concentrated wealth and power. Your enemy is not one party or the other, it is the entire system. Until you figure that out, you're going to be stuck right where you are now, regardless of the personalities the power structure rolls out for you to fawn over and despise.

I am not even sure we are addressing the same issues here.

But to what you said --- I really do not give a hoot who owns the mainstream media. I do not care if it is global bankers, giant corporations or the Koch brothers. The fact remains, the way the news is reported, especially what stories or issues get covered up or glossed over, and also the nature of editorial opinions all speaks to what I am saying. They have an agenda!! And it is not just to make money. You refuse to see this. You think anyone that giant with that much sway over public opinion and the direction of this nation will not use it to their liking? Are you that naive?

This society and this culture has become so hedonistic, narcissistic, immoral, and totally indifferent to Christian values that it is a modern day Sodom ready for the wrath of God to come down upon it. And that is far, far more the way the leftist ideology prefers it, not traditional conservatism. And that is how the mainstream media has been championing those causes since the sixties. Sex is god to them. Homosexuality is to be honored and celebrated, not just tolerated. Transgenderism is all ok, choose as you wish. Abortion is a right and the only moral issue is the mother’s body to do as she pleases. Saying God or mentioning Jesus anywhere in a school or public setting is extremely offensive to someone who may not agree and therefore it is to be avoided at all costs and to those who try to express their faith as they wish they could be fined greatly or shut down.

The entertainment industry is a filthy, vulgar, demonic enterprise. And they prey on youth because youth by nature seek excitement and rebellion. So they feed into all these disgusting filthy rap lyrics that celebrate being whores and sluts and sex is all that matters. And you, who would not have a clue if God exists, take no issue with that. That is how utterly stupid is you and yours. The devil is real and so is hell!! Now tell me to relax because next week and next year you still have all kinds of fun planned.
The biggest foreign policy disaster was invading Iraq in search of nonexistent WMDs


I'd hold losing 4 countries to Al Qaeda using American funds and support FAR, FAR more incompetent. Yes, the Egyptians tossed out Obama Al Qaeda buddy Morsi - and the fucking retard condemned it.

Obama defines "disaster" when it comes to foreign policy,.

When the little turd took office, Iraq was controlled and Afghanistan practically civilized. Now Iraq is largely under control of ISIS (the JV team according to the drooling fucktard) and Afghanistan back in the hands of the Taliban - PURELY due to the utter incompetence of the fool pretending to be CIC.

The biggest foreign policy disaster was abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq

Lying doesn't help you. The "war on terror" was not abandoned by Bush. Nor really even by Obama, Obama just happens to be on the other side.
Bush killed over 100,000 in his blunder
Obama says he's worried about Trump's knowledge of issues

Obama is touching on what I have been saying for months. Trump came in a year ago with a painfully weak knowledge of international politics, the economy, immigration, the military and social issues.

While there is nothing wrong in not being an expert on every subject when you run for President, Trump has shown an arrogance where he not only doesn't understand the implication of what he says but refuses to spend the time to learn


Are you aware that Obama is just one voter in this country. In the end, the only judge of Trump's knowledge is going to be ALL of the voters of this country unless you have finally decided to come out of the closet and admit you hate democratic rule in this country.
The biggest foreign policy disaster was invading Iraq in search of nonexistent WMDs


I'd hold losing 4 countries to Al Qaeda using American funds and support FAR, FAR more incompetent. Yes, the Egyptians tossed out Obama Al Qaeda buddy Morsi - and the fucking retard condemned it.

Obama defines "disaster" when it comes to foreign policy,.

When the little turd took office, Iraq was controlled and Afghanistan practically civilized. Now Iraq is largely under control of ISIS (the JV team according to the drooling fucktard) and Afghanistan back in the hands of the Taliban - PURELY due to the utter incompetence of the fool pretending to be CIC.

The biggest foreign policy disaster was abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq

Lying doesn't help you. The "war on terror" was not abandoned by Bush. Nor really even by Obama, Obama just happens to be on the other side.
Bush killed over 100,000 in his blunder

Who cares! The way I see it the Iraqi government should be writing us a check for putting them in power.
The biggest foreign policy disaster was invading Iraq in search of nonexistent WMDs


I'd hold losing 4 countries to Al Qaeda using American funds and support FAR, FAR more incompetent. Yes, the Egyptians tossed out Obama Al Qaeda buddy Morsi - and the fucking retard condemned it.

Obama defines "disaster" when it comes to foreign policy,.

When the little turd took office, Iraq was controlled and Afghanistan practically civilized. Now Iraq is largely under control of ISIS (the JV team according to the drooling fucktard) and Afghanistan back in the hands of the Taliban - PURELY due to the utter incompetence of the fool pretending to be CIC.

The biggest foreign policy disaster was abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq

Lying doesn't help you. The "war on terror" was not abandoned by Bush. Nor really even by Obama, Obama just happens to be on the other side.
Bush killed over 100,000 in his blunder

So did Hillary.
Obama says he's worried about Trump's knowledge of issues

Obama is touching on what I have been saying for months. Trump came in a year ago with a painfully weak knowledge of international politics, the economy, immigration, the military and social issues.

While there is nothing wrong in not being an expert on every subject when you run for President, Trump has shown an arrogance where he not only doesn't understand the implication of what he says but refuses to spend the time to learn


Are you aware that Obama is just one voter in this country. In the end, the only judge of Trump's knowledge is going to be ALL of the voters of this country unless you have finally decided to come out of the closet and admit you hate democratic rule in this country.

No shit Sherlock....and Obama gets to voice his opinion on Trump's qualifications for the office he now holds
No shit Sherlock....and Obama gets to voice his opinion on Trump's qualifications for the office he now holds

Of course he does. The incompetent little fuck can say anything he wants.

Of course only a complete moron would pay any heed to what he says. :dunno:

Sadly, that is true

If Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq, Obama would not have had to go back into Afghanistan to clean up his mess

Obama didn't "go back into Afghanistan," as we never left. Under Bush, Afghanistan was in good condition, schools for women, popular vote.

The incompetent fuck Obama focused on his surrender in Iraq, which singled to the Taliban just how weak and stupid Obama really is. They started an offensive and Obama went dancing. Soon we found ourselves in a world of shit, all because Obama is such a worthless fool.

Sadly, that is true

If Bush had not abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq, Obama would not have had to go back into Afghanistan to clean up his mess

Obama didn't "go back into Afghanistan," as we never left. Under Bush, Afghanistan was in good condition, schools for women, popular vote.

The incompetent fuck Obama focused on his surrender in Iraq, which singled to the Taliban just how weak and stupid Obama really is. They started an offensive and Obama went dancing. Soon we found ourselves in a world of shit, all because Obama is such a worthless fool.

The stupid fuck Bush gave back cities and territories we won in 2002. Obama had to go back and retake land and restabilize the region

With seven years occupation, Bush should have been able to turn over a stabilized Afghanistan, but he fucked up and insisted we invade Iraq
Obama says he's worried about Trump's knowledge of issues

Obama is touching on what I have been saying for months. Trump came in a year ago with a painfully weak knowledge of international politics, the economy, immigration, the military and social issues.

While there is nothing wrong in not being an expert on every subject when you run for President, Trump has shown an arrogance where he not only doesn't understand the implication of what he says but refuses to spend the time to learn

Are you getting the message messenger?

Until you are smart enough or honest enough to acknowledge what a total loser and uneducated coward we have been saddled with for 8 years, do not use him to tell us about knowledge of issues. The irony is enough to choke a horse.

Trump may be bombastic and speak poorly at times, but I suspect he is not stupid like Obama who goes against his military advisors often. Trump will surround himself with experts on the various issues and that is how he will understand the pros and cons and make an educated decision.

You're an outlier amongst your fellow citizens who elected him twice and until you get over that emotionally it's going to be very difficult for you to see things coherently. Hope this helps.
Thank God I am an outlier. I do not want that on my resume when I face judgement.

Are you kidding? You think because this clown won more than 50% of the vote that makes him anything but a clown? If it were not for the toxic MSM and 50 million poor who want the biggest handouts, and blacks and minorities all seeking the same, none of your democrat devils (hillary included) would have a chance.

You poor sods get so emotional you can't make sense of anything. About your "MSM"; the FCC was deregulated under Clinton. Your media --- ~90% of what americans see, hear, and read -- is presided over 6 multinational corporations whose only allegiance is to shareholders. That's down from 50 some odd companies back in the 1980's. That's what happens when you over deregulate and privatize, glad to learn you don't like that sort of thing.

As for where all the money goes, you're simply clueless, go back and dig into that more. Pay particular attention to endless wars and global military hegemony, corporate welfare, and the subsidization of concentrated wealth and power. Your enemy is not one party or the other, it is the entire system. Until you figure that out, you're going to be stuck right where you are now, regardless of the personalities the power structure rolls out for you to fawn over and despise.

I am not even sure we are addressing the same issues here.

But to what you said --- I really do not give a hoot who owns the mainstream media. I do not care if it is global bankers, giant corporations or the Koch brothers. The fact remains, the way the news is reported, especially what stories or issues get covered up or glossed over, and also the nature of editorial opinions all speaks to what I am saying. They have an agenda!! And it is not just to make money. You refuse to see this. You think anyone that giant with that much sway over public opinion and the direction of this nation will not use it to their liking? Are you that naive?

This society and this culture has become so hedonistic, narcissistic, immoral, and totally indifferent to Christian values that it is a modern day Sodom ready for the wrath of God to come down upon it. And that is far, far more the way the leftist ideology prefers it, not traditional conservatism. And that is how the mainstream media has been championing those causes since the sixties. Sex is god to them. Homosexuality is to be honored and celebrated, not just tolerated. Transgenderism is all ok, choose as you wish. Abortion is a right and the only moral issue is the mother’s body to do as she pleases. Saying God or mentioning Jesus anywhere in a school or public setting is extremely offensive to someone who may not agree and therefore it is to be avoided at all costs and to those who try to express their faith as they wish they could be fined greatly or shut down.

The entertainment industry is a filthy, vulgar, demonic enterprise. And they prey on youth because youth by nature seek excitement and rebellion. So they feed into all these disgusting filthy rap lyrics that celebrate being whores and sluts and sex is all that matters. And you, who would not have a clue if God exists, take no issue with that. That is how utterly stupid is you and yours. The devil is real and so is hell!! Now tell me to relax because next week and next year you still have all kinds of fun planned.

But to what you said --- I really do not give a hoot who owns the mainstream media.

You brought it up, you're bitching about it. Yeah, agenda, agreed, and that's how it happened so ya kinda oughtta care or stfu about it.

This society and this culture has become so hedonistic, narcissistic, immoral, and totally indifferent to Christian values that it is a modern day Sodom ready for the wrath of God to come down upon it.

Sorry, you fundamentalist zealots all sound alike to me. I have no use for your organized religion or either of the three belief systems/religions emanating from the middle east, that's really where humanity went astray - the predatory belief systems based upon a male dominator god. So you can take your false morality and shove it up your ass. The problem with believers is always that the believe rather than think, and you're a prime example.

The entertainment industry is a filthy, vulgar, demonic enterprise.

So don't watch it. As a conservative I'm sure you advocate allowing the market to decide since you're all about liberty and freedom.

And you, who would not have a clue if God exists, blahbiddity blah blah ...

Neither do you, it is unknowable, one either chooses to believe, not to believe, or to move on through life open mindedly as yet undecided. And your belief that all that upsets you so is the result of one political pary or another is just rubbish only fools on "both" sides buy into.
The biggest foreign policy disaster was invading Iraq in search of nonexistent WMDs


I'd hold losing 4 countries to Al Qaeda using American funds and support FAR, FAR more incompetent. Yes, the Egyptians tossed out Obama Al Qaeda buddy Morsi - and the fucking retard condemned it.

Obama defines "disaster" when it comes to foreign policy,.

When the little turd took office, Iraq was controlled and Afghanistan practically civilized. Now Iraq is largely under control of ISIS (the JV team according to the drooling fucktard) and Afghanistan back in the hands of the Taliban - PURELY due to the utter incompetence of the fool pretending to be CIC.

The biggest foreign policy disaster was abandoning the war on terror to invade Iraq

Lying doesn't help you. The "war on terror" was not abandoned by Bush. Nor really even by Obama, Obama just happens to be on the other side.
Bush killed over 100,000 in his blunder

Who cares! The way I see it the Iraqi government should be writing us a check for putting them in power.

Nah, we did it for ourselves.
The stupid fuck Bush gave back cities and territories we won in 2002. Obama had to go back and retake land and restabilize the region

Ohh, lying now?

Well, it was just a matter of time.

Coalition combat operations in Afghanistan in 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

With seven years occupation, Bush should have been able to turn over a stabilized Afghanistan, but he fucked up and insisted we invade Iraq

Obama got a stabilized Afghanistan. and through incompetence (or worse) handed it to the Taliban, No amount of lying on your part will alter reality, and there isn't a single person on this board that will believe you, not even your fellow Communists.

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