OBAMA: DEBT CEILING When HE was a Senator...

Obama is a hypocrite.

Yeah so are all the other elected criminals in Washington, Obama's just a better hypocrite and liar than the rest of 'em, thus his current position in the Oval Office. ;)

And people are led by the nose BY him. And NO BUSH was no better. I have issues with him too. (Premptive strike for the "BUSH did it too crowd" as BUSH found it difficult to find a VETO pen.
Obama is a hypocrite.

Yeah so are all the other elected criminals in Washington, Obama's just a better hypocrite and liar than the rest of 'em, thus his current position in the Oval Office. ;)

And people are led by the nose BY him. And NO BUSH was no better. I have issues with him too. (Premptive strike for the "BUSH did it too crowd" as BUSH found it difficult to find a VETO pen.

I'll disagree with you on that one, I didn't agree with George W. Bush's policies one iota but at least George W. Bush had a modicum of class, to whit; he didn't constantly insult vast swaths of the populace simply because they didn't agree with his policies, President Obama on the other hand constantly stoops to name calling and demeaning of his own constituents simply because they have the temerity to oppose his policies.

Frankly I'm fed up with him, since he's a symbol of everything that is wrong with politics in America and the primary reason one half of the country wants to strangle the other half of the country and vice versa...

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