OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?

Here in America we have a document called the constitution. You might want to read the part about there being one individual who is the commander in chief. The commander in chief who ordered the invasion of Iraq was your boy George W Bush. As a result, over 4,000 Americans died. Another thing about America is that we require accountability. If the commander in chief makes a mistake, then the buck stops there. That is just how it works.

Hate to break this to you, Sparky but that document you're referring to requires the Commander in Chief to get approval of the Congress before he can wage war. Bush did so with the a fore mentioned "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution"...something that prominent Democrats like Kerry and Clinton voted in favor of. Somehow you think THEY have no accountability for that vote! You'll have to explain why that is. From where I'm sitting it looks like you desperately want to solely blame Bush for Iraq while giving a pass to any Democrat who voted to support military action there. You CAN of course do that but you're going to look like a total head in the sand partisan while you do so.

Why is George W Bush off limits? This thread is about the biggest presidential liar. Only a pure idiot would try and claim that George W Bush wasn't responsible for Iraq. He pushed for the bogus intel. He proliferated the cowardly "be afraid" message. I agree it was a major fuck-up and I understand that right wing partisans would want to dodge the blame but it was a presidential fuck-up. It was George W Bush that was the head of the executive branch that came up with the bogus WMDs evidence as well as the "link" between Al Qaeda and Saddam. If Al Gore had been in the white house, then we wouldn't have had the push for bogus intel and the invasion would not have happened. Republican President, George W Bush, was the only one with the constitutional authority to give the order to invade and that is specifically what he did. Iraq is George W Bush's war. That is a historical fact.

It's also a historical fact that if Democrats like Kerry and Clinton hadn't voted for military action that Bush wouldn't have been able to go forward.

Hell, if Gore was in the White House the Taliban would probably still be hosting Osama bin Laden "sleep overs" in Afghanistan!
And I'm always amused at the liberals here who put blinders on and declare the Iraq war a Republican endeavor. It wasn't! The list of Democrats who saw the same intel reports as George W. Bush did and voted in favor of action against Saddam Hussein makes it clear that this was something with bi-partisan support. Or did you miss John Kerry babbling like an idiot as he tried to rationalize first voting FOR the Iraq war before he changed his mind and voted against it later! Or have you conveniently forgotten that Hillary Clinton voted in favor of the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002."?

What amazingly short memories so many of you have, Bluesman!

Here in America we have a document called the constitution. You might want to read the part about there being one individual who is the commander in chief. The commander in chief who ordered the invasion of Iraq was your boy George W Bush. As a result, over 4,000 Americans died. Another thing about America is that we require accountability. If the commander in chief makes a mistake, then the buck stops there. That is just how it works.

Bush could not have and would not have invaded Iraq without the approval of the US Congress and the United Nations. He got both, as well as a coalition of 39 other countries that committed troops and treasure to the Multi-national force that deposed Saddam Hussein.

This was about lies told by Obama and I challenge you to quote ONE lie that Bush told.
Hate to break this to you, Sparky but that document you're referring to requires the Commander in Chief to get approval of the Congress before he can wage war. Bush did so with the a fore mentioned "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution"...something that prominent Democrats like Kerry and Clinton voted in favor of. Somehow you think THEY have no accountability for that vote! You'll have to explain why that is. From where I'm sitting it looks like you desperately want to solely blame Bush for Iraq while giving a pass to any Democrat who voted to support military action there. You CAN of course do that but you're going to look like a total head in the sand partisan while you do so.

Why is George W Bush off limits? This thread is about the biggest presidential liar. Only a pure idiot would try and claim that George W Bush wasn't responsible for Iraq. He pushed for the bogus intel. He proliferated the cowardly "be afraid" message. I agree it was a major fuck-up and I understand that right wing partisans would want to dodge the blame but it was a presidential fuck-up. It was George W Bush that was the head of the executive branch that came up with the bogus WMDs evidence as well as the "link" between Al Qaeda and Saddam. If Al Gore had been in the white house, then we wouldn't have had the push for bogus intel and the invasion would not have happened. Republican President, George W Bush, was the only one with the constitutional authority to give the order to invade and that is specifically what he did. Iraq is George W Bush's war. That is a historical fact.

It's also a historical fact that if Democrats like Kerry and Clinton hadn't voted for military action that Bush wouldn't have been able to go forward.

Hell, if Gore was in the White House the Taliban would probably still be hosting Osama bin Laden "sleep overs" in Afghanistan!

The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.
And I'm always amused at the liberals here who put blinders on and declare the Iraq war a Republican endeavor. It wasn't! The list of Democrats who saw the same intel reports as George W. Bush did and voted in favor of action against Saddam Hussein makes it clear that this was something with bi-partisan support. Or did you miss John Kerry babbling like an idiot as he tried to rationalize first voting FOR the Iraq war before he changed his mind and voted against it later! Or have you conveniently forgotten that Hillary Clinton voted in favor of the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002."?

What amazingly short memories so many of you have, Bluesman!

Here in America we have a document called the constitution. You might want to read the part about there being one individual who is the commander in chief. The commander in chief who ordered the invasion of Iraq was your boy George W Bush. As a result, over 4,000 Americans died. Another thing about America is that we require accountability. If the commander in chief makes a mistake, then the buck stops there. That is just how it works.

Bush could not have and would not have invaded Iraq without the approval of the US Congress and the United Nations. He got both, as well as a coalition of 39 other countries that committed troops and treasure to the Multi-national force that deposed Saddam Hussein.

This was about lies told by Obama and I challenge you to quote ONE lie that Bush told.

I agree with you that Iraq was a major fuck-up and understand why you are trying to say the "buck does not stop" with George W Bush. Back during the invasion the right wing position was to "Support the troops" and question anybody's patriotism who said it was a fuck-up. Now you agree. Thank you for finally conceding this obvious fact. However, Bush and his administration pushed for the invasion and attacked the patriotism of anyone who didn't agree. It was a George W Bush fuck-up. Any true "constitutionalist" would never try and divert blame for a military order from anyone but the "commander in chief".
Why is George W Bush off limits? This thread is about the biggest presidential liar. Only a pure idiot would try and claim that George W Bush wasn't responsible for Iraq. He pushed for the bogus intel. He proliferated the cowardly "be afraid" message. I agree it was a major fuck-up and I understand that right wing partisans would want to dodge the blame but it was a presidential fuck-up. It was George W Bush that was the head of the executive branch that came up with the bogus WMDs evidence as well as the "link" between Al Qaeda and Saddam. If Al Gore had been in the white house, then we wouldn't have had the push for bogus intel and the invasion would not have happened. Republican President, George W Bush, was the only one with the constitutional authority to give the order to invade and that is specifically what he did. Iraq is George W Bush's war. That is a historical fact.

It's also a historical fact that if Democrats like Kerry and Clinton hadn't voted for military action that Bush wouldn't have been able to go forward.

Hell, if Gore was in the White House the Taliban would probably still be hosting Osama bin Laden "sleep overs" in Afghanistan!

The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.

Do you have the pictures of that?
I see the die hard far lefties are still defending their messiah.

Goes to show that the far left is far more dangerous than the Taliban.

That's right. If you can't use reasoning or facts, then just spout of some stupid right wing rhetoric. I am very sorry that the Auto industry had such a good year last year and also I know the Obama-haters are very sad that the stock market has done so well. I feel your pain.
It's also a historical fact that if Democrats like Kerry and Clinton hadn't voted for military action that Bush wouldn't have been able to go forward.

Hell, if Gore was in the White House the Taliban would probably still be hosting Osama bin Laden "sleep overs" in Afghanistan!

The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.

Do you have the pictures of that?

That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.
I see the die hard far lefties are still defending their messiah.

Goes to show that the far left is far more dangerous than the Taliban.

That's right. If you can't use reasoning or facts, then just spout of some stupid right wing rhetoric. I am very sorry that the Auto industry had such a good year last year and also I know the Obama-haters are very sad that the stock market has done so well. I feel your pain.

How many BILLIONS did the American people LOSE when B. Insane sold GM stock, and anyone with a room temperature or above IQ, realizes that the FEDS QE's to infinity is why the market is where it is, Let me borrow BILLIONS from the FED at 0% interest, and I can make smaller billions in profit. It appears many now are realizing that the QE's are going to disappear!
I see the die hard far lefties are still defending their messiah.

Goes to show that the far left is far more dangerous than the Taliban.

That's right. If you can't use reasoning or facts, then just spout of some stupid right wing rhetoric. I am very sorry that the Auto industry had such a good year last year and also I know the Obama-haters are very sad that the stock market has done so well. I feel your pain.

Yes just spout far left rhetoric to compensate for the lack of any reasoning or logic on any subject.
The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.

Do you have the pictures of that?

That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.

You're an idiot. There is no way to prove he killed OBL. Supposedly it was TO OFFENSIVE to the TERRORISTS to release them to the public? Now SUPPOSEDLY all those pictures have been destroyed? And right after Judicial Watch FOIA request was received????

Pentagon Destroys OBL Pictures After Judicial Watch Files FOIA Lawsuit? | The Last Refuge

You like to buy a bridge in Bklyn?
The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.

Do you have the pictures of that?

That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.

Iraq was not invaded as a response to 9/11.

I posted the reasons for the Iraq invasion and you choose to continue your partisan, I hate Bush rant. You really ought to get your facts straight.
Here in America we have a document called the constitution. You might want to read the part about there being one individual who is the commander in chief. The commander in chief who ordered the invasion of Iraq was your boy George W Bush. As a result, over 4,000 Americans died. Another thing about America is that we require accountability. If the commander in chief makes a mistake, then the buck stops there. That is just how it works.

Bush could not have and would not have invaded Iraq without the approval of the US Congress and the United Nations. He got both, as well as a coalition of 39 other countries that committed troops and treasure to the Multi-national force that deposed Saddam Hussein.

This was about lies told by Obama and I challenge you to quote ONE lie that Bush told.

I agree with you that Iraq was a major fuck-up and understand why you are trying to say the "buck does not stop" with George W Bush. Back during the invasion the right wing position was to "Support the troops" and question anybody's patriotism who said it was a fuck-up. Now you agree. Thank you for finally conceding this obvious fact. However, Bush and his administration pushed for the invasion and attacked the patriotism of anyone who didn't agree. It was a George W Bush fuck-up. Any true "constitutionalist" would never try and divert blame for a military order from anyone but the "commander in chief".

I am not trying to say the buck does not stop with Bush. I am saying everyone that was part of the decision to invade Iraq shares the responsibility. As far as I am concerned, the major fuck up happened when Obama was unable to convince the Iraqi government to agree to leaving a special ops force in Iraq to continue training their army and help put down any major attacks by al queda.
The Op, although it contained no facts or links, specifically compared Obama to other the other presidents. First I have to point out that the constitution lists the president as commander in chief and now I have to point out that Kerry or Hillary have never been elected president? This is just getting too dumb. George W Bush invaded Iraq and diverted the focus from Bin Laden. Bin Laden wasn't killed until Obama was in office.

Do you have the pictures of that?

That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.

Ah...actually YOUR post is the stupid one! We invaded Afghanistan in response to 9/11. We invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein refused to abide by the sanctions imposed on Iraq following the 1st Gulf War.

Once again the Commander In Chief can only go to war with the approval of Congress...which Bush sought and got from Senators like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. They both tried to run from those votes later on but that doesn't mean they didn't vote that way...because they obviously DID!
Bush could not have and would not have invaded Iraq without the approval of the US Congress and the United Nations. He got both, as well as a coalition of 39 other countries that committed troops and treasure to the Multi-national force that deposed Saddam Hussein.

This was about lies told by Obama and I challenge you to quote ONE lie that Bush told.

I agree with you that Iraq was a major fuck-up and understand why you are trying to say the "buck does not stop" with George W Bush. Back during the invasion the right wing position was to "Support the troops" and question anybody's patriotism who said it was a fuck-up. Now you agree. Thank you for finally conceding this obvious fact. However, Bush and his administration pushed for the invasion and attacked the patriotism of anyone who didn't agree. It was a George W Bush fuck-up. Any true "constitutionalist" would never try and divert blame for a military order from anyone but the "commander in chief".

I am not trying to say the buck does not stop with Bush. I am saying everyone that was part of the decision to invade Iraq shares the responsibility. As far as I am concerned, the major fuck up happened when Obama was unable to convince the Iraqi government to agree to leaving a special ops force in Iraq to continue training their army and help put down any major attacks by al queda.

I'm convinced that our major mistake took place following the slam dunk that the invasion was. We should have gone into Iraq, taken out Saddam and then withdrawn our troops to safety with a warning to Iraq that if whoever stepped up to run the country pulled the same shit as Saddam that we'd be back again. You take casualties trying to occupy a country full of people who don't like you almost as much as they didn't like the despot you just removed. Get in...take care of business...and then get out.
Do you have the pictures of that?

That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.

Iraq was not invaded as a response to 9/11.

I posted the reasons for the Iraq invasion and you choose to continue your partisan, I hate Bush rant. You really ought to get your facts straight.

The Op talks about Obama compared to other presidents. I just went back one president and pointed out that because of his fuck-up, over 4,000 Americans died. That doesn't take into account all the Americans who committed suicide due to PTSD or the Americans who had parts of their body blown off. Only someone who truly "hates the troops" would not consider that a higher cost than anything Obama has done.

As far as your claim about the reason for the invasion, the following link shows that Rumsfeld was very clear in saying that George W Bush was focused on Iraq even just two weeks after 9/11:


WASHINGTON — Just 15 days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush invited his defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, to meet with him alone in the Oval Office. According to Mr. Rumsfeld’s new memoir, the president leaned back in his leather chair and ordered a review and revision of war plans — but not for Afghanistan, where the Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington had been planned and where American retaliation was imminent.

“He asked that I take a look at the shape of our military plans on Iraq,” Mr. Rumsfeld writes.

“Two weeks after the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history, those of us in the Department of Defense were fully occupied,” Mr. Rumsfeld recalls. But the president insisted on new military plans for Iraq, Mr. Rumsfeld writes. “He wanted the options to be ‘creative.’ ”
That is a stupid post. However, it was not as stupid as the order the commander in chief gave when we invaded Iraq in response to 9/11.

Iraq was not invaded as a response to 9/11.

I posted the reasons for the Iraq invasion and you choose to continue your partisan, I hate Bush rant. You really ought to get your facts straight.

The Op talks about Obama compared to other presidents. I just went back one president and pointed out that because of his fuck-up, over 4,000 Americans died. That doesn't take into account all the Americans who committed suicide due to PTSD or the Americans who had parts of their body blown off. Only someone who truly "hates the troops" would not consider that a higher cost than anything Obama has done.

As far as your claim about the reason for the invasion, the following link shows that Rumsfeld was very clear in saying that George W Bush was focused on Iraq even just two weeks after 9/11:


WASHINGTON — Just 15 days after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush invited his defense secretary, Donald H. Rumsfeld, to meet with him alone in the Oval Office. According to Mr. Rumsfeld’s new memoir, the president leaned back in his leather chair and ordered a review and revision of war plans — but not for Afghanistan, where the Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington had been planned and where American retaliation was imminent.

“He asked that I take a look at the shape of our military plans on Iraq,” Mr. Rumsfeld writes.

“Two weeks after the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history, those of us in the Department of Defense were fully occupied,” Mr. Rumsfeld recalls. But the president insisted on new military plans for Iraq, Mr. Rumsfeld writes. “He wanted the options to be ‘creative.’ ”

And because Bill Clinton didn't take OBL in 1996, we had the WTC disaster, and Clinton's inaction was the basic cause of all the middle East wars, and Terrorism!

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Bush could not have and would not have invaded Iraq without the approval of the US Congress and the United Nations. He got both, as well as a coalition of 39 other countries that committed troops and treasure to the Multi-national force that deposed Saddam Hussein.

This was about lies told by Obama and I challenge you to quote ONE lie that Bush told.

I agree with you that Iraq was a major fuck-up and understand why you are trying to say the "buck does not stop" with George W Bush. Back during the invasion the right wing position was to "Support the troops" and question anybody's patriotism who said it was a fuck-up. Now you agree. Thank you for finally conceding this obvious fact. However, Bush and his administration pushed for the invasion and attacked the patriotism of anyone who didn't agree. It was a George W Bush fuck-up. Any true "constitutionalist" would never try and divert blame for a military order from anyone but the "commander in chief".

I am not trying to say the buck does not stop with Bush. I am saying everyone that was part of the decision to invade Iraq shares the responsibility. As far as I am concerned, the major fuck up happened when Obama was unable to convince the Iraqi government to agree to leaving a special ops force in Iraq to continue training their army and help put down any major attacks by al queda.

So everybody shares responsibility with Bush and we are supposed to believe all the bullshit about the WMDs was sincere and honest. However, Obama is solely responsible for anything bad happening now. If you were able to be objective about it then you would see how stupid that sounds. Bush isn't responsible for the economic collapse at the end of his term and initiating the government bailouts. Only Obama. The ignorance just never stops.

Bullshit. The president is the commander in chief. That is not up for debate. The decision to invade Iraq originated in the George W Bush administration and the order to start shooting was given by George W Bush himself. He is the one who entertained the chicken-hawks like Wolfowitz when he was still in the Governor's Mansion in Texas. It was his administration that bullied the intelligence employees that worked for the federal government. The WMD's were not there. The link between Saddam and Al Qaeda was not there. It was all a fuck-up and responsibility rests with the commander-in-chief that made it all happen. That is just how it works regardless of how much anybody hates Obama.
OBAMA Does anyone really believe a word he says anymore?

I have never believed a goddamn word that lying piece of shit Obama has ever said about anything, maybe it's because I don't drink the Kool-Aid like the liberal shit-for-brains do.


But you will believe the other liars, right?

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 634 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 634 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc. | Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

Will they? Or will they just assume that this is the same for any President? In fact, as a President of the USA, is it possible not to lie a lot? I doubt it, especially if you don't want to see everyone hate you.

Colin Powell said he'd be a rubbish president as he'd annoy 99% of the people by doing what he wanted to do and telling the truth.

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