Obama dog: This is NOT change

I can't believe this thread got the mileage that it did. We're talking about a dog...right? Who really cares what the dog pedigree is? it's got to be a lovable dog...just like most dogs are. Hey I'm about as conservative as it comes...but I have to give a pass on Obama on this one.
Having said that, I find it kind of curious that Barry was so vein that he had to name it...BO/B.O., like that's fooling anyone but maybe his kids.

Obama dropped the ball on this one, for several reasons.

For one thing, he PLEDGED to adopt a shelter dog, a "rescue". There are too many abandoned animals being put down simply because they're stray-Obama should have stuck with his pledge and set a good example.
And after all...a pledge IS a promise.
BUT...the Obamas, like all too many people out there, went for a particular "designer breed" that's currently popular in their circle, and they broke their pledge to bring home a shelter rescue in favor of bringing home a Kennedy dog instead.

Instead of setting the example that it's important to make the effort to look around the shelters out there for a suitable pet, Obama sent the message that it's OK to adopt a designer doggy like he's Paris Hilton or something, and to hell with all the animals who need loving homes to keep them from living in shelters or, in the majority of cases, being euthanized simply beacuse there are too many.

And-now Portugese Water Dogs are gonna be in demand, they'll be the new "in" breed for some time to come. People will pay big bucks for them, and guess where the supply will come from to meet the demand?

In a staggering number of cases, from puppy mill breeders.

You can bet that the puppy mill people are creaming their jeans right now...I absolutely guarantee you that will be the next big thing for all the puppy mill breeders out there...and Obama made it happen.

But he's probably just ignorant of all that...right? I mean, not everyone knows about puppy mills and their cruel practices...

Well, Obama SHOULD know all about it...when he was running for election, he publicly met with a lady named Jana Kohl, who is an author and activist against puppy mill breeders, and he made noise about being sympathetic to her cause...Obama even took advantage of a photo-op and was photographed holding "Baby", Kohl's dog, who is a 3-legged puppy mill survivor and a nationally recognized "poster dog" AGAINST puppy mills and FOR humane adoption.

In the grand scheme of things, Obama breaking his promise on this issue won't destroy the nation but it DOES send a bad message...and it WILL bolster the economy for puppy mill breeders who move quickly to start cranking out Portugese Water Dogs for all the idiots who are gonna just HAVE to have one, whereas Obama COULD have set the trend for those same idiots to do the RIGHT thing and adopt thru local animal shelters.
Of course puppy mill breeders will overbreed as they tend to do, and alot of litters will be left to live out their brief, cruel lives in dirty, cold cages, but the breeders will still make big bucks because they've learned how to keep costs down-don't waste money providing any but the absolute barest of care for your stock, and if you're overstocked-kill the surplus...or just let 'em starve to death.

Obama broke a promise...and for alot of animal rights organizations out there that are trying very hard to promote adoption for abandoned pets and puppy mill rescues, it was an important promise.
But hey, what the hell...he got a KENNEDY dog.
It'll serve him right if that dog drinks all his scotch, humps his daughters, and then pukes all over the floor and passes out.
I can't believe this thread got the mileage that it did. We're talking about a dog...right? Who really cares what the dog pedigree is? it's got to be a lovable dog...just like most dogs are. Hey I'm about as conservative as it comes...but I have to give a pass on Obama on this one.
Having said that, I find it kind of curious that Barry was so vein that he had to name it...BO/B.O., like that's fooling anyone but maybe his kids.

Obama dropped the ball on this one, for several reasons.

For one thing, he PLEDGED to adopt a shelter dog, a "rescue". There are too many abandoned animals being put down simply because they're stray-Obama should have stuck with his pledge and set a good example.
And after all...a pledge IS a promise.
BUT...the Obamas, like all too many people out there, went for a particular "designer breed" that's currently popular in their circle, and they broke their pledge to bring home a shelter rescue in favor of bringing home a Kennedy dog instead.

Instead of setting the example that it's important to make the effort to look around the shelters out there for a suitable pet, Obama sent the message that it's OK to adopt a designer doggy like he's Paris Hilton or something, and to hell with all the animals who need loving homes to keep them from living in shelters or, in the majority of cases, being euthanized simply beacuse there are too many.

And-now Portugese Water Dogs are gonna be in demand, they'll be the new "in" breed for some time to come. People will pay big bucks for them, and guess where the supply will come from to meet the demand?

In a staggering number of cases, from puppy mill breeders.

You can bet that the puppy mill people are creaming their jeans right now...I absolutely guarantee you that will be the next big thing for all the puppy mill breeders out there...and Obama made it happen.

But he's probably just ignorant of all that...right? I mean, not everyone knows about puppy mills and their cruel practices...

Well, Obama SHOULD know all about it...when he was running for election, he publicly met with a lady named Jana Kohl, who is an author and activist against puppy mill breeders, and he made noise about being sympathetic to her cause...Obama even took advantage of a photo-op and was photographed holding "Baby", Kohl's dog, who is a 3-legged puppy mill survivor and a nationally recognized "poster dog" AGAINST puppy mills and FOR humane adoption.

In the grand scheme of things, Obama breaking his promise on this issue won't destroy the nation but it DOES send a bad message...and it WILL bolster the economy for puppy mill breeders who move quickly to start cranking out Portugese Water Dogs for all the idiots who are gonna just HAVE to have one, whereas Obama COULD have set the trend for those same idiots to do the RIGHT thing and adopt thru local animal shelters.
Of course puppy mill breeders will overbreed as they tend to do, and alot of litters will be left to live out their brief, cruel lives in dirty, cold cages, but the breeders will still make big bucks because they've learned how to keep costs down-don't waste money providing any but the absolute barest of care for your stock, and if you're overstocked-kill the surplus...or just let 'em starve to death.

Obama broke a promise...and for alot of animal rights organizations out there that are trying very hard to promote adoption for abandoned pets and puppy mill rescues, it was an important promise.
But hey, what the hell...he got a KENNEDY dog.
It'll serve him right if that dog drinks all his scotch, humps his daughters, and then pukes all over the floor and passes out.

Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society

From CNN Correspondent Kate Bolduan

WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has confirmed that President Obama and the first lady will make a donation to the Washington D.C. Humane Society.

The first family originally planned to get their new dog from an animal shelter but ultimately settled on a puppy given to them by Sen. Ted Kennedy, one of the president's close political allies.

The donation was first reported by the Washington Post which described the plan to give the money as "intended [by the Obamas] to lend a serious symbolic note" to their original pledge to get a shelter animal.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society « - Blogs from CNN.com
I can't believe this thread got the mileage that it did. We're talking about a dog...right? Who really cares what the dog pedigree is? it's got to be a lovable dog...just like most dogs are. Hey I'm about as conservative as it comes...but I have to give a pass on Obama on this one.
Having said that, I find it kind of curious that Barry was so vein that he had to name it...BO/B.O., like that's fooling anyone but maybe his kids.

Obama dropped the ball on this one, for several reasons.

For one thing, he PLEDGED to adopt a shelter dog, a "rescue". There are too many abandoned animals being put down simply because they're stray-Obama should have stuck with his pledge and set a good example.
And after all...a pledge IS a promise.
BUT...the Obamas, like all too many people out there, went for a particular "designer breed" that's currently popular in their circle, and they broke their pledge to bring home a shelter rescue in favor of bringing home a Kennedy dog instead.

Instead of setting the example that it's important to make the effort to look around the shelters out there for a suitable pet, Obama sent the message that it's OK to adopt a designer doggy like he's Paris Hilton or something, and to hell with all the animals who need loving homes to keep them from living in shelters or, in the majority of cases, being euthanized simply beacuse there are too many.

And-now Portugese Water Dogs are gonna be in demand, they'll be the new "in" breed for some time to come. People will pay big bucks for them, and guess where the supply will come from to meet the demand?

In a staggering number of cases, from puppy mill breeders.

You can bet that the puppy mill people are creaming their jeans right now...I absolutely guarantee you that will be the next big thing for all the puppy mill breeders out there...and Obama made it happen.

But he's probably just ignorant of all that...right? I mean, not everyone knows about puppy mills and their cruel practices...

Well, Obama SHOULD know all about it...when he was running for election, he publicly met with a lady named Jana Kohl, who is an author and activist against puppy mill breeders, and he made noise about being sympathetic to her cause...Obama even took advantage of a photo-op and was photographed holding "Baby", Kohl's dog, who is a 3-legged puppy mill survivor and a nationally recognized "poster dog" AGAINST puppy mills and FOR humane adoption.

In the grand scheme of things, Obama breaking his promise on this issue won't destroy the nation but it DOES send a bad message...and it WILL bolster the economy for puppy mill breeders who move quickly to start cranking out Portugese Water Dogs for all the idiots who are gonna just HAVE to have one, whereas Obama COULD have set the trend for those same idiots to do the RIGHT thing and adopt thru local animal shelters.
Of course puppy mill breeders will overbreed as they tend to do, and alot of litters will be left to live out their brief, cruel lives in dirty, cold cages, but the breeders will still make big bucks because they've learned how to keep costs down-don't waste money providing any but the absolute barest of care for your stock, and if you're overstocked-kill the surplus...or just let 'em starve to death.

Obama broke a promise...and for alot of animal rights organizations out there that are trying very hard to promote adoption for abandoned pets and puppy mill rescues, it was an important promise.
But hey, what the hell...he got a KENNEDY dog.
It'll serve him right if that dog drinks all his scotch, humps his daughters, and then pukes all over the floor and passes out.

Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society

From CNN Correspondent Kate Bolduan

WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has confirmed that President Obama and the first lady will make a donation to the Washington D.C. Humane Society.

The first family originally planned to get their new dog from an animal shelter but ultimately settled on a puppy given to them by Sen. Ted Kennedy, one of the president's close political allies.

The donation was first reported by the Washington Post which described the plan to give the money as "intended [by the Obamas] to lend a serious symbolic note" to their original pledge to get a shelter animal.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society « - Blogs from CNN.com

I read that yesterday, about the Obamas making a donation.

That's nice.

But Obama keeping his promise and setting a better example would have had much bigger and better results...and it was the RIGHT thing to do.

To those who champion abused and abandoned animals, Obama keeping his promise would have had more of an impact-AND it would have likely spiked adoptions of strays and "rescues" across the country.

To those who are trying to educate and inform the public about puppy mills, and get legislation passed that would eliminate inhumane and often oourageously disgusting puppy mill practices, Obama keeping his promise again not only would have helped spotlight adoptions...it would NOT have given puppy mill breeders a new "product line" to cash in on.

Mark my words...Portugese Water Dogs will be THE next windfall for puppy mill breeders, and Obama made it happen.

But at least the humane society in D.C. will have a few extra dollars.

So, it's OK not to keep a promise, it's OK not to take the extra time and effort to do the right thing, as long as you throw money at someone?

Obama fucked up on this one...and for those members of the public who are aware of puppy mill issues and animal rights issues, AND aware of the fact that Obama had no problem using them to better posture and appeal to members of those groups while running for election, he can't honestly say that he didn't know better...or that he didn't lie.

But he donated a few bucks to the local humane society...B-F-D.
Obama dropped the ball on this one, for several reasons.

For one thing, he PLEDGED to adopt a shelter dog, a "rescue". There are too many abandoned animals being put down simply because they're stray-Obama should have stuck with his pledge and set a good example.
And after all...a pledge IS a promise.
BUT...the Obamas, like all too many people out there, went for a particular "designer breed" that's currently popular in their circle, and they broke their pledge to bring home a shelter rescue in favor of bringing home a Kennedy dog instead.

Instead of setting the example that it's important to make the effort to look around the shelters out there for a suitable pet, Obama sent the message that it's OK to adopt a designer doggy like he's Paris Hilton or something, and to hell with all the animals who need loving homes to keep them from living in shelters or, in the majority of cases, being euthanized simply beacuse there are too many.

And-now Portugese Water Dogs are gonna be in demand, they'll be the new "in" breed for some time to come. People will pay big bucks for them, and guess where the supply will come from to meet the demand?

In a staggering number of cases, from puppy mill breeders.

You can bet that the puppy mill people are creaming their jeans right now...I absolutely guarantee you that will be the next big thing for all the puppy mill breeders out there...and Obama made it happen.

But he's probably just ignorant of all that...right? I mean, not everyone knows about puppy mills and their cruel practices...

Well, Obama SHOULD know all about it...when he was running for election, he publicly met with a lady named Jana Kohl, who is an author and activist against puppy mill breeders, and he made noise about being sympathetic to her cause...Obama even took advantage of a photo-op and was photographed holding "Baby", Kohl's dog, who is a 3-legged puppy mill survivor and a nationally recognized "poster dog" AGAINST puppy mills and FOR humane adoption.

In the grand scheme of things, Obama breaking his promise on this issue won't destroy the nation but it DOES send a bad message...and it WILL bolster the economy for puppy mill breeders who move quickly to start cranking out Portugese Water Dogs for all the idiots who are gonna just HAVE to have one, whereas Obama COULD have set the trend for those same idiots to do the RIGHT thing and adopt thru local animal shelters.
Of course puppy mill breeders will overbreed as they tend to do, and alot of litters will be left to live out their brief, cruel lives in dirty, cold cages, but the breeders will still make big bucks because they've learned how to keep costs down-don't waste money providing any but the absolute barest of care for your stock, and if you're overstocked-kill the surplus...or just let 'em starve to death.

Obama broke a promise...and for alot of animal rights organizations out there that are trying very hard to promote adoption for abandoned pets and puppy mill rescues, it was an important promise.
But hey, what the hell...he got a KENNEDY dog.
It'll serve him right if that dog drinks all his scotch, humps his daughters, and then pukes all over the floor and passes out.

Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society

From CNN Correspondent Kate Bolduan

WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has confirmed that President Obama and the first lady will make a donation to the Washington D.C. Humane Society.

The first family originally planned to get their new dog from an animal shelter but ultimately settled on a puppy given to them by Sen. Ted Kennedy, one of the president's close political allies.

The donation was first reported by the Washington Post which described the plan to give the money as "intended [by the Obamas] to lend a serious symbolic note" to their original pledge to get a shelter animal.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society « - Blogs from CNN.com

I read that yesterday, about the Obamas making a donation.

That's nice.

But Obama keeping his promise and setting a better example would have had much bigger and better results...and it was the RIGHT thing to do.

To those who champion abused and abandoned animals, Obama keeping his promise would have had more of an impact-AND it would have likely spiked adoptions of strays and "rescues" across the country.

To those who are trying to educate and inform the public about puppy mills, and get legislation passed that would eliminate inhumane and often oourageously disgusting puppy mill practices, Obama keeping his promise again not only would have helped spotlight adoptions...it would NOT have given puppy mill breeders a new "product line" to cash in on.

Mark my words...Portugese Water Dogs will be THE next windfall for puppy mill breeders, and Obama made it happen.

But at least the humane society in D.C. will have a few extra dollars.

So, it's OK not to keep a promise, it's OK not to take the extra time and effort to do the right thing, as long as you throw money at someone?

Obama fucked up on this one...and for those members of the public who are aware of puppy mill issues and animal rights issues, AND aware of the fact that Obama had no problem using them to better posture and appeal to members of those groups while running for election, he can't honestly say that he didn't know better...or that he didn't lie.

But he donated a few bucks to the local humane society...B-F-D.

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde
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Give your kid some allergy pills and let her be on her way.

right...let your kid get allergy-induced asthma to make a political point.

spoken like someone who's never had to protect a kid or deal with allergies or asthma.

Do you know what the type and severity is of the Obama kid's allergies?

It can't be too bad, they're around the mutt Obama and his beast of a wife all day long.
A liberal who has no idea what they're talking about. There's a shocker.
Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society

From CNN Correspondent Kate Bolduan

WASHINGTON (CNN) — CNN has confirmed that President Obama and the first lady will make a donation to the Washington D.C. Humane Society.

The first family originally planned to get their new dog from an animal shelter but ultimately settled on a puppy given to them by Sen. Ted Kennedy, one of the president's close political allies.

The donation was first reported by the Washington Post which described the plan to give the money as "intended [by the Obamas] to lend a serious symbolic note" to their original pledge to get a shelter animal.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Update: Obamas to donate to D.C. Humane Society « - Blogs from CNN.com

I read that yesterday, about the Obamas making a donation.

That's nice.

But Obama keeping his promise and setting a better example would have had much bigger and better results...and it was the RIGHT thing to do.

To those who champion abused and abandoned animals, Obama keeping his promise would have had more of an impact-AND it would have likely spiked adoptions of strays and "rescues" across the country.

To those who are trying to educate and inform the public about puppy mills, and get legislation passed that would eliminate inhumane and often oourageously disgusting puppy mill practices, Obama keeping his promise again not only would have helped spotlight adoptions...it would NOT have given puppy mill breeders a new "product line" to cash in on.

Mark my words...Portugese Water Dogs will be THE next windfall for puppy mill breeders, and Obama made it happen.

But at least the humane society in D.C. will have a few extra dollars.

So, it's OK not to keep a promise, it's OK not to take the extra time and effort to do the right thing, as long as you throw money at someone?

Obama fucked up on this one...and for those members of the public who are aware of puppy mill issues and animal rights issues, AND aware of the fact that Obama had no problem using them to better posture and appeal to members of those groups while running for election, he can't honestly say that he didn't know better...or that he didn't lie.

But he donated a few bucks to the local humane society...B-F-D.

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
Oscar Wilde

Puppy Mills | The Humane Society of the United States

Puppymills - information on puppymills and what you can do to stop them.

Facts: Puppy Mills

"It's just going to precipitate back-yard breeders," the Calgarian said.

"My breeder had worked really hard to breed for temperament and health, and she's done a good job. You pay the big bucks for that. Now you're going to have people everywhere selling Portuguese water dog puppies."

She fears a craze, like when Disney's 101 Dalmatians was released. People rushed to buy the spotted pups, thinking they'd be like the adorable dogs in the movie, not the high-strung, hard-to-train adults they grew into.

Puppy mills churned out over-bred dogs with health problems, and animal shelters were filled with unwanted pets.

"There are breed fads and we see the remnants of that here,"said Lindsay Jones, a spokeswoman with the Calgary Humane Society, adding the shelter is seeing more Labradoodles and toy mixes, two of the more recent fad dogs.
Owners fear puppy mills will exploit Obama's pet

New Jersey breeders report interest in the Porties, as they're warmly nicknamed, has surged.

But while the limelight is exciting, the small community of those who raise the dogs worries fame could come at a price. They say caution is required to prevent slapdash "puppy mills" and over-zealous new owners from interrupting the breed's slow and careful journey from the Old World.
Portuguese water dogs popularity on rise in N.J. - Must-See Stories - NJ.com

"Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep."

"A promise is a debt."
I'm sorry, but when you are getting a family pet, you do not hire a Senator of the United States of America to go to a prominent Texas kennel to get yourself a dog. You go to your local shelter and rescue a dog. I don't care if it's a puppy or a full grown dog, you rescue the dog. This dog was "bred" at the kennel and then given back?

This isn't change. This is a man who's rich and can get whatever he wants. He's supposed to represent the "people" of the United States, but the "people" of the United States don't do this shit. It's inexcusable. There are so many dogs dying every day and what a wonderful thing it would have been for Mr. Obama to have rescued and adopted a pitbull while it was young and raised it properly showing that not all pitbulls are bad. And a pitbull is a hypoallergenic dog. There are thousands of pitbulls dying every day. You really wanna make a big splash - go to a small, non-existent non-profit animal rescue organization that saves dogs from kill shelters and adopt a dog from there. You have no idea how much time and effort these people put into caring for a dog who was just hours away from being put to sleep. AT LEAST - Jesus Christ - AT LEAST DON'T ADOPT A FUCKING PUREBRED! ADOPT A MUTT.

This really irks me. He said he was going to rescue a dog from a shelter. And while he did, he "rescued" a purebred from a high end Kennel in Texas where the Kennedy's adopted their dogs. This is BS.

Prez Pup Coming to Obama White House Tuesday - TMZ.com

We have lots of exclusive details on the Portuguese Water Dog
President Barack Obama and Michelle are getting for Sasha and Malia. The pooch will make its grand entrance on Tuesday, and it's coming from a prominent Texas kennel, with the help of Senator Ted Kennedy's family.

The black dog -- a male -- is approximately six months old. We've learned it was bred at the kennel and sold to someone who gave it back. The kennel is now "re-homing" the dog to the Obamas. The dog was named Charlie, but the Obamas will rename it.

Now here's where the Kennedys come into play. The kennel has sold the Kennedys three Portuguese Water Dogs in the past, all from the same lineage. The dog the Obamas will be getting is from the same lineage as the Kennedy dogs. The Kennedy family will be presenting the new dog to the Obamas, but it's really coming from the kennel.

The reason this all sounds so technical is that there are issues regarding gifts to the Prez. The fact that the pup is being re-homed makes it all kosher.

And that's why you voted for Obama? Because you thought he'd get the family dog at the pound?

I'm sorry you've been disappointed.
Just another example of The Prophet's mindset. He can't just get a good mutt or something line an American Bulldog, because that might give the ever-increasingly desparate press a bone to chew on. Since he probably does not feel capable of it, he could certainly have hired an expert to temperament check the animal if that was a concern.

And $5,000 is what I understand he paid Kennedy for it. Since Kennedy is no longer in the business of murdering young women and fleeing the scene, presumably the money is intended to serve a purpose other than payoffs. Pure speculation, but I would bet the $5,000 it will not go to a homeless person in Boston.
rayboy --
You are barking up the wrong tree if that 'right-wing nut' plop was aimed at me. I simply see Kennedy as one among many thoroughly disgusting members of Congress. He just happens to be a judicial as well as a political criminal.

Frankly I think his greatest achievement in office was that he stayed there. He is a walking monument to why term limits should be put into law.
are you people REALLY getting bent out of fucking shape over the dog in the white house?
I'm sorry, but when you are getting a family pet, you do not hire a Senator of the United States of America to go to a prominent Texas kennel to get yourself a dog. You go to your local shelter and rescue a dog. I don't care if it's a puppy or a full grown dog, you rescue the dog. This dog was "bred" at the kennel and then given back?

umm....bubbalah...I'm guessing they were rightfully told that you can't get a mutt when your kid has allergies b/c you don't know what's in a shelter dog or what allergens it carries. I know because our preference would be a shelter dog, too, and we can't b/c hubby has asthma and son has allergies.

mostly...um... do we really care?

:lol: I almost busted a gut laughing at your post. I thought you were just joking, but you're evidently serious.

There were plenty of options available. Here's a good article on the subject:

Obamas to choose First Dog, hopefully shelter adoption | PETS 911 Animal Crossroads

I actually agree with you, I can't believe David cares this much, kid needs a Qualude.

Obama should've talked to Mike Vick before he gotta dog
right...let your kid get allergy-induced asthma to make a political point.

spoken like someone who's never had to protect a kid or deal with allergies or asthma.

Do you know what the type and severity is of the Obama kid's allergies?

It can't be too bad, they're around the mutt Obama and his beast of a wife all day long.

Another racist comment from another jackass from backwards ass Arkansas. Boy, not shocking you'd say something like that
Do you know what the type and severity is of the Obama kid's allergies?

It can't be too bad, they're around the mutt Obama and his beast of a wife all day long.

Another racist comment from another jackass from backwards ass Arkansas. Boy, not shocking you'd say something like that

Don't let it bug you...this pea brain mentality will come home to roost when the Republicans have the ribbon cutting ceremony for:

The New RNC Headquarters

My God, the entire country has Obama OCD.

I hope we never find out what type of underwear he prefers.
WHO CARES!?!?!?!?!?!? Dont we have enough serious shit going on to be concerning ourselves about were Obama got his dog!?! I really cant believe this is making headline news!
No. He did say however that Pit bulls are Hypo allergenic

They are. And they're wonderful dogs if trained right. With hundreds of people staffing the white house, I'm sure you can find someone to throw a stick for it.

no one with kids or who has that many people going on and off their premises should have a pitbull....

you never want an animal around kids that you can't stop if it does something dangerous.

sorry to the pitbull lovers. you may not know this, but when you go to a shelter, certain types of dogs are not allowed to be given to families... even jack russels and cocker spaniels because they don't have the proper temperment.

You ignorant bitch. The dog that is with Betty Boop, in your picture is a pitbull.
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