Obama EPA Illegally Hands Over Info on Livestock Producers to Extremist Animal Rights


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
.people need to start contacting your Representatives about this administration
links in article and video at site

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 23, 2013, 11:16 AM

When the Obama EPA is not spying on cattle and pork ranches with drones, they’re illegally releasing information on livestock producers to far left extremist groups.

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the National Pork Producers are furious after the Obama Environmental Protection Agency illegally gave information on livestock farmers to extremist animal rights groups.
Farm Futures reported:

NCBA and the National Pork Producers Council are both furious with EPA for handing extremist groups illegally gathered data on farmers who operate confined animal feeding operations.

NCBA said early this week it was notified by the EPA that the agency had been collecting information from states on CAFOs. The information was requested by extremist groups, including Earth Justice, the Pew Charitable Trust and the Natural Resources Defense Council through a Freedom of Information Act request and was given to them.

The information released by EPA covers livestock operations in more than 30 states, including many family farmers who feed less than 1,000 head and are not subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act.

all of it here
Obama EPA Illegally Hands Over Info on Livestock Producers to Extremist Animal Rights Groups | The Gateway Pundit
Oh goody... We get to blame Obama when one of these crazy animal Rights loons murders a farmer. I can't wait!!!!!
The information was requested by extremist groups, including Earth Justice, the Pew Charitable Trust and the Natural Resources Defense Council through a Freedom of Information Act request and was given to them.

It appears what they did was perfectly legal. I'm not saying it was right or that they really have any business gathering this information in the first place, but your thread title is misleading. No laws were broken here. It's the laws that need changed.
It appears what they did was perfectly legal. I'm not saying it was right or that they really have any business gathering this information in the first place, but your thread title is misleading. No laws were broken here. It's the laws that need changed.
Yup. I'd also wager despite the word "Obama" sprinkled about if you asked him about this he'd have no clue what you're talking about.

I assume next time the post office loses my netflix I'll start an "Obama post office loses mail" thread.
I hope some pinko animal "rights" douchebag tries to mess around with a Texas ranch. Texas ranchers can shoot treaspassers on sight if they attempt to compromise the livestock herds.

BTW bed wetters, animals do not have rights. They only have recipies.

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