Obama era child separations and cages


Gold Member
Oct 3, 2016
Arid Zona
Many photos exist of migrant children held in "detention" during the Obama era surge in unaccompanied minors in 2014. Some of these old photos are being passed off now in the media hysteria that the Trump era border patrol are "holding children in cages"!!! The fact is that when many people cross a border they have to be processed somewhere, and that probably will not be at a Hilton or a Trump golf course. Illegal border crossers are processed at the border. The facilities that the 2018 separated children go to have been decent and humane. There is an executive order now to halt the separations. Unaccompanied minors entering the USA in 2014 were an enormous surge of about 70,000 children WITHOUT parents who travelled through Mexico without parents and and were guided by some adults and teenagers along with paid smuggler coyotes. They travelled a perilous journey on trains, buses and on foot. The families who have arrived in the recent caravan have not lost their children to "cages" which is a media lie. There are NO CAGES FOR CHILDREN NOW. Here are the OBAMA 4890b2f8d1fcdd75b3d9757c2f8a6684.jpg era "cages" and surge and separation facts:Captura-de-pantalla-2014-04-07-a-las-15.25.08.png border1-jumbo.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from WBGH
June 21, 2018

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his policy on separating families at the border. But what will happen to the thousands of children who have already been separated from their parents?

Joining Boston Public Radio for his take on the immigration crisis — and what may happen next — was Gil Kerlikowske, head of Customs and Border Protection under President Obama. Kerlikowske is now a professor at Northeastern University.

A partial transcript of the interview follows.

MARGERY EAGAN: What does the executive order the president signed yesterday actually achieve?

GIL KERLIKOWSKE: I think it's unclear. There's been an analysis done. I think starting out by saying that 'It would really be up to Congress, that this is what the law demands, that no executive order can undo what's being done' — and then to sign an executive order that actuality undoes that, makes a bit of a mockery of all the discussion that has gone on from the White House in the past month on this. It does say families will be held together and under a current settlement which goes back actually to Janet Reno days in the Department of Justice [in] the 1990s called the Flores agreement, they can only be held for 20 days. I think the administration and the Department of Justice will be looking for some relief from that 20-day period.

JIM BRAUDE: I'm sure you have never heard what I'm about to broach, that it's all Obama's fault and it was not President Trump who started this policy of separating kids from their parents at the border, but was Barack Obama. Where does the truth lie there?

GK: The truth is there were separations at times, by Customs and Border Protection and by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Those were when people were arrested and being charged. If you cross the border more than once and are charged, it becomes a felony and not the misdemeanor it is right now for a first-time offense. If you are involved in smuggling drugs or smuggling human beings and you have a child with you, you're going to be prosecuted and certainly that person cannot be held with their child. I'll tell you, those numbers were minuscule, tiny, compared to the number of people coming across the border who were actually separated.
Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children
Solicitation Number: BERKS-RFI
Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Office: Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Location: ICE-OAQ-DM

Added: Jan 29, 2014 3:19 pm
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Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..)

Posted Date:
January 29, 2014
Juvenile_Transport_RFI_(TONY_Edits_1_29_14).docx (36.76 Kb)
Description: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children RFI
Border Centers Struggle to Handle Onslaught of Young Migrants

Image 2014
A customs center in Nogales, Ariz., is struggling to care for a growing number of unaccompanied minors.CreditPool photo by Ross D. Franklin

By Fernanda Santos
June18, 2014
NOGALES, Ariz. — In a 120,000-square-foot warehouse on the edge of this desert city, Border Patrol agents line up hundreds of children who may have never seen a doctor for basic vaccinations and other medical care, hand out snacks or join them for a game of basketball under a circuslike tent that doubles as a recreation room.

In a makeshift processing center, the children — all minors caught crossing the border in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas without parents — are housed for as many as three days or more in nine holding pens. Boys are separated from girls and older children from younger ones; teenage mothers and their babies stay in a cell of their own.

There is barely room to walk; mattresses line the concrete floor, which also has long bleachers bolted to it. The children are being transferred here from Texas because a similar site there cannot take any more.

Customs and Border Protection officials said Wednesday that 900 children from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras were being held here — the newest arrivals still in the clothes they wore on their trek to the United States, the others clad in white T-shirts and blue shorts, as in a reformatory. On one mattress, a girl barely in her teens wept, her face buried in a soiled stuffed lamb. Nearby, a toddler smiled as she held the hand of a Border Patrol agent taking her for a walk.
As detainees, none of the children are allowed to go outside except to exercise for 45 minutes to an hour a day.

Chief Manuel Padilla Jr., the agent in charge of the Tucson sector of the Border Patrol, said that the agency’s goal was to keep the children safe, healthy, nourished and clean, and that a lot had been done “to achieve these priorities,” sometimes in small ways.

When agents noticed that the children were refusing their breakfast burritos, which were made with flour tortillas, the kitchen switched to corn tortillas, like the ones used in Central America.

On Wednesday, the Border Patrol gave reporters a first glimpse of this processing center as well as a similar one in Brownsville, Tex., both focal points in the national debate over the sudden stream of unaccompanied minors crossing illegally into the United States. From here, the children will be sent to juvenile detention facilities around the country, where efforts will be made to release them to relatives in the United States on the condition that they cooperate with deportation proceedings.

But the swelling number of arriving youths — many of them making perilous journeys to flee gang violence in their native countries — has presented the Obama administration with political and humanitarian predicaments and started to dominate the nation’s conversation over immigration reform...
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    • What You Need to Know: Immigrant Family Detention
By Lazaro Zamora

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The detention of immigrant parents and children since last summer’s surge of migrants arriving at the southern border has sparked a debate about the legality of immigrant family detention practices. While the treatment of immigrant minors has been protected by legal settlements and codified into law, the lack of family detention standards beyond the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) discretionary power has reignited court battles over the applicability of an 18-year old legal settlement known as the Flores Settlement Agreement. The Flores Agreement created legal standards for the detention and treatment of immigrant minors, which generally grants them a “policy favoring release” without unnecessary delays. If detained, children should be placed in the least restrictive setting possible in “unsecured” facilities licensed to care for children.

While many immigrants’ rights groups have long claimed that Flores applies widely to family units being held in detention because of the presence of minors, both the Obama and Bush administrations have denied this in legal proceedings. Since previous court cases have been settled between defendants and the federal government, no court had previously ruled that the Flores Agreement unambiguously applied to family detention. This all changed last week, when a federal judge rejected the Obama administration’s claim that Flores did not apply and ordered that DHS release currently-detained children and their parents in accordance with the agreement.

Family Detention Practices pre-2014

...Family detention refers specifically to holding unauthorized immigrant parents and children in detention facilities awaiting their immigration court hearing. According to ICE, “like single adults, family units apprehended at the border may be placed into expedited removal proceedings and detained,” but this practice has been limited because DHS generally maintained only 90-100 beds for family units in the Berks Family Residential Facility in Pennsylvania. Additionally, before the early 2000s, family units were hardly ever detained, but rather processed and released with a notice to appear at immigration court, especially if they met the credible fear of persecution criteria for a claim to asylum. After the September 11 attacks, ICE began to tighten its “catch and release” policy for all apprehended unauthorized immigrants, including family units, citing their failure to appear in court and concerns that adults were renting or taking children to pass off as a “family.” Due to lack of space, ICE began detaining parents while transferring children to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is common practice for unaccompanied children.

Congress in 2005 became aware of the practice of separating children from their parents and directed DHS change their policy and encouraged the agency to release families or use alternatives to detention whenever possible, adding, “When detention of family units is necessary, the Committee directs DHS to use appropriate detention space to house them together.”...

...2014 Migrant Influx...
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flash forward to the Trump era

These are the places where infant and child migrants are held
Posted 6:46 PM, June 20, 2018, by CNN Wire ...read this and stay up to date...NO CAGES anywhere27513861160_2fc121f1c0_k.jpg 180620212016-01-homestead-orr-shelter-super-169.jpg DgZctoUW0AIIq7T.jpg ninos_1.jpg r.jpg tornillo10_1529947674579_46662478_ver1.0_640_360.jpg
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YES, some children were separated from their families under Obama and the lawsuit against bad conditions in the family detention centers was during the Obama administration. YES, the lying media blaming this all on Trump is a farce because these things have happened before Trump. YET I think that the Trump administration should pardon the few parents of the tender age children taken as an apology for going a bit too far in that matter. The tender age situation is sad.
Catch the media lie right here!
06.20.2018 The Roots of Trump’s Immigration Barbarity
By Daniel Denvir

The photos seemed to speak for themselves, perfectly capturing the heartbreaking brutality of the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown. In one, two girls, likely Central American, detained at a US Customs and Border Protection center in Nogales, Arizona, sleep face down on the floor of a cage.

Jon Favreau, a former Obama speechwriter and host of the liberal “Pod Save America” podcast, tweeted: “Look at these pictures. This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”
6524fa63-2849-4cb1-a26d-9883c119caeb_750x422.jpg ...:huh1: This picture is from 2014! AND...the tweet...

Caleb Hull‏Verified account @CalebJHull
I don’t know what’s worse... Obama’s speech writer self-owning himself by sharing an article dating back to 2014 under Obama or him deleting his tweet showing that he doesn’t actually care about the kids and just wanted to dunk on Trump
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The New York Times
Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban, Delivering Endorsement of Presidential Power

By Adam Liptak and Michael D. Shear

  • June 26, 2018
    • WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld President Trump’s ban on travel from several mostly-Muslim nations, delivering a robust endorsement of Mr. Trump’s power to control the flow of immigration into America at a time of political upheaval about the treatment of migrants at the Mexican border.

      In a 5-to-4 vote, the court’s conservatives said the president’s statutory power over immigration was not undermined by his history of incendiary statements about the dangers he said Muslims pose to Americans.

      Mr. Trump, who has battled court challenges to the travel ban since the first days of his administration, hailed the decision to uphold his third version of an executive order as a “tremendous victory” and promised to continue using his office to defend the country against terrorism and extremism.

      “This ruling is also a moment of profound vindication following months of hysterical commentary from the media and Democratic politicians who refuse to do what it takes to secure our border and our country,” the president said in a statement issued by the White House soon after the ruling.
The "children in cages" LIES, PROPOGANDA and HYSTERIA so fashionable in deranged social media!:

Jared Yates Sexton‏Verified account @JYSexton Jun 20

Jared Yates Sexton Retweeted Salon

Trump has shown who he is and what he's capable of. It's time for all the pseudo-objectivity and handwringing over what to call this to end and for the country to face the cold hard reality of just what we're fighting.https://twitter.com/Salon/status/1009127021811728384 …

Jared Yates Sexton added,

SalonVerified account @Salon
There are children in cages: It’s time to stop enabling the Trump administration’s vicious lies There are children in cages: It’s time to stop enabling the Trump...
12:39 PM - 20 Jun 2018

11 replies 102 retweets 306 likes

New conversation

    1. Claude Clay‏ @claude_clay Jun 20

      Replying to @JYSexton
      lol you've been typing the same bullshit for 2 years and not many people care lol

      1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
Things have been the same since more laws were passed under Clinton.

Then the left started pandering to the illegals, which caused more and more to come here. On one hand, the Dems talk tough and they separated families and put children in cages. On the other hand, if people managed to get past border guards, they ended up getting welfare, in-state tuition, driver's licenses and a party that fought for more benefits.

Obama talked tough and said he'd deport more people and secure the border. Then before the 2016 election, he basically told the illegals to vote, knowing that they'd vote for Hillary. And I'm sure they did vote in record numbers. Some states now are trying to pass laws so illegals can vote in local elections and later the presidential election. They don't care that we are a nation of laws. They want us to be a socialist nation run by a one world government.

Why is the media losing their shit over Trump saying the same things that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama, and many other politicians have said regarding illegal immigration? Maybe because they know he actually means it when he says he will secure the border. Now, the same people who promised to fight illegal immigration are trying to keep them here and encourage more to come.

Obama and the Clintons had the luxury of having their asses covered by much of the media. They badmouthed FOX because they were one of the few who actually reported things. Nothing is more intolerable than a media who does it job and reports the truth.

The same people up in arms now over family separations didn't say anything when children were kept in cages under Obama. They didn't say a word about the tens of thousands of people separated as Obama bragged about deporting more people than anyone else.

Many photos exist of migrant children held in "detention" during the Obama era surge in unaccompanied minors in 2014. Some of these old photos are being passed off now in the media hysteria that the Trump era border patrol are "holding children in cages"!!! The fact is that when many people cross a border they have to be processed somewhere, and that probably will not be at a Hilton or a Trump golf course. Illegal border crossers are processed at the border. The facilities that the 2018 separated children go to have been decent and humane. There is an executive order now to halt the separations. Unaccompanied minors entering the USA in 2014 were an enormous surge of about 70,000 children WITHOUT parents who travelled through Mexico without parents and and were guided by some adults and teenagers along with paid smuggler coyotes. They travelled a perilous journey on trains, buses and on foot. The families who have arrived in the recent caravan have not lost their children to "cages" which is a media lie. There are NO CAGES FOR CHILDREN NOW. Here are the OBAMAView attachment 201135 era "cages" and surge and separation facts:View attachment 201136 View attachment 201138 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from WBGH
June 21, 2018

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his policy on separating families at the border. But what will happen to the thousands of children who have already been separated from their parents?

Joining Boston Public Radio for his take on the immigration crisis — and what may happen next — was Gil Kerlikowske, head of Customs and Border Protection under President Obama. Kerlikowske is now a professor at Northeastern University.

A partial transcript of the interview follows.

MARGERY EAGAN: What does the executive order the president signed yesterday actually achieve?

GIL KERLIKOWSKE: I think it's unclear. There's been an analysis done. I think starting out by saying that 'It would really be up to Congress, that this is what the law demands, that no executive order can undo what's being done' — and then to sign an executive order that actuality undoes that, makes a bit of a mockery of all the discussion that has gone on from the White House in the past month on this. It does say families will be held together and under a current settlement which goes back actually to Janet Reno days in the Department of Justice [in] the 1990s called the Flores agreement, they can only be held for 20 days. I think the administration and the Department of Justice will be looking for some relief from that 20-day period.

JIM BRAUDE: I'm sure you have never heard what I'm about to broach, that it's all Obama's fault and it was not President Trump who started this policy of separating kids from their parents at the border, but was Barack Obama. Where does the truth lie there?

GK: The truth is there were separations at times, by Customs and Border Protection and by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Those were when people were arrested and being charged. If you cross the border more than once and are charged, it becomes a felony and not the misdemeanor it is right now for a first-time offense. If you are involved in smuggling drugs or smuggling human beings and you have a child with you, you're going to be prosecuted and certainly that person cannot be held with their child. I'll tell you, those numbers were minuscule, tiny, compared to the number of people coming across the border who were actually separated.
Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children
Solicitation Number: BERKS-RFI
Agency: Department of Homeland Security
Office: Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Location: ICE-OAQ-DM

Added: Jan 29, 2014 3:19 pm
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Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..)

Posted Date:
January 29, 2014
Juvenile_Transport_RFI_(TONY_Edits_1_29_14).docx (36.76 Kb)
Description: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children RFI
So trump is as bad or worse than Obama? great
Dear old Nancy still mumbling about "children in cages" a month later...

Nancy Pelosi‏Verified account @TeamPelosi Aug 4

Trump ripped children away from their mothers, decided to put them in cages, and is blaming others for his careless and inhumane actions. Where are the children? He and Republicans in Washington refuse to #KeepFamiliesTogether.

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