Obama Gets Into it with Arizona Governor

Why are conservatives so obsessed with gay male sex?

Some latent tendencies perhaps?

I told you before; I don't care that Obama is queer as a $3 bill. I DO care that he is the worst president this nation has ever seen.

Obama defines "complete fuckup."

No, but you and Crusader Frank love to bring up homosexuality. I think Chris is right. People like you are Closet queens.
Geez, that was just rude, and classless. Couldn't she just make a commercial? That is just too transparent.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer came to greet President Barack Obama upon his arrival outside Phoenix Wednesday. What she got was a critique. Of her book.

The two leaders could be seen engaged in an intense conversation at the base of Air Force One's steps. Both could be seen smiling, but speaking at the same time.

Asked moments later what the conversation was about, Brewer, a Republican, said: "He was a little disturbed about my book."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.

Obama was objecting to Brewer's description of a meeting he and Brewer had at the White House, where she described Obama as lecturing her. In an interview in November Brewer described two tense meetings. The first took place before his commencement address at Arizona State University. "He did blow me off at ASU," she said in the television interview in November.

She also described meeting the president at the White House in 2010 to talk about immigration. "I felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."

On the tarmac Wednesday, Brewer handed Obama an envelope with a handwritten invitation to return to Arizona to meet her for lunch and to join her for a visit to the border.

"I said to him, you know, I have always respected the office of the president and that the book is what the book is," she told reporters Wednesday. She said Obama complained that she described him as not treating her cordially
Arizona Gov. Brewer gets book critique from Obama - Yahoo! News
She looks like a witch in that photo.
Regardless of how she looks...SHE has every reason in the world to get in his face.
She's a total lying a-hole who only cares about getting reelected and selling her book, Pub dupes. The biggest thing holding up the recovery is Pub disfuncton and fear mongering...
Regardless of how she looks...SHE has every reason in the world to get in his face.
She does. A synopsis of her book:

Sometime after dark on March 27, 2010, Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was found dead next to his four-wheeler on the grounds of his ranch on the Arizona-Mexico border. Krentz and his dog, Blue, had been missing since that morning. They were last heard from when he radioed his brother to say that he’d found an illegal alien on the property and was going to offer him assistance. The man Krentz encountered that day shot and killed him and his dog, without warning, before escaping to Mexico.

It’s difficult to overstate the impact of Krentz’ death, which turned the issue of Arizona’s unsecured border—a crisis that the federal government had repeatedly ignored—into a national concern. As Arizona sheriff Larry Dever said in his testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee, “We cannot sit by while our citizens are terrorized, robbed, and murdered by ruthless and desperate people who enter our country illegally.” This momentum helped pass SB 1070, a bill that authorizes local law enforcement under certain conditions to question persons reasonably suspected of being illegal aliens, which Governor Jan Brewer and the state legislature had been working on for months. With the passage of this controversial bill, the state of Arizona became ground zero in the impassioned debate over illegal immigration. The Democrats and the media went into overdrive, denouncing the state and its governor as racists and Nazis.

Governor Brewer, a lifelong Arizona resident with deep ties to the community, was first elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 1982, and hasn’t lost an election since. As a state official, she watched with increasing dismay as illegal immigration exploded across Arizona’s border, and noticed the devastating effect it was having on the state. Causing an escalation in violence, an influx of drugs, and prisons and hospitals to fill to overflowing, this problem was not only wreaking havoc on the moral fabric of the community but placing an even greater strain on Arizona’s beleaguered health, educational, and social welfare networks. Growing frustrated with the failure of the federal government to respond to her pleas for assistance, Governor Brewer led the state to action. Scorpions for Breakfast is Brewer’s commonsense account of her fight to secure our nation’s border in the face of persistent federal inaction. Her book is vital reading for all Americans interested in the real change that can happen when local leaders take the initiative to preserve our country and our laws. credit: amazondotcom
She's a total lying a-hole who only cares about getting reelected and selling her book, Pub dupes. The biggest thing holding up the recovery is Pub (sic)disfuncton and fear mongering...
Maybe she's tired of the Arizona citizens being second fiddle to ideology rather than being treated as human beings worthy of having a President provide for their common defense, which is his Constitutional Duty. Instead of protecting citizens, he wants to round up illegals, brainwash them into thinking he's the only human being on the planet who cares for them and hurries to make them all citizens, while people who play by the rules and apply for citizenship have to wait 20 years to come to the US and another 5 to become citizens.

This woman is the governor of her state. She knows who's naughty and who's nice in and out of Arizona and Washington, DC.
That bltch is the worst whackjob in the country and the only Government Death Panel to have ever denied critical treatment to those needing it. Not exactly the greatest example of Republicans.
She was trying to start something with him. He looks like he was attempting to calm her down.

She really is an idiot.
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She looks like a witch in that photo.

Look at her chin.

She does look like a witch.

This picture gets Obama a million Hispanic votes.

You clearly don't have a very high opinion of Hispanics. How fucking racist is that comment?

Chris thinks Hispanics everywhere are just happy to be used by the Democratic Party......when they take over the Party and start changing it to fit THEIR agenda i bet he leaves the Party so fast all you will see is the swinging door.....because dont forget....we want your votes,but we dont want you having a say....or moving next door....
Look at her chin.

She does look like a witch.

This picture gets Obama a million Hispanic votes.

You clearly don't have a very high opinion of Hispanics. How fucking racist is that comment?

Chris thinks Hispanics everywhere are just happy to be used by the Democratic Party......when they take over the Party and start changing it to fit THEIR agenda i bet he leaves the Party so fast all you will see is the swinging door.....because dont forget....we want your votes,but we dont want you having a say....or moving next door....
Outstanding, and DEAD ON accurate.
She pulled the funding.

Simple as that.

Heartless bitch.

and yet out here Gov. Brown cut some nice chunks out of the budget of the Infirmed the Handicapped and the Elderly......which they are feeling nicely.....but he is not a Heartless fucker.....he is just doing what he has to do.....
She was trying to start something with him. He looks like he was attempting to calm her down.

She really is an idiot.

I'm sure Obama was a total angel. That's why the press is using it. He's always such an angel.

Btw, I've been looking at all of the videos of this "tense exchange".......

They all cut off before you can see Jan Brewer pointing at Obama.

I wonder why?

Did it even happen????

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