Obama gifts Iran massive uranium shipment

What do you think Obamas motives are? The actions were also supported by Russia, china, France, Brittian, and Germany.... so what's up? Tell us your theory...
Help Iran with their rock collection?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?
Help Iran with their rock collection?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?
You mean Obama....
What do you think Obamas motives are? The actions were also supported by Russia, china, France, Brittian, and Germany.... so what's up? Tell us your theory...
You aren't expecting a coherent comment from oweblo, the one-line-loser, are you?
This conversation is well above your education level as a Hillary voter....
They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?
You mean Obama....
What an absolute waste of oxygen you are.

Says a card carrying moron. You pathetic scum on the Left will do anything to embolden our enemies and trash our friends. America is still watching.. you're just about neutered now as to power across the country.. Keep on dumbazz..
Everything Barry does/approves of is a national mistake... Fact
Help Iran with their rock collection?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?
You mean Obama....
What an absolute waste of oxygen you are.

Says a card carrying moron. You pathetic scum on the Left will do anything to embolden our enemies and trash our friends. America is still watching.. you're just about neutered now as to power across the country.. Keep on dumbazz..

You forgot to include butthurt, snowflake and safe space in your post. You may get admonished by your fellow nutters for that.
Hey you need more emoticons to make your point SNOWFLAKE.. LMAO

Elections have consequences.. :) Enjoy.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?
You mean Obama....
What an absolute waste of oxygen you are.

Says a card carrying moron. You pathetic scum on the Left will do anything to embolden our enemies and trash our friends. America is still watching.. you're just about neutered now as to power across the country.. Keep on dumbazz..

You forgot to include butthurt, snowflake and safe space in your post. You may get admonished by your fellow nutters for that.
Elections have consequences.. :) Enjoy.
Yes they do, and I guarantee those consequences aren't going to be what you expected and you aren't going to like them. By the way, how is that swamp draining going?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.
They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.
You mean Obama....if you don't understand the conversation, you should avoid it....
Elections have consequences.. :) Enjoy.
Yes they do, and I guarantee those consequences aren't going to be what you expected and you aren't going to like them. By the way, how is that swamp draining going?
A liberal and a guarantee?? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.. I'm so enjoying this morning.. You fucking morons spent billions and lost an election even in liberal states.. I don't give a damn about what you or any loser says.. you're a worldwide joke.
No. The worldwide joke --- starting right here in the USA and working its way completely around the planet --- is trump and his bootlickers, which you are obviously one of.
View attachment 105929
As usual, you have nothing. What a sad and pathetic little existence you must have.
Just Obamas rocks...right?
They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.
Even the United Nations Thinks Iran Is Breaking The Arms Embargo

"The UN secretary general believes Iran is likely in violation of an international arms embargo, citing June 2016 comments by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah thanking Iran for weapons, according to a confidential memo seen by Reuters.

“Iran has also provided Hizballah with training, weapons and explosives, as well as political, diplomatic, monetary and organizational aid.”

Barry's Un-Constitutional Treaty that benefitted Iran is looking pretty 'sweet' right now, huh?! :p
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.

It is a simple explanation but it requires at least a basic knowledge of Physics and Chemistry. Basically, there are two types of reactors. A LWR and a PHWR, that is a light water reactor and a pressurized heavy water reactor. A light water reactor requires enriched uranium. A PHWR does not require enriched uranium. But more importantly, a PHWR produces PLUTONIUM as a byproduct.

Now, it is not like we have not been down this road before. North Korea has a PHWR. North Korea agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provide them with crude oil to be used to produce electrical power instead of using the PHWR and producing Plutonium along with power. When Bush took office he refused to provide the Crude Oil, although Congress never passed funding for the oil during the Clinton administration. So North Korea fired that bad boy up and made themselves enough Plutonium to manufacture several atomic bombs.

Today, Iran has a PHWR. Iran has agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provides them with a market for their heavy water and access to raw uranium and centrifuges in order to process fuel for the LWR's. The entire process is under 24 hour closed circuit television observation by the international community. If we refuse to abide by the terms of the agreement Iran could quite easily fire that PHWR up just like North Korea and produce enough Plutonium to produce several bombs in a matter of months, not years like under the current agreement.
Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.

It is a simple explanation but it requires at least a basic knowledge of Physics and Chemistry. Basically, there are two types of reactors. A LWR and a PHWR, that is a light water reactor and a pressurized heavy water reactor. A light water reactor requires enriched uranium. A PHWR does not require enriched uranium. But more importantly, a PHWR produces PLUTONIUM as a byproduct.

Now, it is not like we have not been down this road before. North Korea has a PHWR. North Korea agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provide them with crude oil to be used to produce electrical power instead of using the PHWR and producing Plutonium along with power. When Bush took office he refused to provide the Crude Oil, although Congress never passed funding for the oil during the Clinton administration. So North Korea fired that bad boy up and made themselves enough Plutonium to manufacture several atomic bombs.

Today, Iran has a PHWR. Iran has agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provides them with a market for their heavy water and access to raw uranium and centrifuges in order to process fuel for the LWR's. The entire process is under 24 hour closed circuit television observation by the international community. If we refuse to abide by the terms of the agreement Iran could quite easily fire that PHWR up just like North Korea and produce enough Plutonium to produce several bombs in a matter of months, not years like under the current agreement.
The agreement is worthless and Obamas rocks will remain there......
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.

It is a simple explanation but it requires at least a basic knowledge of Physics and Chemistry. Basically, there are two types of reactors. A LWR and a PHWR, that is a light water reactor and a pressurized heavy water reactor. A light water reactor requires enriched uranium. A PHWR does not require enriched uranium. But more importantly, a PHWR produces PLUTONIUM as a byproduct.

Now, it is not like we have not been down this road before. North Korea has a PHWR. North Korea agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provide them with crude oil to be used to produce electrical power instead of using the PHWR and producing Plutonium along with power. When Bush took office he refused to provide the Crude Oil, although Congress never passed funding for the oil during the Clinton administration. So North Korea fired that bad boy up and made themselves enough Plutonium to manufacture several atomic bombs.

Today, Iran has a PHWR. Iran has agreed to sanitize the PHWR provided the international community provides them with a market for their heavy water and access to raw uranium and centrifuges in order to process fuel for the LWR's. The entire process is under 24 hour closed circuit television observation by the international community. If we refuse to abide by the terms of the agreement Iran could quite easily fire that PHWR up just like North Korea and produce enough Plutonium to produce several bombs in a matter of months, not years like under the current agreement.
The agreement is worthless and Obamas rocks will remain there......

I am willing to bet a dollar to a doughnut that Trump won't touch the Iran deal with a ten foot pole. He will honor it and keep it in place. And if you voted for him thinking otherwise you were a SUCKER. But quite honestly, if you don't have the energy to do at least a little bit of independent research, enough to have a minimal understanding of the background on current events, you are part of the PROBLEM, and have no business being involved in any conversation regarding those current events.
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.
You mean Obama....if you don't understand the conversation, you should avoid it....
I understand just fine... I've asked you 3 times a very simple question... you can't answer it. You're done
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.
No I don't want to know their rational... I want to know if you understand anything about the situation. You obviously don't
Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.
You mean Obama....if you don't understand the conversation, you should avoid it....
I understand just fine... I've asked you 3 times a very simple question... you can't answer it. You're done
You mean about Obamas rocks going to iran?

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