Obama gifts Iran massive uranium shipment

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
Indeed....perhaps you should....
Its your OP... I haven't even stated a position about the issue, just asked you simple questions that you've been deflecting because you can't answer them.
Indeed...you have....
Help Iran with their rock collection?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
And where is my ignorant knee jerk reaction?
How about you point it out.
Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.
No I don't want to know their rational... I want to know if you understand anything about the situation. You obviously don't

Common sense is all it takes dumbass.
And you have not been able to use common sense to make a coherent argument. Not being able to understand or articulate the rational of 5 of the worlds most powerful countries who all had a hand in making these deals, show an utter lack of understanding of the situation. If you knew what was going on you could say why the countries voted the way they did and then present a counter argument as to why you feel they are wrong. You can't do that... so you're done.

Give us a break those 4 countries are not even in the same league as the United States.

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I want to know how this is all Obama's fault, when there are 5 other nations who also approved this deal with Iran.

Iran shipped their heavy water to Russia, and in turn, they got back natural uranium to run their reactors. Incidentally, the uranium that will power an electric plant IS NOT able to be used in a weapon. In order for that to happen, the uranium would have to be refined quite a bit, a process that would take a couple of years to do.

You people screaming about this might wanna use another source other than Zero Hedge.

Here's a link to an actual news story, not some right wing "news" site.........

AP Exclusive: Diplomats: Iran to Get Natural Uranium Batch

And here's part of what the ACTUAL deal is about................

Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant, diplomats say, in a move approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact.

Two senior diplomats said the transfer recently approved by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium.

So no, this isn't Obama's "gift" to Iran. It's part of the deal that was negotiated by Iran with the United States and 5 other countries.

Hate to tell ya, but not everything is Obama's fault.
I can't believe these idiot libs still defend Obama's B. S. Iran's deal with knowing how bill failed with North Korea..

US ability to shoot down North Korean missile not guaranteed, report says
Published January 10, 2017

North Korea's leader hints of long-range missile test launch

The U.S. has a "limited capability to defend" its homeland from a small number of “simple,” intercontinental ballistic missiles launched by countries like North Korea or Iran, the Pentagon’s weapons testing office said in its latest annual report.

If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
Indeed....perhaps you should....
Its your OP... I haven't even stated a position about the issue, just asked you simple questions that you've been deflecting because you can't answer them.
Indeed...you have....
For example?
Wanna try and give an intelligent answer? Why would the US, China, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all approve this transaction?

They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
And where is my ignorant knee jerk reaction?
How about you point it out.
I haven't seen an ignorant knee jerk reaction from you, i've been engaged with Claudette and Owbeo, who both have displayed their ignorance many times on this thread.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
Indeed....perhaps you should....
Its your OP... I haven't even stated a position about the issue, just asked you simple questions that you've been deflecting because you can't answer them.
Indeed...you have....
For example?
By saying nothing...
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You want to know what their rational is then look it up yourself.

Oh and like I should give a shit about what you think?? Not hardly pal.

I have enough common sense to know a bad idea when I see one. You obviously have no common sense at all.

Take a hike dumbass.
No I don't want to know their rational... I want to know if you understand anything about the situation. You obviously don't

Common sense is all it takes dumbass.
And you have not been able to use common sense to make a coherent argument. Not being able to understand or articulate the rational of 5 of the worlds most powerful countries who all had a hand in making these deals, show an utter lack of understanding of the situation. If you knew what was going on you could say why the countries voted the way they did and then present a counter argument as to why you feel they are wrong. You can't do that... so you're done.

Give us a break those 4 countries are not even in the same league as the United States.

HaHa... Ok, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany are just blips on the radar... Probably just asked King Obama what to do and just followed his lead. I think you got it all figured out, you can go back to blaming everything on Obama now...
All it takes good old common sense there dumbass.

Iran will never abide by any agreement that would curtail their race for a nuclear weapon. If you think they will then you and that box of rocks are on equal footing.

Common sense. Something you don't appear to have any of.
Common sense AGAIN seems to allude YOU. You still can't make a coherent argument or express an iota of understanding about the situation. If your conclusion is that the leadership of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world are stupid then you need a serious reality check.

Well anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement that want to curtail their nuclear pursuits sure isn't very smart.

You are the one who needs a reality check.

Carry on clueless.

Your position is untenable and illogical. Do you think that Iran does not have the capability to generate enough fissionable material to create an atomic bomb? I mean you must, otherwise why would they negotiate at all if they have every intention to create an atomic bomb.

What the knee jerk reactionaries don't understand is that Iran is less capable of creating a nuclear weapon today than they were prior to the agreement. Furthermore, it would be more difficult to hide any secret nuclear activities under the stricter IAEA inspections and observation than prior to the agreement. This heavy water purchase and uranium supply is part and parcel of an effective effort to make it more difficult for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Look, the easiest part of building a nuclear weapon is getting the Plutonium. Iran's PHWR was called IR-40. The reactor vessel was put in place in June of 2013. From that moment on all Iran had to do was fire that bad boy up and scoop up enough Plutonium in about six months to build a bomb. Heavy water is a critical component. Getting Iran's heavy water stocks down is a critical component of any strategy to prevent them from attaining a nuclear weapon. Raw uranium, not so much of a problem. Not near the problem of heavy water.

I think you should owe it to yourself to do research on this. Iran already had Nukes.
North Korea helped them to get them.

Iran was given this deal so that they could legitimately come out of the closet with this, and be protected under international law, otherwise Israel would bomb the shit out of them to try to destroy their nuclear capability. You are the one being dumb and Naive. I have researched this for 10 years.

The money given to Iran, was also given to them under the cover of legitimacy and is to be used by Iran to police The Middle East. Did you read any of the articles I provided? Of course not. Just go do your research and when you become an adult, you can thank me for opening your eyes.

Obama and this Administration is in Bed with a Terrorist State. Does that even shock anyone that the biggest Jihadi coddler in history would be conspiring with terrorists in The Middle East?
Doesn't shock me that Obama Bin Lying would do this at all.

We have also funded and armed Al Nusra, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS. We have dumped Arms and Money in to the Middle East for decades. Both us, and Russia, and now Iran will be dumping even more arms in to the area.

If you aren't aware of what is shaping up in The Middle East, and what they are ramping up to do over there, then you are hopelessly ignorant.
Iraq, and Afghanistan were just practice runs.

What you don't understand is that Iran got their nukes from North Korea. This deal is to legitimize their illegal Nuclear Weapons Program. It is also to allow them to have a sustainable Nuclear Weapons Program. To do that, they cannot rely on North Korea. They have to further develop their capabilities in house.

They already have Nuclear Weapons, but you are too busy watching the Magician's Right Hand, while he is working with his LEFT.

LMAO. I checked out the first claim, it said Iran got nukes from former Soviet Republics. Now you claim it is North Korea. And that first claim was old as dirt. Where you dig that out of, grandmaw's attic. From a former "secret agent" who, of course, must remain unnamed. Damn, I like to read comic books once in awhile too, but you have to understand they are not reality.

When Iran gets a nuke everyone will know. Believe me. The Nuclear club is a pretty exclusive club. You don't gain membership and hide it in your back pocket. You make entry with a bang. Every single country has joined that way. Yes, North Korea provided Iran with enrichment technology. Big damn deal. They have no demonstrable delivery capability nor do they have a reliable means of initiating the chain reaction. They are under constant IAEA supervision. They have agreed to redesign the IR-40, drastically reduce their number of centrifuges, and, as we have discussed, significantly reduce their heavy water stores. Pretty damn good deal. And don't even get me started on the return of Iranian money that Reagan agreed to way back in the day. We saved billions in interest payments, a real bonus to the deal.

Iran cannot test their nukes, until they are legitimized by this deal. To do so early would expose them and solicit an attack from Israel.
And there was cooperation on Iran's Nuclear Program from China, North Korea, and Russia.

They have nuclear weapons, but they do not have a self sustaining nuclear program, and the weapons they have are in violation of international law. They cannot come out of the closet with this until this deal fully legitimizes their having nuclear weapons. Iranian Nuclear Scientists have gone to North Korea to learn how to do it, and are fully trained and have even tested nuclear devices in North Korea. They have a handful of nuclear weapons NOW in Iran.

What part of this, don't you understand? They cannot show their cards. To do so, means Israel would attack them and attempt to destroy their nuclear weapons program the second they did any testing, or revealed that they had nukes.
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.

Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.
Common sense AGAIN seems to allude YOU. You still can't make a coherent argument or express an iota of understanding about the situation. If your conclusion is that the leadership of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world are stupid then you need a serious reality check.

Well anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement that want to curtail their nuclear pursuits sure isn't very smart.

You are the one who needs a reality check.

Carry on clueless.

Your position is untenable and illogical. Do you think that Iran does not have the capability to generate enough fissionable material to create an atomic bomb? I mean you must, otherwise why would they negotiate at all if they have every intention to create an atomic bomb.

What the knee jerk reactionaries don't understand is that Iran is less capable of creating a nuclear weapon today than they were prior to the agreement. Furthermore, it would be more difficult to hide any secret nuclear activities under the stricter IAEA inspections and observation than prior to the agreement. This heavy water purchase and uranium supply is part and parcel of an effective effort to make it more difficult for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Look, the easiest part of building a nuclear weapon is getting the Plutonium. Iran's PHWR was called IR-40. The reactor vessel was put in place in June of 2013. From that moment on all Iran had to do was fire that bad boy up and scoop up enough Plutonium in about six months to build a bomb. Heavy water is a critical component. Getting Iran's heavy water stocks down is a critical component of any strategy to prevent them from attaining a nuclear weapon. Raw uranium, not so much of a problem. Not near the problem of heavy water.

I think you should owe it to yourself to do research on this. Iran already had Nukes.
North Korea helped them to get them.

Iran was given this deal so that they could legitimately come out of the closet with this, and be protected under international law, otherwise Israel would bomb the shit out of them to try to destroy their nuclear capability. You are the one being dumb and Naive. I have researched this for 10 years.

The money given to Iran, was also given to them under the cover of legitimacy and is to be used by Iran to police The Middle East. Did you read any of the articles I provided? Of course not. Just go do your research and when you become an adult, you can thank me for opening your eyes.

Obama and this Administration is in Bed with a Terrorist State. Does that even shock anyone that the biggest Jihadi coddler in history would be conspiring with terrorists in The Middle East?
Doesn't shock me that Obama Bin Lying would do this at all.

We have also funded and armed Al Nusra, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS. We have dumped Arms and Money in to the Middle East for decades. Both us, and Russia, and now Iran will be dumping even more arms in to the area.

If you aren't aware of what is shaping up in The Middle East, and what they are ramping up to do over there, then you are hopelessly ignorant.
Iraq, and Afghanistan were just practice runs.

What you don't understand is that Iran got their nukes from North Korea. This deal is to legitimize their illegal Nuclear Weapons Program. It is also to allow them to have a sustainable Nuclear Weapons Program. To do that, they cannot rely on North Korea. They have to further develop their capabilities in house.

They already have Nuclear Weapons, but you are too busy watching the Magician's Right Hand, while he is working with his LEFT.

LMAO. I checked out the first claim, it said Iran got nukes from former Soviet Republics. Now you claim it is North Korea. And that first claim was old as dirt. Where you dig that out of, grandmaw's attic. From a former "secret agent" who, of course, must remain unnamed. Damn, I like to read comic books once in awhile too, but you have to understand they are not reality.

When Iran gets a nuke everyone will know. Believe me. The Nuclear club is a pretty exclusive club. You don't gain membership and hide it in your back pocket. You make entry with a bang. Every single country has joined that way. Yes, North Korea provided Iran with enrichment technology. Big damn deal. They have no demonstrable delivery capability nor do they have a reliable means of initiating the chain reaction. They are under constant IAEA supervision. They have agreed to redesign the IR-40, drastically reduce their number of centrifuges, and, as we have discussed, significantly reduce their heavy water stores. Pretty damn good deal. And don't even get me started on the return of Iranian money that Reagan agreed to way back in the day. We saved billions in interest payments, a real bonus to the deal.

Iran cannot test their nukes, until they are legitimized by this deal. To do so early would expose them and solicit an attack from Israel.
And there was cooperation on Iran's Nuclear Party from China, North Korea, and Russia.

They have nuclear weapons, but they do not have a self sustaining nuclear program, and the weapons they have are in violation of international law.

What part of this, don't you understand? They cannot show their cards. To do so, means Israel would attack them and attempt to destroy their nuclear weapons program the second they did any testing, or revealed that they had nukes.

Israel already knows where their centrifuges are.. don't kid yourself. The only reason Israel holds back is because of the UN and being condemned and possibly brought before a World Tribunal..
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
Indeed....perhaps you should....
Its your OP... I haven't even stated a position about the issue, just asked you simple questions that you've been deflecting because you can't answer them.
Indeed...you have....
For example?
By saying nothing...
So I've stated a position by saying nothing... Genus conclusion man, you got me :cuckoo:
They have rocks for brains??
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
And where is my ignorant knee jerk reaction?
How about you point it out.
I haven't seen an ignorant knee jerk reaction from you, i've been engaged with Claudette and Owbeo, who both have displayed their ignorance many times on this thread.
However, you specifically called me out as making knee jerk reactions.

I still hold that why they made the deal is immaterial to the discussion.
Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
Easy. Not a good idea to give Iran any way to continue their nuclear program.

Douchebag made the deal with Iran. A deal which Iran is the winner of.

Anyone who thinks they won't continue with their nuclear program or do what they agreed to do in the agreement is dumber than a box or rocks.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

Obama gets the blame mostly because he seemed to be desperate to get the Iran deal. Almost everything he has done in his second term has been to have a positive legacy, and the Iran deal is definitely a negative IMO.
Well anyone who thinks Iran will abide by any agreement that want to curtail their nuclear pursuits sure isn't very smart.

You are the one who needs a reality check.

Carry on clueless.

Your position is untenable and illogical. Do you think that Iran does not have the capability to generate enough fissionable material to create an atomic bomb? I mean you must, otherwise why would they negotiate at all if they have every intention to create an atomic bomb.

What the knee jerk reactionaries don't understand is that Iran is less capable of creating a nuclear weapon today than they were prior to the agreement. Furthermore, it would be more difficult to hide any secret nuclear activities under the stricter IAEA inspections and observation than prior to the agreement. This heavy water purchase and uranium supply is part and parcel of an effective effort to make it more difficult for Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Look, the easiest part of building a nuclear weapon is getting the Plutonium. Iran's PHWR was called IR-40. The reactor vessel was put in place in June of 2013. From that moment on all Iran had to do was fire that bad boy up and scoop up enough Plutonium in about six months to build a bomb. Heavy water is a critical component. Getting Iran's heavy water stocks down is a critical component of any strategy to prevent them from attaining a nuclear weapon. Raw uranium, not so much of a problem. Not near the problem of heavy water.

I think you should owe it to yourself to do research on this. Iran already had Nukes.
North Korea helped them to get them.

Iran was given this deal so that they could legitimately come out of the closet with this, and be protected under international law, otherwise Israel would bomb the shit out of them to try to destroy their nuclear capability. You are the one being dumb and Naive. I have researched this for 10 years.

The money given to Iran, was also given to them under the cover of legitimacy and is to be used by Iran to police The Middle East. Did you read any of the articles I provided? Of course not. Just go do your research and when you become an adult, you can thank me for opening your eyes.

Obama and this Administration is in Bed with a Terrorist State. Does that even shock anyone that the biggest Jihadi coddler in history would be conspiring with terrorists in The Middle East?
Doesn't shock me that Obama Bin Lying would do this at all.

We have also funded and armed Al Nusra, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS. We have dumped Arms and Money in to the Middle East for decades. Both us, and Russia, and now Iran will be dumping even more arms in to the area.

If you aren't aware of what is shaping up in The Middle East, and what they are ramping up to do over there, then you are hopelessly ignorant.
Iraq, and Afghanistan were just practice runs.

What you don't understand is that Iran got their nukes from North Korea. This deal is to legitimize their illegal Nuclear Weapons Program. It is also to allow them to have a sustainable Nuclear Weapons Program. To do that, they cannot rely on North Korea. They have to further develop their capabilities in house.

They already have Nuclear Weapons, but you are too busy watching the Magician's Right Hand, while he is working with his LEFT.

LMAO. I checked out the first claim, it said Iran got nukes from former Soviet Republics. Now you claim it is North Korea. And that first claim was old as dirt. Where you dig that out of, grandmaw's attic. From a former "secret agent" who, of course, must remain unnamed. Damn, I like to read comic books once in awhile too, but you have to understand they are not reality.

When Iran gets a nuke everyone will know. Believe me. The Nuclear club is a pretty exclusive club. You don't gain membership and hide it in your back pocket. You make entry with a bang. Every single country has joined that way. Yes, North Korea provided Iran with enrichment technology. Big damn deal. They have no demonstrable delivery capability nor do they have a reliable means of initiating the chain reaction. They are under constant IAEA supervision. They have agreed to redesign the IR-40, drastically reduce their number of centrifuges, and, as we have discussed, significantly reduce their heavy water stores. Pretty damn good deal. And don't even get me started on the return of Iranian money that Reagan agreed to way back in the day. We saved billions in interest payments, a real bonus to the deal.

Iran cannot test their nukes, until they are legitimized by this deal. To do so early would expose them and solicit an attack from Israel.
And there was cooperation on Iran's Nuclear Party from China, North Korea, and Russia.

They have nuclear weapons, but they do not have a self sustaining nuclear program, and the weapons they have are in violation of international law.

What part of this, don't you understand? They cannot show their cards. To do so, means Israel would attack them and attempt to destroy their nuclear weapons program the second they did any testing, or revealed that they had nukes.

Israel already knows where their centrifuges are.. don't kid yourself. The only reason Israel holds back is because of the UN and being condemned and possibly brought before a World Tribunal..

Israel cannot prematurely attack Iran unless they can verify the actual location of The Nuclear Weapons, destroy them, and then have evidence for the world community to prove Iran is in Violation of International Law, and had Nukes prior to the agreement, and prior to the agreed upon time line. The agreement is a farce. It is just to help bring Iran's Nuclear program out of the closet under cover of international law to prevent Israel from bombing the shit out of it.

If Israel makes a mistake on this, they invite war upon themselves. This is a very dangerous chess game. And imo, it was a mortal sin for The Obama Administration to get involved and help legitimize Iran.
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...
If you both have different opinions on how to handle the situation then I can respect that... but my guess is that neither of you know what the hell you are talking about... you appear to be taking the cheap partisan anti-obama position so you can get some bitching in. Please prove me wrong and show that you are objective and knowledgeable enough about this situation to articulate the reasoning for these 5 countries to allow these actions. This will take more than one sentence. Explain why they did what they did and then explain why you feel it's a poor decision.

Or show your stupidity by doing the predictable thing and respond with a sarcastic petty attack against me or obama.
Asking anyone to read the minds of foreign dignitaries is a rather silly demand. I do not know why these 5 countries have agreed to the details of the treaty - their reasons are their own. It just seems counter productive to me to supply uranium in exchange for heavy water - a substance that they can simply make more of.
Perhaps they have more information than you and you should try and learn more about why they made those decisions instead of making ignorant knee jerk reactions like many do. I'm not suggesting a mind read, i'm suggesting an objective and informed analysis of the situation.
And where is my ignorant knee jerk reaction?
How about you point it out.
I haven't seen an ignorant knee jerk reaction from you, i've been engaged with Claudette and Owbeo, who both have displayed their ignorance many times on this thread.
However, you specifically called me out as making knee jerk reactions.

I still hold that why they made the deal is immaterial to the discussion.
I wasn't trying to call you out, I said "many" people make ignorant knee jerk reactions. Meaning they are uninformed and reacting before actually thinking and researching.

I feel like many of these people are acting like interns in the mail room critiquing a merger made by the Executives of the company. They have no insight as to the strategy, details of the deal, motives and consensus behind the actions... but they talk like they do... It's humorous that they actually think they know what they are talking about.

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