Obama gifts Iran massive uranium shipment

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.

It is rather unfortunate that the AP article made it seem like Iran was just giving up some reactor coolant in exchange for, shudder, "uranium". Heavy water is quite rare naturally and rather difficult to manufacture. Freaking unenriched uranium is not an uncommon element and easily attainable.

But what everyone seems to be missing is that heavy water is ONLY used as a coolant in a PHWR. It is not needed, nor is it used, in a LWR. A PHWR can be fueled with unenriched uranium, and LWR requires enriched uranium. The cheapest, quickest, and most stealthy way to produce plutonium is via a PHWR. North Korea, India, and, ironically, ISRAEL, all got the plutonium for their initial nuclear weapon via a PHWR. No doubt, Israel has no problem whatsoever with this part of the agreement. In fact, it may have been inserted under their insistence.

I didn't know that Israel was part of the negotiations in the Iran deal. I also do know that they adamantly opposed the deal.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

What information am I missing?

I already know that iran has been caught violating multiple UNSC resolutions on ballistic missile development, weapons exports/transfers (see link below), development nuclear weapons triggers and fuses, and has multiple nuke sites including heavy water plants like Arak with no civilian use whatsoever, how much more "information" is needed to be certain they are developing nuclear weapons? There is more than smoke here, there is fire and the whole fucking house burned down.

I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.

It is rather unfortunate that the AP article made it seem like Iran was just giving up some reactor coolant in exchange for, shudder, "uranium". Heavy water is quite rare naturally and rather difficult to manufacture. Freaking unenriched uranium is not an uncommon element and easily attainable.

But what everyone seems to be missing is that heavy water is ONLY used as a coolant in a PHWR. It is not needed, nor is it used, in a LWR. A PHWR can be fueled with unenriched uranium, and LWR requires enriched uranium. The cheapest, quickest, and most stealthy way to produce plutonium is via a PHWR. North Korea, India, and, ironically, ISRAEL, all got the plutonium for their initial nuclear weapon via a PHWR. No doubt, Israel has no problem whatsoever with this part of the agreement. In fact, it may have been inserted under their insistence.

I didn't know that Israel was part of the negotiations in the Iran deal. I also do know that they adamantly opposed the deal.

Israel attained their initial material for a nuclear bomb via a PHWR. So did North Korea and India. Once a PHWR becomes operational it cannot be bombed without risking another Chernobyl. Destroying, or converting Iran's PHWR to a LWR and curtailing Iran's access to heavy water necessary to operate a PHWR had to be priority one for Israel. In the end, Iran does not have an operational PHWR as well divesting itself of 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium and tons of heavy water. No way in hell anyone with even an ounce of common sense can argue that Iran has not significantly degraded it's ability to produce a nuclear weapon.
No way in hell anyone with even an ounce of common sense can argue that Iran has not significantly degraded it's ability to produce a nuclear weapon.

Trumpsters don't have even a hint of common sense. If they did, they would never have voted for him. They're trained to ignore truth, reality, and what they've seen with their own eyes (he did not mock that reporter), so ignoring something that scientists or other people with access to more information and knowledge of the situation than they have, is easy. They've been trained to ignore facts.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

What information am I missing?

I already know that iran has been caught violating multiple UNSC resolutions on ballistic missile development, weapons exports/transfers (see link below), development nuclear weapons triggers and fuses, and has multiple nuke sites including heavy water plants like Arak with no civilian use whatsoever, how much more "information" is needed to be certain they are developing nuclear weapons? There is more than smoke here, there is fire and the whole fucking house burned down.

Where do you get your information from? The media? Press releases? Statements made by representatives? If you really think you're getting the whole story without the hard intelligence, classified info, the closed door talks, and the strategy plans that develop from analyzing all this info... you are being naive
Where do you get your information from? The media? Press releases? Statements made by representatives? If you really think you're getting the whole story without the hard intelligence, classified info, the closed door talks, and the strategy plans that develop from analyzing all this info... you are being naive

I get it from multiple sources, and the politicians have never denied any of it. Second, what is in doubt, are you claiming Arak does not exist? That the baillistic missile tests being boasted about by iran captured on satellites and live video is not real? WTF are you talking about? Come up with a rational argument or stop posting, you're sounding rather stupid at this point.
Trumpsters don't have even a hint of common sense. If they did, they would never have voted for him. They're trained to ignore truth, reality, and what they've seen with their own eyes (he did not mock that reporter), so ignoring something that scientists or other people with access to more information and knowledge of the situation than they have, is easy. They've been trained to ignore facts.

Can you just STFU and leave the thread asshole, since you have nothing of intelligence to offer?
Israel attained their initial material for a nuclear bomb via a PHWR. So did North Korea and India. Once a PHWR becomes operational it cannot be bombed without risking another Chernobyl. Destroying, or converting Iran's PHWR to a LWR and curtailing Iran's access to heavy water necessary to operate a PHWR had to be priority one for Israel. In the end, Iran does not have an operational PHWR as well divesting itself of 25,000 pounds of enriched uranium and tons of heavy water. No way in hell anyone with even an ounce of common sense can argue that Iran has not significantly degraded it's ability to produce a nuclear weapon.

That's regarding the known facilities, as opposed to the ones that the iranian filth has not disclosed. Remember that much of their illicit program has been exposed by MEK/oppositiion during press conferences, and not by the West or anyone else.
Where do you get your information from? The media? Press releases? Statements made by representatives? If you really think you're getting the whole story without the hard intelligence, classified info, the closed door talks, and the strategy plans that develop from analyzing all this info... you are being naive

I get it from multiple sources, and the politicians have never denied any of it. Second, what is in doubt, are you claiming Arak does not exist? That the baillistic missile tests being boasted about by iran captured on satellites and live video is not real? WTF are you talking about? Come up with a rational argument or stop posting, you're sounding rather stupid at this point.
Democrats only consume fake news and it makes it impossible to process real life....like Obama giving Iran 130 tons of 'natural' rocks.....

It's fucking surreal.....
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

What information am I missing?

I already know that iran has been caught violating multiple UNSC resolutions on ballistic missile development, weapons exports/transfers (see link below), development nuclear weapons triggers and fuses, and has multiple nuke sites including heavy water plants like Arak with no civilian use whatsoever, how much more "information" is needed to be certain they are developing nuclear weapons? There is more than smoke here, there is fire and the whole fucking house burned down.

Where do you get your information from? The media? Press releases? Statements made by representatives? If you really think you're getting the whole story without the hard intelligence, classified info, the closed door talks, and the strategy plans that develop from analyzing all this info... you are being naive
So whatever the government says, simply go along with it?
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

What information am I missing?

I already know that iran has been caught violating multiple UNSC resolutions on ballistic missile development, weapons exports/transfers (see link below), development nuclear weapons triggers and fuses, and has multiple nuke sites including heavy water plants like Arak with no civilian use whatsoever, how much more "information" is needed to be certain they are developing nuclear weapons? There is more than smoke here, there is fire and the whole fucking house burned down.

Where do you get your information from? The media? Press releases? Statements made by representatives? If you really think you're getting the whole story without the hard intelligence, classified info, the closed door talks, and the strategy plans that develop from analyzing all this info... you are being naive
So whatever the government says, simply go along with it?
No, by all means, question it and demand answers... but don't be so pompous as to think you know everything when you only have access to a fraction of the information.
No, by all means, question it and demand answers... but don't be so pompous as to think you know everything when you only have access to a fraction of the information.

I had more than enough data and history to pass judgement on obama and the cancerous iranian dictatorship years ago. The world is fortunately seeing one of them vanish, soon the other will as will - hopefully to be destroyed in the next four years.
No, by all means, question it and demand answers... but don't be so pompous as to think you know everything when you only have access to a fraction of the information.

I had more than enough data and history to pass judgement on obama and the cancerous iranian dictatorship years ago. The world is fortunately seeing one of them vanish, soon the other will as will - hopefully to be destroyed in the next four years.
I guess you got it all figured out... good for you

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