Obama gifts Iran massive uranium shipment

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?
My question was to the motivation of the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany. All who supported these actions and all who were part of the Iran deal. You all play this up like it was just Obamas doing but it had consensus and input from many other countries. Care to address that or is everybody just dumber than a pile of rocks?

Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.
We fire at Iranian gunboats at the same time that we approve of uranium shipments to Iran that could be eventually be converted to 10 nuclear bombs..............:cuckoo:.

This about sums up Obie's foreign policy screw-ups!
You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Oh its not just Douchebag. Anyone who thinks Iran won't pursue it nuclear ambitions isn't to smart.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
We fire at Iranian gunboats at the same time that we approve of uranium shipments to Iran that could be eventually be converted to 10 nuclear bombs..............:cuckoo:.

This about sums up Obie's foreign policy screw-ups!
It is so wildly nonsensical it begs the question... Why would he do that? There has to be a reason... Perhaps the situation isn't as simple as you state
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.
We fire at Iranian gunboats at the same time that we approve of uranium shipments to Iran that could be eventually be converted to 10 nuclear bombs..............:cuckoo:.

This about sums up Obie's foreign policy screw-ups!
It is so wildly nonsensical it begs the question... Why would he do that? There has to be a reason... Perhaps the situation isn't as simple as you state
Or perhaps it's simpler than you state....
You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Willful lying idiot caught in his own web of HORSE SHIT^^ Everyone see's through your dodgeball semantics.. It won't work. The moment you made excuses for enabling the enemy of this country , you fucked yourself.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Willful lying idiot caught in his own web of HORSE SHIT^^ Everyone see's through your dodgeball semantics.. It won't work. The moment you made excuses for enabling the enemy of this country , you fucked yourself.
Yet you can't make any kind of sense out of your position
You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!
It's just some rocks.....
You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!

With any good debate, you back up your argument with FACTS, moron.. The entire media to include THE AP are reporting this.. in fact dunderdouche, I included the link from the AP... What's it like to have to divorce yourself from reality? You're another Psychopathic far left idiot here.. You're not the normal working class Democrat.. in fact that Democrat voted for Trump and despises you.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.
Arm them with what child? Rocks?
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!

With any good debate, you back up your argument with FACTS, moron.. The entire media to include THE AP are reporting this.. in fact dunderdouche, I included the link from the AP... What's it like to have to divorce yourself from reality? You're another Psychopathic far left idiot here.. You're not the normal working class Democrat.. in fact that Democrat voted for Trump and despises you.
Funny you try to insult me for not backing up my argument when I haven't even taken a position on this issue. All I've done is asked you and others like you to display understanding of the situation and explain your point... none of you have done so with execution of "Original Tree" with his WW3 theory. He gets props for at least presenting an argument for discussion... You simply reenforce your ignorance.
You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!

With any good debate, you back up your argument with FACTS, moron.. The entire media to include THE AP are reporting this.. in fact dunderdouche, I included the link from the AP... What's it like to have to divorce yourself from reality? You're another Psychopathic far left idiot here.. You're not the normal working class Democrat.. in fact that Democrat voted for Trump and despises you.
Funny you try to insult me for not backing up my argument when I haven't even taken a position on this issue. All I've done is asked you and others like you to display understanding of the situation and explain your point... none of you have done so with execution of "Original Tree" with his WW3 theory. He gets props for at least presenting an argument for discussion... You simply reenforce your ignorance.
Except you have taken a position....
You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.
You aren't bringing anything new to the conversation. I do applaud your copy and paste skillz though. Now work on become as proficient at critical thinking.

It just doesn't make sense for the US and the 5 other major counties to gift Iran supplies to help them make 10 nucs. Sometimes when headlines don't add up to something believable, they probably aren't believable. I hate to break it to you but most the shit you read is full of biased partisan spin and don't tell the whole story... don't believe it all!

With any good debate, you back up your argument with FACTS, moron.. The entire media to include THE AP are reporting this.. in fact dunderdouche, I included the link from the AP... What's it like to have to divorce yourself from reality? You're another Psychopathic far left idiot here.. You're not the normal working class Democrat.. in fact that Democrat voted for Trump and despises you.
Funny you try to insult me for not backing up my argument when I haven't even taken a position on this issue. All I've done is asked you and others like you to display understanding of the situation and explain your point... none of you have done so with execution of "Original Tree" with his WW3 theory. He gets props for at least presenting an argument for discussion... You simply reenforce your ignorance.
Except you have taken a position....
are you still talking??

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