Obama gifts Iran massive uranium shipment

Oh brother. You are gullible fools need to read a bit further. No wonder you voted for trumpery.

Really, idiot? Who besides a fool would have EVER entered an "agreement" with as untrustworthy and worthless a government as iran, who is continuing to test ballistic missiles in violation of UNSC resolutions? Who has helped mass slaughter its own people and over a million in syria to keep their terrorist machine in place?

Who bought into the ben rhodes false narrative about how iran's cancerous, diseased fucking scumbag regime is comprised of "hardliners" and "moderates" to sell the fictional "deal" to the clueless media, and engaged in manipulative and dishonest tactics - as expected from an obama regime - to get the american public to accept the deal?

A moron like you, that's who.
You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.
So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Willful lying idiot caught in his own web of HORSE SHIT^^ Everyone see's through your dodgeball semantics.. It won't work. The moment you made excuses for enabling the enemy of this country , you fucked yourself.
Yet you can't make any kind of sense out of your position

I make perfect sense. You just don't have a clear mind to comprehend what I am telling you.
You must be a brain dead lib.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.

He armed them by entering into a lunatic agreement that legitimized their nuclear efforts, based upon a false story promulgated by another lying bastard named ben rhodes, whose death cannot come soon enough. Hope he and obama are indicted and prosecuted when iran tests their first weapon in the Isfahan province. Scum.
Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
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It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.

Why would Obama pull out of Iraq when he was asked to stay and use the excuse of not being able to come to an agreement with Iraqi Government over the terms and conditions US troops would stay, especially when he was told by two former presidents, and all his military advisors that it was too soon to leave, and that it would create a vacumn for radicals to attempt to retake Iraq? And why would he allow ISIS to kill 400,000 people?

Why would Obama arm a known Terrorist Organization The Muslim Brotherhood and have them overthrow the Government of Egypt?
Why would Obama arm Al Queda affiliates in Libya and have them overthrow The Libyan Government and take out Qaddafi who was not a threat to us anymore and was actually cooperating with us?
Why would Obama arm Al Nusra a known Terrorist Organization to oppose Assad?
Why would Obama give arms to HAMAS, and Money to THE PLO?
Why would Obama allow IRAN and NORTH Korea to work together to develop their nuclear missile program and allow Iran to fire and test ICBMS in violation of international law?
Why would Obama give Iran a 400,000 Million dollar ransom for hostages? And why would he give them another 33 Billion to spend on weapons, and march all over Iraq?
Why would Obama release known terrorist generals and mass murderers from GITMO and exchange them for an Army deserter?
Why would Obama invite Islamic Radicals in to this country and let them kill our people indiscriminately?
Why would Obama not only allow Iran to be in violation of their agreement but let them self report on their nuclear program?
Why would Obama draw a line in the sand with Syria and stand idly by and do nothing why Assad gassed his own people?
Why would Obama craft a midnight UN resolution condemning Israel for it's West Bank settlements declaring them illegal, when the West Bank used to belong to Jordan, and was won by Israel when Jordan and other Islamic Nations attacked it in Pearl Harbor style, and Jordon officially relinquished all claims on the West Bank officially giving it over to Israel?

Obama has done all of this and more, because he wants to undermine Israel in the region and destabilize the ME and hand it over to The Russians and Iran. He has no backbone. Everything he has done is all about retreat, appeasement and exit strategies, leaving everything he touches in worse shape than he found it.

It's all about covering his ass with layers and layers of lies, to preserve his legacy. He has spent 8 years lying himself on his way to a legacy, and he often backs himself in a corner. He has done this with Iran. And he has done this with his claims of Russian Interference with the election.
Yet lefty claims The Russians did not impact the election, because you know, Hillary won the popular vote. LOL.

HE LET IRAN GET NUKES. Now he has to cover his ass with this agreement to legitimize Iran's Illegal Nuclear Weapons Program so they can safely come out of the closet with it, under cover of international law, without being attacked preemptively by Israel. One of the most Evil Nations on Earth is suddenly Obama's best friend and was allowed to obtain Nuclear Weapons under his watch.

HE is the worst president in US history, and is a failure domestically and abroad both in foreign and domestic policy. He is about as a complete failure as a President as you will ever see. All he has done for 8 years is bumble his way through his tenure, expend and waste enormous amounts of capital, accomplish nothing and exhaust himself in continual CYA operations.
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So why did China, Russia, France, the UK, and Germany support this action as well? Please enlighten us with their rationale since nobody else can offer more than saying they are all morons...

Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Willful lying idiot caught in his own web of HORSE SHIT^^ Everyone see's through your dodgeball semantics.. It won't work. The moment you made excuses for enabling the enemy of this country , you fucked yourself.
Yet you can't make any kind of sense out of your position

I make perfect sense. You just don't have a clear mind to comprehend what I am telling you.
You must be a brain dead lib.
You are the only one that I gave props to (in another post) for actually giving a thought out response. Even though I don't necessarily agree with your conclusions, I appreciate this type of debate... Don't get all petty with the insults it just lowers you
Part of the treaty.

I'm sure we can trust Iran to do the right thing. They have never sworn to destroy Israel or anything.

"We" can't trust the Mullahs but Obama does. After all they are his Muslim buddies. He loves them so and think they are the cat's meow.
Are you not reading anything in this thread or are you just glossing over stuff? These actions, including The Agreement are nothing but smoke and mirrors, slight of hand and a farce. Iran already has nukes and is in violation of international law.

What is being done now is an attempt to legitimize their nuclear weapons program and bring it out of the closet under cover of international law so as to avoid Israel taking pre-emptive actions against Iran.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
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Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.

Why would Obama pull out of Iraq when he was asked to stay and use the excuse of not being able to come to an agreement with Iraqi Government over the terms and conditions US troops would stay, especially when he was told by two former presidents, and all his military advisors that it was too soon to leave, and that it would create a vacumn for radicals to attempt to retake Iraq? And why would he allow ISIS to kill 400,000 people?

Why would Obama arm a known Terrorist Organization The Muslim Brotherhood and have them overthrow the Government of Egypt?
Why would Obama arm Al Queda affiliates in Libya and have them overthrow The Libyan Government and take out Qaddafi who was not a threat to us anymore and was actually cooperating with us?
Why would Obama arm Al Nusra a known Terrorist Organization to oppose Assad?
Why would Obama give arms to HAMAS, and Money to THE PLO?
Why would Obama allow IRAN and NORTH Korea to work together to develop their nuclear missile program and allow Iran to fire and test ICBMS in violation of international law?
Why would Obama give Iran a 400,000 Million dollar ransom for hostages? And why would he give them another 33 Billion to spend on weapons, and march all over Iraq?
Why would Obama release known terrorist generals and mass murderers from GITMO and exchange them for an Army deserter?
Why would Obama invite Islamic Radicals in to this country and let them kill our people indiscriminately?
Why would Obama not only allow Iran to be in violation of their agreement but let them self report on their nuclear program?
Why would Obama draw a line in the sand with Syria and stand idly by and do nothing why Assad gassed his own people?
Why would Obama craft a midnight UN resolution condemning Israel for it's West Bank settlements declaring them illegal, when the West Bank used to belong to Jordan, and was won by Israel when Jordan and other Islamic Nations attacked it in Pearl Harbor style, and Jordon officially relinquished all claims on the West Bank officially giving it over to Israel?

Obama has done all of this and more, because he wants to undermine Israel in the region and destabilize the ME and hand it over to The Russians and Iran. He has no backbone. Everything he has done is all about retreat, appeasement and exit strategies, leaving everything he touches in worse shape than he found it.

It's all about covering his ass with layers and layers of lies, to preserve his legacy. He has spent 8 years lying himself on his way to a legacy, and he often backs himself in a corner. He has done this with Iran. And he has done this with his claims of Russian Interference with the election.
Yet lefty claims The Russians did not impact the election, because you know, Hillary won the popular vote. LOL.

HE LET IRAN GET NUKES. Now he has to cover his ass with this agreement to legitimize Iran's Illegal Nuclear Weapons Program so they can safely come out of the closet with it, under cover of international law, without being attacked preemptively by Israel. One of the most Evil Nations on Earth is suddenly Obama's best friend and was allowed to obtain Nuclear Weapons under his watch.

HE is the worst president in US history, and is a failure domestically and abroad both in foreign and domestic policy. He is about as a complete failure as a President as you will ever see. All he has done for 8 years is bumble his way through his tenure, expend and waste enormous amounts of capital, accomplish nothing and exhaust himself in continual CYA operations.
Your passion on the subject is apparent, but I think you read way to deep into it. Perhaps he pulled out because thats what he campaigned on and he wanted to bring troops home and work on diplomatic solutions. I personally don't think he did a very good job with foreign policy. Many mistakes were made and I'm not making excuses for him. But that doesn't mean there is this big conspiracy to bring down Israel... Thats too much on the paranoid conspiracy theory side of things for me to buy at this time.
Ok, lets run with that and assume it is true... What advantage does the USA, China, Russia, France, UK, and Germany have in trying to legitimize their nuclear weapons program? You think all these countries made the iran deal and recent actions to try and stop Israel from getting involved? Can you elaborate more on that theory?

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
You do realize that all these leaders making these decisions are privy to much more information than you are, right? Not saying everything they do is correct, but I hope you can at least acknowledge that fact.
Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

They avoid being dragged in to another Middle Eastern War, and avoid Israel and Iran going at it. If this flares up, it will be the start of WW III.

Let me ask you this. What would you do as a Nation to avoid starting WW III?

Does that answer your quesiton?
Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
You do realize that all these leaders making these decisions are privy to much more information than you are, right? Not saying everything they do is correct, but I hope you can at least acknowledge that fact.

You mean like the information Obama was given regarding Iraq when he was advised not to leave by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers, and he did what his Ideological Liberal Ass wanted to do anyways?

That kind of information? The kind that is ignored when your AGENDA and Legacy is all you care about?

Yah, sometimes people who have no credibility, and have no business being in office are given information, and because they are driven by agenda, and dogma completely ignore the information they are privy to, and embark on a disastrous journey despite all warnings against it that has irreversible and damaging implications for decades impacting millions of lives, and all because of someone's grandiose vision of himself and his ego.

Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. He is Obama Bin Lying's Doppleganger.
You shouldn't be talking about smart... ive asked very clearly multiple times for you to simply explain the rationale of the leaders of 5 of the most powerful countries in the world, and you can't do it. You did exactly what I predicted after I predicted it. Thanks for reenforcing my point that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You are so smart, why don't you tell everyone why 5 of the most powerful countries in the world authorized the transfer of Uranium to Iran. I'll wait for your answer.
I don't know why, and I don't pretend to know why... I'm not privy to all the information, I haven't sat in to their strategy meetings and I am not a nuclear expert. Some on here like to pretend that they know it all with their simpleton views and pass judgment blaming it all on Obama because that seems to be all they are capable of.

You're right.. you're just a dumb mother fucker.. That's for admitting it. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who laps up Obama's dirty bathwater enabling an enemy is a scummy traitor. You wear it well.. This uranium will be used to possibly destroy us.. I've said it a million times.. You liberals will be the death of America.

You are truly too dumb to be one person. Not all uranium is weapons grade you dolt. Obama gave them uranium to make electricity. Another use for nuclear power.

And Zero Hedge, that purveyor of fake news, doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground, which give you something in common with them.

Here ya go, you dumb biatch
Barack Obama’s administration, with the help of the rest of the P5+1 signatories of the Iran deal, has gifted Iran with enough uranium to make 10 simple nuclear bombs, a nuclear arms expert said Monday.

The transfer of 116 metric tons of uranium will come from Russia as a “thank you” in exchange for Iran’s export of tons of reactor coolant, the Associated Press reported in an exclusive.
Obama approved giving Iran 116 metric tons of uranium as a ‘thank you’ gift

Here's more Stupid TURD
The AP reported Monday that Iran has not said what purpose they have in mind for the uranium they’ve just received:

Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb. Iran says it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful…

Bet you feel like a horses fat stank azz :)

Don't thank me... all in a days work. Now scram you fucking idiot.

It is rather unfortunate that the AP article made it seem like Iran was just giving up some reactor coolant in exchange for, shudder, "uranium". Heavy water is quite rare naturally and rather difficult to manufacture. Freaking unenriched uranium is not an uncommon element and easily attainable.

But what everyone seems to be missing is that heavy water is ONLY used as a coolant in a PHWR. It is not needed, nor is it used, in a LWR. A PHWR can be fueled with unenriched uranium, and LWR requires enriched uranium. The cheapest, quickest, and most stealthy way to produce plutonium is via a PHWR. North Korea, India, and, ironically, ISRAEL, all got the plutonium for their initial nuclear weapon via a PHWR. No doubt, Israel has no problem whatsoever with this part of the agreement. In fact, it may have been inserted under their insistence.
Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

Thats quite a theory... If I was trying to prevent WWIII, I don't think i'd enable my enemy to gain more powerful weapons. Especially if the public policy and the consensus from my world alliances have all taken a position to try and prevent Iran from going nuclear. I'm just not seeing a lot of rational in your theory.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
You do realize that all these leaders making these decisions are privy to much more information than you are, right? Not saying everything they do is correct, but I hope you can at least acknowledge that fact.

You mean like the information Obama was given regarding Iraq when he was advised not to leave by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers, and he did what his Ideological Liberal Ass wanted to do anyways?

That kind of information? The kind that is ignored when your AGENDA and Legacy is all you care about?

Yah, sometimes people who have no credibility, and have no business being in office are given information, and because they are driven by agenda, and dogma completely ignore the information they are privy to, and embark on a disastrous journey despite all warnings against it that has irreversible and damaging implications for decades impacting millions of lives, and all because of someone's grandiose vision of himself and his ego.

Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. He is Obama Bin Lying's Doppleganger.
Again, another case of you commenting on things that you don't have all the information about. You have no clue what information he was giving, or what advice he was given to come to his decision. In hind sight, I and many others can see it was a poor decision... It's easy to critique when your the uninformed peanut gallery. I just hope you realize your nothing more than a peanut.
It amazes the length the Zombie far left KOOKS here will go to follow Odumbo in to the sewer.. He literally sank the entire party over the last 8 yrs and these blind fucking fruitbats STILL enable him, even as he betrays America and arms our enemy.
Again i'll ask a very simple question... Why would Obama arm the Iranians? Take a guess, what is his reasoning. Why did China, Russia, France, UK and Germany all decided to support these actions as well? Take two seconds and just try and think about what the leaders of these countries are trying to do... State a coherent, objective argument that explains their position THEN you can state your opposition to it if you feel it is a bad move.

Simply saying that they are arming our enemies and they are idiots that don't know what they are doing just shows that you lack understanding and have no clue what you are talking about.

Why would Obama pull out of Iraq when he was asked to stay and use the excuse of not being able to come to an agreement with Iraqi Government over the terms and conditions US troops would stay, especially when he was told by two former presidents, and all his military advisors that it was too soon to leave, and that it would create a vacumn for radicals to attempt to retake Iraq? And why would he allow ISIS to kill 400,000 people?

Why would Obama arm a known Terrorist Organization The Muslim Brotherhood and have them overthrow the Government of Egypt?
Why would Obama arm Al Queda affiliates in Libya and have them overthrow The Libyan Government and take out Qaddafi who was not a threat to us anymore and was actually cooperating with us?
Why would Obama arm Al Nusra a known Terrorist Organization to oppose Assad?
Why would Obama give arms to HAMAS, and Money to THE PLO?
Why would Obama allow IRAN and NORTH Korea to work together to develop their nuclear missile program and allow Iran to fire and test ICBMS in violation of international law?
Why would Obama give Iran a 400,000 Million dollar ransom for hostages? And why would he give them another 33 Billion to spend on weapons, and march all over Iraq?
Why would Obama release known terrorist generals and mass murderers from GITMO and exchange them for an Army deserter?
Why would Obama invite Islamic Radicals in to this country and let them kill our people indiscriminately?
Why would Obama not only allow Iran to be in violation of their agreement but let them self report on their nuclear program?
Why would Obama draw a line in the sand with Syria and stand idly by and do nothing why Assad gassed his own people?
Why would Obama craft a midnight UN resolution condemning Israel for it's West Bank settlements declaring them illegal, when the West Bank used to belong to Jordan, and was won by Israel when Jordan and other Islamic Nations attacked it in Pearl Harbor style, and Jordon officially relinquished all claims on the West Bank officially giving it over to Israel?

Obama has done all of this and more, because he wants to undermine Israel in the region and destabilize the ME and hand it over to The Russians and Iran. He has no backbone. Everything he has done is all about retreat, appeasement and exit strategies, leaving everything he touches in worse shape than he found it.

It's all about covering his ass with layers and layers of lies, to preserve his legacy. He has spent 8 years lying himself on his way to a legacy, and he often backs himself in a corner. He has done this with Iran. And he has done this with his claims of Russian Interference with the election.
Yet lefty claims The Russians did not impact the election, because you know, Hillary won the popular vote. LOL.

HE LET IRAN GET NUKES. Now he has to cover his ass with this agreement to legitimize Iran's Illegal Nuclear Weapons Program so they can safely come out of the closet with it, under cover of international law, without being attacked preemptively by Israel. One of the most Evil Nations on Earth is suddenly Obama's best friend and was allowed to obtain Nuclear Weapons under his watch.

HE is the worst president in US history, and is a failure domestically and abroad both in foreign and domestic policy. He is about as a complete failure as a President as you will ever see. All he has done for 8 years is bumble his way through his tenure, expend and waste enormous amounts of capital, accomplish nothing and exhaust himself in continual CYA operations.

********* +1000

You won't have one fucking scumbag traitorous liberal touch those questions.
Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank?

What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover of International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.
The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
You do realize that all these leaders making these decisions are privy to much more information than you are, right? Not saying everything they do is correct, but I hope you can at least acknowledge that fact.

You mean like the information Obama was given regarding Iraq when he was advised not to leave by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers, and he did what his Ideological Liberal Ass wanted to do anyways?

That kind of information? The kind that is ignored when your AGENDA and Legacy is all you care about?

Yah, sometimes people who have no credibility, and have no business being in office are given information, and because they are driven by agenda, and dogma completely ignore the information they are privy to, and embark on a disastrous journey despite all warnings against it that has irreversible and damaging implications for decades impacting millions of lives, and all because of someone's grandiose vision of himself and his ego.

Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. He is Obama Bin Lying's Doppleganger.
Again, another case of you commenting on things that you don't have all the information about. You have no clue what information he was giving, or what advice he was given to come to his decision. In hind sight, I and many others can see it was a poor decision... It's easy to critique when your the uninformed peanut gallery. I just hope you realize your nothing more than a peanut.

It was widely reported that he was advised by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers to stay. End of story.

If I am a peanut, then I am king of the peanuts.
I may be new to this message board, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I am supremely informed.
You can accept your loss graciously or fade back in to the peanut herd....quietly.
The evidence is clear. Either Obama Bin Lying is Supremely Incompetent, or all of his destabilizing actions in The Middle East were calculated, and carefully planned, and driven by his liberal ideology.

I will list two of his beliefs below.

1.) He does not believe America is exceptional nor has a moral responsibility to the world.
2.) He does not believe Israel has a legitimate claim to exist, and has alluded to that many times.

In this context it is understandable why he embarked on the courses of action he did. No man can be that incompetent, but many a man can be that cold and calculating. History is full of such men, and most of them are villains.

And there you have my peanut opinion in a nutshell. That is Obama's Legacy. Lumped along with Villains and Myopic Diplomats like Neville Chamberlain, only Chamberlain was an idealistic fool, whereas Obama knew exactly what he was doing, even when he told he was wrong, he did exactly what he wanted in cold calculating fashion.

The self proclaimed smartest man in the room who would listen to nothing else but his own ego.
That should be on his headstone when he sheds his mortal coil.
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Well, maybe I should rephrase that. What would you do, if you were an incompetent leader and an Elitist who doesn't think Israel has a right to exist and doesn't have a right to The West Bank? What if you were someone like John Kerry? Or Barak Obama. You see, you cannot use common sense with a liberal or liberal politics. Liberals are all about appeasement, and spineless groveling.

You see Iran already has nukes. We know it, and our allies know it, and it was Obama who allowed them to acquire them. So now there are only two outcomes. Reveal to the world Iran has Nukes and invite Israel's wrath, or play lefty Lib's favorite game, hide the sausage and try to legitimize their coming out party under cover or International Law to prevent a pre-emptive strike by Israel which imo, they would be within their rights to do since Iran has sworn to Annihilate Israel.

The liberal approach to this issue is:

-you have no proof iran has nuke weapons

But when shown they do have nukes, the libs' response is:

1-Bush let them have weapons
2-they should have nukes because israel has them

Its like talking to a fucking 3 year old, with the brainpower of a rabbit.
Look in the mirror man. You have a sliver of information yet you think you know it all. Face it, you along with most of us are not in the know... We are all ignorant, you are too bullheaded to realize it.

The problem with your argument is that China, Russia, the UK, France and Germany all all behind these actions as well. Are you saying the leaders of all these countries are also spineless groveling liberals?

Yes and they also failed at preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons either through their incompetence or by Intentional Design.
It does not matter what the reason is. They failed. The EU is a liberal cesspool of filth and is useless to the world unless you happen to be Jihadi Scum yearning to spread The STD that is Islam across the globe. Italy, The UK and France are not what they used to be since they joined the EU and only Britain is coming to their senses of late.

China and Russia are both allies of Iran and Syria, so it's no surprise they'd allow this on their watch.

And Obama and John Kerry are the best friends our enemies ever had. Both of them are lying impotent immoral dogs, who have openly declared that they do not love America, and think it should be humbled and diminished even by their own hands if necessary.

Treacherous Treasonous Vipers, they are.

And do not think I did not notice how you completely ignored and glossed over all of Obama's intentional and irresponsible acts in The Middle East.
You do realize that all these leaders making these decisions are privy to much more information than you are, right? Not saying everything they do is correct, but I hope you can at least acknowledge that fact.

You mean like the information Obama was given regarding Iraq when he was advised not to leave by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers, and he did what his Ideological Liberal Ass wanted to do anyways?

That kind of information? The kind that is ignored when your AGENDA and Legacy is all you care about?

Yah, sometimes people who have no credibility, and have no business being in office are given information, and because they are driven by agenda, and dogma completely ignore the information they are privy to, and embark on a disastrous journey despite all warnings against it that has irreversible and damaging implications for decades impacting millions of lives, and all because of someone's grandiose vision of himself and his ego.

Neville Chamberlain comes to mind. He is Obama Bin Lying's Doppleganger.
Again, another case of you commenting on things that you don't have all the information about. You have no clue what information he was giving, or what advice he was given to come to his decision. In hind sight, I and many others can see it was a poor decision... It's easy to critique when your the uninformed peanut gallery. I just hope you realize your nothing more than a peanut.

It was widely reported that he was advised by two former presidents, and all of his military advisers to stay. End of story.

If I am a peanut, then I am king of the peanuts.
I may be new to this message board, but I am a 20 year veteran of political blogging and I am supremely informed.
You can accept your loss graciously or fade back in to the peanut herd....quietly.
The evidence is clear. Either Obama Bin Lying is Supremely Incompetent, or all of his destabilizing actions in The Middle East were calculated, and carefully planned, and driven by his liberal ideology.

I will list two of his beliefs below.

1.) He does not believe America is exceptional nor has a moral responsibility to the world.
2.) He does not believe Israel has a legitimate claim to exist, and has alluded to that many times.

In this context it is understandable why he embarked on the courses of action he did. No man can be that incompetent, but many a man can be that cold and calculating. History is full of such men, and most of them are villains.

And there you have my peanut opinion in a nutshell. That is Obama's Legacy. Lumped along with Villains and Myopic Diplomats like Neville Chamberlain, only Chamberlain was an idealistic fool, whereas Obama knew exactly what he was doing, even when he told he was wrong, he did exactly what he wanted in cold calculating fashion.

The self proclaimed smartest man in the room who would listen to nothing else but his own ego.
That should be on his headstone when he sheds his mortal coil.
Im glad you found comfort in your Breitbart reports that demonized Obama but your 1 and 2 only show that you are completely out of touch. As a veteran I'd hope you would have more understanding and respect for the massive weight of responsibility that our leader holds.... and i'd hope you would have more perspective on the complexities of our world problems. To belittle them down to the conclusions that you have only makes you look like a bitter partisan who likes to deal in insults and conspiracy theories over reality.

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