Obama going low trying to attack Trump.

Course Trump never said all Muslims.
From Trump's press release:
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

Trump doubles down on vow to bar Muslims | Fox News

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told The Associated Press that Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.
. You all know what the current situation was, and so why don't you apply it in the right context as he said it being based on the current attacks and volital situation ? You won't because hate is much easier for you to fuel, and risking the nations security means nothing to you people pushing an overall agenda in this nation.
This site is full of foul and untrue statements about the Clinton's day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. Total lies and misrepresentations of the crudest and foulest nature. You guys want to dish it out but whine like little girls when even factual data is brought up about Trump.
Even our own military is concerned about Trump obtaining a position of authority and some have expressed concerned about briefing him on sensitive security matters. Obama simply highlighted what other have expressed, including many members of his own Party.
Putin called Trump a flamboyant, bright eccentric and Trump has been telling his cult that Putin called him a genius. No, a flamboyant bright eccentric is not the same as a genius. Trump's foolish supporters still think Putin called him a genius when he actually called him a colorful weirdo.

Thank you Camp
I'm sick of the lies about Obama and about the Clintons but lies are all they've got.
When has that snake ever taken the high road. He has some nerve taking about others. the man is disliked by the majority of the people in this country and he's going around putting others down. Get him off the stage already, we are sick and tired of your ugly and nasty

sorry, Staph Infection, Obama's job approval is in positive territory in most polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
If Obama is really this popular, why is a guy like Trump winning?

BINGO!!!!!!!!!! poor sheep so devoted to a party and some man who calls himself a President


No, the US and the world call him Mr President because he was legally and enthusiastically elected. TWICE.

Course Trump never said all Muslims.
From Trump's press release:
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

Trump doubles down on vow to bar Muslims | Fox News

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told The Associated Press that Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.
. You all know what the current situation was, and so why don't you apply it in the right context as he said it being based on the current attacks and volital situation ? You won't because hate is much easier for you to fuel, and risking the nations security means nothing to you people pushing an overall agenda in this nation.
This site is full of foul and untrue statements about the Clinton's day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. Total lies and misrepresentations of the crudest and foulest nature. You guys want to dish it out but whine like little girls when even factual data is brought up about Trump.
Even our own military is concerned about Trump obtaining a position of authority and some have expressed concerned about briefing him on sensitive security matters. Obama simply highlighted what other have expressed, including many members of his own Party.
Putin called Trump a flamboyant, bright eccentric and Trump has been telling his cult that Putin called him a genius. No, a flamboyant bright eccentric is not the same as a genius. Trump's foolish supporters still think Putin called him a genius when he actually called him a colorful weirdo.
. Ok, so has the transformation been working ? Otherwise wouldn't that be a part of it where as Obama was trying to outcast or convince as many as he could, to not trust this person or that person in the near future, and he figured he had done so by choosing and picking people for who he hoped would go on to guard the workings in which him and his cronies were dreaming of for America ? Of course there would be this supposed distrusting of Americans as if they were the enemy now, and this after all is said and done. Your words are truth of this analogy.
Is it a big surprise that Republicans and Democrats have different ideas and agendas for how they wish for the American landscape of ideas, policies and programs should look and metabolize into? Why wouldn't a sitting President speak out if he or she saw a dangerous candidate on the horizon? Leading Republicans have spoken about Trump and the dangers he presents far more sternly than Obama did. Obama spoke out and gave his opinion as the CiC and President. No is forcing anyone to adhere or heed his warnings. This is just more cult fellowship whining.
. Just as long as you know that the door swings both ways in all of this. Obama was on a one way street or streak, but thank goodness that Street or streak is coming to an end.
Course Trump never said all Muslims.
From Trump's press release:
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

Trump doubles down on vow to bar Muslims | Fox News

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told The Associated Press that Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.
. You all know what the current situation was, and so why don't you apply it in the right context as he said it being based on the current attacks and volital situation ? You won't because hate is much easier for you to fuel, and risking the nations security means nothing to you people pushing an overall agenda in this nation.
This site is full of foul and untrue statements about the Clinton's day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. Total lies and misrepresentations of the crudest and foulest nature. You guys want to dish it out but whine like little girls when even factual data is brought up about Trump.
Even our own military is concerned about Trump obtaining a position of authority and some have expressed concerned about briefing him on sensitive security matters. Obama simply highlighted what other have expressed, including many members of his own Party.
Putin called Trump a flamboyant, bright eccentric and Trump has been telling his cult that Putin called him a genius. No, a flamboyant bright eccentric is not the same as a genius. Trump's foolish supporters still think Putin called him a genius when he actually called him a colorful weirdo.

Thank you Camp
I'm sick of the lies about Obama and about the Clintons but lies are all they've got.
. You do know that your talking about people (Obama & the Clinton's) who lie like rugs themselves don't you ? Don't get so emotional, because they could care less. One day many of you will learn this, but the koolaid has to run out first.
When has that snake ever taken the high road. He has some nerve taking about others. the man is disliked by the majority of the people in this country and he's going around putting others down. Get him off the stage already, we are sick and tired of your ugly and nasty

sorry, Staph Infection, Obama's job approval is in positive territory in most polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
If Obama is really this popular, why is a guy like Trump winning?

BINGO!!!!!!!!!! poor sheep so devoted to a party and some man who calls himself a President


No, the US and the world call him Mr President because he was legally and enthusiastically elected. TWICE.

. Elected twice by who ? Have you ever really took notice of the democrat super fragil electorate in which is held together by a thread, along with the tremendous effort it took to get it all to work out ? The Dems have got to be worn out to a frazzle trying to hold it all together by now.
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

Time to blame the media for spinning his words wrong.

Oh wait, that is a quote off of his website.


I guess his webmaster is against him too.
. Explain how you all let Obama off the hook for lying about "you can keep your doctor and your insurance", but then dial in on Trump like y'all do ? Huh, huh, huh...

So, Trump is no better than Obama?

Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

Going low for Obama isnt really a choice; he just lives at that level of decency.
Yep.....the inevitable Hitler reference.

I think the real world is foreign to teabaggers like yourself.

are you saying Hitler didn't exist in the "real" world.

Frankly, trump is exactly like Hitler. He's an authoritarian who uses hatred of minorities to distract attention from the real problems.
You're full of it. This is a prime example of strawman arguments. You have to twist Trumps' statements and beliefs into something that is totally unrecognizable to be able to attack him. Obama and Hillary have more in common with Hitler than Trump by a long shot. Obama and Hillary hate Capitalism and Jews. So did Hitler. Both of them have been responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of people in the Middle-East. Name one person Trump has killed.

The only reason you claim Trump is like Hitler is because you fear him. What he represents is the possible end of the corruption that is highly evident in Washington, and that bothers you.

The reason Trump is doing so well is because people like you have been exposed and people are tired of the corruption, the lying, the criminal behavior. They feel he's the only one who isn't in on the racket.
You're full of it. This is a prime example of strawman arguments. You have to twist Trumps' statements and beliefs into something that is totally unrecognizable to be able to attack him. Obama and Hillary have more in common with Hitler than Trump by a long shot. Obama and Hillary hate Capitalism and Jews. So did Hitler. Both of them have been responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of people in the Middle-East. Name one person Trump has killed.

So if Hillary and Obama hate Capitalists and Jews, why are they getting so much support from rich Jews on Wall Street? Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote in 2012. Why do you think that is?

Trump is blaming Mexicans for America's woes the way Hitler blamed the Jews.

The only reason you claim Trump is like Hitler is because you fear him. What he represents is the possible end of the corruption that is highly evident in Washington, and that bothers you.

No, what scares me is that he's a guy who goes on drunken twitter rants at midnight against journalists and celebrities he doesn't like. Not the kind of person most sane people want to have access to the nukes.

The reason Trump is doing so well is because people like you have been exposed and people are tired of the corruption, the lying, the criminal behavior. They feel he's the only one who isn't in on the racket.

The reason why Trump is doing so well is he's traded in the racist dog whistles for a racist bullhorn. Hillary with all her baggage will clean his clock in November.
You're full of it. This is a prime example of strawman arguments. You have to twist Trumps' statements and beliefs into something that is totally unrecognizable to be able to attack him. Obama and Hillary have more in common with Hitler than Trump by a long shot. Obama and Hillary hate Capitalism and Jews. So did Hitler. Both of them have been responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of people in the Middle-East. Name one person Trump has killed.

The only reason you claim Trump is like Hitler is because you fear him. What he represents is the possible end of the corruption that is highly evident in Washington, and that bothers you.

The reason Trump is doing so well is because people like you have been exposed and people are tired of the corruption, the lying, the criminal behavior. They feel he's the only one who isn't in on the racket.

(Shhhh, if they go off the Trump=Hitler thingy they might find something that really sticks, instead of lame shit like this that only libtards think has any credibility at all.)

Ahem, why I think that Trump has quite a lot of commonalities with Hitler; two eyes, two ears, ten fingers, ten toes....I could go on.....
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

Time to blame the media for spinning his words wrong.

Oh wait, that is a quote off of his website.


I guess his webmaster is against him too.
. Explain how you all let Obama off the hook for lying about "you can keep your doctor and your insurance", but then dial in on Trump like y'all do ? Huh, huh, huh...

So, Trump is no better than Obama?

. :lame2:
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

Time to blame the media for spinning his words wrong.

Oh wait, that is a quote off of his website.


I guess his webmaster is against him too.
. Explain how you all let Obama off the hook for lying about "you can keep your doctor and your insurance", but then dial in on Trump like y'all do ? Huh, huh, huh...

So, Trump is no better than Obama?

. :lame2:

Yes, you are.

First you mis-represent what your messiah says.
When you are informed on what your messiah said, you bring up some lame assed comparison to Obama
When you are called on the carpet for that comparison, you basically punt with a cartoon.

Bring your A game next time…if you can find it (check local milk cartons).
Obama is a filthy, low life racist who is essentially a stupid Manchurian candidate. But he is not smart enough to avoid directly engaging The Donald who already schlonged him big time.

Really? What I remember was Trump going on and on about birth certificates and Obama produced his, and then humiliated Trump at the Corespondent's Dinner.

The sad thing is, the GOP could have won this year if they ran a nice sensible Governor with a good record... and they ran Trump instead.
I thought Obama wasn't running?

Why is he still campaigning?

Doesn't the president know that the campaign is over?

Guess not.

Actually Muuud....... You should tell that to your cronies here and Trump that Obama is not running for president.......... Count how many of your cartel here attacking Obama. Maybe you are not aware foreign leaders are also blasting Trump.
. That's just it, he isn't running, but he sure loves to inject himself when and where ever he can. Should he be allowed to talk crap with no recourse ? Uh nope. Hey he figures he is helping the dem party, and that's understandable, but you folks should have thicker skin than what you have. He's a grown man, and he can take responsibility for his bull crap just like everyone else does.

So you are saying......... Tell Obama to stop criticizing your Adolf Trump? I thought we have freedom of speech just like Hitler and Trump.
Are you denying that Trump is not ignorant like you?
Obama is a filthy, low life racist who is essentially a stupid Manchurian candidate. But he is not smart enough to avoid directly engaging The Donald who already schlonged him big time.

Really? What I remember was Trump going on and on about birth certificates and Obama produced his, and then humiliated Trump at the Corespondent's Dinner.

The sad thing is, the GOP could have won this year if they ran a nice sensible Governor with a good record... and they ran Trump instead.
I thought Obama wasn't running?

Why is he still campaigning?

Doesn't the president know that the campaign is over?

Guess not.

Actually Muuud....... You should tell that to your cronies here and Trump that Obama is not running for president.......... Count how many of your cartel here attacking Obama. Maybe you are not aware foreign leaders are also blasting Trump.
. Name the foriegn leaders please, then we can do an assessment of their public run office held, and their character in that office as well.

I you are not aware of this Trump dilemma......... I suggest you go back and educate yourself.......... Then come back to me.
When has that snake ever taken the high road. He has some nerve taking about others. the man is disliked by the majority of the people in this country and he's going around putting others down. Get him off the stage already, we are sick and tired of your ugly and nasty

sorry, Staph Infection, Obama's job approval is in positive territory in most polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
If Obama is really this popular, why is a guy like Trump winning?

BINGO!!!!!!!!!! poor sheep so devoted to a party and some man who calls himself a President


No, the US and the world call him Mr President because he was legally and enthusiastically elected. TWICE.

. Elected twice by who ? Have you ever really took notice of the democrat super fragil electorate in which is held together by a thread, along with the tremendous effort it took to get it all to work out ? The Dems have got to be worn out to a frazzle trying to hold it all together by now.
Obama won by a 2:1 margin

Some "thread"
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

Time to blame the media for spinning his words wrong.

Oh wait, that is a quote off of his website.


I guess his webmaster is against him too.
. Explain how you all let Obama off the hook for lying about "you can keep your doctor and your insurance", but then dial in on Trump like y'all do ? Huh, huh, huh...

So, Trump is no better than Obama?

. :lame2:

Yes, you are.

First you mis-represent what your messiah says.
When you are informed on what your messiah said, you bring up some lame assed comparison to Obama
When you are called on the carpet for that comparison, you basically punt with a cartoon.

Bring your A game next time…if you can find it (check local milk cartons).
. Huh ? Obama said things directed at Trump in which is exactly what the OP was written for, and it was for what he had stated. He attacked Trump in regards to illegal immigration, and he used the wall speak to get-r-done. He was being disingenuous of course when he said what he said, and then his sheep get embarrassed of it all because they want to focus on their enemy, and not be thrown back onto one of their own who goes by the name of Obama..
Last edited:
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

When Trump speaks of excluding all Muslims- he is speaking against legal immigration.
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

When Trump speaks of excluding all Muslims- he is speaking against legal immigration.
. Nope he said he wanted a moratorium on immigration of Muslims coming to this nation in the context of the refugee crisis in the middle East. France already paid the price, and we were hit here again as well, but keep on covering until more Americans die.... When that happens, it is my hopes that those who fought against common sense, will live a miserable life knowing what they have done afterwards.

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